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I fucking hate being Indian. Every day I try to distract myself from the fact that I'm Indian by watching Youtube or playing video games but sometimes I read something online and I'm reminded that I am hated by everyone. I know why it's happening though. It's because India is now an economic threat to America and they are pumping out propaganda to subvert clueless NPCs but still it's just so disheartening to be hated just because of how you look. I mean you don't even know who I am. You haven't even met me and yet you already hate me so much. White people especially are guilty of this. They're in such a high priviliged position and they can easily poke down at you without facing any repercussions. I'll always be "pajeet" or "patel" to anyone no matter how much I work out or no matter how much money I make. Why couldn't I have been born White or maybe Korean or African? Why Indian??? And it's not like india is a bad country either. We have such a wonderful culture and ancient history but people never see that. They only spam AI memes because they are uneducated fucks. Anyways I'm considering suicide... Sorry for the rant.
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When I lived in Cambodia, even my Cambodian girlfriend refused to eat Indian food because of how "disgusted" she was by indians themselves. Even countries as poor as fucking cambodia, a country that eats fucking coconut worms, are disgusted by indians. It's truly insane just how much indians are despised.

I want you to know OP, I will always love your food. Disgusted Asian girls can't take that away from you.
>And it's not like india is a bad country either. We have such a wonderful culture and ancient history but people never see that.

Would help if people weren't shitting on the streets and eating with their hands off the sidewalk.
Indian food is great. So you have that going for you. Try jews, heard a lot about jewish-indian marriages.
>I know why it's happening though. It's because India is now an economic threat to America
It's because you fucked up my order at the Tim's again. I don't know what the hell this crap you handed me is, but all I wanted were two large double doubles and a maple glaze.
>Indian food is great. So you have that going for you.
Their action movies kick ass, too. Credit where it's due, I suppose.
You should try not voting for dictators. Otherwise India is a great country with great people and it would rule the world better than China.
>I'll always be "pajeet" or "patel" to anyone no matter how much I work out or no matter how much money I make. Why couldn't I have been born White or maybe Korean or African? Why Indian???
You shouldn't have to wish to be another race in order to be respected, you just shouldn't be disrespected for your race in the first place.
>I know why it's happening though. It's because India is now an economic threa-

It's because India is a disgusting, xenophobic shithole and you guys tend to bring your disgusting behavior with you wherever you go.

I've met and made friends with a few great Indian guys, one of my best professors was an Indian man, but you have to understand that the majority of yall that I've met throughout my life are gross and inconsiderate to everyone.

The thing your race is most popularly known for is literally scamming people.

Sorry you are lumped in with the majority, but don't pretend it's an op. Most Indians deserve it.
niggers like you is why india is failing, instead of complaining have you gotten out of your cum crusted room and tried making it better. theres jackshit in the country so you gotta leave but try doing shi instead of lurking
indians have done me dirty, your women are okay, but you disgusting whore mongering men should kys collectively in an instant.
>hated just because of how you look.
dont forget smell, act, stare and speak
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Fr I feel that too honestly that's life unfortunately we're made to feel like shit and insecure. Whether it's your sick size, height, face, money, etc. We all gotta feel like dog suit and be insecure because thata what the system wants. At this point most people aren't worth being around just stick with copes and maybe you'll meet a few real niggas on the way
First poo-st once again did the needful and redeemed as best poo-st. SIRS are on sati watch fuck youre mother benchod i shit mather facker asshol please may I close the ticket maranchod sir

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