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Life's a beach edition.
>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.G. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology


Explanations of functions:

Turbie-Wurbie's Cutesy Test Link Compilation! UwU:

A proper introduction to MBTI from Patchyanon:

Exploration into Enneagram:

Syntax of Love:

Myers Briggs Files:

Jungian grid test thing:

Previous Thread: >>78158399
>"9 minutes ago"
Is this fate?
>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
The last time i was forced to i was 14 i think. I fucking hate going to the beach
>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
That's unrelated to your type
>>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
>>When was the last time you went to the beach?
Just got back from there.
>>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
The ones with the prettiest tummies, duh. : )
>beach episode
>nobody is swimming
Checks out with MBTI self-labelers being fucking retarded

>>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
I self-label as INTJ
>>When was the last time you went to the beach?
10+ years ago
>>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
Whoever is wearing the infamous bikini bi-layering
> your mbti type
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
Years, I'm landlocked unfortunately. I swim everyday though if that counts for anything
>Which type looks best in a bikini?
INTP, because thats the type I am and I know damn well i look good
MBTI is astrology for incels
I will have you know I'm a volcel actually
not a single person ITT gives a shit about MBTI though
femboy appreciation is a right-wing tradition, you valor stealing tankie
discord trannies and fags aren't right wing, to them it's just a fashion accessory
>beach episode
Went to a beach with three friends from /r9k/ once.
>me, INTP
>guy 2, INTJ
>girl 1, ENTJ
>girl 2, ISFJ
>me and girl 1 went to play in the waves
>girl 1 jumps into my arms when they get too intense and wraps her legs around me while i continue walking into bigger waves
>guy 2 and girl 2 hang out near the shore, not going too far out
>girl 2 makes some jokes about fallout or something
>then we all made a sand castle
Good day.
>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
an hour ago
>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
>discord trannies and fags aren't right wing
yeah just one third of them are, merely
Woah... there are still people who think their type is better than other types, in an objective/all-encompassing sense... have our fellow MBTI community members considered... individuating... This is a troubling thought.
>there are still people who think their type is better than other types
No, but there is one type who's objectively worse than every other type, and we all know very well what type i'm talking about
My type is best for me (INTP) because I grew up admiring hacker culture and now I'm a giant loser just like Richard Stallman. Who needs relationships when you can just use your universe brain to think about thinking... haha.... amirite???
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>Your mbti type
A dark and brooding type.
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
Beaches are a place of fun, carefree, good times, and aloofness. I can't afford such luxuries. The last time I've gone to a beach must have been years ago. I can't even remember.
>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
I wouldn't know. No one would want to go swimming with me anyway. Besides, there's no room in my life for mindless fun, or friends. Friends, fun, love? Those things won't make you stronger.
Come on now, INFPs aren't that bad
Feelers are objectively inferior to thinkers. Sensors are objectively inferior to intuitives.
Literally just lesser classes of human, lower caste existences.
You don't have to accept it, but it's true.
>I'm supposed to be a bed
I too would love to become a piece of furniture one day. Maybe a table or a chair could be nice.
i was so busy i couldn't come see turbie and omg she posted so much QwQ
I want to lick her all over until she's giggling and drooling ;-;
link to bikini page?
>introverts and extroverts don't exist
What mbti type is Naruro?
>What mbti type is Naruro?
What types gives a fuck?
That was the best question I could come up with. You make a better one :(
What type complains about other people's questions but can't come up with better questions of their own?
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>Your type
>If you had to bathe in any liquid but water (neither salt nor fresh) for a month and you had to keep to your current shower/bath schedule, which liquid would you choose?
Mbti advice question. How do I find an INTJ/INFJ gf as an INFP guy. I never have a problem attracting them once they get to know me but all of the women like this throughout my life I have fumbled. I need my aspie Kubrick staring gf that I can make giggle. Life is almost unbearable without. Bonus points if she is INTJ and not career oriented
Best advice anyone can give you, especially since you clearly don't know anything about typology, stop basing your choices on it.
cute song. reminds me of these guys



>Feelers are objectively inferior to thinkers
Cool it with the misogynist remarks
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>your type
>what's your best friend's mbti
>How does your dynamic with bestie work?
>if not your friends or coworkers(optional)

I'm an INFP and he's an ENTP
pic uhhh related

the last time I went to a beach was like 5 months ago and I was walking my dog
INFJ looks best in a bikini
Are you an INFP girl with big titties?
>>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
>>When was the last time you went to the beach?
last sunday
>>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
INFJ/INFP. quiet tall girls with big white butts
Why do INFJs look the best?
>your type
>what's your best friend's mbti
>How does your dynamic with bestie work?
we are both silly motherfuckers who like to troll and get drunk but he's 5x smarter than me
>if not your friends or coworkers(optional)
there's this guy at work who is ENFP i think, he's very friendly and super eager to help and knows his shit like the back of his hand
>eeps 20 hours
Well I guess that's my week over lmao
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what is this OP? i'm not reading all of that.
>>your type
>>what's your best friend's mbti
>>How does your dynamic with bestie work?
>Implying i have irl friends
>>if not your friends or coworkers(optional)
>Implying i have a job
How about I put (Optional) in front of everything after the questions so you don't have to worry about it?
Then I'm going to put (MANDATORY) in front of everything to cancel you out. I won't let you win. Not this time. I can't lose again.
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the OP is always optional. i'm here for the nitty gritty discussions amongst posters. there's really not much to respond to in this thread. autist in the last thread was pretty spot on.
liar lilac
snake sophie
miserable mosley
terrible turbie
bitchy breeder
evil enfj-senpai
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Do me! Do me!

Can I beeee Insufferable INFJ-A!?
i'm a narcissist. i hunt empaths, destroy them for my own gain. a shadowy selfish, dark entity of mystery. i come in the thread. i search "INTP". i respond. i more importantly, search "breeder". if you don't speak my name, i leave. my entire identity relies on this 4chan thread. i am lost without it. i am nothing without the attention of anonymous posters.

i open thread. i wonder, has anyone posted about me today? my reputation on 4chan is important. i close thread when people talk shit about my impeccable name. they don't get it. they never will. i am breeder the legend, the ultimate alpha male poster. these females who post? heh, under my grasp. giant tits? yeah, i see them. talk about me. did i respond to the OP? did i get responses? NO? peasants. my metaphorical tits are bigger than yours. my legacy must live. this 4chan thread is so important and more importantly MY ROLE in this. i live and snort mbti i am all of the thread. every shitpost is me every discussion is me. none of you care as much as i do about this mundane shithole and my cock is also big too so i'm not an incel loser faggot.
>>your type
>>what's your best friend's mbti
>>How does your dynamic with bestie work?
I think my spontaneity and his responsibility bring us both to a very happy medium.
Oooh! Me too! Excruciating ESFP
All of this contrasted with
Amicable Anon
Lilac? yeah. talked to her for a little bit. she's basically my bitch now. heh ecelebs are powerful. stop talking about my dick it's really big when it's hard i'm a grower not a shower you just don't get it. yeah it might look like it's really small i swear it's not. stop talking about it. just fix the OP posts it'll all go away. my dick is really really big it's not small stop pointing it out. if only people would talk about mbti it would all be fixed and my cock would be sucked and drained yeah. keep posting about me. my weiner is getting harder. fuck it's so good. post about dumpsters and trashy carnival bathrooms, yeah.
>Endearing ESFP
Taht would be an ENFP you goofball.

smoething like espousing ESFP would be better
everyone itt is such a narcissist
What does the term narcissist mean to you, anon?
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I like endearing ESFP or maybe enamouring ESFP
My experience tells me a better fit would
be ENraged ENFP I'm going to hurt you.
you people are always talking about yourselves, you like this type bullshit because it gives you the chance to take a part of your personality and keep talking and talking and talking about it while disguising it as analyzing some dead man's ideas but in fact you just looove talking about your retarded personality traits because no one else every gives you attention and you also answer all those stupid questions about yourself and you feel so good doing that as if anyone is actually gonna read them and give a shit about your pathetic life and what you had for breakfast or what's your favorite supernatural entity
you're literally unable to focus on anything else in this life that isn't thinking and talking about your so special self
That isn't narcissism, uneducated. Also,
stop projecting, shitlord.
oh yeah then what is it faggot, you being an intellectual?
>oooh yeah I am a Ti dom I do all of those cool stuff because of my Ti here's a billion events that happened in my life and my very detailed reactions to all of them and how they related to my Ti please read all of them and be interested in my life and tell me how special everything I do is
I hate ExFJs btw because they're more narcissistic than me and keep talking about THEMSELVES instead of listening to ME and my autistic Ti stories
It's just completely fucking normal behavior.

Take the test. We'll see who the real narc is, it's you.
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Lilac missed her calling by not working as a voice actress in fucked up edgy cartoons
6 out of 40 get fucked idiot although taking a test about myself was kinda narcissistic I gotta admit that so if that was your intention congrats I guess
>oooh I took a test about myself and now I can look at all those numbers and results that are all about ME oh god I am gonna cum
Checkmate, narcfag! You've been had, rused, bamboozled. You think I care about the results?! HAH. It was a trick, a trap, designed to expose your true intentions and capabilities.
You've fallen prey to my superior intellectual capabilities, mortal.
people who get their bloodwork done regularly and don't actually suffer from any life-threatening diseases are also such huge narcs imagine getting a hard-on from looking at your iron and vitamin levels
Much closer to Munchausen's than Narcissism.
munchausen is literally narcissism retard
That's weird, because they're not at all the same thing, retardeder.
going to the doctor is narcissism people who go to the doctor just want someone to give them attention and the doctor keeps asking questions about them and they love it
actually my Ti dominance gives me subject thinking powers. SUBJECTIVE. you can't comprehend how right i am. why should i have to explain anything to you and answer your OP questions? i already have all the answers. fucking losers for real. do you know who i am? do you know what i do? i shitpost for fun i'm your father who verbally dismissed you and never loved you and now you're seething because i am the almighty lord spirit and no not a narcissist and yes my dick is really big stop asking about it it's just really big alright?
not enough "i" language keep up with my pace i'm better than you i can answer OP questions about myself and i also understand narcissms because everyone other than me is a narcissist i'm just an empathic narcissist and i counter other narcissists though my strong narcissm and understanding of how empaths attract towards me ok? also stop talking about my cock it's not small it's really big
All you narcs are fucked, I'm a true empath. You won't last one moment in my presence.
old women unironically do this if they have access to universal healthcare
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AHHHHHHH the narcissism. i can't handle it. "I", capital letter i aka I and "I" (not lowercase letter L) can't handle this. me, yes me, the poster writing this can not handle the "i" statements because they aren't about "me".
>Lilac missed her calling by not working as a voice actress in fucked up edgy cartoons
It's not too late. My plan is to slowly manipulate her until I'm in full control her world views and ambitions. Then I'm going to slowly pull her away from all toxic and negative influences (besides myself), and steer her into becoming an actress or voice actress as I slowly heal her traumas. Then once she's shining and full of love and happiness, I'm going to slowly drain a little love and happiness from her daily while whispering words of encouragement into her ears. Until finally the only voice in her head will be my voice constantly giving her assurance and acceptance.
According to the ancient texts this doesn't count as negative cosmic karma, as I've now given forewarning to my intentions.
Will she have to eat ALL the eggs?
you haven't considered me and that i am here. i want more from her than that and i'll be steering her in a different direction than you because you're not me. sucks for you not being the main character but i am. she will listen to me and i and i have more influence than you because i'm me and you are you. not main character status in MY head so Lilac will listen to me because i am me. i also got my bloodwork done and saw my vitamins which aren't yours and also my OP questions clearly directed at me were answered by me and not you so my response was better therefore she is mine and not yours whatever "you" even is since i'm me
How do we start up an animation project for lilac to star in?
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>main character
My brother in Myers Briggs. I am the often sought after ENFJ. The FABLED "Protagonist." You are merely a side character, in a filler arc. This event isn't even canonical. So forgive me if I forget this even happened by next thread.

Lilac, my love. Sit tight. I'll rescue you soon enough.
i didn't read because it says (You) when it should say (Me). don't understand anything else that you typed because i didn't post it and it's not about me or i
>Will she have to eat ALL the eggs?
3 eggs every day, I'll cook for 2nd breakfast.
i eat eggs. i want an egg cook. make me eggs. 3 eggs no shells in them. 9 eggs a day. i have a vagina. i am INTP. make me eggs. i eat eggs so you cook me eggs
Ahhh hmm, thanks for the inspiration. Next thread is gonna be fun!
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(Me)brother in Myers Briggs. (You) am the often sought after ENFJ. The FABLED "Protagonist." (Me) are merely a side character, in a filler arc. This event isn't even canonical. So forgive (You) if (You) forget this even happened by next thread.

Lilac, my love. Sit tight. (You'll) rescue (her) soon enough.
i will have her because i'm me you are right i love being me and not you did you even see my blood work and vitamins and iron? probably not because you aren't me
I look exactly like this and say all of this
too bad i posted it and not you. again i am winning because i am me and you aren't me
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>All you narcs are fucked, I'm a true empath. You won't last one moment in my presence.
Sorry, friend. I know how this feels because I'm a Dark Empath. I feed on Empaths and Narcs alike. Come out and plaaaaaayy narcs and empaths. I know you want to.
i am a dark empath. i feed off of esoteric energy. yesterday my bitch comes up to me (stupid, she doesn't know how dark and twisted i am) and she says "hey do you want grilled chicken for dinner? i'll make it for you so you can eat when you come home :)" she can't grasp the levels i'm on. i am very manipulative and think really fast. i say "umm, yeah sounds good babe". dumb bitch thinks i want grilled chicken now. she goes to the store and grills some chicken and as i walk in the door, it's ready for me. i think to myself bitch i wanted fried chicken. but it's all part of my calculations. i used her empathy to make me free food and i say "hey thanks love this is pretty good" as we watch some stupid tv show. little does she know she's my slave and little does she know in my mind i'm tasting fried chicken while eating it. she's on the human plane eating grilled chicken with me. my level is so dark and twisted she can't even comprehend that i am always eating what i want in my head because it tastes fries to me. she cooks for me like my slave bitch
>>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
INFJ(-T)!!! ^_^'
>>When was the last time you went to the beach?
Late July 2021! But I haven't actually swum since I was 18! ^.^
>>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
INFJ-T!!! '^_^ At least if the bikini is pink~! :3

I think in that pic, the INFJ bikini is the cutest! <3
I'd go for ruby chocolate ice cream, yes! *^_^*
What type is the shark~? ^w^;

Another astrological thing in 2014 for you was the Saturn return, but it started very late in the year and ended in mid-2015! Saturn also returned for you for a period from late 2015 to late 2017! :O In astrology, the Saturn return that occurs at age 27-30 is seen as the point where the person reaches full adulthood! :O



The earth can heal once everyone has become kyoot and femmy~! ^w^

Y-you're supposed to be A BED? :Oc

Maybe! ;3

To be continued...
...continuation of >>78208774!

What counts as a pretty tummy? :3c

>bikini bi-layering
What's that? OwO

Then right-wing isn't 100% bad! UwU

>three friends from /r9k/
You sound like the leader of the group, by the way! ^_^;;;

I wouldn't call Richard Stallman a loser! :O

I might like to be a table! ^_^7

ESTP-A! <(^_^)>

INFJ-T!!! ^_^;
A cleanser! ^o^

Because most INFJs are INFJ-Ts and INFJ-Ts are KYOOT! *^o^*



What about "e" language? :P

Maybe start animating Typology Academy? :3c

Even a dark empath cannot withstand the emotional forces of a true empath, take a knee. I know you drainers quite well, and once I identify what you're trying to get I'll give you the exact opposite and control your emotions in a way you've never experienced. All with an unassuming smile.
>Your mbti type (Take a test if you don't know it)
INTP 6w5
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
Probably when I was like 12, the last time I lived on the coast
>(Optional) Which type looks best in a bikini?
Whichever is the most likely to be a BBW
>What counts as a pretty tummy? :3c
Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I personally prefer for them to be soft and at least slightly convex.
That's a trade secret.
Least insane INFJ
>>what's your best friend's mbti
What if I have 3 besties
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>I'll give you
Yes! Give it to me!
>control your emotions in a way you've never experienced. All with an unassuming smile
Yes.Take control of me. Now!
Have you ever. kek.
Uhm, who do you think you are tellin' me hwat to do ?!
We Munchausen's trillema by proxy here?
average mbti fan
being an empath makes you a narc by default why the fuck would you need to know if the other person is sad or uncomfortable so you can feel better about yourself for being at ease?
>Anyone who can read Freud's Interpretation of Dreams without being outraged by the novelty and seemingly unjustified boldness of his procedure, and without waxing morally indignant over the stark nakedness of his dream-interpretations, but can let this extraordinary book work upon his imagination calmly and without prejudice, will not fail to be deeply impressed at that point where Freud reminds us that an individual conflict, which he calls the incest fantasy, lies at the root of that monumental drama of the ancient world, the Oedipus legend.
Uhh no? Doesn't that story rely on the premise that having sex with his mother is something Oepidus didn't want to do? There do I still have to read the rest of this guy's collected works now? Do I have to read Freud first?
>The impression made by this simple remark may be likened to the uncanny feeling which would steal over us if, amid the noise and bustle of a modern city street, we were suddenly to come upon an ancient relic-say the Corinthian capital of a long-immured column, or a fragment of an inscription.
More like finding a caveman in an office, amirite?
you silly ass anon, empaths are diametrically opposed to narcs.
Then how come every narc claims to be an empath?
unhealthy isfp working towards perfection out of spite. not going to stop until i can universally hurt people with my words and mind due to their obligatory feelings of inferiority. im going to become a god. going to become the greatest isfp to ever exist.
lustre has worn off centard, be quiet
> become the greatest isfp to ever exist.
You'd be 90% of the way there by getting a job.
The lustre of Joong? Is that why nobody talks about Umineko here anymore?
Heheheheh, imagine being called Pfister.
an unemployed hikkineet isfp is worth 10 infps, 100 infjs, and 1000 entps. stop speaking on that which you don't understand.
I'll raise your question with another question that also answers your question:
Why does every evil person claim to be the good guys?

Your question effectively comes down to "why do narcs lie and manipulate?"
>yes I am Ti because I read a book and did as the book thoughts instructed me (I felt they were very nice)
No idea m8 go ping your whore on snapchat
>For modern man it is hardly conceivable that a God existing outside ourselves should cause us to dream, or that the dream foretells the future prophetically.
Hmm interesting, I thought people in 1911 were supposed to be religious? Why would "a" God telling them stuff in their dreams be contreversial, let alone inconceivable? What would a modern Christcuck think of all this?

Why would I use snapchat for anything? I don't want ghosts on my phone. Isn't snapchat entirely for pedophiles, or have they all moved on to tictoc by now?
Why are you reading books retard, plenty of book readers from then till now and it's all a pile of shite outside. Go do something better with your time like working extra hours with boomer.
I guess you're probably right. I just worry that I'm running out of things to talk about and that will make me boring and then nobody will want to be my friend. If I try reading a book maybe that'll make it so I have something to say other than hot air. There's a straight hour between now and sunday so I guell I'll make it a work hour. See you sunday!
I am the best isfp already you should kys
you're a tryhard faggot and probably a narc too I just exist and I am better than you I don't experience silly emotions like spite
isfps are cute. Thank you for your contributions. Here's "hoping" you become healthier.
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>Your mbti type?
>do you speak with others when outside for a walk/exercise?
>do you say good morning or ask them how they are?
>(MANDATORY) do you also speak to children or do you purposely ignore them as if they aren't people?
>(MANDATORY) What did you eat today?
Quick reply because everyone else is late to game.
>>Your mbti type?
>>do you speak with others when outside for a walk/exercise?
I do.
>>do you say good morning or ask them how they are?
Good [time of day] is my default, but I'll occasionally switch to a "what's up?" or "how's it going?". And if it's a girl wearing something nice I might say "I like your [whatever]".
>>(MANDATORY) do you also speak to children?
>>(MANDATORY) What did you eat today?
Egg & bacon biscuit for brunch; a hamburger and fries for dinner.
>You sound like the leader of the group, by the way! ^_^;;;
Thanks Turbie, actually I did start the group online and then made sure it stayed strong for a few years, long enough for everyone to become close friends before I disappeared again.
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>Egg & bacon biscuit for brunch; a hamburger and fries for dinner
Bonus question. Did you cook it?
>i want an egg cook
What if...
You had an egg cook like this.
I have something extremely important to say,
but, I changed my mind. Sorry.
Changed your mind about what?
Telling plebes something important for free.
I think my problem is that I'm too like my dad. I want to get on with something I'm good at for 6-10 hours in complete silence and then come home to relax and drink a beer or something. The only thing that's more of an obstacle to this than these kind of jobs not existing anymore is me not having done one for the last 10 years means I lack the calloused sausage hands to actually do one. For reference he hasn't managed to hold down a job in like 15 years either and considers me a prissy princess for showering almost every week.

Oh sweet, turns out I had the wrong day so I did 3 hours instead. Still still. I don't want to take things too far and drop him with a big ol' bill out of nowhere on monday so I should probably just go back to my old goal of 12 hours a week. I already did 2 hours on Wednesday so added to the 8 hours I do every monday I should probably hold it in for now. The best thing I could probably do now is apply for jobseekers since I've actually been seeking a job lately I've basically wasted like few hundred pounds of NEETbux by not getting back in the game. But I am kind of anxious to go back there after abandoning them last time, leaving the building with tears in my eyes, my old coach who was one of the only parts I like about it has left I hear and I'm not sure how it interacts with my work for boomer and I don't wanna be a dishonorable scammer sort of person...
>feels entirely soulless after playing like 3 games of terraforming mars
OK, OK. Back to work. OK maybe I'll eat something first.
Hey, there's an idea. Maybe Daddy could get you a job piloting Rovers. And you can still keep your hands phentotypically elite and pristine!
>Did you cook it?
Nope. Neither one.
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Lucky guess.
the heck is a rover?
Remotely Operated Vehicle for Emplacement & Reconnaissance

Or a doggy !
We don't have that kind of technology in Wales! And keeping doggies as a pet is evil!
Still pondering this btw. I don't even know any "wh*res"! Has the lustre worn off of me? I used to have some for you? Thanks I guess? Hopefully I'll earn it back, but regardless it's better to have lustre'd and lost right?
i want to goon on you and lilac while you sleep
I would really appreciate it if you stopped being creepy and attempting to involve me in your low-IQ plots. I assure you, you do not want me as an enemy. Final warning.
oh god no centy pleeease pleeeeeeeease dont slap me with your horsie cock
In a court of law.. he warned ya.
Should I send roses or daisies?
No sorry, you can touch my small moobs tho. T. INFP guy
xNFx's are the funniest type of people. Also if she's xxxJ she probably works out. I have a crush on a INFJ too and she's cute as fuck
good day for s*phie to hopefully die today
Why do you even hate her so much?
he called me a worm
Well were you acting like one? Cause all of this bickering is kind of telling
fuck off s*phie kill yourself right now
same reason everyone hates him
stop being rude doodooheads
it's okay to be rude to s*phie
its ok because he is incredibly rude
this anon gets it originally
Sophie is usually the one who's rude first only to then play the victim
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Hey, just because Soapie is rude, inconsiderate, often takes things too far, and uses his trauma and PTSD as an excuse for his poor behavior; it does not mean that it's okay to treat him with the same contempt he shows to others.
Take a step back and analyze yourself. Stooping to someone else's level does not generate any positive movement; all it does is trap both you and the other person in the mud, where you're forced to bicker and constantly pull each other down like crabs in a bucket.
>trauma and PTSD
what trauma and ptsd does s*phie have lol
he literally grew up on a nice farm, with nice, well-off parents
aaaaaah my parents gave me a huge house in a nice calm scenic location where I can spend all my days playing vidya and watching anime without ever working my life is soooo traumatic
maybe if his father had threw him out in the field to do some REAL farm work when he was younger he wouldn't be such a little bitch lol
imagine being traumatized by cows
Yeah, I'm obviously not going to go into detail, but my family being pleasant and stable in the present (and from the late 2000s on) doesn't mean it was always things that way; it was an angry and violent environment during the 80s and 90s and any anger I showcase here is par for the course for my family

It's a small house that I paid for myself, and my adulthood has been fine. Nothing that bad about any year past 2006.

I think the animosity towards me is understandable; my annoyance with 4chan in general is mostly justified, but I did use my general misanthropy to justify dehumanizing the people here and treating them like shit. The bile towards me is understandable, even if I'm not completely sure why I'm still being raised after almost a year of inactivity.
Look, we're not in the fucking kindergarten, he can be as rude as he wishes, i don't care
But don't cry and play the victim afterwards, that's what gets on my nerves
he is probably schizophrenic he is like waaah I saw a totally real ghost at my aunt's house which is totally haunted and it cursed me now I am traumatized by the totally real ghosts I definitely didn't hallucinate
boohoo my parents fought sometimes woe is me literally everyone parents did faggot get over yourself
Lot, lot worse than that. Don't want to say anything else. It's been over two years since the ghosting argument and I apologized to you within weeks, get over it already.
I am gonna act so cool and mysterious about my sad past I am such an edgy and misunderstood person
lmao go harvest some fruits and look at cows faggot
yeah my family was super violent at some time and then it was suddenly perfectly fine and not violent that makes total sense uh huh
I'm not that hung up on it, I had to talk about it since INFJ-A unfortunately brought it up. I was and am enjoying myself, just playing Trails Through Daybreak and watching Youtube videos.
>and am enjoying myself
I really wish you weren't
plus you can't pay for a house if you have no job you fucking liar
I fucking hate the retarded games s*phie "plays" it's literally 90% dialogue and then some still fighting screen with a dumb menu you hardly even get to walk around
Gradual development across a period of years

I do

Neat. Usually this kind of seething and anger only comes about if someone hurt you somehow, so I'm sorry again if I did.
hope a meteor falls on your house
stop being rude poopbrains
death to s*phie and s*phie fanboys
stop saying the d-word
does s*phie even have any skills
other than lying and being rude of course
It's just the natural cycle of things, people gonna bring up old stuff just so they can stir the pot. It also doesn't help that most people on 4chan are low iq, self absorbed, narcissists who will make any effort to put someone else down just so they can feel better. And to be quite frank with you, you're an easy target. You give people the reaction they want, you allow your emotions to influence your actions far too much. Which is why people are always trying to antagonize you.

If more people focused on themselves rather than focusing on everyone else constantly, this place wouldn't be half bad. People lack introspection and lack the ability to "look in the mirror", as it were. Everyone is keen to say "other people need to behave better" but they refuse to acknowledge that they are committing the same offenses as the people they are criticizing.

It's easy to point at other people's flaws and put them down just so one can ignore, and feel better about their own flaws. But that sort of behavior does no good. There's a really old saying that encapsulated this message quite clearly:
>Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Don't try and pass that shit off on me. You DO care, or else you would not have brought it up, or had the need to mention that you don't care. Your priorities are so fucking backwards.

And, if we're not in kindergarten anymore, stop fucking acting like a toddler and saying "BUT MOOOOM HE STARTED IT!!!" Capiche?
why would you do any of that that's boring
yeah bro just self-reflect bro peace and live love laugh uwu
Yeah, yeah, I know you post-modernist fags have absolutely no character and refuse to accept any sort of personal responsibility and only want to shirk it onto someone else.
Prime kindergarten behavior.
stop being rude namby-pambies, this is no way to maintain a community
god I wish INFJs didn't exist literally everything that's wrong with the world
>God I wish INFJs didn't exist, they make me look at myself in the mirror and I hate what I see!
Improve yourself, you literal meat sack full of shit and water.
I am much more improved than you retard
>Some overweight zoomer ass 20 year old kid with his literal broccoli ass haircut thinks he's developed
>overweight zoomer ass 20 year old kid with his literal broccoli ass haircut
not a single one of those things applies to me
cope and project harder retard
>Uses the word cope
>not a zoomer
whatever you say s*phie fanboy
Everybody knows that you're literally in love with Soapie, and just like a kid on a kindergarten playground, you have no way of expressing your affection so you just bully him in the hopes that he'll give you attention.

Also, I'm completely indifferent to him, little zoomie. Go outside and play in the dirt or something, kiddo. The adults want to talk about real topics that are just too much for your little undeveloped brain to handle. Want to watch paw patrol instead? Or maybe I can give you my iPad and you can play candycrush, it has all sorts of bright lights and sounds to keep you stimulated.
>paw patrol
ew, Bluey is much better
Sorry kiddo, I don't know the difference.
bluey has cute, cube dogs and fun stories
paw patrol is stupid and gay with no effort put into it
>INFJ is retarded and uneducated
not surprised
also it's much better than the dumb visual novels s*phie plays
>low iq, self absorbed, narcissists who will make any effort to put someone else down just so they can feel better
All me
I'm INTJ btw
>Want to watch paw patrol instead?
*chess tile board pattern empath enters the chat*
Checkmate. How does this make you feel huh?
Why are you mistyped as an INTJ?
Who are "others"
How much "others" we talking
Okay you got me I'm INTJ-A actually
Sophie, get fucking therapy instead of shitposting.
>Stooping to someone else's level does not generate any positive movement; all it does is trap both you and the other person in the mud, where you're forced to bicker and constantly pull each other down like crabs in a bucket.
This sounds like peak fun though? Why are you being a fun policeman? Who hurt you? Besides Sophie.
Okay but why are you still mistyped, you ESFP?
INFJs hate fun and want to pretend to be intellectuals instead
gus hurt infj-a a lot
Centaur hurt me by picking purple over me, he said he would let me dress him up in a dress and make him my gf!
holy shit new lore
IN*Js are complete Chudsauri so thanks for the compliment, kind stranger!
Nah, I'm not being serious. Well, only half serious, the dress thing actually happened quite a while ago. It was a running gag in the thread that I was going to teach Centy how to be a gf since he couldn't find his wf.
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Yeah, but look at pic related, Anon.
Ah, actually meant for
Are INTJs compatible with INTPs? Like Pierre Curie and Marie Curie?
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I like your takes. Which reggy/mbti are you?
He is INFJ-A, his type is INFJ-A
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>He is INFJ-A
Oh.. I hate that guy! But this time he has another good take. This is the second time I've seen him have a good take. I guess the broken clock is right twice a day.
>How does this make you feel huh?
I would gamble that you don't hate me anywhere near as much as you think you do.

I'm curious though, why do you hate me?
Wait, i thought it was Sophie
This post >>78216860 was about Sophie, why is INFJ-A replying to it being all defensive?
You thought Sophie was defending Sophie?
>I'm curious though, why do you hate me
because I don't like you
I don't like your antics
I don't like your takes
I like posters like this who are fun, smart, cute, and full of positivity.

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Why do you think I picked those two posts specifically? I knew that you knew what would happen. This is one of those antics I was referring to. I don't hate you but I don't like you.
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epic bait brother, that's a timeless classic haha
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There's a few reasons you picked them, [redacted], and because you thought that they were not me. In fact, you thought they were the opposite of how you view me.
The other reason is because I pointed you towards those posts by replying to that chain with a video in the very same post that I replied to you with.
You don't hate me, nor do you even dislike me. You just think you do because of a very specific impression I left on you, which you used to build your model of my entire character.

Waaaait a second... Are you... who are you? My intuitionsense is tingling.
I don't use 4chanx or whatever that is. We vanilla 4chan in this bitch. You don't even comprehend how deep of a bait that was.
I legitimately laughed for a solid 10 minutes straight.
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>4chanx or whatever
Brother, that's a sorry attempt. I've caught you red handed, be a friggin' man and admit what you've done. No more of this yeller-bellied tomfoolery.
I shall not confess to a crime I did not commit, you evil tyrant. Don't tread on me!
We got the second amendment to deal with you tyrant types.
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And we are back to Oooooooooohhhh simulator. New bop just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJfJkQ08S2o

>as adapted by disney
lol. For a start since I trust the distributist for all my media analyisis isn't the catterpillar meant to be a know it all lecturing bore filled with hot air?
A tyrant? Now that's one step too far you black tongued skink. You 'pologize right this second or this goes to the magistrate and we'll see what's what, shit heel. Ya hear me?
Oh cool, so they're addressing the problem of evil. When does beato come to earth as a human being so that she can understand what it's like to be a human? Is her little sister eva going to die on the cross for our sins or is she just a regular sacrifice?
Still trying to figure out how old Beato's supposed to be, asides from being endless, she's like 15 right? Just playing granny dressup.
>Who are "others"
>How much "others" we talking
What do you think it could mean?
Yeah, that's what I said, a tyrant! And that's probably not even far enough, you're probably some sort of SUPER-tyrant, which is obviously worse than a normal tyrant.
I ain't scared of no tyrannical magistrate, I'll overthrow them all and plant my ass in their seats! I'm the rickest rick!
Overthrow the magistrate? You and what army, slick? You and your bushwhackin' gang of low lives handin' out fake letters to ol' ladies to confuse them? You wanna take on the town with THEM? Hah, you go and spin that yarn someplace else because I ain't havin' it!

Now, you will either face the music, or you'll face the law. Admit what you've done and this goes no further.
ARMY? I'm a one-man-army, I'm 3 steps ahead of everyone at all times, you think the magistrate has any real power?! They're just a bunch of old geezers who are afraid of change! They don't even do their own killings! They have to convince the lessers to do it because they're so frail and weak!

I face no man's law, I follow only the laws of nature.

And YOU! YOU! You lackey to the magistrate, how could you betray your own nature to those mechanical tyrants!?
I ain't a lackey to no one, scamp. I'm a simple man, always tryin' ta do the right thing. When I see my brother in Christ being bamboozled by some miscreant, you're damn right I will step to and set the record straight.
Just who do you think you are, waltzing into our little town of honest fellers and play your scam on them first thing in the mornin', ya reprobate?

Let me tell ya something, grub. I got you in my sights now. I got your measure. This won't stand and you'll be brought to God's justice. You ain't heard the last of me.
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Regular ENTP? INTJ with strong ENTP shadow? ENTP with strong INTJ shadow? Emo + creative + memester INTJ?
Hmm. Sigh.
Oh no, I had fun playing team fortress 2 again, my life is over
Stfu centard go join a discord instead
I've tried but I don't do well on discord, it always falls through my fingers, I'm not the right kind of socializer
Don't you have some pussies to fuck? Why don't you try that instead big man
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beb why did you tell them i have seven vagianas.. you said it was our sekret....
I was about to ask, but it felt too personal
Top ten biggest animu betrayals.
>2hour video
It's a video podcast. Put it on in the background while you go for a jog, whimp. Or don't, because did you SEE who I addressed the video TO

Rxy """enjoyers""" can't even buckle down and commit to a video even if they think I meme it's *about* her... Pathetic
is this post-nut grumpiness?
>rxy enjoying
.... I'll pass....
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In chambers of my silent soul,
Where echoes of my longing dwell,
I seek a gift to make you whole,
But find no joy or bliss to tell.
My hands, once full, now empty lie,
No treasures bright to offer thee.
My heart, a void 'neath somber sky,
Holds naught but shadows, wild and free.
Yet time, that gentle river's flow,
Still courses through my weary veins.
And company, though humble, low,
I proffer in these muted strains.
O friend, if you would deign to stay,
And walk with me through barren fields,
Perhaps we'd find, along the way,
The bloom that shared existence yields.
For though my cup holds no sweet wine,
And garlands wilt upon my brow,
The moments shared, your hand in mine,
Might light the darkness, here and now.
So take this gift, if gift it be,
This presence in life's fleeting hour.
For in our shared humanity,
May sprout, at last, hope's tender flower.
I'm not much for cooming without a lover. Wasteful. Maybe a few since May, if even that. A couple in mutual e-Union/a couple for [ritual work].

Are ya making the most of your bedrotting to transcend this mortal coil, son?
>Are ya making the most of your bedrotting to transcend this mortal coil, son
I didn't want to rottmax today but I didn't have enough fuel of my own to get much done. Was hoping to borrow a little from someone else. Just a spark to get my fire going.
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Is that...?

I'm not even halfway finished with mine and it's already so edgy I cut my hands several times
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game good.
I wish death upon centard
And I don't like turbie
Sophie was alive during the 80s? How can you be 50 years old and on /mbti/ lmfao what a failure
I was playing an RPG, and I wondered if someone I used to know felt like the character I was playing. A while later, I realized I am playing the character, making all of these decisions, so I was really wondering if they could see themselves in me.
Stop saying the d-word doodoohead nigger
Working my way through Alice in Wonderland out of spite and so far as I can tell it's basically a middle finger to Jung, in that it has nothing to do with him. I think this might be why Tim Burton, Disney or whatever and many others such as 1960s hippies have felt compelled to destroy the story and "twist" it into something that makes sense in their narratives of how stories are supposed to work. J*ngist woo-spiritualists hate the rational british empericist way of seeing the world and thus hate to pervert it wherever they can.

Anyway this book is Si-dom kino, Alice has my exact thought patterns, I might even be avaricious enough as to type her as an ISFJ for now.

>It was all very well to say " Drink me," but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry: " no, I 'll look first," she said," and see whether it 's marked ' poison' or not :" for she had read several nice little stories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts, and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them, such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long ; and that if you cut your finger very deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds ; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked " poison," it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later.
Is basically whay my internal monologue sounds like
"That is not said right," said the Caterpillar.
" Not quite right, I'm afraid," said Alice timidly ; " some of the words have got altered."
" It is wrong from beginning to end," said the Caterpillar decidedly, and there was silence for some minutes.
>My average interaction with an IN type
Also this bit stuck out to me as well.
>She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it,) and sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes, and once she remembered trying to box her own ears for having cheated herself in a game of croquet she was playing against herself, for this curious child was very fond of pretending to be two people. " But it 's no use now," thought poor Alice, " to pretend to be two people ! Why, there 's hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person !"
Fe aux at work?
Thanks for the banger pic, anon
imagine being a nice happy married couple and you want a nice child to raise but it turns out you gave birth to a literal demon like s*phie yeah I would have started being violent too
I met the PINKEST girl EVER with the CUTEST OUTFIT tonight and her name was VENUS and her favorite chaser is PINK LEMONADE and she has bipolar TOO and was like NO YEAH I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN when I said "Isn't being juuust the right level of drunk kind of like a mushroom afterglow?" and she's QUANTUM IMMORTALITY-PILLED and knows how to access [THE REALMS] previously visited by GOOD VIBES AND IMAGINATION ALONE and she didn't even cringe when my little sister told her she reminded her of PINKIE PIE and I nodded and she had a TWINKLE OF TIMELESS KNOWING IN HER EYE when I said I see her as a LITERAL avatar of Venus before me and I LOVE her and hope she has a safe and ecstatic [FANCY FULL MOON RITUAL]

I don't want to type her until I've let her sink into my psyche a bit more because also there are much more important things to remember and let sink in but I do think xxFP is a safe bet

>the girls did the dishes at the end of the night while giggling and dancing while the boys finished their last jam
A fitting final hurrah for the [nexus]
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Looks like she's too much for the machine god.
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>your mbti
>last time at the beach
Like 2 years ago
>best-looking type in bikini
The hourglass type

Anons, I just want to impregnate a dumb cunt and move on. Like, I want nothing to do with her. I just want her to grow my kid.
I did this before one night but she basically begged for it.
What has Turbie done to you?
>Anons, I just want to impregnate a dumb cunt and move on.
Hello, mistyped ESTP.
he is a fine watch that ticks the other way and has no markings.
educated people mostly stopped being religious around 1811.
effects of loneliness, i think. jung would say something about the super ego. the whole thing is internal, so type wise introverted feeling. the whole book strikes me as about the effects and failings of good old rational british empiricism, and parental smothering of the natural but fleeting beauty of children or something like that, but then ive not read it...
i have a copy, guess i will start it. rational adult corrupting irrational child is what i expect. wont type alice, but Carroll was probably introverted sensation. guess we shall see.
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I probably won't ever be able to. Sucks to suck, huh
>spend 1h per week talking to others
Damn, shit's crazy
The event that happened with me was like all of the stars aligning or something. I got really lucky all around or unlucky perhaps.
That isn't how extroversion is measured in MBTI. Some extroverts aren't talkative at all, and some introverts are extremely talkative.
Extraverts enjoy spending time with people. Introverts hate people and like to stay alone.
extroversion and introversion aren't real
No, that is not how MBTI measures introversion and extroversion.
You're thinking of OCEAN/BIG5/16p, which are all not the same as MBTI.
>You're thinking of
Nah. I don't think. I know because I'm an intuitive type. Ya dig? Extraverts love talking and being around others. They get super charged from it and it feels great. Introverts HATE being around other people. They love love love being alone and having peace and quiet and reading books and stuff.
Okay, but that is not how extroversion is defined in mbti. You can keep repeating yourself if you want, but you're not talking about mbti.
I'm not talking about mbti. We're talking about extraverts vs introverts and the differences between them. You don't seem to like talking. You must be an introvert!! Very judgey and thinky too.

You are IXTJ!
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Well, let's hope my stars align some day too.
Nor is extroversion measured by the desire to impregnate a dumb cunt and move on. What gives?
>Well, let's hope my stars align some day too
Do you ever put yourself in situations where something like that could even happen?
You're talking about extroversion and introversion, and this is an MBTI thread. That means use MBTIs definition of extroversion and introversion.
Your sort of thinking is exactly why so many people are mistyped. No one knows what the terms mean because everyone is constantly mixing up similar terms from other systems that have no relation other than the term.

BIG5 extroversion is nothing like MBTI extroversion.
An extrovert in BIG5 can be an introvert in MBTI.

Big5 extroversion = "gets energy from social interaction"

MBTI extroversion = The attention of the individual is consciously focused towards the external world, towards people or external objects.
The same exact shit happens with functions, Fi is not a function in MBTI. Fi is a function in memeonics. But people conflate the two and now no one knows what the fuck is going on.
>Nor is extroversion measured by the desire to impregnate a dumb cunt and move on.
HAH, you're actually wrong there.

>Everyone in the state of extraversion thinks, feels, and acts in relation to the object, and moreover in a direct and clearly observable fashion, so that no doubt can exist about his positive dependence upon the object. In a sense, therefore, extraversion is an outgoing transference of interest from the subject to the object.

You're probably an anxious extrovert that doesn't know how to fuck dumb cunts. You're just missing the link of actually doing the fucking, again probably because of anxiety or something.
>Your sort of thinking
That's your problem! You are a Thinker. Thinking isn't my strong suit because I'm intuitive. Us intuitives don't think. We just know. You not being able to follow along with my intuition means you are a sensor.

You are ISTJ!

I love typing people. It's my calling.
You see here, little green thumb, all types think. The thing that differentiates them is how those thoughts manifest.
>You see here, little green thumb, all types think
I don't think so. I'm feeling introverted now so let's continue this when I'm feeling extraverted again.
>t. Ambivert
Is Lilac a Scorpio Moon? :3

*hugs you tightly* mmmmmmmhhh~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)

At least less insane than I am! ^.^

What's that? OwO

Why are ISFPs so great? :O

>I thought people in 1911 were supposed to be religious?
Religiosity took a sharp dive in the previous century! :'O
>Why would "a" God telling them stuff in their dreams be contreversial, let alone inconceivable?
I'd like to know this, too! UwU
>Isn't snapchat entirely for pedophiles, or have they all moved on to tictoc by now?
"Instagram is the Snapchat for boomers." - a radio host of a primarily '90s show
:P :3c

INFJ(-T)!!! ^_^'
No! ^.^
No again (unless they initiate the conversation, which almost never happens)! ^w^
No unless they do it first! ^_^
Cooked rice with vegetables and fruit~ *^_^*


>I want to get on with something I'm good at for 6-10 hours in complete silence and then come home to relax and drink a beer or something
What jobs like this are there? :3

Send turbies! ^o^
But only if he can take care of them! <(^_^)>

As expected of INFJs! ^w^


To be continued...
evens and turbie cheats on te with me
New video dropped recently, and I wanted to be the first to share it with you. It had some really interesting ideas, especially when it comes to boundaries. If you have just 10 mins, it would be nice to hear your thoughts on this.
...continuation of >>78228502!

You don't want the world to be as cute as it is~? ;w;

Is Bluey an INFJ-T? :3c

If I hated fun, I wouldn't post here! UwU


INTP-A and INTJ-A can be an excellent match at least platonically! ^.^

Why would INFJ-A defend Sophie? :O


Rows from top to bottom~:

I expected her to be cuter... TwT

Who's the picklest Rick? ^_^



The girl was most likely an INFJ-T!!! '^_^

Anon probably said that just to make me cry! :'(

>Rows from top to bottom~:
So ISTPs are literally jews
...continues from >>78228765!

Is irreligiosity partially a result of a genetic mutation that thrives in an industrialized or otherwise well-off society? :3

Why not? :O

But wait! MBTI Step II has I/E facets related to sociability; the most notable of these is the Gregarious-Intimate facet! ^_^7 \(^o^)/ UwUwuwuwuwuwuwu OwOwowowowowowo :3 ^w^ *purrpurrpurrrrrr* :3 :3 *^w^*


N-no... ;.;

Cute gif! :'3


Questions for everyone
>your type
>opinion on (>^_^)><(^_^<)
>do you think it's cute to go commando
>if you had to either OwO or UwU for the rest of your life and not do anything else ever, which would you choose
>have you remembered to keep your turbie (species) hydrated
>why aren't you posting here :(
enfp here. what's does that say about me and how fucked am I? M by the way
My answers!

INFJ-T!!! ^_^;
I love it! <3
Y-yeah mostly (though sometimes it depends)... :3c
UwU because OwO takes too much energy and I can self-reflect and rest and might be generally happier ^w^
I don't have a turbie ;w; or maybe I *am* the turbie! ^o^ >:3
But I *do* post here~! ^.^
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Not really. As I said, I hardly interact with people in general.
Earlier you said mbti, now you're using socionics. So which one is it? Besides, the quote seems pretty irrelevant regardless.
>You're probably an anxious extrovert
Nah, as far as I know, I have no social anxiety whatsoever.
>that doesn't know how to fuck dumb cunts. You're just missing the link of actually doing the fucking
Pulling so much shit out of your ass. Anyway, I have fucked dumb cunts, but they were longterm gfs and I used condoms.

Got any more worthless assumptions that need to be cleared out before you learn how to stick to the topic?
That's just a test. Anyone can make a personality test and call it MBTI.

There is a relationship between I/E and how one interacts socially, but I/E isn't determined by how you act socially. An example of this is an Fi type (ISFP/INFP), these types are some of the most reserved types, but they can also be extremely outgoing and love social interaction.


>The Extraverted Attitude (E) In the Extraverted attitude, energy and attention flow out, or are drawn out, to the objects and people in the environment. The individual experiences a desire to act on the environment, to affirm its importance, to increase its effect. Persons habitually taking the Extraverted attitude may develop some or all of the characteristics associated with Extraversion: awareness of and reliance on the environment for stimulation and guidance; an eagerness to interact with the outer world; an action-oriented, sometimes impulsive way of meeting life; openness to new experiences; ease of communication and sociability; and a desire to "talk things out."

It's the same definition Jung uses. Anything other than this definition is not MBTI, period.

The simplest way to define extroversion is a conscious desire to influence the objects in the external world, whether that be people or inanimate objects.
An Fi type will interact with people, but they do not wish to influence them. The Fi type wants the other people to come to their OWN conclusions. But they still might very much enjoy talking to lots of different people, just to observe them.
MBTI threads are majority women, let's not kid ourselves. It's worse than Zodiac, but cause you have a single sign all your life, while MBTI changes depending on how you feel, your circumstances and so on.
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>Gregarious-Intimate facet
Are you willing to be gregarious and intimately tell us about what this is?
>Earlier you said mbti, now you're using socionics.
Come on man, I spoke very clearly. If you're misunderstanding those very simple sentences, you're beyond help.
>Anyway, I have fucked dumb cunts
Oh, way to prove my original point, ESTP.

You're right though, it was an assumption that you were anxious, but that was the only assumption I made. And it's a safe assumption to make, just because of where we're at. If I were in north Africa, I would assume to run into blackies. If I'm on 4chan, I assume I will run into anxious nerds.

It's clear your ego is tied to your desire to fuck dumb cunts too, based on your reaction. Which means your conscious attitude is almost guaranteed to be extroverted.
Either ESTP or ENTP.
Which reggy are you? You are not cute!
>MBTI threads are majority women
Then how come none of them has step forward to be my e-gf?
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>unironically doubling down on fucking dumb cunts being exclusively for extroverts
>the mere wish to fuck dumb cunts makes you extroverted
KEK you can't make this up.
Anyway, waste someone else's time, buddy
That is a really great point!
It's alright, mister extrovert. I spend my time reading books while you fuck dumb cunts, you don't know shit about MBTI, I do. You want to influence the world with your dick. You're an extrovert.
You can cope and seethe all you want, but you're an extrovert. Enjoy fucking dumb useless hoes in a futile attempt to fill the empty void in your soul.
She needs to know how you look first.
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While I was fucking dumb cunts,
you were mastering the arts of MBTI.
While I impregnated worthless whores,
you were influencing nerds on 4chan.
And now that I reject your teachings,
My life is wasted, my soul is empty and void.
You rejecting what I'm saying has nothing to do with why I said that.
It's like if I said to you "the sky is blue", you can reject that if you want, but that doesn't change anything.
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Verily, sensei. Your opinions are the equivalent of immediately observable truths about reality. Any rejection is thus necessarily delusion. You emanate wisdom with every post.
>Why are ISFPs so great? :O
they are the most authentic type and i'm not just saying that. look at the fucking functions. INFP is held back by Ne and Si. ISFPs transmute the present for their own needs and wants! INFPs are philosophers, ISFPs are alchemists. ENTPs are annoying theater kids.
>INFP is held back by Ne and Si
How so?
they live in their heads and are not based in reality. this is fine in mbti communities because they are filled with other Ne users wasting their time. never speak to an INFP about societal problems unless you want to receive an incoherent preaching session that makes you want to shoot yourself. ISFPs are more aware of reality and its limitations, as well as what effect we can realistically have on them. i think INFP, i think dopey-eyed retard playing with their thoughts and ideas like barbies. i think ISFP, i think "change" and "moral / emotional evolution"
anyone? I am curious about where I stand with all this.
>>your type
>>opinion on (>^_^)><(^_^<)
I always know who's posting. ; )
>>do you think it's cute to go commando
It can be.
>>if you had to either OwO or UwU for the rest of your life and not do anything else ever, which would you choose
Probably OwO, seems at little more enthusiastic.
>>have you remembered to keep your turbie (species) hydrated
I'm too irresponsible to take care of a turbie (species). : (
>>why aren't you posting here :(
I am. : )
Imagine bragging about being unable to escape this fucking dogshit reality we're prisoners of
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>She needs to know how you look first
There was once a time people considered me to be quite handsome. The thought of people liking me only because of my physical appearance didn't sit very well with me. I started to dress more ragged and let me facial hair go unkempt. That way I'd only attract those who were interested in me for my ideas and views. No one ever looked at me again, except for when I occasionally shaved and my 5 o'clock shadow grew in. One day I'll develop good enough ideas and views for others to consider keeping me around. Until that day I'll keep reading Jung and watching Joe Rogan podcasts, preparing for her.
>most authentic type
It's our duty to step up to it's challenges.. You can either run from reality(impossible) or accept it for what it is and do your best. There's no cheating reality, you will always play on it's terms eventually.
how am i wrong? which type would you consider more authentic?
>how am i wrong? which type would you consider more authentic?
How about one of the types that are infamous for being authentic?
you got all of that wrong
infps are the annoying theatre kids
Who are INTJ best matched with sexually?
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None of you understand jackshit about this theory. I hope this thread finally dies. Reading it is like hanging out with lower class niggers and unconsciously adapting their poor language and grammar.
Anyways, since I am in the trannie den: Dear INFPs, please stop trooning out. I need my supervisor type to not go off the deep end and hang themselves on a rope.
>Shitonics poster
Fuck of shitonics, it's the worst typing system ever created.
why should I care about this theory? sell me on it and why I should bother to read it.
This isn't even socionics per se. Newtonian physics, Einsteinian physics, they all describe the same universe. This is just describing that universe.
In any case, socionics has a ridiculous amount of mathematical depth compared to what roastie Briggs cooked up. And at least having the structure is vital for you to know what you are talking about not just flapping your hands in the air calling yourself an INxx type without any evidence as well as typing all your friends as iNtuitives and everyone you hate as an ESTJ. Lol
>sensor hands typed this
You are already sold on it. I am just giving you the wheat from the separated chaff. Take it or leave it. Either way, what I say here is more valuable than absolutely everything in the past few months of /mbti/ threads.
Do you have any idea what that guy said? Cause I don't...
You are already showing that intuitiveness for you is nothing more than the "in-group" term for you and the people you have rapport with. (See pic rel >>78231144)
Therefore it isn't a description of reality of people's types but your individual, subjective social life.
Well, a "friend" told me to be nice so I erased my post. If not for my respect of this person and their wishes, I would have delivered a most devastating post.
All I have seen ISFPs do is shitpost.
list even one example of an isfp shitposting
ISFP Sophie Hater is a prime example.
I think you should have delivered a ultimate level devastating post.
i think shitposting is making deliberately bad posts. isfp is expressing earnest grievances
>run from reality(impossible)
To a sensoid it sure is, which is why they are to be pitied
Would mosley be as miserable if I gave him kisses?
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Your thoughts, words and imagination can't change reality. No matter what delusions you decide to subscribe to, reality will reach into your bubble and rip you out of it. Physical reality wins because it actually exists and it has the weight to enforce it's rules. It's not something you can argue with, it's completely indifferent to your inner working.
You are a retard and don't know jackshit
>Your thoughts, words and imagination can't change reality.
This is incorrect. How do you think people build things or alter their surroundings, or manipulate physical reality? These all start from the imagination.
Literally read Jung.
But then, you are interacting with physical reality according to it's set of rules. Planning and obeying reality is not the same thing as detaching yourself from it and retreating to fantasies.
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It's not my job to know things. My job is to listen and follow directions of my master who knows all.
>What jobs like this are there? :3
Nowadays? That I could feasibly get? None! But it used to be pretty normal, my dad used to build dry stone walls. A lot of things peasants and craftsmen used to do were basically like this, digging holes or assembling whatever product. In the modern world communication is key and that doesn't really fit my "just get on with it" upbringing. I think it might also be an education system problem though, schools are designed to prepare people for manufacturing jobs conditioning us to do repetitive tasks in silence despite living in a service economy where constant communications and flexibility are desired.

Sensors are just better people.

The book seems to treat Alice as uncritically based and is a celebration of empericism, showing how so long as you keep your head and listen to your senses you can accept and survive in even the most absurd environments and situations. Even in the world of wonderland that would make a rational person cope and seethe she's just happy to "roll with the punches". Embrace the caucus race.

I'm only about half way through though I'll finish after dinner.
>Let me tell you the tale of Yaroslav the wise
>t. the mouse
I guess it is kinda funny how similar the britbong origin story is to the Russian/Ukranian/whatever one. Hecking vikings, amirite?
Oh a trannie. Can one fucking INFP NOT troon out?
Also, the people who subscribe to this mindset always seem to be stuck inside their heads while waiting for the perfect moment and the ideal circumstances to arise to enact their "vision". It's all make believe to tranquilize yourself. Those who step to and actually accept reality usually ACT, those who don't are usually running the same loops inside their heads forever.
According to this MBTI expert,

Are sensors actually better than intuitives?
That is not an MBTI expert that is a retard
>Planning and obeying reality is not the same thing as detaching yourself from it and retreating to fantasies.
That's also not exactly true, I won't outright say it's false either, though. Your inner thoughts are as much bound by the rules of reality as the physical reality you live in.
That is to say, your inner world and the outer world are not 'different', they are not separate. If they were, you would not be able to actualize your thoughts into reality.
What you are differentiating here is the difference between P types (IxxP, ExxP) and J types (IxxJ, ExxJ). The J types are the ones who act and plan, the P types are the ones who observe and collect as much information and look for an, as you call it, "ideal circumstance".

Another thing that plays into this is neuroticism, the more neurotic one is, the more difficult it is for them to just act, because they are anxious about some outcome.
But yes intuitives are dysgenic inferior scum. All types except ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTP, and ISFP, which are the most common types are dysgenic maladaptive scum. Even the other side of sensors which might actually be even rare than some intuitives. (ISFJ, ISTJ, ESTP, and ESFP are rarer and potentially more maladaptive and dysfunctional than INTP, ENFJ, ENTJ, and INFP which are quite adaptive and common.)
The rarest and most maladapted types are intuition dominants (INFJ, INFJ, ENFP, ENTP) The easiest way you get these is through incest and irradiating your sperm, though that will also lead to some IQ nerfs and you need at least some minimal IQ in spite of being dysgenic to be an intuitive dominant, MAYBE. Maybe not though.
t. trashy Alpha hippie ENTP (N dominant)
My eyes! Delete this bullshit. What matters is whether you are Px dominant(Nx or Sx) or Jx dominant(Tx or Fx). So your grouping is wrong. IxxP(Ji, i.e. Fi and Ti dominants) and ExxJ(Je, i.e. Te and Fe dominants) cluster together as J dominants. And IxxJ(Pi, i.e. Ni and Si dominants) and ExxP(Pe, i.e. Ne and Se dominants) cluster together as P dominants. P dominants are dysfunctional but sane. J dominants are insane but functional. It is better to be functional than sane, because your cognition server your behavior. So, the P dom types are more maladaptive and as such rarer.
>The rarest
YEAH! I'm a rare type! Like a rare pokemon card.
IF you are typing yourself correctly. ;)
And that is not a badge of honor. It means you are a dysgenic abomination.
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>infj listed twice
Your entire argument crumbles.
The other INFJ is supposed to be INTJ. Thanks for pointing that out.
Huh, for a FJ video, this is surprisingly accurate. One gripe, the title says "intuition vs sensing" but he talks about intuitive TYPES vs sensing TYPES, which is the difference between people, not the difference between functions.
>It's this general category, pick anything in that category, it probably fits whatever I'm talking about.
Absolutely lmao
Broski you need to lay off the meth
BTW the pic rel you posted is classic Alpha quadra. (ESFJ, ISFJ, INTP, ENTP) Weebs, amerindians, prehistoric people, hippies. That sort of thing.
I am typing this on a phone swinging on a hammock having cum 3 types today with my brain completely fried off the net.
So thank you for the compliment. I know reading text is hard.
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What are you trying to convey here?
That these 4 types cluster together and form the thematic basis of the groups of people I listed.
>I am typing this on a phone swinging on a hammock having cum 3 types today with my brain completely fried off the net.
What's your mbti type and aren't you embarrassed to admit such hedonistic behavior?
He's obviously an estp
How do i get DOMed by a estp and entj girl?
>What's your mbti type?
>And aren't you embarrassed to admit such hedonistic behavior?
I am Alpha quadra, the trashiest quadra. The degenerate hippies and weebs with waifu pillows who eat endless muffins on a picnic while throwing their lives o
ESTPs are Se dominant and Beta quadra. 4chan itself is very Beta quadra coded. Actually the struggle between /pol/ chuds and tranime anime posting comfy 4chan users is actually a struggle between the Beta and Alpha demographics of 4chan. Beta unlike Alpha does not get cozy. They are the true batshit insane vikings. And ESTP being Se dominant makes it almost impossible for them to be lazy. Se dominants FUCK the hardest. Fi PoLR, Se dominant, that is a pure beast of nature and muscle. I bet quite a couple MMA fighters are ESTP. As well as motor bikers (motor bike gangs themselves are very Beta coded)
Reminder that Beta quadra is: ISTP, ESTP, ENFJ, INFJ
Reminder the Alpha quadra is: ESFJ, ISFJ, INTP, ENTP
So I just took one of these and it says I'm an INTP with a cunt's hair away from being ENTP. Is that bad or good?
It's good, but it could've been better (INFP)
These tests are shit.
But INTPs are much more common than ENTPs. Both are in some ways very similar.
Most people who self-type as ENTPs are ESTJs.
>for all my love of antiques..
>for all my time spent chatting up old ladies..
>for all my trips to various museums..
>I only just realized the utility of having a *mirrored* curio cabinet is so you can see the backs of the displayed pieces even if the cabinet is against a wall or you're not allowed to open the case and touch the pieces to rotate them
Intuibros.. also a ghost bellowed really strong in my ear while I was writing that
Kek. INFPs are the most common intuitive. And what do you mean "better". Are you even an INFP? The only clue you are is because you have the snobbish "never good enough" of tossing out judgements of an Fi dominant.
>These tests are shit.
Well I did my best to answer the questions to the best of my abilities and actually pondered each and every one of them to give an honest answer, but a few of them could have gone both ways
Them being shit is NOT your fault. That's my point. Regardless of how smart snd faithfully answering the testee is it will always be unreliable. The typing is bottle necked by the test being shit.
>Them being shit is NOT your fault. That's my point.
Yeah, I know. I just acknowledged that I had a very difficult time with a few of the questions because depending on the situation both of them could have been valid answers, which probably skewed the result in the end in some way.

You cannot type yourself with online tests, they are unreliable, self report is inherently flawed. You are unable to observe your own unconscious patterns, therefore you cannot self report on those patterns, therefore you will ALWAYS have an inaccurate report of your type with online tests.

No. Ot's not that. It's just that the tests are shit. The MBTI foundation is a fraud. As is 16p.
The foundation of MBTI IS NOT online tests, it's JUNG.
There is no such thing as a "non-shit" online test, they're ALL horrible and useless, because they're self report tests. The very premise of an online tests assumes that you understand yourself, BUT YOU DONT.

You don't even understand why online tests are bad.
Ohhh, are you doing the ENTP thing where you start a debate for fun? Question: What is the longest amount of time you are able to refrain from engaging in a debate? What is your record for how many days you've without debating or debasing yourself?
Bruh. Most "ENTP debaters" are just ESTJs. Their Te dominant pretty much becomes rhetoric.
Are you trying to start a new debate? Can you answer the questions first?
Our lives?! Where do we throw our lives?
I am refusing the questions. I do not want ENTPs who are fucking INTUITIVE DOMINANTS to be cartooned into "le debater". We are fucking shamans, trip sitters, revolutionary conceptual artists. Leave fucking lawyer shit to the ESTJs.
Personally I enjoy being Alpha quadra. What's the point of being alive if it's not to be comfy. Personally I can't imagine being like the rest, but I suppose that's what they all think.

What about the Gamma and Delta quadras though? What are they like?
*away for a series of momentary comforts.
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so, if i asked you, what would you type me? im friday OP, for a more modern reference.
meant something more like "ethos" or "ethics", rational maybe. i dont know, i should read the book before i post shit like that. even then...
probably we are both just seeing what we expect, i know i am at least, and expect you are.
>Is irreligiosity partially a result of a genetic mutation that thrives in an industrialized or otherwise well-off society? :3
could you be more precise? i think the answer to that question is yes, but i also think that it is too general of a question for that to be a meaningful answer for anything other than poking my brain. i guess even if the question was more precise i wouldnt be able to adequate answer it, so it would just be more brain poking, which makes me think you are trying to poke my brain, meaning the best way i can answer is like this. it is an interesting question,
There is a reason that ENTPs fit into the debater archetype, and it's also related to why they play the devils advocate quite frequently. It's strictly related to their dominant intuition and how they are able to perceive many different points of view.

The reason ENTPs enjoy debating is because it allows them to observe more points of views, which act as points on a graph for them to fill in a larger picture which informs them about something related to the real world. It also allows them to understand their own point of view more. You will offer a point of view, and whether or not they agree with your view, they will take up an opposite view, just so they can understand both sides.

This is the exact opposite behavior that you would see in an extroverted judging type (ESTJ). They're not the types to debate, they want action. They don't care about sitting around and talking about who may or may not be correct. They already know what's correct, it's what they can directly observe in the real, physical world.
Delta quadra are obsessed with owning as much shit as they can. They like power, property, competence, structure, law. Especially structure and law. Society at large is in deep Delta. That is why everything is so bureocratic.
Gamma quadra on the other hand cares about EXCELLENCE. They want ONLY the finest thongs, finest artifacts, although it is the Delta that are the collectors of things usually. Whereas Delta keeps pursuing an ever expanding estate, Gamma quadra does not care as much about power as it cares about Greatness. Great art. Burning yourself up for your pursuits. Mallory Archer and Spy from TF2 are Gamma quadra, ISFP specifically. Freddie Mercury and Jordan Peterson are Gamma too, ENTJ specifically. I mean, really, it's in the name. Gamma are QUEEN.
Basically Gammas are those on the "sigma grindset". Donald Trump is Gamma too. Went to an elite military school. He is ESFP.
Thank you for asking and engaging my knowledge. I have been in apprentice of some people who really get it, bit don't know fully myself.
>The earth is round
>Are you sure about that? It might be a rotating on a horizontal axis, so that it appears to be a spheroid.
>Shut the fuck up you idiot, it's a sphere, we have pictures you fucking retard.
ESTJ is still Ne tertiary, anon. Jeff Winger is an example of an ESTJ. Also, Jordan Peterson is Te dominant too. Really arguing is very much a Te sport.
Sorry anon, I am not good at typing people.
>Ne tertiary
Opinion discarded. Try reading Jung and come back to me when you have an actual understanding of typology, and not a remedial, incorrect understanding that you got from watching 60 second YT shorts and random blogposts.

Ne is not a function.
And Jeff Winger is not an ESTJ.
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>between the Beta and Alpha demographics
Which mbti type would most likely be Sigma?
which types are in which quadrant
Oh yes. Stubborn dogmatism. Such an intuitive.
Learn a bit of theory before you start shitting up threads.
Gamma, definitely Gamma extraverts. Those are the most sigma. The explosion of sigma and its satirization was actually a power struggle with Gammas wanting to be taken seriously and asserting their values whole then being parodied, mocked, and discarded.
ENTP, Alpha
>Jordan Peterson is Te dominant too
And he's also absolute dogshit at debating, your point being?
Infps obsessed with building power and wealth?
>Literal shitonics poster thinks he understand anything about typology
>Doesn't even have a basic understanding of attitudes or functions, or types at all
Typical shitonics faggot.
pic rel is very Gamma I think.
Man alone striving for greatness with the world on his shoulders.
Ayn Rand is Gamma too, btw. Atlas Shrugged is basically a Gamma fanfiction.
Sensors are better at being pawns and cogs, which is what matters in soiciety
which mbti types are the gamma?
didn't someone just post this picture in a recent thread?
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Enfj reporting
Feels fantastic being basically a superhuman
ESTJ self-report. You need Winger to be an ENTP, don't you otherwise you lose your special status as an intuitive snowflake, which kicks you out of the in-group. ;)
Also of course an ESTJ doesn't get what Peterson is doing. Sensors and iNtuitives have a communication gap.
INFPs often like to manage museums. They are the collectors of things. And to be a collector of things you need a lot of money. But usually, the INFP is the spoiled wife of a rich ESTJ which pampers her. And she obsesses and decides what they should pick to own together. Fi dominants are truly the appreciators of fine things and the most refined critics.
But yes, INFPs are wispy and dreamy. They are not as hardcore ad ISFPs in their Fi dominant judgements. Which is why they can come across as cry babies as opposed to "queens". But the same refined taste is at play.
>Which mbti types are the gamma?
>didn't someone just post this picture in a recent thread?
Yeah me when I shadowed to Gamma INTJ lol
>ou need Winger to be an ENTP
In-corr-ect. I do not relate to Winger at all, and whether or not he is an intuitive type, or a sensing type, it's unrelated to me and my type. I type myself based on theory, not based on characters from a TV show who are "LITERALLY ME".
Also I don't think he's an ENTP, he's a judging type. Most likely ENTJ.

Even calling Winger an intuitive type is disingenuous, because his dominant function is thinking. Which makes him a thinking type.

Well, whatever. ENTJ is at least Te dominant as well, so I'll meet you half-way and say "why not". I'm not particularly stubborn about my typing of him as ESTJ.
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Do y'all want a bomb shell?
Sam Hyde is an ISFJ.
Nope. He's ISFJ. I know it's counter-intuitive, that's why I'm saying it.
ESTP is the second likeliest typing, though.
Those are the types and their quadrants. I misread what you wrote originally as "what type are you and in which quadrant". My bad, oops.
>which is what matters in soiciety
The funny thing is after watching that video ive finally realized something about certain people I've worked with. I am starting to suspect that engineer/techie types are sensors. That horrible way they communicate where they need to tell you all of the details and always missing the bigger picture and always immediately drilling down into technical details? That sounds exactly like what FJ was describing in that video.

Dealing with those types of communicators is EXCRUCIATING. I don't want or care about all of the small details, I just really need to know what they all mean together. Get to the point!

Want to hear an interesting thing? I believe executive types are usually more intuitive and focus on the bigger picture and strategy.
>pawns and cogs
I've heard people use the term "implementors/configurers" when referring to engineers.
If it seems like I hate or think lowly of sensors, I don't. It's just difficult to listen to all of the details that don't often matter too much.
So sigmas are gammas?
Isfp, esfp, entj, and intj don't seem very sigma to me
You have. Persistently. Shat up my board. For months.
So if you want to fucking blaspheme my religion, fine. But I'll correct you every step of the way. You decided this, not me.
ESFP and ENTJ are extremely sigma. And ISFPs are queens.
Who do you think is sigma, anon? I mean you could argue for ESTPs and ENFJs being sigma MAYBE. But otherwise, I don't really know. And those aren't so much sigmas as ALPHA MALES. True sigmas, those pursuing their own individual self-transformation, are quintessential Gamma. Beta quadra is still far too collective for that.
Walter White is INFJ though.
This is an actually good debate.
This pic was on my list of images to use soon.
Yes engineering is the domain of STJs
I feel bad for poor intps having been pushed into that field
Destiny is an ENFP. Otherwise I don't know what the types of these people is.
>Destiny is an ENFP
Really? He doesn't seem like one to me. Maybe a really unhealthy one since forever.
No problem nonny <3
Puwsue youw diwine destiny and puwpuse! uwu
" How do you know I'm mad ?" said Alice.
" You must be," said the Cat, " or you wouldn't have come here."
Alice didn 't think that proved it at all ; however, she went on: " And how do you know that you 're mad ?"
" To begin with," said the Cat, " a dog 's not mad. You grant that ?"
" I suppose so," said Alice.
"Well, then," the Cat went on, " you see a dog growls when it 's angry, and wags its tail when it 's pleased. Now I growl when I 'm pleased, and wag my tail when I 'm angry. Therefore I 'm mad."

With the Mad Hatter's tea party that's two parodies of rationalism in a row.

Isn't that just all media analysis? But despite being primed to believe certain things about it from years of video essay slop, it's not entirely what I expected. Kinda drags desu, bt maybe it's only meant to be read a little bit at a time.

Also turns out the whole catterpillar talking down to her wasn't from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMVkLLNrfGE which I re-listened to after seeing as I'd first thought but from Jack saint's video lol which I haven't rewatched yet because I remember the other one having more of an impact on my mindsethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqjpF5xmMJg&t=869 But skimming through it looks like it's more relevant and even actually addressed the heroes journey thing. Turns out I just straight up stole that opinion at 14:29 and attributed it to someone else lol.

Nah he's too needy, extraverted and or rational. First guess is INFP thanks to his sulkyness but I haven't been exposed to the man in years.

I remember thinking ESTJ for destiny long ago, but I can see ENFP as a possibility now that you mention it.
Yeah. His retarded rhetoric is Te tertiary. Teehee~
Actually, combining Te tertiary with Ne dominance and the whiney Fi that xNFP are infamous for he's a ridiculous pain in the ass.
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I mean, that's kind of the point. Can ESTP, an Fi PoLR, be this sulky? That's not an ESTP, that's an ISFJ.
Then how is he so effective at debating?
I don't take socionics as gospel. Just another step in the process of research.
You think "socionics" and "MBTI" are distinct theories.
They're not even that. They are both unfinished and at parts wrong.
This is an ongoing process. A speculative endeavor. An unfinished theory.
Te tertiary.
ENTPs are still xNTP. Their debating is FAR more theoretical. Destiny isn't that theoretical. He just argues forward concrete points.
ENTPs build theories, tinker, they create concepts. ENFPs not so much.
Aren't you the guy who just said entps don't debate?
Bret Weinstein is an ENTP. (Jordan Peterson is an ENTJ)
Compare Bret's arguing to Destiny's. Far more theoretical, far less concrete.
Also, speaking of:
Alpha aren't just comfy. They can also be academical. It depends what aspect of Alpha is accentuated.
I mean, ENTPs do debate. I just don't want them to be cartooned into "le debater". I think they can be MORE than that. Not every argumentative asshole has to be a fucking ENTP. That was my point. And that's not the only thing ENTPs do.
Ok gosh. I don't want to have a debate about it.
MBTI is as unfinished as a house who has yet to be painted. AKA, for all intents and purposes, it is complete.
Everyone who tries to "complete" or "add to" MBTI do not do what they're claiming to do. They're rewriting the theory completely.
For example, there are four functions in MBTI. None of which are named "Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Ni, Ne, Si, or Se"
The four functions are feeling, thinking, intuition and senstion.
There is no function stack in MBTI, there are only functions and attitudes. Function stacks are nonsense added on by people who don't even understand the original theories.

The theories are not incomplete, retards just have an incomplete understanding of the theories, and project their own incomplete understanding onto the theory.
Saying MBTI is incomplete is like saying a car is incomplete because you cannot use a car as a hammer to build a house. But that is not the job of a car. MBTI does exactly what it set out to do, same with Jungian typology. The same cannot be said about nu-age typology. It can't even do anything at all. It's just worthless shit.
Alright, you have any examples of when you are larping as an intj shadow?
interesting but it makes me wonder if you're the x cross poster from last thread
nope, probably not. Last time I posted into an /mbti/ thread was like a couple months maybe year ago.

unironically need to wash my hair. enjoy this in my absence
How the fuck would i know if someone is either ni or ne polr?
You don't, it's complete nonsense. Ignore shitonics.
I'm using N PoLR as a category here. But, for example, many Ne PoLR (ISTP, ISFP) are ADHD and struggle to articulate themselves in a way that makes sense if they even bother talking at all. If they don't sound like totally incomprehensible madmen, they are usually near completely mute and quite laconic. ISFP are harder to understand than ISTP, though, usually.
Ni PoLR is a bit harder to explain.
All your explanations are shit and so is shitonics
Kill yourself retard I hate you and I hope you die stop making retarded fucking /mbti/ threads. This board is for my fucking ostracized ass to vomit schlurpcoins into the void. Not for you retards trying to get your filthy fucking paws dirty with shit you don't understand. I've sunk a miserable decade of my own divine intellect into this near superstition. I'd rather be doing astrology at this point at least I'd get pussy. Seriously I fucking hate you and I hope you rope.
Huh? I can't hear you over how retarded shitonics is? Can you speak up!?
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Well, mbti? Where are you in wonderland?
At least he shared his info. Why don't you share your theories on how this all works? What's your mbti type and why do you think you're right?
>go play tf2 for an hour and come back
>nothing's changed
Well, nothing wasted I suppose
I would need to tell you my life story and let you figure things out.
Go commit die. Preferably with a lot of pain.
>I played video games and masticated all day.
Spy from TF2 is a Gamma ISFP.
Because I've read the theory that MBTI was based on, Jungian Typology, AND I've read the original works on MBTI, and I've read other people's work on Jungian Typology, such as Von Franz. I've literally been studying typology and the Jungian theory of the psyche for over ten years.

I can't find the Von Franz books, but one is called "Jung's Typology: Marie-Louise Von Franz" and the other is called "Lectures on Jung's Typology: von Franz, Marie-Louise"

AND I've read the theories behind shitonics and other such garbage typology systems that get literally every single facet incorrect.
Commit reading Jung and expand your consciousness, you fucking uneducated ground flea.
Change my mind:

Shitonics literally ruined MBTI and the entire study of typology.
Protip, you literally fucking cannot.
Yes but due to your stubborn stupidity. You can't convince a flat earther for the same reason.
Memeionics is lagely irrelevant and nobody cares other than a couple of shills in this thread
That's my life yeah
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Fucking retards. Socionics uses math to a beautiful degree. If you know jackshit about modern science and Descartes you know that this use of structural mathematics to expose all the symmetries using group theory is literally the immense power of the socionics. It's heavily mathematical and symmetric and sensical. It is almost paralleling physics. Who do you think is the bigger retard, the dogma of Aristotle that literally made people burn people at stake for disagreeing with the retarded notion that the earth is flat or Newtonian physics which has mathematicised physics intuitions and as such made them into the most powerful tool of science we've ever had.
>Insterts random shape next to functions
Look, look, look! It's Geometric now!
It's not very hard to convince flat earthers that the earth is a spheroid. It just takes time, because it's going to injure their ego and make them feel stupid, which will make them dig their heels in even further.
You think it's irrelevant, but you don't even realize that most people who think they're talking about MBTI are actually talking about shitonics.

Tell me, which typology system has Fi, Fe, Ti, etc as functions? Is it;
A. Shitonics,
B. MBTI or,
C. Both?

Shitonics has infected MBTI and rotted it to the core, to the point that MBTI doesn't even exist anymore. All that exists is shitonics wearing the cut off face of MBTI.
Shitonics stole the letter system from MBTI,
Shitonics fucked up the functions, then told everyone that this is the way the functions have always been, there's always been 8 functions and now "MBTI" has 8 functions.

Literally NO ONE talks about MBTI in this thread, it's always shitonics. Fucking no one has even read the literature on MBTI, else they would not refer to Fi or any such term as a function. They would not believe in function stacks, nor would believe in this shit like shadow types, or "Tertiary Ne". This is ALL shitonics. And it's ALL shit.
Absolute fucking garbage made by idiots who suck the dick of Freud, probably because they're exactly like him and cannot stop projecting their own psychological complexes onto the world.

>Why yes, everyone must want to fuck their own mother, because that's what I want!
- Freud
No retard. The socionics uses symmetries for its inter-type relationships. Such as the benefaction circles, the supervision circles, and so on. There is a very delicate pairing of function relationships to each other PoLR to dominant and so on.
It's retarded and it was made by retards and it was made for retards.
I for one welcome our new narrative foil.
Wasn't that keirsey or something?
Who is the protagonist here in this narrative foil?
It better not be shitonics fag
>Because I've read the theory that MBTI was based on, Jungian Typology, AND I've read the original works on MBTI,
Ok, so what is your mbti type?
Wasn't what Keirsey? You've gotta be a bit more specific.

But, since you mention him, they've done the same thing to his work. Blended it all into one ugly, undifferentiated gray blob of shit. Fuck modernism.
Figure it out yourself, I'm not you dad.
What type do I SEEM like?
Adjust your glasses, you will need the sight to SEEme
Not rxy but I actually watched this. It was actually pretty good. Lots of good points and things I would have to see be followed up on. Such as;
>Mind and body aren't separate
>taking care of physical health and not just mental as they're not separate
>Your inner dialogue can shape your reality even if it's a false reality.
>emotional intelligence/toughness and staying rational, not letting mean words ruin your day/goals
>and of course setting boundaries and keeping certain people out of your inner circle no matter how much you might love them

There were a few other things that were interesting but I couldn't take notes as I was biking.
>Figure it out yourself,
As a fellow Jung reader you are an ISTP
Thinkoids are pretty based, I'll take it.

>*pushes up glasses*
Yes this and also jung
So, you haven't actually read Jung. I see.
Wait, you thought I was SERIOUS?
>Muh mathematical structures
Ok, please explain why typology should be "perfectly symetrical"
So you propose the letter dichotomy? Thats even more retarded
>Questions for everyone
>your type
>opinion on (>^_^)><(^_^<)
It's cute like a hug, but you don't hug me enough D:
>do you think it's cute to go commando
I always wear underwear unless I'm naked
>if you had to either OwO or UwU for the rest of your life and not do anything else ever, which would you choose
OwO so that I could see you better
>have you remembered to keep your turbie (species) hydrated
Drink more water babe, I love you
>why aren't you posting here :(
Been busy sowwie
*hugs you tightly* mmmmmmmhhh~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)
Mwaaah :*
Don't cry turbie ;-;
*hugs you tightly* mmmmmmmhhh~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)
Mwah kiss kiss kiss mwah
*hugs you tightly* mmmmmmmhhh~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)
Mwah mwah *hugs you tightly* mmmmmmmhhh~ (>^_^)><(^_^<)
I haven't been on 4chan much since I haven't masturbated or smoked weed in over 3 weeks!!! but it makes me all pent up when I see all the porn on this board so I avoid it ;-;
>What counts as a pretty tummy? :3c
One that is lickable and flatish ;3c
ew get this fag gay shit outta here
there isn't anything gay about my love of turbie since she is a girl and i'm a boy... I don't think it can get any more obvious :3
uh no turbie is a man and ur a gay
uhm no, turbie has cute features and a round bottom that will be grasped tightly in my masculine hands while I kiss her nose and we trade saliva
>turbie is man b-but he has cute features!!
>so i can pretend he's a woman!!

No she has a womb ;-;
Trips of Truth, fuck off satan

As a man passions a woman,
His thoughts won't find a calm.
In his mind, all is turmoil,
But for her, he stands strong.

Worlds may shift, stars might fall,
For the good found in that girl,
With her, he would build it all.

If that girl holds flaws within,
A man won't spot a thing,
In his heart, she stands tall,
His song, his all, his spring.

Abandons all his comforts,
And naps out in a storm,
If that girl claims his way ought to stand,
In her words, he'll find warmth.

Woman, know this man's adoration,
Allows you all that is his worth,
Holding tight to your affection,
Prays you don't act with mirth.

As a man falls for a woman,
Deep within his soul,
That girl can bring him agony,
A story often told.

If that woman plays him for a fool,
That man is last to know,
A loving look can't distinguish,
A loyal heart won't grow cold.

If a man longs for a woman,
He can't do her wrong,
Or want any contrary woman,
His faith, steadfast and strong.

Oh, as a man is fond of a woman,
I know just how that man knows,
For baby, you stand as our world,
Whilst a man passions a woman.
as a man passions a woman
can't focus his mind on nothin'
might modify our world for the good found in that girl

if that girl bad~ boy can't spot it
knows that girl can do no wrong
turn his back on his companions who taunt his adorations now

as a man lusts for a woman
drop his actual last dollar for that girl
tryna hold on to what that woman's got

abandons all of his comforts
and nap out in a storm
if that girl say that's how his way ought to stand

woman know this man has major adoration
allows you all that is his worth
tryin to hold on to your callous infatuation
So baby, I pray you don't act badly

As a man falls for a woman
down profoundly in his soul
That girl can bring him such agony

If that woman, playin him for a fool
That man is last to know
a loving look can't distinguish at all

If a man longs for a woman
can't do that girl no wrong
or want any contrary woman

Okay! as a man is fond of a woman
I know just how that man knows
for baby baby you stand as our world
whilst a man passions a woman
digits say turbie is a man


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I think they are all still there ;3c
try refreshing sweetie
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>mbti type
INTJ last time I took it. I don't feel like one though.
>When was the last time you went to the beach?
At least 8 years ago.
ESFP I guess
damn can't believe I never realized this is LEWIS
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dressin up turbie in nothing but a t-shirt while i'm in the nude owo;'
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Got my Bohemian Grove invite so I don't need you DWEEBS anymoe
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You'll come crawling back to us after you spent some time with those boring old LARPing homos. But it's okay, your little frogs are here forever.
>you have basic human instincts? you must be a type
INFJ-A, I know this is you, stop shitposting. Now.
nta. Why are you still up? Please take better care of your health.
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Symmetries of poorly defined pop-psych-tier gutter drivel, yeah.
Socionics is like MBTI's Down's syndrome cousin, and MBTI was already clinically braindead even before it started transitioning towards 16p.

Which mbti type is this?
>I added pouring mayo and ketchup to the desert cake recipe, they're totally relevant and turn the cake into perfection
And yeah, your expression deserves nothing more than a food analogy.
Thanks for the enjoyable thread!
That isn't what I was saying, anonski.
Fucking a bunch of dumb hoes and dipping is literally prime ESTP behavior.
This is you two in my mind.
..... That's not fair

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