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Why is it that when I tell a foid that I'm serious about a loyal, long term serious relationship they are happy,

But when I say it has to be exclusive they lose their mind?

Foids complain that they can't find men who want real relationships, but when they are told they can't have a cock carousel of simps they all of a sudden change their mind.
Women are stupid annoying and not funny and you're a tranny for wanting to be near them
Why is it that when I tell a moid that I'm serious about a loyal, long term serious relationship they are happy,

But when I say it has to be porn-free they lose their mind?

Moids complain that they can't find men who want real relationships, but when they are told they can't have thousands of women to look at and jerk off to they all of a sudden change their mind.
nigga please we all know you're a tranny BAHAHA
nigga please we all know you're a salty moid BAHAHA
I would only jerk off to pics and videos of her but I don't have a gf that means there is no exclusivity.
Even if you weren't a tranny, women are even more obnoxious than trannies. I'd genuinely prefer if you were a tranny.
Until you would get bored of her body and want something better looking and more novelty. Even the most desperate incels wouldn't only stick to a girl and not watch porn because all of you are pathetic cunts, at this point I'd gladly date a dying 85 year old with Alzheimer's cause he didn't grow up in a porn-ridden society and didn't have access to it since age 8 and refuses to stop watching it no matter what.
I'd genuinely prefer if I was a lesbian and didn't have to ever be attracted to men, but hey, here we are.
Baseless assumptions lmao you don't even know me. Don't try to mix me up with your previous relationships.
Men can't be lesbians. Real lesbians are ugly as shit anyways, they're better off as breeding mounts for trannies.
real lesbians arent a thing it goes against basic human biology
I don't need to know you, it's simply a fact that every male born after 1980 is a porn addict, whether they realize it or not. As a woman living in these times, you either have to brainwash yourself into being a cuck willingly or die alone, if you weren't gonna already by being ugly. It's simply the way society is now and we're all doomed.
Have sex, go back to lolcow or cc and stop talking shit about me without even knowing me.
white women try not to be annoying (and fat) challenge level impossible
Too ugly to have sex and not a cuck. I am on lolcow shitting on pathetic coomers on a daily basis though, you got that right. I'm not talking shit about you, I am simply stating a fact. Perhaps you are a good person, however, I cannot possibly imagine a modern man with internet access not eventually looking at porn. even if he had the most loving, loyal girlfriend. It's simply not possible, I genuinely cannot believe it, I think you're just too optimistic about it.
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What if it was fat pony porn, would that make a difference?
Then I hope you get better soon, my condolences.
You are right I look at porn and jerk off too it but only once or twice a week to suppress my emotions because I have nobody to hold at night.
>Too ugly to have sex and not a cuck.
Even 1/10 women can get sex without a problem but I understand the other part.
Now I think there are some threads on lolcow waiting for you.
I heard that exact same excuse over and over again from males. You don't need porn to feel less lonely. It makes you feel even more lonely. At least imagine having sex instead of watching porn or something wholesome and romantic. I don't understand why you need porn. If I feel lonely, I imagine cuddling with someone, I imagine doing romantic sexual things with someone, I don't look at porn.
And no, that's not how it works. Maybe in some American states and India, but in the rest of the world, that's not how it works, especially when there's more women than men and 99% of women are very attractive and I'm disfigured looking. All of that is cope that incels spread to make themselves feel better instead of realizing that ugly people of every gender die alone besides very, very few exceptions, which are again of both genders. Both men and women are disgusted and put off by ugly people, ugly women aren't an exception. I can't even go outside because of how ugly I am. You just don't know it because you are a man, not an ugly woman.
And yes, indeed there are.
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I don't get why women are so anti porn.
There's no emotional connection, I'm just getting my shit off and then that's it. If anything women should be thankful for porn because it seems like most women don't want to do it daily. Women don't understand men's sex drive, we are horny almost 24/7
Because you feel physical attraction to another woman's body instead of being loyal. You choose to jerk off to another woman's body instead of your girlfriend's, why not just jerk off to pictures and videos you have of her? You form an addiction which makes you irritable, lazy and unable to get off to anything else besides porn aka gives you erectile dysfunction. And I get having a high sex drive, I do too even though I'm a female, but that doesn't mean I masturbate every single day, I can refrain and move on eventually, there's this thing called self control.
It is called testosterone you wouldn't get it on a biological level.
>If I feel lonely, I imagine cuddling with someone, I imagine doing romantic sexual things with someone, I don't look at porn.
Can't do this because I have never expierenced anything like this. Also reading "romantic" novels is on the same level as porn.
>especially when there's more women than men
There are less women under 40 than men, women are only in surplus around 60 years old and I have no interest in a 60 year old women while I am in my twenties.
>and I'm disfigured looking.
There is 100 % someone who would want to be with you simply because you are a woman. Meanwhile I look normal, I am tall, have blue eyes and not a single women ever wanted anything from me, once again a terrible comparaison.
>Both men and women are disgusted and put off by ugly people, ugly women aren't an exception.
Ugly men date ugly women all the time, it is often the other way around.
>I can't even go outside because of how ugly I am
I doubt that.
>And yes, indeed there are.
>I don't get why women are so anti porn.
They aren't. Women consumer more violent porn than men. It's really just a 'no u' response to the disgust men feel towards non-virgins.

Girl who just got rejected for being a whore: "ummmm ACTUALLY moid IM the one thats disgusted by you because... ummm.... you watch porn!"
>dating porn addicts
that's a (You) problem
What does testosterone have to do with this?
I haven't either, but there's this thing called imagination which can make any scenario possible happen, you know? I never read romantic novels, I find such things cringe.
I don't know the stats, but if you say so.
That's not how it works, again, that's just 4chan blackpill bullshit. No man ever showed interest in me irl and online they stopped after seeing my face. Men are repulsed by me in real life and women mock me.
Ugly men have also been repulsed by me and made fun of my face. They claim to be different and say they'd date any female until she is actually, genuinely ugly. You don't know what an actual ugly woman looks like if you think men would date an ugly woman.
And I don't know why you doubt it, I've been harassed many, many times and even posted on social media simply due to my looks. Besides that, I get disgusted stares from pretty much everyone.
>What does testosterone have to do with this?
I get random boners when I don't jerk off for a week and think about women. Men are visual creatures, I can jerk off with my imagination but it is better and quicker when I do it with some visual help.
>I never read romantic novels, I find such things cringe. So you just purely think about something that turns you on when you are horny without any additional help like books, pics, videos or toys to get off?
>That's not how it works, again, that's just 4chan blackpill bullshit. No man ever showed interest in me irl and online they stopped after seeing my face. Men are repulsed by me in real life and women mock me.
Once again I don't think this is true. Describe your face or we can share pics on another platform if you want so I know if you are right or wrong.
>You don't know what an actual ugly woman looks like if you think men would date an ugly woman.
I know how they look like but they are very rare if they are under 30.
>And I don't know why you doubt it
Never seen this happen to any women, I don't use social media only twitter to look at funny pics and videos.
I get that, but no, it isn't better, it's just the fact that you got used to it. Might as well take longer to do it rather than damage yourself with pornography, no?
My face is masculine and ugly. My eyes are close together, downturned, black and very dead inside looking, I don't know what causes that, very bad genetic dark circles, big bulbous nose, lip incompetence that leads to a grumpy looking mouth and chin and protruded mouth, big jawline, which would be good in men, but for me it doesn't work, huge forehead, I'm talking 5head or 6head, long and flat midface. My body is shapeless, I have no boobs, my waist is wide and so is my ribcage despite being very skinny, no hips, no ass + bad shape, ugly legs with huge knees and ingrown hairs everywhere, strong arms which don't fit my body and other things I can't think about. I simply look disgusting, it's that simple, and it's always been this way, even as a young child I was treated differently.
Yes, and that's exactly why it's impossible for me. I have never in my life seen a female under 30 that isn't obese or has an actual malformation who is ugly, in fact, most are model-tier.
I have, but because they were dressing goth/emo, but I dress normally.
You assume it goes way deeper than it actually does
>it's just the fact that you got used to it.
You are probably right but I don't want to sit there jerking off my dick for 20-30 minutes. Also I am very blackpilled so it is extremely hard to imagine myself with a girl in my fantasy (only way I can cum with my imagination) so it would be way easier for me if I had a gf in my life.
>My face is masculine and ugly. My eyes are close together, downturned, black and very dead inside looking, I don't know what causes that, very bad genetic dark circles, big bulbous nose, lip incompetence that leads to a grumpy looking mouth and chin and protruded mouth, big jawline, which would be good in men, but for me it doesn't work, huge forehead, I'm talking 5head or 6head, long and flat midface. My body is shapeless, I have no boobs, my waist is wide and so is my ribcage despite being very skinny, no hips, no ass + bad shape, ugly legs with huge knees and ingrown hairs everywhere, strong arms which don't fit my body and other things I can't think about. I simply look disgusting, it's that simple, and it's always been this way, even as a young child I was treated differently.
Now I am intrigued do you have any way I can contact you in private?
>I have never in my life seen a female under 30 that isn't obese or has an actual malformation who is ugly, in fact, most are model-tier.
Not true at all lmao I see obease women under 30 every single day. Also most women are not model-tier and this is fine, just like most men are not model-tier.
>I have, but because they were dressing goth/emo, but I dress normally.
Could happen if you interact with the wrong people, this is why I avoid most people in public.
Why not? Eventually you'll get used to it and it will probably take less time. And I get that, I feel that way too sometimes and can't continue or I have to refocus, but still, it is better by far than porn. And yes, but that's not the case for now, but if you do ever get a girlfriend, you won't even be able to have sex with her because your dick won't function, ever thought about that?
I do, but I'll share it via email since I posted a lot here and don't want people to find this in the archive.
So I assume you live in America? Cause here they are insanely rare, women only get fat here after 40. And again, maybe that's true where you live, but here every female looks like a model without exaggeration. Not just the face, the bodies too, although shorter.
They interact with you, not vice versa, you can't really avoid them.
Every time I come to this board it's always the exact same shit.
>Why not? Eventually you'll get used to it and it will probably take less time. And I get that, I feel that way too sometimes and can't continue or I have to refocus, but still, it is better by far than porn.
Because it is insanely frustrating when you are horny and want to cum. There is no sensation and feelings involved unlike with a partner where it would be nice if takes longer.
>And yes, but that's not the case for now, but if you do ever get a girlfriend, you won't even be able to have sex with her because your dick won't function, ever thought about that?
My dick works very well so this is a strange assumption.
>I do, but I'll share it via email since I posted a lot here and don't want people to find this in the archive.
Ok fair enough here is a throwaway mail: anon0970@proton.me.
>So I assume you live in America?
Nope eu.
>They interact with you, not vice versa, you can't really avoid them.
Don't know how this would work, just walk away. Sometimes schizos or beggers try to pester me too but I just walk away. Or is it a place like work or school then I get it.
>My dick works very well so this is a strange assumption.
Every guy thinks that until they actually try to have sex with a real woman and their dick simply doesn't get erect or it goes flaccid very quickly. Porn does things to your body that you don't even realize until it's too late.
Sent email.
Europe? And you see fat people? How? Do you live in an ultra liberal place?
Walking away doesn't work. I've been followed many times, people are just set on making others miserable if they can. It was on the street.
>Every guy thinks that until they actually try to have sex with a real woman and their dick simply doesn't get erect or it goes flaccid very quickly. Porn does things to your body that you don't even realize until it's too late.
Never had sex so I can't say anything about this. How do you even know this?
>Sent email.
Got nothing you have to send it without the dot at the end anon0970@proton.me
>Europe? And you see fat people? How? Do you live in an ultra liberal place?
No not really but it is a big city.
>Walking away doesn't work. I've been followed many times, people are just set on making others miserable if they can. It was on the street.
This sounds bad I know how most normalfags are but this sound rather crude.
Do you consider written stuff as porn? Because many many women consume that sort of shit and don't think it is.
Anyways, being porn free isn't so hard I can use my imagination to wanna as much as I want, unless your problem is masturbation then it's an entire different thing
Women today now expect that you be a literal cuckold and that they just get to fuck Chad on the side.
Ur a political lesbian talking shit about men on the internet that was created by men. If you don't like the internet (which is driven by porn and patriarchal nerdy men), then get off the internet or else ur being a hypocrite. Also every woman is addicted to social media, dating apps, and gooning to romance movies and books. They refuse to learn something useful and either choose one of two paths on the internet; become a political lesbian, or create an onlyfans.

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