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I will never have picrel. I am forever cursed to walk around with a disgusting blood spewing axe wound instead of having normal human genitalia. Womyen will always be subhuman because we are are lacking a piece of flesh fundamental to being whole as an individual. Getting a frankenstein arm skin sausage abomination grafted to your crotch is barely better than having a satanic festering gash between your legs. The only way to escape this tortured existence is death.
I hate the fact that I was born as subhuman aka XX haver.
I fucking hate myself.
>be me
>see bait thread
>tell op to kill himself
>hide thread
kys op
>we are are lacking a piece of flesh fundamental to being whole as an individual
tell that to circumcised men
cutting off the foreskin was a humiliation ritual literally done to mark slaves, it's symbolic of male disposability

i wish i were a fembot
Just tellin you, having a prostate is really not fucking bad and not worth it
I know this is bait, soon there'll be a "i hate having xy chromosomes" thread

But on the image, I can't grasp the reason why the cum system is so retarded. It literally loops around before ejaculation, that seems overly complicated for no reason
Just boymode that's what I do. You might not be able to biologically attain it, but if you pass then you can socially attain it which is great, when other people enforce the emotional sense you want to have
Having a penis honestly feels great. It's both more convenient for pissing, doesn't spew blood and nutting feels absolutely amazing. All the hatred of men and misandry from women is literally just penis envy. Sigmund Freud recognized this.
Sorry femoids, it's not our fault you drew the short straw of the genetic lottery.
It's not a bait. Just me having a mental breakdown over being born as subhuman.
I would rather be circumcised male then a disgusting foid.
>i wish i were a fembot
That's absolutely retarded, but I would switch in heartbeat if we could.
Why you don't like your prostate?
Its not a bait, I'm just a retard subhuman foid having a mental breakdown on male site.
What, to pass as a male and to never have a dick?
What the fuck is point of a man without a dick? That sounds disgusting unless you have fucked up cuntboy fetish and that is your goal.
Socially attaining male status just means that people treat you like shit for not being Chad. No wonder most FTMs either detransition or kill themselves.
Every time I hear about penis envy all I can think is
>Why? It gets in the way of literally everything and is a major weak point in the body why would you want that

I have no desire to be a woman but I still don't understand how humans evolved to walk upright with a huge cock and balls between their legs.
Op is a man bait thread
>Its not a bait
Nice try
>I'm just a retard subhuman foid having a mental breakdown on male site.
Wanna lay over me and pretend you have a cock?
>No wonder most FTMs either detransition or kill themselves.
Yeah this is why I will NEVER transition.
What the fuck is point of living as 5'10 effeminate weak male without a fucking dick. Even if I pass I will be a man without a dick which is fucking disgusting unless you want to be a cuntboy.
If I could become a 6'5 chad with big or average dick I would transition.
But this way, no.
Dick is and always will be superior.
Simple as.
I know you're just trying to make me feel better about myself or you just don't believe biological women can be like this but either way if you think it's bait I don't see any reasons to give this thread attention.
>Wanna lay over me and pretend you have a cock?
>Woah yeah you should absolutely put 5 pairs of high heels and pretend that you're 6'5 I swear it will work lol you absolutely won't want to kill yourself anymore trust me bro!
my balls are always itchy
I wouldn't mind having a vagina if it weren't for periods
a clitoris is basically a tiny penis anyway
ftm is peak male aesthetic
penises are ugly
I can't pull as an FTM
>>Woah yeah you should absolutely put 5 pairs of high heels and pretend that you're 6'5 I swear it will work lol you absolutely won't want to kill yourself anymore trust me bro!
Even as a woman you want to be chad
5'10 is slightly above average male height. Don't be greedy.
What's stopping you from training hard? There are men who are born weaker as well.
>What the fuck is point of living as 5'10 effeminate weak male
Holy cunt, and you're 5'10??? And you still want more things???
Suicide is always a possibility, maybe reincarnation is real and you will be male in the next life.
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Yet this axe wound gives you the highest privileges in our gynocentic society. You started life in easy mode. If you aren't a total idiot you can live in wealth without ever having to work. You get emotional support and social attention literally everywhere for free, regardless of your personality. You can just wait passively for all the pleasant offers made by others and choose the best.
maybe using my dick will comfort your lack of one :3
>a clitoris is basically a tiny penis anyway
This is biggest FTM cope I ever saw.
>ftm is peak male aesthetic
>penises are ugly
This only works if you are cuntboy.
If you don't want that it's basically over forever.
>Even as a woman you want to be chad
Why live as a disgusting foid subhuman with fucking bleeding hole when you can be chad?
>5'10 is slightly above average male height. Don't be greedy
>Oh yeah you should like absolutely become a king of dickless manlets who can't even be a manlet with dicks
>What's stopping you from training hard?
Do you know how biology works? Women can be strong as men.
>There are men who are born weaker as well.
They are still stronger then biological women, don't be retarded.
>and you're 5'10??? And you still want more things???
>you're a fucking dickless manlet who will never be a real man and will always have a fucking hole only subhumans and you want more???
>Suicide is always a possibility, maybe reincarnation is real and you will be male in the next life
This is unironically the only way out of this hell.
>Implying this is all good that womyn have all this power and that I should like be absolutely okay with it
>Just try to look with my perfectly normal, healthy eyes like I swear it will work bro
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>even fucking FTM trannies openly admit that they view "manlets" as subhuman
you fuckers do more to prove the blackpill than any incel ever could, lmfao
>They are still stronger then biological women, don't be retarded.
I never said you'll be as strong as the strongest men, but I've seen guys who are literally weaker than women. You just chose not to be strong, especially with your height.
>>you're a fucking dickless manlet who will never be a real man
Lys. 5'10 isn't manlet you coombrained whore
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All humans should just be futanari.
Not the obscene ones from weird hentai, just a combination of both genders
Envious of penis?. I really like my cock
>5'10 isn't manlet you coombrained whore
This. She wants to be 6'5" with a big dick. So basically she doesn't actually want to be a man because the average man is 5'9" with a 5" erect dick. That's what a man is. She wants to be some genetic outlier. Women don't understand percentages or units of distance so there's no point giving a percentage, but basically no men have those stats.

I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt but it seems it's just some weird porn-induced fantasy vs legit autoandrophilia. Or just bait.
Most men also want to be a handsome 6'4 Chad with a 8+" dick
I couldn't imagine being a freak like that. >>78173676
Manlets aren't subhumans if they have dick.
If they don't? Then they are dickless manlet subhumans foids and will never be a real men.
I would rather be 5'2 and have a dick then a fucking 5'10 foid freak.
>but I've seen guys who are literally weaker than women.
Lol, lmfao, even
>Lys. 5'10 isn't manlet you coombrained whore
Many people told me it is. And it doesn't matter either way I will never be a real man.
It's over for ftm foid subhumans.
>Feminine looks
No thanks.
>I really like my cock
I don't care nigger.
>She wants to be 6'5" with a big dick
And you don't?
>average man is 5'9" with a 5" erect dick
I would rather be real 5'2 male with 5 erect dick then 5'10 dickless manlet freakoid subhuman foid.
>That's what a man is.
Sorry but you can't tell me I can be dickless and still be a man.
It literally doesn't work that way.
autoandrophilia + dysphoria + envy
The only guys who are 5'10 and wish they were 6'5 are mentally ill retards who fell for /fit/ height troll memes. 5'10 is a perfectly fine height. Most guys in relationships with women are 5'10, and getting in a relationship with a woman is the only reason any guy worries about height. If you could reliably fuck women at 5'2 most guys would be fine with being 5'2. The ones who fall for this meme at 5'10 are just autistic incels who never go outside and don't try to date women so they're able to be deceived into believing it's because of shit like their height.
>Lol, lmfao, even
Are you aware of the bell curve? No wait, you're just one of those who expect the world to rotate around you and give you everything, hence the excuses.
>mentally ill retards who fell for /fit/ height troll memes. 5'10 is a perfectly fine height.
You seriously except anything better from me?
> ones who fall for this meme at 5'10 are just autistic incels who never go outside
So me.

Still, I would rather be biological 5'2 MALE then some fucking 5'10 caricature of a man who will always have a axe wound and will never ever be a real man because it's a retarded foid
You're talking about shit that is biologicaly impossible
Womeme can't be stronger than men
At least if you have kids, they'll be tall
>I would rather be circumcised male then a disgusting foid.
>>i wish i were a fembot
>That's absolutely retarded, but I would switch in heartbeat if we could.
what do you want about being male
Sounds like you do care. Calling me names and making a thread
>Womeme can't be stronger than men
"Biologically impossible", ladies and gentlemen
>He thinks ftm freakoids will have children and use their foid holes
we are genetic dead end, even pre transition because we don't want it
Suicide is only option
Male who got his dick chopped off in for example accident is even stronger male now because he had a dick and he now have to fucking live without it, imagine the pain
These men are heroes.
Meanwhile foids are forever foids.
>what do you want about being male
Dick, XY chromosomes, male brain, male socialisation, male body etc. Everything.
But I'm a foid subhuman and I will never be a real man.
>Sounds like you do care
Because I do that was just envy.
>waaaa i'm the upper class of society wahhhh wahhh
>And you don't?
>Most men also want to be a handsome 6'4 Chad with a 8+" dick
Hell no. I love my height. Being tall would absolute suck. Like there's no reason for me to want to be taller. I don't want back pain, difficulty finding clothes and shoes that fit, not being able to get a good physique, and I don't want a shorter life expectancy. Ideally I would want my partner as close to my height as possible. If I were in the top 5% of tall men then that would basically be impossible. I don't want to date a woman that much shorter than me. It feels weird like as if I were a pedo and I don't like that.

My cock size is above average, perfect size for me imo. Big dicks just hurt women and you can't go balls deep which is hot. A big dick isn't going to get completely enveloped in a mouth or pussy.
women are disgusting and living as one is retardation.
This hurts to read. But I'm happy for you. Nigger.
you are literally the upper class of society though
I'm from a patriarchal culture which had female infanticides for decades lol. What other shit are you gonna come up with next?
>This hurts to read.
Why is that? lol
>Male who got his dick chopped off in for example accident is even stronger male now because he had a dick and he now have to fucking live without it, imagine the pain
>These men are heroes.
that's not a good way to live anon nor does it make him a hero to suffer
>Dick, XY chromosomes, male brain, male socialisation, male body etc. Everything.
yeah and if i were a fembot i'd have malebrain and male socialization but get to be a girl
That doesn't change the fact that women are disgusting holes.
I wonder why.
>that's not a good way to live anon nor does it make him a hero to suffer
Yet I would rather chose it.
>yeah and if i were a fembot i'd have malebrain and male socialization but get to be a girl
This is impossible to have without living socially as male for few years
>This is impossible to have without living socially as male for few years
yeah but i don't want to be a troon
You have a mental illness, a penis is just a piece of flesh, there is nothing that you lack because you don't have one.
Being a man is a mixed bag. So is being a woman. We're all just struggling along in our own ways. I'm sorry you're suffering from dysphoria. Hope you find a way to mitigate or resolve it. Mutilation isn't the answer, neither are hormones.
This is true, but it does feel nice to touch
OP, I cant really do much to help you, but life goes on
No, they treat you like a normal person, not some pretty princess or dumb bimbo who needs help and sexual advances.

When are you pulling your pants down in public? Better yet, what kind of man are you imagining yourself, that you just casually whip your dick out in social situations?
Nona, have my autistique children and you can do with my dicks whatever you want, pretend it's yours and if it becomes feasible to transfer it surgically you can have it.
A bit over 6" long, very sensitive, uncut with lots of skin, lots of pre and I cum a lot.
>genetic dead end
I'd have kids with you because I like tall women but you have already made it clear you hate manlets.
>A bit over 6" long, very sensitive, uncut with lots of skin, lots of pre and I cum a lot.
Imagine teeling this to someone who is obviously suffering and insecure.
Fucking cunt. I already know you will be woman in next life.
>, a penis is just a piece of flesh,
Superior piece of flesh*
>Mutilation isn't the answer, neither are hormones.
I know whatever I do I will never be a man
I just want to have a dick and I don't care will other people like my dick or not.
I want it and I would love it.
What is so hard to understand.
>I'd have kids with you because I like tall women
I don't want kids. That's the most effeminate thing foid can do.
>but you have already made it clear you hate manlets.
Manlet if half of man.
I don't hate "manlets" with dicks. Because men are just men not halfmen. I only hate true manlets aka ftms because they will never going to be a real men so neither would I.
Man I wish reincarnation was real but it isn't, you're just following what your foid mind tells you
But you can't have a dick. So you can try and have something halfway, or just mope and moan in depression forever and have nothing
>I only hate true manlets aka ftms
So I'm only barely above the totem pole as a dickless ftm. As already pointed out you've done an outstanding job of proving the blackpill.
Ya op it's great being a guy.

Unless you're under 6 feet (80% chance) and under 7/10 (70% chance)

Then it's like being a very very ugly woman.

Hmm not sure you did the math.
There is a concerning thing about having a panis. Cansur. I have to watch the moles/freckles for changes because cancer surgery will basically lave me dickless
Sorry that you envy it. If it is any consolation, mine has a few defects
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Why do you care so much?

Go smoke a blunt you whiny faggot.
Having a vagina is good, men like it, you can bear children... You don't need a penis as a woman.
And why do you care that much anyways? Just live a normal life and be happy. You're just purposefully looking at yourself and your organs in a bad way, while they are good and not gross abominations.
then poon out but dont be surprised when you learn manhood fucking blows
You can rub testosterone cream on your clit and make it grow very big until you pretty much have a little dick.
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From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.
Ok. Want to switch gender with me?

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