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we have hired and fired 5 gen Z losers in the past year at my company. I just interviewed another one yesterday and told him to get the fuck out after 5 minutes. Fucking retard showed up with hair down to his ass, not even attempting to tie it up in any sort of presentable way. Was chewing gum loudly, didn't wear a suit, had some kind of faggot bohemian button up shirt but untucked, no tie, sneakers, dirty pants. 2 earrings and talked like a faggot. When my boss asked him what he wanted to do with his future he said he wanted to be an architect and is going to start taking classes in september. I just closed my notebook and said "no further questions" he asked me how much he will get paid, and i told him nothing because i'm not hiring him.

I will now list what the other 5 retards did to get fired.
Zoomtard #1, immediately got caught loading company phone with porn. was given another chance, was sent to the east coast office to assist for a week. the first day, he was given a company car, called out sick and drove to NYC to hang out with his friend. company tracked his EZpass and knew what he did. didn't work any of the days he was on the east coast.

went back to the west coast. hit on 3 employees, all rejected him. no call no show for 3 days. when asked why he said someone broke into his apartment, stole his company phone and he spent 3 days hunting them down to get it back.

never learned anything. was fired at the end of his 3 month probation.
what positions are you trying to hire in?
zoomtard #2

sat on the floor indian style looking at his phone. i never saw him doing anything else. never saw him standing. never made eye contact with him, never heard his voice. didn't learn anything. was fired at the end of 3 month probation.

4 seasoned employees quit when they found out that kid was getting paid for than they were.
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oh no what an heckin nightmare please seeth-ahem tell me more about this sir bossman
service/repair/maintenance tech.
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>4 seasoned employees quit when they found out that kid was getting paid for than they were
maybe you should manage your company better dimwit!!!
no pussy no work, but also still no work either
zoomtard #3, said he was in the army, turns out he was dishonorably discharged for drugs: meth and fentanyl. on his first business trip he got kicked out of the hotel for smoking weed in the room and setting off the smoke alarm.

late every single day. call out or leaves early at least 2 days a week. spends at least 2 hours a day in the bathroom shooting up. says embarrassing shit in front of customers all the time.

constantly asking people to borrow money.

i had to cover for him constantly because he would call out. in the end they stopped even putting him on the schedule, and they were just putting me on the schedule even though im in a different department.

tools go missing. company car tires go missing, loses his company phone, completely incompetent. no skills. never learned anything. injured himself all the time, probably because he was high as a fucking kite using power tools.

fired after one year. not sure why he lasted that long.
im not a manager and I don't work in that department. My pay is fine. I actually like my job.
zoomtard #4

going to be fired soon but she doesn't know yet.
legitimately the fattest indian i have ever seen.
showed up late for her interview. just a receptionist but never answers the phone. gets nervous when it rings and asks someone else to answer.

Said she has IBS and is in the bathroom for hours a day. Late almost everyday. Off at least once a week. Her family shares a car and she will tell the boss she has to leave early because her mom needs the car all the time. It happens multiple times a week.

On the rare occasionals that she's at her desk she is on her phone with headphones on talking to someone.

There was a day about 2 weeks ago, she went to the dentist, the phone rang and she asked me to answer the phone for her so I did, then her cell phone rang and she got up and walked out of the room to take that call.
I gave her manager a death glare and he said ok he'll fire her at the end of the month.
sorry that didn't make sense. i meant that she said it hurts when she talks because of the dentist, so she asked me if i could take that call because her mouth hurt too much to talk on the phone, then when her personal phone rang she took that call and didn't even try to make an excuse for why i should be ok with that.
>Seething that people don't want to bend the knee anymore and be good little wagecucks
The president of the company keeps claiming that you need to hire young people because it's better to have a blank slate than an older person who already has bad habits. I keep explaining to him that he's a fucking retard and he's wrong about everything. Humans are not blank slates and 25 year old have the worst habits. How much worse of a habit can you have than fentanyl? But he would rather that than hire a 45 year old with 20 years of experience.

If you really press him on it eventually he'll say you have to pay them more. Okay but how much money have you now wasted paying zoomers to sit around doing nothing all day?

How many hundreds of thousands have we flushed in the toilet on this useless underclass generation of inferior microplastic based, porn-addicted low-T primates?
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Your wasteful decadence has sown the wind and now you shall reap the whirlwind. Your children are fools, your environment is collapsing, your economy is crashing, all around you everything is getting worse. Soon it will get so bad that not even the thin trappings of civilization will remind. And then in the chaos of that world the Satanic Vanguard shall rise and claim the earth for our Infernal Lord. And we will caste the earth into a thousand years of darkness. You will wish you were lucky enough to be dead. You are going to burn in hell with us.
Not all Gen Z are retarded OP. You just got bad apples. I for one wear a nice fitted white or blue shirt and complementary tie to my interviews but I STILL don't get the job. I dunno why. I have a nice haircut, I bring my resume and cover letter and I look presentable..
waiting patiently for zoomtard #5
Stop hiring little shits then. Hiveminds don't exist. You're just coping for your piss poor recruiting tactics
this, all zoomers know that with current prices they won't be able to afford shit, so why bother and try?
>4 seasoned employees quit when they found out that kid was getting paid for than they were.

brutal but also funny
what does any of that have to do with their skill
>that kid was getting paid for than they were
There you go, these kids can keep getting hired and doing fuck all and they'll literally make more at it than people who work hard and are loyal. They'd need to be fucking stupid to give a shit. You're fucking stupid for giving a shit
This is exactly it, based. This is why I slack as much as I can get away with without getting fired, I don't get payed enough to give a shit.
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It sounds like you work for a shitty company anon, if you pay 3rd rate wages you are going to hire 3rd rate employees. Why would anyone with there shit together settle for some boring company that expects them to work hard when they can have something better?
Don't feel bad, it's usually just because they are overly picky or they already hired for the role internally but had to interview external candidates anyway to follow procedures.
Keep trying and you'll eventually get something good
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Satan is controlled opposition, look into Gnosticism or Buddhism for a far more accurate depiction of what really happened
The Devil and his Archons are a copy of a copy of the Monad, Baphomet is actually Sophia in disguise which is just Wisdom, an aeon who was too curious about the Father and birthed Samael who made you and everyone who is enslaved by Matter, which your Devil sees as an necessary evil hence his philosophical materialist and naturalist sycophants along with the rationalist and empiricist see as justified (some are immune to this lie, see Schopenhauer) and now people see the Devil as the main antagonist against Yahweh who is really Set-Typhon which is another demon chosen by the Demiurge to deceive everyone but as we should know, is not the Creator God but a evil cacodaemon whereas your Devil is a former Archon in rebellion against the Great Archon who is the Creator God that is another false imitation of the original source
QRD TLDR Satan is not Abraxas, but rather an imitator of him, just worship Abraxas and let the Satanist fight their pointless war against the Creator God who will destroy them and even himself in the end once everything is destroyed and has reached absolute finality in the plan of the Monad
As someone born in 1998 I don't really want to be grouped in with the nigger faggots of my generation, but I am Gen Z and I have to own that fact. Most Gen Z workers I've seen are absolute ass. A girl used to work with who was only two years older than me would unironically get upset when people would wake her up when she was sleeping on the job.
I worked at 3 different jobs and each one throws away resumes from younger kids
>4 seasoned employees quit when they found out that kid was getting paid for than they were.
no way this is true
I actually like the way zoomtards do shit. Life is not giving them anything back, so why should they give anything in return? The west, and the world in general are fucked beyond repair. At least when I was 15-25 I got prime pussy. It's not worth it anymore.
>t. Zoomer that failed his esl classes
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Satan came before any Jewish conception of god that you entertain. You denounce the material world because you have no power in it. Your only available avenue to pursue power is in your imagination. Something the Jews also knew all too well when they were oppressed by the Romans. So they made up a bunch of Jewish fairy tales to cope with their powerlessness and convince themselves that they would have divine power in a make believe hereafter. But they only lie to themselves.

Satan will always exist so long as the hearts of men crave power and are willing to use violence to enforce their will on the world. There are only three types of people Masters and slaves and those with the strength and force of will to rise beyond the station of both. We have already won. The world slips further and further into chaos and ruin every day. Jupiter is rising. Our time is at hand.
fuck off you young nigga
>satan, a christian character, came before any jewish god
>judaism being explicitly the precursor to christianity in christianity
Thats happened at a few places I've worked at, it's not that uncommon, its why it's always important to discuss salaries with new hires so you know you're not being taken advantage of
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What we call it doesn't matter. We use the term Satan to mock you and your "faith". The concept you call 'god' is a rejection of all things real and tangible. A rejection of the natural order of things. Survival of the strongest, the culling of the weak. You renounce worldly pleasure and replace it with a sick pride in a false reality you believe you will ascend to when you die. So long as you follow the rules of those who rule over you and who themselves do not see your faith and trust in them as anything more than pathetic. You pray so hard, but your prayers are only returned with silence.
We realized putting effort into work is worthless because we can never do things generations before us did (like buy a fucking house)
I will always do jobs with the lowest effort required to just avoid getting fired or written up. I will never work harder than I should for people who do not give a fuck about me.
>hires people for braindead low tier crap
>surprised when he attracts braindead low tier people
most of these types of people are shit unless they're focused and wealthy enough to run their own business doing it. stop whining.
A service technician isn't a low skill job, you braindead 4shart nigger. What in the fuck are you on about?
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I'm always on time or early like a good wagie slave. I always do my job and when someone asks me for a favour I am happy to do it like a good wagie slave. I'm friendly, keep eye contact, never use my phone and smile like a good meat puppet. Everyone either likes me or has no strong opinion on me, I get patted on the back all the time for doing a good job. :DDD
t. 24-yo doomer zoomer coomer gooner alcoholic
I don't see the point in any of it btw I still can't move out of my parents' house if I don't want to share a flat with 6 somalis
pay peanuts and get monkeys
Enjoy never being promoted. The best little slaves are the last ones in line for a promotion. You actually do the work so they need you and you'll never complain or rock the boat because you're a good goy and nice guys really do finish last.
This is a dead end job without any promotions. I'm an unskilled, scum of the earth underclass wagie slave who'll die overdosing on fent in some gutter or worse.
>hiring indians
you reap what you sow
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>expects people to show up in a suit and tie applying for a blue collar maintenance position
i hope you fail to find any applicants that aren't just shining you on. i hope you hire some worthless 40 year old that's been forced out of every job he's ever worked because he's so shit, but you hired him because he showed up in a rented monkey suit and gave you a firm handshake.
if i applied to that i'm showing up in a tucked polo button-down and jeans.
I used to work a physical labor job as a zoomer and I worked hard. Everyone else did less work the harder I worked and people who were lazier got promotions over me just because they were more social and sucked the bosses dick more than me. My mental health was in the gutter because I had zero time to do anything and I was spending my 20s working and doing nothing else. A bully coworker picked on me and I eventually snapped and punched them in the face. I lost my job and savings and now have a criminal record.
Never again. Fuck that.
Companies will do nothing to protect you from toxic asshole coworkers then throw you away like trash.
>A bully coworker picked on me and I eventually snapped and punched them in the face
Did he use the wrong pronoun one time too many?
>he said ok he'll fire her at the end of the month.
is he gonna give her the 2 week notice?
> Did he use the wrong pronoun one time too many?
Haha, so funny bro.
No, they were just a cunt and hated me no matter what I did. I got along fine with everyone else. It was just that particular person.
Oh no someone didn't wike you :((((( that's so traumatising no cap, I hope you went to therapy to help you deal with the stress it must've sucked sooo much :(((((
meanwhile i can barely get interviews at minimum wage jobs with an ivy league internship on my resume! yay!
t. 22
I actually couldn't care less if someone dislikes me, it's because they tried to hit me that I beat them up
Alright D'lirious settle down.
Are you even old enough to use this site?
>it's another 18yo zoomie projecting episode
That is because you are applying for minimum wage, retard. Did you say you were Ivy League, again?
I just wanna know why you're so hostile for no reason bro lmao
trying waaaay to hard for those replies grandpa.
Cute thread (you) made though.
You'll get more action on facebook though!
I'm just a bit tsundere uwu that's how I form a rapport with other people >w<
I'm not OP. Also I'm in my 20's.
> I'm just a bit tsundere uwu that's how I form a rapport with other people >w<
It definitely worked. Imma eat that bussy
nigga that bussy is too spicy for anyone's tongue just saying
>>legitimately the fattest indian i have ever seen.
like how big is she? I stayed at a hotel once where the receptionist was well north of 500
yes, I'm interested in fapping to this
I ain't gonna eat that bussy raw, it's gotta have a bit of spice
>Jupiter is rising
bro is still in the age of pisces
The majority of zoomshits are nothing but lazy, stupid, self-entitled faggots who behave like niggers.
I rather pay for AI slop than hire these worthless cunts.
if youre not gonna give me enough to live comfortably im not gonna give my all, eat a dick boomer. im so happy i was born a hot girl, all i need is to marry a cute boy with rich parents and ill have it all
>noooo you HAVE to wear a suit and tie!!!
are americans really like his?
I work for a big 4 consultancy company in Europe and I wear jeans + buttoned shirt. Just gotta be presentable.
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lol fuck millenials they are becoming the new boomers now

Your job ain't worth shit, eat shit and die boomer. Probably pays like $19 and hour or some shit in this economy that doesn't pay shit, again fuck off and die you faggot cuck
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I've been a hiring manager for 2 years bud. Quality over quantity with the kids. I'd rather waste 3 months interviewing for a good candidate than rush a retard in to fill a seat.

My best hire by far has been a black girl. 17 years old, managed to finish HS early, stellar grades (All As and distinctions), couldn't afford to go to university because she has a sick mum and an absentee dad (lol I know).

My colleague hired a dipshit 22 year old white kid fresh out of university (the fact that it took him an extra year because he wanted a gap year was a warning). They were hired a month apart.

Black girl:
- Sweet and friendly to all colleagues
- Excellent phone manner
- Team player
- Hard working
- Absorbs everything. By her second month she had learned all division processes and had a firm grasp of the software we develop.
- Eager to please and do well. I could see this in the interview. She did her homework to an astounding degree. She knew the companys history, turnover, the software we develop, our highest profile customers and their areas of work, our competitors, and had done her homework on me via linkedin. She even asked if she was ok to take and reference her notes in the interview which was extremely well received.
- Responds well to mentoring
- Never has to be told anything twice.
- Wore a suit to the interview and did her hair up in a neat braid. Fucking 10/10 for presentability.

White guy
- Turned up to the interview late
- T-shirt and jeans
- No notes
- Didn't know jack shit about the company
- Harped on his degree programme as if it was his silver bullet
- Terrible interview answers
- In office, kind of a snotty prick
- Rude to colleagues, had to pull him aside 4 times in his first 2 months to tell him to cut the shit or he's toast
- Entitled and selfish

I've recommended black girl for the fast track management programme and degree sponsorship. I also gave her the biggest bonus I could convince the board to give in my EOFY employee appraisal
im a zoomer and i would kick op's old boomer ass and then fuck that wrinkly old ass for good measure
you'll be replaced by ai soon and zoomer bulls will then rape your boomer ass in the street
Hit the character limit, but the white kid always does the bare minimum and scrapes the bottom of the work output threshold every single week. I see him on his phone multiple times a day and always says "sorry sir!" and puts his phone away when I stare at him, and pulls it back out when he thinks I'm not watching. He tried to file a complaint when I had our IT dept block his phone from our routers. The only reason he's allowed it at all is because of a bullshit "my girlfriend is epileptic and I'm her emergency contact" reason he gave HR.

Amazingly, he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Ever, and when his probation was extended his pouted, glared and seethed like a 5 year old. He's also been caught taking a sick day to nurse a hangover twice. We know because the fucking retard posts about it on his instagram having added other employees.

Black girl? Never had any problems. So reliable and trustworthy that I've never had to discipline her for anything. One time she had an emergency (her mum had fell over in the shower.) and she made up the time the same night working from home and sent an apology to her entire team. What a fucking outstanding employee.
>What a fucking outstanding serf.
lol Mate, she'll be a junior department manager within a year which will double her pay (I bought her in on a fairly low wage because she was fresh out of school with no work experience, the white kid earns around 5k more than her, not for long though.). Our company rewards outstanding performance. I'm also proud to put her forward for our degree programme. She'll get a full scholarship with us and earn her degree over 5 years part-time with paid time off and i'll be there to mentor her and help her every step of the way.
>Our company loves it when you break your ass all day every day and become a workaholic.
i bet.
you'll be replaced by ai in 5 years bitch lol. your career will mean nothing you racially blind cuckold.
What kind of job is this where you can't even look at your phone ever? A fucking McDonald's?
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Oh my sweet summer child. If you work hard you get rewarded.

Via lobbying the board to recognize her progress and achievements I got her a 15% bonus and she literally cried and hugged me because it meant she could get a car and stop taking the bus to work. I also ended her probation early because I wanted her to have access to the full employee benefits and be able to use our healthcare cash programme to pay for her mothers prescriptions and get herself a new pair of glasses for free.

Compare that with the 1% participation trophy bonus the white kid got whilst on extended probation.
She still wont fuck you you simp bitch. Imagine throwing your racial comrade under the bus for a monkey lol.
>Racially blind
Actually I'm pretty racist and don't like nogs, she's the exception because she doesn't act like a nog. Compared to the entitled little wigger she's Nordic levels of white.

Also lol re: AI. We're a software company. We know exactly how useless AI is. The fact that zoomers like you mistake an elaborate decision tree created by google search result scrapings and a fairly rudimentary speech model for actual AI speaks volumes about your perception. It's embarrassing that you'd try to threaten anyone with it when they still can't even get a robot to flip burgers accurately.
>Racial comrade
lol I'll take an intelligent nigger over a retarded white kid any day. cry, seethe and cope.
>She still wont fuck you
Good. I'm married with a kid on the way and if she was sexually attracted to me it'd make my work life awkward. Why would you think about that anyway you coom brained retard? You never dip your pen in company ink.
What the fuck is this thread B-plot with the gnostic and the theistic satanist having a duel LOL
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you're missing the point dumbass. i'm just so tired of corporations expecting 110% out of all their perfect little drones.
>work hard get rewarded
you and i both know there are plenty of exceptions to that fuddlore going in both directions.
You sound like the type of faggot pussy that would vote for Biden lol. Eat shit cuck. You will be killed on the day of the rope bitch.
This guy rims nigger assholes for free lolz
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>The day of the rope
lol listen to yourself.
>Would vote for Biden
lol fuck no.
>you and i both know there are plenty of exceptions to that fuddlore going in both directions.
Indeed I do pal, which is why I've never worked for a company that exploits its employees more than 3 months. I picked this company because I could tell they valued and invested in its people. I wouldn't work for anyone or anything less. We all do better when we all do better. One company I worked for legit expected mandatory unpaid overtime and painted it as "taking one for the team." as if the shot wasn't coming from the scumbag MD and senior leadership who treated their "low cost resources" like week old baked dog shit.

If you don't work for them, they cease to exist. Only a company that invests in you is worth your loyalty. Only managers who look out for you and put as much work in themselves deserve your respect. I have always lead from the front and I do more, know more and work harder than anyone in my department which earns me their respect. I also look out for them, cover their blind spots, help them when they're stuck, track their work outputs and what they struggle with and spend hours with them every month tutoring and mentoring them to address their weaknesses. That earns me their loyalty.

I've also never rewarded hard work with a fucking pizza day. I either note down what they did, when and what the impact was for their annual appraisal to get them a better payrise/bonus or I use departmental funding to buy them amazon vouchers. Bosses lead from behind, managers lead from the front. I'm nobodies boss. I'm not content to watch anyone who works for me struggle. That's the way it should be.
Spicy? Bussy?
Stop anon! You're about to eat pajeet ass!
wtf field are you in?
in accounting, every genz coworker i have busts their ass and puts in crazy overtime every month
Why would we bother? Worlds fucked any way you put it, might as well just coast along. Sorry for not working hard gramps, but when I work 50 hours and get half if it taken by the state there's no point in trying.
1. Based. Fuck interviews and fuck employers
2. Employers have all the leverage which = faggot job market
3. You dumb niggers dob'g pay in a way that scales off of inflation which makes it a paycut. Compare current pay to the 70s, nigger
4. You aren't entitled to shit
5. Get fucked. I hate gen z, but love this one aspect about them. They have balls to tell an employer to go fuck yourself
So bottom of the barrel

Pompous ass attitude for bottom of the barre jobs lmfao. Employers are fucked in the head.
your pay is probably not fine when comparing it to inflation
>If you don't work for them, they cease to exist
>Amazon and other megacorps exist despite innumerable questionable labor practices in the past and present
sure, that's the way it should be, but it's not the way it is. you might have found a company that actually values employees from the bottom up, but that's not the common practice anymore. common practice seems to be record profits year over year by any means. and again, i'm not going to ruin my body or mental health for employers that take that shit for granted and only care about the honey and not the hive.
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just how fucking terrible of an interviewer are you that you let retards like this slip in
Mines pretty much empty so its already better than mine
so how's junior high coming along, champ?
people don't understand shit about the economy, but the reason employers have the leverage is due to real estate outpacing income which causes more desperation aka more people looking for work aka more supply per job opening and when demand doesn't keep up with supply, you devalue the asset (job seeker). More supply of job seekers on top of reduced pay also ends up increasing barrier to entries i.e. competition becomes more fierce and you have to jump through more hurdles

America is FUCKED because of cost of living outpacing income. Real estate has to be attacked and I'm the perfect guy to do it, but no one would vote for me so it will never actually be fixed
i would rather hire someone with no resume than that fucking mouthbreather
resumes and interviews are gay. It's a humiliation ritual to make you feel like a god and make the candidate feel like your bitch.

If you were smart, you would create a study guide and test that is a 1:1 to the job and pick the best candidate(s) from there. But you're not smart.
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>he said he wanted to be an architect
Honestly I would have hired him, sounds like a good kid
The irony being that you consider it immature to not believe in invisible Jewish wizard watching you masturbate and sending you to hell for it.

How's the priests dick in your mouth taste?
Dont work for them. It's as simple as that. Hilariously I was 'overqualified' for Amazon in my early 20s because I asked too many questions in the interview about progression, safety and performance expectations. What it told the interviewer was that I'd take one step in that warehouse, say 'fuck this' and walk out. That's why they can only get illegals, third worlders and literal retards to join their bottom ranks.

It's the same for all of these high-demand, low wage gigs like uber, deliveroo, grubhub, ubereats, etc. Humanity got on just fine without them and would get on just fine if they were to disappear tomorrow. Useless companies who exploit their workers and lack innovation deserve to die.
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>the worthless zoomer salt in this thread
lmaaaooo you will never accomplish anything in your lifetime
More simply the people who have the most money always have leverage over the people with less money. All that other bullshit is just a result of that.
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i'm 27 and my resume is pretty much blank, but i wonder how much proper spelling and grammar could do for me these days.
all this resume and manager talk reminded me of picrel which i had to dig out. imagine that being your employer for 3 years, jesus christ.
Well I just got a new job and didn't need to dress super fancy. It's a blue collar job, but still.
It's kinda crazy how people get cushy office jobs and still are too lazy to do anything. I'd kill for a job where all I had to do was answer calls and emails. I dislike employers as much as the next guy but I would be over the moon if I got a job like this.
It's almost as if corporations themselves fuel the illegal immigrant crisis and neither Republicans or Democrats want to actually regulate them or punish them enough to make it impossible because the corporations make too much money off illegals.

But nah that cant be it. Must be secret plot by the illuminati
Reads like melanin rich diversity hire soup or babby zoomer diarrhea because daddy is the owner
cope boomer
Sounds like the root cause of the issue you made up and had chatgpt spit out descriptions for is some dumbass gen-x manager. Fun thread but using chatgpt should carry the death penalty.
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Holy nignogs batman. That is some Shaniqua retail chimp performance evaluation. Reading it literally makes my eyes hurt.
>a copy of a copy of the Monad

Tell me you don't understand the monad without telling me.
>he doesn't know what 'overqualified' means
stay poor and seething zoomer lmao
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I have a manager like you. I bet you have a gay nerdy old man hobby like reading or model kits lel. Seriously though I wish all mangers were like you and my manager. He noticed when I was having a shit time at home and took me to the park at lunch to talk about it. I'd fuck him raw if he'd give me an opening. He's like my work dad.
>for free

If that nigger asshole is attached to a young woman in a suit with a tight braid, I'd pay good money to see how deep I can cormscrew my tongue into her shitter.
You're a fucking idiot and didn't process the words I said
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here's another thing i found when digging a little more
that has to be some pajeet or something. No way even a black dude from the ghetto would rite lik dat, rite?
Lmao simon getting mogged
>LARPing this obviously
Here is your homework assignment zoomzoom, Google the words subtlety and nuance. There is certainly a ten second TikTok out there with family guy or temple run clips in the background for you while an ai voice explains the definition.
OP, I've applied to jobs in a fucking suit and even I could be more competent than these people. Never got hired even once.
There's a lot to unpack in that post, but I always do my best for those under me. I'm glad there's others out there with the same idea.

>I'd fuck him raw if he'd give me an opening.
Probably not a great idea if you like the current dynamic, plus you'd get him into deep shit.
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Employers are faggots. My sister has an applied math degree from ucla and all she can get is minimum wage bullshit

Employers want unicorns while also paying shit. They created catch 22s with no actual solutions to them. Absolute cock suckers
You do know that we can just take your wealth from you and put you in a retirement home ran by niggers, right?
Only thing real about this statement is you being interested in old man ass, zoomer fag.
The last job I had was some mom and pop landscaping company. Everyone there was also recently hired (red flag no 1, high turnover rate) and the few who weren't "knew a guy" or their daddy owned the company. Even though I was in the hot sun 14 hours and had the worst sunburn ever I kept moving and pushing my body even though I was on the verge of a heatstroke. I STILL GOT FIRED after three days. Why? Because I didn't have "enough hustle" and wasn't "looking for things to do". I brought up that I was moving around trying to find things to do just like everyone else and nobody bothered to train me so I wouldn't know what to do anyway. His answer to that was I "wasn't doing it fast enough" lol, get the fuck out.

The same day I was fired a bunch of new guys who didn't even speak English were "hired". Literally the same day. The manager couldn't even make up a convincing lie on the spot.
>W-we'll take your wealth!
Pfft. haha. You DO know how wills work right? If I even suspected my kid would turn out to be a shit bag I'd put a stipulation in my will to say that if I was ever put in a care home my estate would be entirely gifted to some sort of absurd charity. I'd also never give such a child any power of attorney. You'd have to sit and seethe in the lawyers office as he told you my entire estate, the 600k house you grew up in, the 500k savings, everything, was gifted to a dog shelter or a cat sanctuary, or donated to medical research.
If they were that awful you didn't want to work there for long anyway, they saved you the hassle of having to quit. Fuck those greedy bastards.
95% of employers are literally that. There's no real "escape" from it
True, I heard from other people afterwards that they have a reputation for hiring people and immediately firing them. I overheard the manager laughing about how they purposely overworked a new guy into quitting the first day. I should have left but I needed the money bad at the time and was willing to do anything.
You sound like a pretty decent guy ngl but man, your company is kinda indirectly fucking her over while continuing to employ that white guy and have him make more than her. Fuck that college kid off and give his pay to her.
that's what happens when cost of living outpaces income aka when competition is fierce. Employers feel like gods and will abuse the shit out of their power treating people like ants. America is done. Well.. the 95% of the world is
working hard =\= pay raise nor does it = promotions. Boomers are stupid for thinking times are the same.
i get my 70k and am doing fine
>t. zoomzoom
this is literally the best thread I've seen all year long lmao the larp the cope the seethe it's all impeccable
I feel sorry for your kids if you have any. It's okay boomer. I'll make sure once you are in a retirement home that Tyrone fucks you at night.
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I'd absolutely fuck him though. He gives off weird dad energy and it does weird stuff to me. I've legit gotten turned on whilst he was leaning over me helping with a problem and suggesting ways I could deal with it and my underwear was moister than an oyster afterwards. He's given me a lift home after my car wouldn't start and that nerdy middle aged fucker had a brand new mitre saw in his trunk. When I asked him about it he said "Yeah I want to replace the decking and my brother knows how it's done so we're going to dismantle and rebuild the deck over the weekend. Managed to get a great deal on coppered oak." AGH. FUCK ME YOU DIRTY OLD MAN. GIVE ME YOUR WEIRD BORING BABIES. BORE THEM TO SLEEP AT BED TIME WITH YOUR LECTURES ON EBITDA AND CUSTOMER RETENTION AND THEN DRAG ME INTO THE BEDROOM BY MY ANKLES. GIVE ME YOUR SEED. not kidding. I'd absolutely jump him. He just never gives me an opening and even if he did I'm a coward.
Working with people taught me that the average normalfag is a horrible tyrant and if you give them any sort of power they will abuse the shit out of it. On the internet, in real life, everywhere. It's as if they became managers to take out all of their high school bullying on people.
Certainly not the worst woman larp ive seen but still not satisfactory. You make it too obvious.
You do know that you will do nothing because you have no power or resources and my money allows me to simply leave and let the niggers fuck you up, right?
>Working with people taught me that the average normalfag is a horrible tyrant and if you give them any sort of power they will abuse the shit out of it. On the internet, in real life, everywhere.
100%. Normies are weak willed and can't handle power. I don't understand how they switch like that. I've had more power at certain points (had near retirement money from investments before it ate shit), but never turned into another person during my high periods. Normies straight up morph into evil people when you give them power. It's weird as fuck and I don't quite understand it
It's how they get revenge on the people who gave them shit, by taking it out on people that had nothing to do with it. That's the psychology behind it at least, don't make much sense to me either
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Who or what are you? What is it you believe you will experience after you die when you turn 34 years old?
This is when you make a call to ICE
>hope you went to therapy to help you deal with the stress it must've sucked sooo much :(((((
im 31 years old and have experienced everything that zoomer is has described. most workspaces are rife with this kind of normalfaggotry. its like an issue that everyone chooses to exploit or ignore, and given your attitude, you're likely either exploiting or ignoring these issues.
This. Millenial and I stopped caring. I try to meet quotas but I leave early/get in late
The getting in late bit isn't my fault either, I have to get up at 6am and public transit schedules have huge time gaps for where I need to go, not waking up any earlier just to get home at a reasonable time

Just don't care about being perfect when everything is getting worse, I do my best without stressing.
This is the crux of it. I find their lingo retarded but the environment around them, boomers, and us failed them. Mothers and fathers work, come home stressed, cheat on each other, and throw the kid into public school with a phone.
Effort isn't rewarded eithet, entertainers and women posting nudes get more money than a low-mid job. You can't expect them to go to work and school for 5 years either. The amount of effort to get meh gains in life is just sad. Let it all crash.

OP if the people here/zoomies are too cynical and wrong with these viewpoints, why is the world objectively getting worse and more and more people going on meds? It is an environmental issue.
yeah they're totally missing out slaving away at your faggot job, you did them a favour normskull
its ok because you're a cute animeposter
future caged live onahole potential for a rich neet
lol this
She had to apologize for helping her mother in an emergency? I wouldn't have bothered. Not everyone needs to know, just the peope immediately affected. Shit happens and my time in life is already extremely limited, I won't make up any lost time.
I'm starting a new job next monday in an office for an engineering firm. The fact that these people even made it 3 months gives me such optimism and hope. Actually, knowing this was some of my competition really helped me stay strong in job application phase.
This is a genuine dream job, 5 minute drive, remote available, interesting work in my field of study, growing company. My biggest weakness is waking up late, but as an employee, I work with the loyalty of a dog, and the endurance of a horse (landscaping has honed me well)
This is actually so funny, howling with laughter
Lad is having a LOT of fun
It sure is a good thing I'm not your children, old man.

It sure is a good thing that you're old, impotent, and a good minecraft griefing target. Where are you gonna go with that money? South america?
>completely powerless zoomer rage
lmao enjoy living in a failed state no economy all nigger society
Someone reply!
I saved your image babe, found it very interesting
Much appreciated. Sorry for not giving you a headpat, I'm just selfish and take without thanking.
>want to be a manager in the future
>all my hobbies are gay and nerdy and for old men
Yasss guiz, I passed the check!
Good I hope it goes this way at all companies. I legitimately want this retarded phony bullshit jobs baby boomer economy to crash so hard they have no idea how to fix any of it and the end of their lives are nothing but misery and pain. After wage slaving for 14 years I just quit and walked away shit is a delusional clown circus for nothing. I'm a Millennial but I'll praise Zoomers if their retardation ruins everything for Boomers and Gen X fuck em.

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