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i am ukrainian. in my country, women complain about feminism and men for many years. but now when war broke out, all the women ran away. meanwhile the men are being conscripted. i am hiding in my uncles basement right now as i type this.
this is women. this is their loyalty. men suffer and die while women ran away. even now ukrainian feminist complain about how ukraine is sexist and misogynist while men are dying. women arent people, they are demons.
Maybe start judging them on an individual level
Feminism is a scam. Women don't want equality they want more privileges and none of the responsibilities that come with those privileges.
tired of anons just going on here and pretending all women are feminists
Do you, or does your family not have the money to get your ass smuggled out of the country???
Seriously get out they will find you one day.
>I heard Moldova and Romania were good ways to jump ship
>Do you, or does your family not have the money to get your ass smuggled out of the country???
nta but 10k is a big amount of money for an ukranian
yeah I know but they should still try
They either go to the trenches or get out
if you were smart enough (like a woman) youve left long ago that sinking ship of a country
Honestly Ukraine was the final straw that made me misogynistic. All these years of bitching about their rights and shilling feminism and insisting they can do any job as well as a man can. Then when the country is under attack, they all flee like fucking cockroaches escaping a sinking ship. What a complete joke.
The average femoid will claim she's not a feminist while supporting and advocating for every single feminist policy. The only time when a woman is not a feminist is in those extremely rare times when feminists push something that hurts the average woman (like being included in the draft). Self-serving cunt.
>i am ukrainian
The "Ukrainian" nationality does not exist. Its just Russians who are misled by western attempts to divide Russians and strengthen the globalist NATO front. You are conscripted to fight your brothers, nephews, and uncles
That's why I'm all for taking away their rights. They should be property of their fathers until they get married, then their ownership is passed to husband.
What makes it worse, you have no idea how many of your girls have profiles on dating apps here in Poland while having kids, and how many of them turned to prostitution. It's like 50/50 chance that hooker you call will be ukrainian. I wish you luck and hope this war will end without complete destruction of your country. Sadly it doesn't look like you'll push those savages out of your country with how pussified west is. It's real blackpill seeing how US treats ukrainians as pawns and is willing to make both sides slowly bleed out. Even though it benefits us too, it's still disheartening knowing my country along with baltics would be next in line if anything happened and we'd get the same treatment. Makes me want my country to build up our own nuclear arsenal and in case if war destroy most of Russia and genocide chechen animals completely.
Lithuanian here
i would run away now if i had any prospects overseas and if i wasn't such an anxious little shit
if you can function normally on your own i suggest you GET OUT NOW while you still can
Same for me
t. Canadian

I suspected it would play out like this, all that happens is I keep getting confirmation for how awful women are
It's about hypocrisy. Of course nobody wants to die but they act as if they're victims yet the moment shit happens men are the ones that suffer, like always
Exactly, what's the fucking point of them having equal rights if they aren't going to have equal responsibilities? How can normie faggots even explain this discrepancy? Why should they have the right to vote and start wars when they can just safely run away and leave men to fight and die in them?
Even those conservative trad wives all support feminist shit, it's just under a different name
Women are evil. Men from the 1920s and before knew this, that's why women had little rights and men had control over them.
Now, in the recent years, women are given rights and run a mock fucking every Chad/Brad/Thad known to man while having high standards. We can still fix this, just remove women's rights/destroy feminism. Notice how America only has these kinds of women while every other country has submissive, quiet, feminine, skinny women. Modern feminism ruined american women.
man up faggot who gives a shit.
Fathers property as they veto good husbands was the most stable and what allowed many men to flourish and provide ideas and labour of quality
Because it was no bullshit: Be a good person, work hard, get virgin wife

Of course there were exceptions like always, with some husbands becoming beaters (which in turn should be beat by the wife's male family)
Or some women lying about virginity
But overall it worked best

Hate modern life man. Conflict is necessary, things need a reset.
>yeah bro just go fucking DIE for ungrateful women who hate you, bro
Get out of there lil nigga
Love you brother
Women are evil or don't have a brain
Like how can you run away from war, men are there fighting and dying everyday yet you say that you're the victim? AT LEAST be grateful and respect men that are dying for you, not even that they can do
Woman up bitch, get back in the kitchen and have kids. If you can't do that then shut the fuck up.
You can't run away forever. That's what whites did in the west with their white flight. Didn't solve anything as more niggers, jeets and other trash is over time pushed into their neighbourhoods, spreading like cancer. Instead of running away I'd rather want to have strong enough army and competent leadership to stop russian menace once and for all. Running away means abandoning everything I worked for and starting from scratch. If you can't defend your acomplishments, might as well be fucking slave living day by day with no prospects for the future. Not to mention west is full of niggers and eastern europeans are treated like lowly cheap labor and whores.
Kind of sad Russia is such barbaric shithole as I like some russian stuff like certain bands etc, being this big it has lot of beautiful natural places, and obviously there are potentially more similarities, but no one wants to live like poor nigger in their own country so if it's choice of lesser evil between USA and Russia, USA is better pick. Right now if it was up to me, any russian who had anything to do with uniformed service, politics, intelligence services and oligarchs should get tortured to death the way they torture PoWs. Those who support invasion etc should be put on proscription list based on scraping their posts on social media etc and castrated/raped depending on sex, just like russians have proscription lists for other countries and how they treat civilians. Rest can live normal lives. I remember watching some russian streets interviews about war and it was mostly cunts who were most bloodthirsty while many men acknowledged that there is nothing trivial and funny about war. As for their savage minorities, lot of them shoukd be phased out as they are filthy barbarians, with chechens being completely genocided, preferably with tortures as that's what they deserve.
>I remember watching some russian streets interviews about war and it was mostly cunts who were most bloodthirsty
Because they have nothing to lose. Women love wars because men get killed in them and it opens up new opportunities for them. WW1 and WW2 gave women all these rights. Women are such worthless soulless animals that even the prospect of their own fathers, husbands, brothers, sons getting killed is less important to them than the prospect of advancement in society.
There will be no equal responsibilities due to natural differences and that's fine. But they don't even share burden through assymetry by for example having kids and taking care of them. If not for natural clock starting to haunt them via hormones at some point, they wouln't have kids at all in their vanity while demanding every service and benefit of the system that relies on having young workforce. If they at least were loyal, but you can't even expect that seeing how they run away like rats instead supporting men from safety away from trenches.

That's exactly what I meant. Fuck, I don't even hate women as I acknowledge differences between them and us, but they are so disappointing. I would be fine with them not having equal responsibilities if they knew their place and didn't demand this much. I could easily care about girl and try to make her happy even if she wasn't my equal, but not with completely 0 effort on their part and all the demands.
I don't think they think that far. Those who ran away often had to leave their belongings etc as well. I simply don't think women are as capable of seeing bigger picture and faraway consequences as much as men. They are emotional which makes them think in mote "me" and "now" categories, just like retarded politicians who come up with retarded laws giving them powers to abuse others and then make pikachu face when they lose power and the very same tools they crrated are used against them. They don't think in categories of what to do to make it good in general, not just for me right now, because thinks can change and I may be on the other side of the blade.
Maybe not the average woman doesn't think that far, but definitely the feminists do. For example, feminists write articles like this https://english.nv.ua/nation/russian-war-in-ukraine-created-a-shortage-of-men-leading-to-women-taking-up-more-professions-50415383.html celebrating men being conscripted because women get to break into more lucrative jobs.
They don't care at all about the men dying to protect them, especially if women get to benefit from it. And the average woman supports feminism in pretty much everything even if she publicly does not identify as a feminist (only because it turns most men off).
this is why you dont elect a jew as your president
Tbh he had decency to stay in country instead of fleeing like dirty rat like politicians often do. He might have flaws but he's far from worst, even with being jew.
My mother and sister do not label themselves as "feminists", but they are still women and fucked up my life while my absentee dad wageslaved away
To be fair, we have our own internal problems that would make any attempt to send in a real force a fail. for one, we have too great an anti-war sentiment for countries far away from us. Thank the liberals back in Vietnam and the Middle Eastern conflicts.
Second is that we don't even have enough enlistments for our military without the fear of getting shot by Ivan looming over them. Just look at the old troon that Biden put in charge and how much the government openly hates the domestically born men.
Third is that if we were to openly send reinforcements, it may cause the situation to escalate into one for more destructive, which Ukraine has even less of a chance of winning. As it is now, this war is bleeding Russia's economy, causing a purge of Putin's circle and causing unrest amongst Russian citizens and the harm of Russia/China relations as Pooh is exploiting Putin's position.
Ukraine anon's best bet is waiting things out until Russia runs dry and is forced to pull out with a pyrrhic victory at best.
>euroshit is a small-minded fag
I wish Russians would come and flay you alive.
You are right that women benefit from war immensely. Even the losing side only have a short time of suffering before they can benefit from the bloodshed.
>>euroshit is a small-minded fag
I know. But you have to realize that it is also in your interest. US credibility is already damaged after Afghanistan runaway with no results at all after 2 decades of occupation, throwing kurds under the bus and now your handling of Ukraine and blatant double standarfs and bias when it comes to Israel which. How do you expect trust when Israel is willing to do shit to their "european allies" and everyone knows your traitorous neocon politicians will pick their side? You are trying to maintain imperial sphere of influence without paying for it, meaning sooner or later it will collapse. Back after world wars USA was industrial powerhouse offering improvement of quality of life through spreading products. Nowdays China took over as world's factory and despite being more autocratic they don't demand cultural shit like faggotry from countries they want in their sphere of influence. If you want to maintain your position as leader of western sphere and be the strongest part you'll have to start taking interests of imperial outskirts seriously. It's that or planned proliferation of nuclear arsenal among allies if you aren't willing or capable of sending anything that would actually win a war. Otherwise either countries will turn to China, making $ stop being world's currency meaning you no longer will be able to print infinite money without consequences as inflation won't spread across the globa maintaining your relative superiority, or it will be uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear arsenal and you won't have any say in it. I'm seriously considering joining ranks of political party here in hopes of trying to spread idea of some cooperation between countries in similar situation like either Koreas, Japan, Iran, Baltics etc to develop nuclear arsenal capabilities that would allow to keep either of imperium wannabes at by due to potential costs.
No one mentions reinforcements. All it would take would be not imposing retarded limitations and sending actually enough ammunition at the start when Russia really treated it like special operation, wasn't prepared for war and got its shit pushed back back to border in north. That was moment of chance, now they have mobilized troops, switched industry to war production and their army got actual combat experience. No one would wander into their territory, they'd be simply pushed back to borders of either actual international border, or 2014 frontline border. Pigs would sooner see sky than you nukes flying in such scenario as it wouldn't be worth consequences.

>this war is bleeding Russia's economy, causing a purge of Putin's circle and causing unrest amongst Russian citizens
Delusional. Russians are living like niggers in their own country meaning they have much higher pain threshold than westerners. They have cities without gas pipelines despite being rich in gas, just like niggers in Africa are living on rare metals, yet don't benefit from it besides small elite at the top. Even if they do degrade, they do it at slower pace than Ukraine. In war of attrition they simply have too many resources to lose with current unwillingness to actually win war by the west. Not to mention russians are nation with complexes so they are fine with living like niggers as long as someone else fears them. I would know as my own nation also suffers from complexes, to the point of like almost half of political scene being based on inferiority complex, post-colonial mentality and embarrasment about being polish. History has shaped nations in this part of the world in very specific way.
I have dual citizenship to Malaysia.
just become overtly hostile with feminist women to punish them for their incompetence
By you I meant americans as whole nation, with more focus on political elite as many americans rightfully don't give a fuck what happens on the other side of the world, even if it indirectly benefits them to certain degree like $ being world's currency, so itms mainly politicians and intelligence caring about maintaining influence abroad.
Not my fault english is so imprecise it doesn't differ between plural and singular in such basic communication.
English is fine.You're just a jackass. Not that anon by the way.
>start judging them on an individual level
>they're even more shit as individuals
Thats why feminism and liberalism needs to be banned. Only in the west do we tolerate this crap.
It will be once west falls into crisis due to it being not sustainable anymore. That or fucking islam will take over.
Yeah whatever FAGGOT.
We were here first, Russia came after.
We were on this land for thousands of years, and will continue to be here.
>Fight brothers
Some may wish this was true, but said "brothers" bomb our hospitals.

>hospitals have le military in dem
The most recent one certainly did not, did kids with cancer do something to deserve this>

You're just a western faggot rusaboo, and should be shipped to Russia immediately so you can die.
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This, right here.
It's nice seeing truth nukes like these every once in a while.
I'm baffled by just how many American "conservatives" support russia, they say that they are "free thinkers" yet they think for the opposite side because it is "le heckin based trad russia"
You also have to understand that:
1. He's barely a jew, especially compared to American ones
2. slavic jews are 40% less evil
You now realize that the only people pushing feminism are the tiny hat people (who rule your country).
Smarter White societys didn't gave women rights for a reason in all of human history until fairly recently.
Feminism is Satanism, just in a different wrap.
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I feel sorry for you. You should have ran away when you had the chance.
>slavic jews are 40% less evil
Israel is full of russian jews though.
If you are a white man and you can step outside right now and see white women walking around with something other than white men, wtf are you doing fighting for a country?
Whatever you say, hohol. Just remember that once this war ends, Zelensky will make up for all the Ukrainian men that've died in this war by throwing open the borders and letting millions of African and Indian men into Ukraine to replace you, and your women will celebrate it :)
This. Hohols are a slave race which is why they naturally submitted to a Jew to lead them. Now they will be led by Russians instead after Trump wins and pulls all aid.

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