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Another thread of SSM, personality drama and bait, posting of the word sprog edition
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You live like a king when you have TMAU
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Ever tried bacon on toast?
hope ruthmong dies soon
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did you hear? his sprog is brown
It's not against the law to go film women and not say anything to them is it? Why do they make a big deal out of it?

what is a 'sprog'
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Fresh SSM uploaf has dropped has it not

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There is nothing you can legally do if you are filmed in public and posted on YouTube for other people to mock. All you have to do is not act like a mong if you encounter an auditor. Amazes me how wagies and the pigs give them the content they crave.
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Need more creasing in my life dolitacel not 2 mention screaming and top keks even howling get 2 work
spoken like a true sprogless wagie
tiger tom all the way
>7 pins in
Dorset crab all the way
You know we're fucked as a country when the police can barely speak English.

He's going on about Gaddafi again kek
Zip your trap and get back to work wagie. You are paid a low wage. Scum tyrant telling DJ to get a job. Auditing is a job.

You are hereby summoned to the court on account of your refusal to pay child support, for which you arrears nearly thirty thousand pounds, to each of your four separate woglets and the mothers who bore them.
Name on Arbroathy
Brown sprog with a wog
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I wish I were dead on a daily basis. Every time I wake up, I have nothing to do other than distract myself with youtube and food.
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SPACCA have installed these ghastly ponds all over Feel Street thanks to their "Frog-Frenly Cities" policy. Almost fell into one on my way home for work and they absolutely stink. There's Apus sat in them at all hours of the day and they drop their wizzas and litter in them.
Desperately trying to be funny and quirky
Mum has made her adult son dindins. Later lads. Really winds me up though when she shouts about it being ready.
SSM said he wasn't going to be making anymore drinking videos featuring Helen.
Looks like a fucking clown there. The more effort they put in, the worse they look.

I like the way he brushes Helen away like an annoying cat lol
He is seriously fuming, he is very very upset
Silly SPACCA poster lad. You've been missed
SCEA mentioned SSM back in 2020
SPACCA mentioned SSM back in 2020
Ever notice on amateur porn on Reddit and OnlyFans people just be cumming on their carpets and that. Like shooting their loads straight onto the floor which is carpet. HALLIONS.
link in the archives please lad
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Indeed, there were plans to take away SSM's apu at one point. Thankfully SPACCA abandoned those plans at the last minute after a welfare check
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>iTs geTtinG COLD
>burns ur tongue off
>Fetch that post out of the archives, fetch it right this minute!
Why are you bringing up that gurgling retard all the time now? The lad was an absolute cunt
SSM and Helen look perfectly happy in that video. Twolls will not be amused
Redditors don't want to have sprogs. Do you?
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SSM and Helen always have been fine. It's the trolls trying to cause drama. Sad really.
Like babies titillated when they discover they have fingers and toes
The DINKs have gone too far imo. Sprogs are needed to further the human race.
Brown sprog and a wog
Really enjoying this 'brown sprog' gimmick. Well done BritNormie
Who has a brown sprog?
Shippy and Zimlad do.
He's outdone himself yet again hasn't he
Who is Shippy and who is Zimlad?
I've heard of Shippy but who is 'Zimlad' ?
I've heard of Zimlad but who is 'Shippy'
Not convinced that's him actually
There is one very small glimmer of hope. SCEA basically went awol from 2016 to 2018, so there's a chance he might make a return again

reckon shippy is my least favourite poster here
Already got one. Redditors have a completely different mindset.
yeah we know lad you've been seething non stop all day
Spam thread for weeks/months/years blames Shippy or BN. Every single time.

hes ok in small doses but when hes here 16 hours a day doing his sprog and scea routines it gets boring quick
Will Zimlad become the next Shippy?
This fandom around nobodies is sad
this is an exact repeat of last week
>go out drinking with helen
>go down sandford lane with more drink
>go home and have a meltdown threatening to start fires
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fresh start coming on strong
the twolls are killing him s m h
weltdown incoming
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Need to get some snacks in for this one
Posts like this were very professional and well written, what went wrong?

Do we know how many drinks SSM has had so far?
ADD shut in
He's a professional driver he can't be here all the time
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At least 5 or 6
It lush is it not
Inane little dickhead
being alive might be for you but its not for him
This is the man trannies lust afer
Babbling moron
At least 7 pints in de lad.
It's called a stutter. Please don't bully SSM
Dull retard
black little bastard
Congo George, now that's a blast from the past
Repetative no lifer
Wonder if the DWP subscribe to SSM
Tedious friendless freak
they know about his youtube 'career'
Royal Mail are subscribed to him.
SSM copied SCEA

>Royal Mail are subscribed to him
Kek are they really?
7 days a week this is your life funny man
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Think SSM was on 10 pints last week when he had his meltdown

We're close de lets
I want SCEA back posting in this thread
Remember when they told SSM to stay off YouTube after his meltdown (he threatened to stab SSME)
I can't get a gf. It NOT right.
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I do miss the SSM/SSME drama.
Steven Dawson owns one too. He wears it to his special needs discos.
That was peak SSM for me.
Closer to another year being over and you were here all day everyday
SSM doesn't half play some shite
Next year will the same, here all day everyday, same routines
Mad they let him play this shitty music on their property
Boom Boom Boom is a classic de lad!

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He going to get steaming as a rocket tonight guys.
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>Lets get fucking steaming
>I'm gonna get steaming as a rocket tonight guys
It's happening. Meltdown incoming
Might make a SSM playlist on spotify
My own sandford lane rave in my boxroom
SCEA was probably one of my least favourite posters.
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and its fuckin LUSH
Posting the same wank
Reading the same wank
Howling at the same wank
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His stream is kill
He was a smug and mean-spirited dickhead, probably why shippy likes him so much
Was garn on 'ere naa
All his mods are panicking
dee lads dee lads deee lads
worried about SSM de lids
Groundhog day for imbeciles
EE cut SSM's internet off
SSM had 70 watchers too
Meltdown cancelled
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need to shit himself in public again so DWP keeps the cash flowing lad
He's back

reckon copyright kikes got him
new stream is up move to that one
He put his number up. The madlad
He wants you to call him.
shippy's sprog there
get in and nice numbers
it lush


dail in boys
janny won't like this
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That thumbnail kek
He does NOT look well at all
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At least he not yellow now
I saved it in my phone
It's engaged lol
No one here will call him you're all little shit bags
SSM is a pretty good dancer for a fat 50 year old
He fit for work oh aye
britfeel is just a more snide and cowardly version of Marks comments and chats
Not mentally de lit. He got mental elf problems. He low confedence
I don't even own a mobile phone.
I post both here and in his live chat
That you Dedfox
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Mak saved SSM's number. Hopefully they can collaborate on a drinking video together
A multi-mong
I would love to see this collab
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>call in
I called in to the SSM Show but no one is answering
>I'm 9 pints in
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One pint to go de lad. Meltdown coming on strong
He won't be a known mong he'll be a nobody mong that just repeats Marks catchphrases like the other mongs
SSM gave me a spanner
Is he getting hard?
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Corr what an experience
Never had a spanner. I'm just an unknown mong like that other lad pointed out
He gives out spanners to any old mong. Even HHL gets a spanner as soon as he enters SSM's chat.
The best moment of his life will be that he got a spanner from seasideMARK lmao
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To bed again
Might quit my job (I wont)
I am like Arthur Morgan. One by one the old gang are turning against me. It not right.
SSM has boner?
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>Writing had been on the wall for a long time as the tenants kept complaining about me. To be fair i was walking around the house naked.

>SSM has boner?
No just a big seaside cock
No more than 9 pints. He knows his limit
As soon as he hits 10 it all goes down hill (for him)
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What's the point in giving his number out if he doesn't take calls
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I hope SSM buy PS5
He's already going mad
Gotta enjoy the summer de lads
Wish SSM was my dad ngl
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i reckon we're going to be treated to a meltdown stream tonight
Let's have a couple more beers. Get in
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I just hope he goes live when he gets in. He'll probably go straight to sleep though
Corr bag of walkers squares for him. Twolls seething
I finally got PIP lads Gonna enjoy my 3K in bennies Can't believe it
Say it's comfy and lush but you enjoy seeing him make a fool of himself
BritNormie has been married 4 years now. How time flies
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>a known mong
Made me laff desulad
This too
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How did you get onto pip then? Are you disabled
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Need cider update
Yes. I'm autistic.
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Spotted a certain someone from here in SSM's chat. Keeping it private though x
You can get PIP for autism? What a joke.
All the other drivel stops to watch a fat lazy alcoholic drink on YouTube giggling to yourself. Grim life.
Stay mad Wageslave
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SeasideLORD bringing the SeasideSHAFT to some broccoli haired twoll. Cerne Abbas hire him to protect a caravan and the Whistle Posse answers the call. Twolls don't even drink the stuff, they're addicted to that sweet sulphate hit.
Don't worry he buy hammer soon..
Who is this kid lad
National Autistic Society pushed them to revise the form so there are more sections relevant to autistic people ("mixing with other people" etc).

They're the experts and you're not.
>They're the experts and you're not.
Someone. Why, you think she's fit?
No I'm not a nonce
What else is there to watch? I'm stuck here because of sedatives.

Might order a takeaway but I've yet to see what standing up is like.
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Mak flexing his monthly UC payment corr
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Every penny is deserved little fuming lad
Arbroathy on bennies
Crossmong on bennies
Does anyone in Scotland work
Arbroathy has chemically castrated himself, he is now infertile. He'll never be able to have a sprog. Even if by some miracle he were to be able to engage in unprotected sex nothing would come of it. He's a eunuch
Not being funny bt if the system worked I'd get pip backdated to primary 1
There is a certain person in Scotland who works very hard indeed and contributes a massive amount to the treasury
You wanna shag Arbroathy, I reckon Sink your penis into her tight bussy.
Not him but I wouldn't mind doing that. Big big fan of our Arbroathy am I not x
No, I prefer to shag women
aye theres quite a few of us so get in line
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Sprogless Arbroathy
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Life is lovely. Few beers now.
Baby mama wants to set up weekly visits
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Sprogless Helen
Nothing wrong with being on Bennies. Just like there's nowt wrong with wanting to pound a granny. I snogged my mum when I was 18, she was drunk, shoved her tongue down my throat. Shit was cash. She's since died, and I jerk to porn that resmbles her. Pic related.
Better sprogless than brown sprog
Pretty sad how you lot simp over Arbroathy
Arbroathy is my future wife
t. Arbroathy
Shippy has had sex with his mum
Granny poster you're back. Not seen you in a long time
Ah, you've adopted a childfree lifestyle then?
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Proud of catberg for neutralising that spider. It sad but she knew it was bothering me nd she took care of business. She a killer. Brought a mouse in the other night as well make me laff when i see her making bird noises @ wee birds to bait them over too in the garden. Its a feline world. Not for me to ask questions.
I can't see how shiippy can ever regain the respect in /britfeel/ now that we all know he has a brown kid
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Was I missed? Is my level of deviency missed?
Here she was. Anyone honestly think she's a bit of a MILF?
Me? I would have kept it quiet.
Pendulous diddies cor
You couldn't torture that information out of me
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>adopted a childfree lifestyle
This simply isn't true, only about half of the posts in that collage were even mine
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Shippy impregnated his mum
glad to give you an opportunity to post your OC lad
Wouldnt mind ramming my NEET stick down a slightly sad looking mummy that just finished a night shift or sth
Who is Arbroathy
fairs fair. i let you post your italy oc yesterday
So you think she's fit then?
Is she black then?
>Who is Arbroathy
The new queen of /britfeel/
Does Shippy look mixed race to you?
a transexual paedophile from Arbroath
This lad has a Double IPA and Noodles for breakfast while his wife goes to work, corrr.
>Who is Arbroathy
My future racist wife
How can a white man impregnate a white woman and the kid come out brown then
Forgot pic, Corr what a legend
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I really enjoy this one.
Are you pretending to be low IQ
Arbroathy is infertile, he will never have a sprog
he looks like a bacon in that suit
people keep saying I impregnated my mum and have a brown sprog, which is it?
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Is it shippyposting hour? I'll contribute
Mindless cringe posting
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baby faced bean head
Corr imagine the smell of these noodles
Why were you initially talking to me in third person
Anyone have THAT newsnight webm? I post mine (again)
point out the post where I spoke to you in third person
Good R&R this hath been
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Aye my leed
Arbroathys useless bollocks
shippy funny walk KEK
fucking penguin walk
brown poo coloured sprog
Its so obvious when Arbroathy goes off name to seethe at Shippy
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What your ma? U said she's dead though but if she was alive and wanted to shag why not if that was alright with you. Or even if it wasnt.
That's why I like her. We have a common interest innit
She is dead, but past her, fit or nah
WhatsApp group for idiots
was hoping SSM would go live from his flat

But nothing
She loved to get tied up after a few g&ts. Kinky sex shit.
Why does Arbroathy seethe at me?
Better than vanilla sex
SSM like being tied up
Not even slightly laddie
SSM would NEVER have sex with Helen whilst drunk. He wouldn't take advantage
Quads confirm this desu
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He bisexual. Think he never been with a man before? Check your arse little lad. U getting shagged as we speak.
Helen apparently gets horny when shes had a few G&Ts
Most women get horny when they've had a few.
He not into vanilla sex. It might be for you but it not for him
Artbroathy is a horrible crabs in a bucket cunt. Imagine discouraging lads from joining Toastmasters and improving their social skills. Just because you're a tranny freak who no one will ever love. Get fucked weird cunt.
He into the deep stuff.
Imagine all the kinky shit SSM got up to with Claire. Cheryl probably joined in for a few cheeky threesomes too
SSM is a top shagger when you think about it
>Artbroathy is a horrible crabs in a bucket cunt. Imagine discouraging lads from joining Toastmasters and improving their social skills. Just because you're a tranny freak who no one will ever love. Get fucked weird cunt.
Having a bad day de lad? X
He doesn't even live in Dundee or Aberdeen (with it's wrist slittingly grotesque summers), he lives in Arbroath!
Creepy sick gender fluid sex with randoms
creepy bean head
Are Arbs has set him off. He's going ballistic lol
Dropping the banter for a minute, Helen has to be a carer or a family member or something, right? If not then why aren't they living together and fucking?
Actually having a pretty decent day. Just makes me sad when people here try to tear down decent lads who are actually trying.
She's his drinking buddy
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U should find an escort what looks like your mam
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Most of this thread are stuck in the crab bucket at this point.
The seethers really have won. Hating others is all they have in life. It so sad!
Why are you laying into Artbroathy then? She has done nothing but be womfy
I can smell FISH on this train carriage
He's been seething all day about sprogs. It probably rubs his nose in his own infertility
fish and chips lad
Artbroathy is a sound lass imo.
seethie weethers
Not true. I'm laying into him for the exact reason I said. Discouraging lads from improving their social skills and being a horrible crabs in a bucket cunt.
Why is every thread about Arbroathy now
spam mongs latest gimmick innit
This happens when tripfags post enough.
new dolly
brown dolly
Spam mongs newest thread dolly to do the whole personality bait seethe and drama routine with
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Reckon I am becoming more soft and liberal really. Not a fan of ze old hateberg.
As the black eyed peas once said. Where is the love?
It Fergalicious.
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just made a new batch of kimchi, as well as some pickled red onions and carrots. lush
so seasidemeltdown tonight then? good on him for having some self control
love Mark me
might play some more dark souls
When you end your life, nothing of value will be lost.
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toastmasters is a fucking scam
300 quid to have some ted talk from a pua yank?
you think am fuckin daft? you think the lads here are too?
you must be jokin
x 2
Arbroathy acts like he's been posting here for the best part of a decade but I've only noticed him in the past few days
Apparently the tour de france have made wearing plandemic masks mandatory again, in the middul of summer no less

100% they're doing a second plandemic this fall and winter
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No meltdowns
No black screen videos making threats
He keeping it womfy tonight is he not
5'3" and an attitude
The fuck are you talking about? It's not 300 quid, there's no ted talk and no pua elements. No yanks at mine either. You're a fucking mongo.
Knows all the ancient thread lore but only appeared a couple of years ago
Makes you think! (They are larping for attention)
And yes, I do think you're fucking daft; you're an unemployed mentally ill tranny. Doesn't get much dafter.
She's been posting for at least a year.
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>The seethers really have won.
t. literally only seethes
>but I've only noticed him in the past few days
She's been posting a lot. How did you never notice her

>Searching for posts with the username 'Arbroathy'. 907 results found.
Lots of brown sprogs throwing pebbles at Abroathy's windows and calling him a tranny
He's on a mad one
Abroathy will never have a sprog
Long drive from Banbury to Abroath
He can do it on company time. It lush
It's honestly shocking to me that trannies are accepted in a place like Arbroath. I thought that'd be the type of place where they'd just take someone like that to the woods and beat them to death. Not that I'd support that of course, but in Abroathy's case it might be a mercy killing and frankly the best thing for the community.
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I'm a double loser this time
point him out, point out who is on a mad one
Driver on minimum wage
sunk cost fallacy yea?
fresh start coming on strong and it wuvly
twolls fumin
ive been posting on and off here since maybe 2016, used to show my mum SCEAs posts cause she heard me laughing so much. anyway i just left my name on by accident recently and just left it since
i hate the black bastards
We did this earlier and he's replying right now
Slightly above minimum wage de lid
Abroathy claims that there are loads of brown sprogs dossing around in Abroath, and it's really upset him.
Really liking this Arbroathy lass
I think most people, even racists, and more concerned about some tranny freak loitering around a school than even brown sprogs.
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Wouldnt this be kino if it was my last post in these threads?
Arbroathy won
how do we know information about the tripfags anyway? or is it all purely from the gossip at the mother's meeting known as /britfeel/?
yeah it would, now fuck off
Mad isn't it? Imagine being too autistic/stupid to know you're aligning yourself with people who'd want you dead.
Ever heard of desuarchive? Learn your lore there my lad
What did he win lad? I can't see anything in his life that would constitute winning
He has gone completely ballistic tonight
Arbroathy pushed him over the edge. It all her fault!
Yeah I know, the brown sprogs have really upset Arbroathy
them little black fellas love their mosque
looks like a laugh, might join?
parents were up in arms last year cause a bunch of brownoids got dumped here and started filming little girls about town, they were so brazen they even hung around outside schools and filmed them. police had to get involved
She riled you up and now you're seething and making transphobia posts
Arbroathy sameshipping on two devices I reckon
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He'd have worked all his life if not for TMAU.
I've been transphobic for decades lad
Why do you meet up with Poley if you're transphobic
I know I say this a lot, but I think the drivel is genuinely unprecedented tonight. We've never had this much drivel at once. Abroathy is having a mental breakdown, thank god HHL isn't here or the thread wouldn't be able to cope
HHL has stated he wants all Muslims and Jews dead.
he loves his little woglet
sunk cost fallacy?
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Arbroathy you've already won. Stop now ffs
Wonder if SSM will answer the phone now
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>How much do Toastmasters cost? Our Toastmasters cost from 196 to 784. The average price of Toastmasters in 2024 was 521. Prices vary depending on experience, demand, size of act, travel costs and the specs of the equipment provided.
its in pounds btw
his little black fella runnin round n round screamin at 3 am
britfeelers seethin bout it
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Swan matches spotted smoke deeee ganja
does the 141 thing still work? i don't want him having my number
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Why not are you even SSA??
i am but hes the sort of mong to put my number in one of his videos lol
you know he would show it on stream
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toastmasters changed his life and all it cost him was 500 quid
it inspirational
That has nothing to do with the Toastmasters organisation. That's someone talking about what it costs to hire a toastmaster to give a speech. Two totally separate things. You really are thick mate. Toastmasters is 55 quid for a whole year
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looks like toastmasters taught him to lie too, but not very well
im having seconds thoughts about joining toastmasters now
It taught me to make the crunchiest, crispy, buttery toast. Toast that is both refreshing and delicious.
ssm loves toast
Fuck Toastmasters and their followers. They're nothing but scum.
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dint touch the sides de lad
A brown lad from Toastmasters put toast up my mum's fanny. I will never forgive them.
I remember how excited he was when he went on one of his trekkie brekkies and had access to unlimited toast
he probably had some toast tonight after his walkers squares. he loves toast after a drinking session
Cor my sister has covid. 4got about that wee virus.
walkers squares all the way
They have walkers squares in a bowl at Toastmasters meetings
Covid is back
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hopefully anon can get his 500 pound back. toastmasters is a complete scam
she'll be okay
my mum had it and said it was nothing. she has copd
You don't even know what Toastmasters is.
SSM was known as the toastmaster back in Nottingham
Arbroathy is the threads new Moni?
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He really listens to some absolute dire shite in between the bangers when he drinking. Just like me fr.
its a scam that preys on people with anxiety issues
no im not a paki sex offender
Yep. Moni hasn't been a regular poster in half a decade
>no im not a paki sex offender
No but you are the latest tranny lolcow in the thread
How is she a lolcow? Because you personally dislike her?
It's not specifically aimed at people with anxiety issues.
I like Arbroathy
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Oh you wanted to have s*x? Thats all this was about? Too bad. Not allowed.
Just give us the greentext instead of these cryptic posts crosslad
Not allowed. Not allowed.
King Ian Moore is like a more successful SSM
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going bed
how am i a lolcow?
thx x
one of the best Mark videos
this is my fav tho
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I didn't pay that much for mine. 500 must be some insane london clubs or something. Mine cost me 70 for 6 months with membership fee. So when I renew after 6 months it will be cheaper. Probably 50. I joined as a kind lad here encouraged me to join to help my social anxiety as he had good experience with it.

To give an update on how it's going if that lad is still here. I did my ice breaker, I also volunteered to be an officer as they needed more so I'm helping out with the running of the club and I have had a go at word master role. I think I will be timekeeper next time.

The people there are INCREDIBLY friendly and a lot are in similar position needing to improve social skills. My club is a lot of older married people though so won't be getting a gf or anything out of it, but it is helping my conversational skills.
He lives in a shoebox flat in Essex. He's a failure
Arbroathy will die alone in a squalid housing association flat with a vibrating dildo up his arse
Goodnight de lass x
get some rest are lass x
Is this where you reply to her 30 times then take a screenshot for bait
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meds now la
Doesn't cost 500 anywhere. That person is just very confused. Glad you liked it!
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So did Gavin Plumb
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Goodnight Arbroathy
Wonder when we'll get a personality poll
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I 4get you go to bed quite early. Seem comfy. Night night
I hope that horrible animal dies in his sleep
Replies 50 times, screenshots, posts Arbroathy v Lollers drama 16 hours a day
Trannies creep me out
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To go so based to cringe in 2 posts is a skill. U right Ruthlad she really had that stupid retard bitch face that got into uni from doing past papers in supported study all day like a good goy made me laff I knew many such grils. Then your next thought is "lower class scum she wouldn't even date you she wouldn't even blahblah" if I can stop u there? Who gives a fuck what she thinks about anything? Pic related
Gavin Plumb, Mark Gordon and David Hampson sharing a cell
NN lass
Don't really get all the hate for Arbroathy. She seems nice
He won't shag you
I'll make his cock spin lad.
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Why is the sky blue. Why is water wet.
The mong is as stupid as Helper.
What will we do when 4chan no longer exists?
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Jesus F just saw a condom advert with fat down syndrome girl in it
Make love to Arbroathy
Thinking about limmy's millport sketch wrt *****
Wait that's illegal
I would shag a downs syndrome girl
If this was a party everyone would flock to Arboathy. A few bitter lads would pair off with their pints -
>don't see what the crack is?
>yeah me neither
>ugly fucking freak too
>maybe. anyway i'm gonna join them for a bit, see you around mate
Arbroathy has a bf
Arbroathy said herself a delivery driver gendered her as female. She is fit I reckon
For a few here it will leave a lot of their day unfilled
They don't get on. She is honestly getting sick of him
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Shitpost irl
I've had to skip gym midweek. Should I go an extra day this weekend to make up for it? That means I'd be going 3 days in a row. Is that okay?
There are husbands out there who practically beg their wife for sex, and most men think this is completely normal and acceptable.
4chan doesn't make money. Can't see it being around much longer. Maybe 5 years max.
Might make a Something Awful account. Last time I tried it only accepted USD through your card provider (no PayPal or anything like that). Which some banks can do, but mine flagged it up as fraud and froze my account. Had to ring them the next day and explain it was me trying to pay tenbux for an internet message board account, then they unfroze it.

I took it as a sign, but 'traditional' internet forums are definitely the best places for actual online discussion.
Sweet haggis bussy
A delivery driver? Really? Wow!
I reckon it will be around for a while. Elon will probably buy it if it's ever in danger of shutting down.
>Arbroathy said herself a delivery driver gendered her as female
That was Shippy
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Hope the riots in Leeds spread to other towns.
They tried making money by attracting SFW advertisers to 4channel but that has been canned now
Musk only bought Twitter because he used it himself. Never once seen him suggest he uses 4chan
It's all kicking off in Leeds
What point are you tying to make? Would an airline pilot impress you more
Just waiting for the death of britfeel tbf
It died 5 years ago
what do you mean " thats illegal"
how ya feelin pal?
>MISS Ruby Esmeralda Swan
>Delivery instructions:
>hi :) front door pls, girl w/ long blonde hair + green dress u can't miss me!!! lol x
sad mong hoping for a happening. your life is shite
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>Can't see it being around much longer.
It will live in our wee hearts
Surely there's plenty of porn sites that would pay to advertise on the chans? The site ain't been the same since Moot left to be fair.
>long blonde hair + green dress
corr she sounds cute ^.^
not mine. i hate this place. wish i had something better to do desu
I feel like less and less people are using traditional websites in general, and I can't exactly see them making a 4chan app to entice the zoomers lol
Lots of pps on the telly. That show where they're naked nd the girl looks at them.
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Disabled people can have sex too chud
I didn't believe in Jews until I saw that
Absolutely grim to have a tattoo of stick man and woman next to your pp
what's going on? news is still in that "a police car was damaged" neutral passive stage. videos are just yelling, no signs or anything - did it follow a protest or event? a raid?

then the social media stuff seems to just be "forrin area it's the forrins" which even if true WHY? what has prompted this?
Yes he has. He's posted 4chan memes on twitter. Very obscure ones too.
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>just saw a condom advert
smol teaser will never be urs ;_;
new bread to see us through the night

A very worried lad thinking about his life ending if 4chan closed lmfao
Yes because airline pilots need to have excellent vision

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