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keep dreaming edition
Cap off a good night I've lost me fucking bank card
Fuck off
Ave found me bank card don't care damage is done fuming me x
Got invited to the pub last night by a few lads I work with. Didn't go though. Don't think I have it in me to make any friends at this point.
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Wish I were enjoying the start of a warm weekend with a lass.
qrd on the last few hours?

Fucking howling the fact you mad maxxed post on Facey.
Have you called the National Careers Service yet?
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I have other issues I would need to address first. I don't think working is going to improve my life to be honest. I'd just be more miserable in a deadend job than being unemployed.
>I have other issues I would need to address first
like buying shoes? lmao
What would improve your life?
Lmao based welper
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You just know she reads her smut when she's ovulating.
That's easy. How am I going to get a job with all these immigrants taking the warehouse jobs? I haven't worked for a very long time.
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More money and better genetics.
online drama for sad acts and girls
Will not be paying child support today despite getting a letter from the solicitors saying they're gonna take me to court if I don't. Fuck them. I've got nothing to lose, I'll drag it out for years in the fucking courts. Bring it on, back a man into a corner and see what happens.
Are you aware other jobs exist? Why are you so obsessed with working in a warehouse
>go to jobcentre for bennies appointment
>they want my phone number
>tell them I don't have a phone number
>lady says "really? everyone your age has at least one smartphone."
>tell her people got on fine without one before 2007, why should I feel obligated to get one
>she says it's really going to be difficult to reach you without a phone number and you're going to have to get one soon
>tell her where in the agreement does it say I require a phone and number
>she then says "you can't find work without one these days"

Not my problem. If it's not in the agreement, then it's not your business. All I need is a valid home address. You don't even need to give them your CV. All you have to do is write down jobs you applied for. Everything else is not their business. I will be recording my interviews because once she said "how are you going to afford alcohol if we sanction you" even though I don't drink.
Ever since those nasty comments a female Jobcentre staff made about me, I've become very hostile to the female. Notice they don't say shit like this now I'm older.
Failed MOT because my boot wont open. Sounds fake as fuck to me but whatever. Now i have to find some garage to fix it and go back to the other garage to do the MOT.
I should be in bed right now ffs
they dont say shit to you anymore because you havent left your boxroom in years
What other jobs? Those all require meme degrees now. Anything comfy is snapped up by females and attractive men.
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filming fun tiktoks while ruthmong shifts heavy boxes in a 30C windowless amazon warehouse
Don't worry lad. I'll be in there filming those tyrants like those youtube guys.

Train driver for example
Degrees are useless lad. No job requires them besides some big wig shite
saying "little cock and a buzzcut" would get me sacked
Disgusting entitled managerial wankers. I hate how the average fucking cretin can't even conceptualise a world that differs from their preprogrammed view of it. No phone? ERROR ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE!
High demand and years of training. I wouldn't be good at route learning.
I don't think you realise just how unattainable that job is, lad. It's almost entirely controlled by union nepotism or intra-union ethnic nepotism.
People get paid to do stupid shit like this
I've seriously never felt the need to have a smartphone. I don't want one. I use my laptop for the internet, not a spying phone and an expensive contract. Smartphones have fucked up society.
The sad reality is that there is no relatively easy, comfy, straightforward career track that gives you a comfortable living anymore.

There used to be, in fact that was pretty much the default more a long time. But today thanks to degree inflation (also proliferation of ultra specific degrees needed for jobs that didn't previously require them), mass immigration, stagnation of the economy/productivity and lack of capital investment, the banning of IQ tests and de-diversification of the economy, this has been lost for the majority of people.
Ruthmong never fails to make me chuckle, love that retard
actually its never been easier my lad
Might start up a Patreon. Don't know what to offer though
Auditors should go audit gyms. Just stand outside and film people exercising. Might be a good way to get the police to turn up.
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seasideMARK seagull are doing alright there de lads

It's not right. Women do not want to do actual work. Why should I?
genuinely curious what ruthmong's life will be like in 10-20 years
It's never been easier if you are not white, a tranny or a female. White men need to revolt against LGBT.
I may be dead by then or on the streets.
be quiet auditmong
white males still have it the easiest by far
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Fucking pisstake this market.
if you're middle class maybe. Only 16% of poor whites go to university (compared to 60% national average)
Please do enlighten me then mate.
Lie of yer CV lads. Best thing you can do to get ahead.

>it's never been easier to be a white male bro
People brush their teeth / rinse their mouth out and shower with pigeon shit, stale asbestos tank water. Mental how most British homes are like this.
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>tfw it's too late to go to university now and have to work at the warehouse until I die
what i noticed is a lot of autist walk on their toes
In that beddingtons now. Been mad max posting on me socials. I stay in beddington now x
youre a menace
you know they work for some skin or make up company right? Their boss was the first chick. Still though that video is fuckin awful
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Women get to make money on onlyfans and youtube quite easily. Even ugly fat whores are making good money on onlyfans. Old grannies too. It's fucking grim.
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cant go in to the countryside anymore without finding piles of rubbish everywhere
Ruthmong belongs in a locked-ward psychiatry without internet access
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My job? I'm a 'bull' as its known in colloquial English. Or a 'Birthrate Operative' to give it the formal title on indeed.

My job is to impregnate women and tackle the nation's ever declining birthrate. I'm a civil servant if you will. My job is subsidised by the state. Some have the audacity to call me a 'dosser' or 'layabout' and Jeremy Kyle once told me to 'put something on the end of it', despite the fact I've contributed more to GDP than he ever has.

I'm a key worker, doing one of the essential services the country couldn't do without
This one's even worse. Life is just fun and games for women. If only men stopped chasing them and giving them money. If only men stopped doing shit jobs.
her asshole must taste amazing
Immigrants should fuck off. Britain is full.
most people working in HHL's care home are probably migrants
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I bet she doesn't even know how to build a kernel. Probably doesn't even know how to use GNU/Linux. Only knows tech at surface level - using Windows, posting to the companies social media pages, sending a few emails.
mad what happens when you cram 80 million people into a tiny island
^not going to reply to take shit gimmick, pal
Some people evade train fares because they want to save money. They calculate the risk of a fine is worth the saving they'll make on the journey.

Me? I evade train fares even when it's a business expense that can be fully reimbursed. I'm not saving a penny by evading the fare but I still do it anyway
It's usually immigrants that disrespect the British land. They breed like rabbits too.
find it funny how much anger this video has caused
Legally you don't have to walk through these but so many NPCs do.
she's a macfag
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Proper humid today
SSM will never work.
How tall do you think SSM is? He looks pretty short there
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SSM is about 5'5 I'd say
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SSM has done more work than the majority of /britfeel/ has
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He turn yellow. It not right!
Sean is like 5'2
getting dominos and fosters today. cheers!
Me? Pho bo
I aim to complete unit 4 of 6 today in 'Greek to GCSE part 1'
If he never had fish odour syndrome he would have worked all his life.
G4S fat bastard thinks he can have him arrested for tresspassing. You can't be arrested for trespass as it is civil law.

Wonder how tall Ruthmong is
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I wonder how many different penises entered Ruth's tuppence during the 23/24 academic year
Now we got fucking slavs stealing our homes. They trying to help him get housing. Pisstake.
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SSM has retired
over 100, most of them black
this the answer you presumably wanted to hear, now clap like a seal and laugh
He doesnt want to be profiled
If SSM could handle that boat I'm sure he could handle the lively Alderney Alderney ferry
Fat security mong says he take that phone off him. Erm mo fat man. That would be theft. They really do hire some absolute idiots this G4S.
get a proper job you frauditor scum
wonder how brown shippy's sprog is
I make little to no contribution to the treasury.
Surprisingly light skinned
shippy is a virgin
His life revolves around a /britfeel/ personality
His life revolves around reading posts about a /britfeel/ personality
What time does the Shippy vs Abroathy war start?
He could be doing anything with his life right now. Instead he's posting drivel in 3rd person
The wars over lad. (Abroathy won)
Not for me today. I'll be focusing on going through my Greek textbook
Wonder if I can get him riled up again
Wonder how yellow BritNormie's half Thai sprog is
Imagine living in Bangladesh
Seriously concerned about BritNormie's financial position. The advertising work has really been drying up lately. Some speculate AI might have taken the bulk of his work
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He's off. I'll pop back later to read all his drivel
I won't be here from 12 to 8
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Don't be rude or inappropriate about her. She's a sweet lass like Laura.
BN made millions with bitcoin
BN only made modest cryptocurrency investments and is still in '6 figures hell' as they say on /biz/
Ruthmong should learn to play an instrument
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Out of all your asmr baes, I think Laura is the cutest. GF material.
BN has made many investments in his life. S&P500 ETFs, REITs, cryptocurrencies. The best investment he ever made though was his time, in /britfeel/
financially speaking is BN my idol
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Poundland lass
My financial position is actually a lot better than BNs but I don't like to rub his nose in it so I very rarely mention it
>My financial position is actually a lot better than BNs
Ruthmong stinks
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I'm not very creative unfortunately. Playing instruments does not get you a girlfriend. That's a myth.

Yeah she is a beauty and dresses quite well. I expect you'd have to do a lot to keep a girl like her. She definitely doesn't like staying in on the weekends so you'd need to be careermaxx and have good genetics.
im a NEET and had GFs that were hotter than her
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I think Polish lass would be high in the list. She's got the best skin.
absolute goblin desu de lad
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woglet sprog
Yeah this weather I am noticing a bit of BO. Can wash under the arms though and not shower.

I really doubt you and you aren't posting any proof.
Shower would be more effective though
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Sorry lad but she doesn't make the list. I don't see the appeal.
>be me just not dreaming
>mum and sister set me up with this lass who's in a wheelchair
>we have a very awkward date chaperoned by both parents
>we hit it off she into film
>we start texting and exchanging photos, she send me nudes and it lush
>she send me her dvd collection which is bigger than mine
>we arrange another date at local arthouse cinema
>wake up
Now what am I supposed to fucking do? Tug my rancid todger to some degenerate porn and move on? Why do these realistic dreams tease me so? IT NOT RIGHT.
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>who's in a wheelchair
Not for me that. Could never date a cripple lass.
Aye it was a bit weird had to help her into the car. Not sure why my parents were with us either, probably because I'm a spacker.
Ruthmong are your parents aware that you havent showered in months?
Wonder what Abroathy is up to today
Probably playing Dark Souls in his squalid flat
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SeasideLORD progressing steadily. He win several tournaments with the Whistle Posse and his Seaside Army has grown to the better number of about 80 ravers wishing it were like in the 90's.
We bringing the nineties back. We cleansing the twolls. We RSPB Members.
He recently get a camel, he in touch with his SeasideSULTAN past. He tempted by the ways of the Arabs. It not right.
not like you ever post proof of anything auditmong
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It a massacre. He riding on Al-Benji the camel. He sit higher than a horse, he got that long shaft, he give the SeasideSPEAR to people who mock hidden disability. Last thing they smell is the fishy/shitty stench as the majority of their blood runs out onto the beaches and the benches.
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>p-post the proof!
How did you end up getting the job you have now?
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Seaside Army has long patrolled Dorset, it kept the beaches, the benches and the pub gardens safe. He fight for the birds, the beers, the brekkies. He would have worked all his life in the fields but they kick him out. We head to town for a nice Monsoons and to check the shops.
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She looks good to me. I don't mind her crooked nose and teeth. It adds to her charm. Anyway you wouldn't be in her league.
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Fucking brain dead bints who think tapping on a microphone and whispering is some kind of skill
EVEN WORSE is mongs think its good and harp on about this shit endlessly
This lad understands
anybody can make these claims without proof
>Anyway you wouldn't be in her league
thats right, im above her league
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I don't work. It may be for you but it not for me.
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might pump out a few new gimmicks later
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Takes too long.

Well at least Scottish lass does look more her age and has some muscle tone. Nothing wrong with skinny girls though.
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30 is the new 23.
ruthmong is simply too busy to take a shower, he as too much going on in his life
>all jobs now REQUIRE a car and driving license

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Nah 50 is the new 30
surely not ALL jobs?
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Lauren would never date a stinky man. She prefers her men 4x cleaner.
Tempted to wank but its too hot
Bacon bacon mutty times de lads
SSM takes daily showers because he has TMAU
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More than 50 million NPCS in the UK can drive but its too hard for such a smart lad like you
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I don't think she would think so. You would have a long way to go to be her ideal man. She knows she is too good for most men.

She'll look better at 30. Probably only look 23 still.

Too much stress and depression...yeah.
Timothy James Byrne can drive
Can't believe someone removed his Wikipedia TMAU reference. They trying to cancel him. Not right!
You actually need one person to verify your identity for a driving licence too. If you don't know anyone outside your family, you aren't driving. Not as crazy as getting a passport countersigned, though.
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And I mean lush get in there
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175k subscribers this blonde white girl. Is it because she is talented at asmr?
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It's a Jenny. J E N N Y
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link her channel and I will tell you

asmr really has become sexual hasn't it?
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>We are not rapists. We are young boys that like a bit of fun.
lmao you have the comfiest life of anybody here, parents letting you live rent free with no bills or worries, waking up whenever and doing whatever you want all day
She is going to be bigger than her in a few years.

What's an easy part time job to do? Preferably from home?
Lauren ASMR needs to show her feet more, just saying.
I know but I am not happy, depressed and don't enjoy my life. I have it worse. No one would trade it all to be like this.
I'm telling you lads, Patreon is the way to go. Even if you get 200 a week that's decent enough for rent
camwhore for gross old men
She'll be getting them out and much more when she turns to onlyfans eventually. Guarantee it.
I know it's meant to be 'mouth noises' but it's not nice to listen to. Sounds like she is eating these
Only females can get free money on the internet.
SSM could make an onlyfans and rake it in but that would count as having a job.
Haven't seen those in years. All the good sweets have been replaced with utter crap.
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the mandem enjoying the countryside

you love to see it. Too long has the fresh air and greenery been the preserve of the white man. Lovely to see some black chaps out there chopping down trees and such.
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Gay men love SSM's big bloated belly. They love watching him eating junk food too
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Full time NEET on PIP is easier.
Blonde white Norwegian girls love black guys.
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He like men and women
Any lads here read? Just picked up a Kindle and put a fuck load of ebooks on it.
Currently reading Blood Meridian for the first time. Good so far. Amazing prose
He not into vanilla sex. It not for him
Brown sprog/child support update??
Why work and not afford a house when you can get on disability and get your own flat like SSM?
Dark haired black Zimbabwean girls love English guys
No reason not to live in Dorset if you're not working.
I'm a reader lad, first time Blood Meridian is gonna be a real treat. Enjoy it!
I don't have the attention span to read thousands of words.
his tiny flat is depressing af though
I just sent my baba mama another 20 quid so she can get some chicken wings
Racism not allowed outside of /b/, lad. Calm down.
>Dark haired black Zimbabwean girls love English guys
Proof? I'll wait
He had such a nice bungalow, mad he swapped with that just to be closer to the sea.
Rather have a tiny flat than deal with maintaining a garden.
I thought he was evicted for starting a fire that killed baby Tristan
Tristan died in Nottingham that's why he had to flee
I'll wait until he's provided proof of blonde Norwegian girls loving black guys
Have you heard of zimlad, lad?
Heard of Shipanon?
>l can smell FlSH on this train
Was that in his first flat (where he told his neighbor he would start a fire if he continued with his noise)
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"Women age like milk."
"Men age like a fine wine."
The lad with the white gf and her black kid he now takes care of? yeah
No proof then. Got it
Seething balding sprogless tranny
you're just making things up now
I'd love a normie life and young love but it's too late now.
And he wears glasses
One of the unspoken things about his channel is how much of it is for his fetish audience. It wouldn't surprise me if it's where he gets his money from
Same as Shipanon
There's a reason his KFC videos are so popular.
Jesus Shippy you just can't let it go can you?
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Poor shippy has gotten himself all riled up again
>There's a reason his KFC videos are so popular
Why is that then?
>it's too late now
its not
Are Arbroathy really upset Greg
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Are you better than driving a van?
Alright there youtubers, just had a shit. Let's see if there are any golden nuggets in there.
Shippy even apologised last night too. Something must have upset him since
Shippy certainly isn't
SSM and Helen on OnlyFans? Yes I would subscribe.
Shippy is working til 8 today.
No one knows what Helen looks like. She could be a right munter
i love driving cars in general, atm i drive around spackers for a living but it doesnt matter, id drive around anybody and everything
Concerned about this lads mental health
He could do solo feeding videos for the gay lads and Helen content for straights. He got something for everyone. It's free money
Immigrants destroying this country.
My mental health is fine lad.
How much will he earn?
Didn't realise things were that quiet in the advertising industry at the moment
Shippy doing overtime to support his brown sprog.
Shippy's employer would pay him less if they could, but they cant because hes already on minimum wage.
He'll have made 91 quid today
Black man called Thomas Johnson from the Bronx awarded a major 6 figure advertising contract. Not because he's the best, but because of DEI, the company needs to improve their ESG score

No white creatives need apply
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Minimum wage? Not for me if it doesn't afford me a place to live, pay bills and have some disposable income. I'll just keep draining this country by claiming disability. That's my right as a British man if they want all these immigrants to take the jobs.
We wuz bigfoot
Sprogged wagie
The worst of both worlds
Immigrants took all the cheap flats. Asylum seekers get comfy hotels. Not right.
Shippy dresses like a jehovah's witness.
Shippy looks like a short version of Big Keith from the Office.
Shippy is not only balding but now going grey.
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Working not for me. It might be for you. But it's not for me.
how is being sprogged the worse of two options here?

Wagie/NEET is debateable, but how is sprogged worse?
Shippy will never attract a wife now
Premier inn is refugee central. Not right
Shippy doesn't want a wife. He is happy with his baby mama and brown sprog he rarely sees.
Why can't Shippy see his sprog again
Infertile sprogless tranny
Has Mark said what he's getting up to today?
He deleted his morning uploaf.
Come on, this has been going on 3 days now. Are you really going to dedicate the rest of your life to spamming drivel at an unprecedented rate?
Van driver has imaginary brown child
ckin ell

Gotten up me have i not

Dreamt of [redacted] again too
>Are you really going to dedicate the rest of your life to spamming drivel at an unprecedented rate
Better than being bored, lonely and depressed.
This has to be AI. It can't actually be a real person behind a keyboard posting all this shite
>oh she looks like a cute cam girl let me check her out

I missed it. What did he say? Anything interesting?
This has to be AI. It can't actually be a real person behind a screen reading all this shite
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2 pints in not touched sides get in there de leeeeeed
Glasgow telephone exchange is struggling to cope with all this drivel being pumped through it
Fink i'll be 'avin some spaffbol later on
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He not drinking Saturday
He drinking Sunday
He get a bag of beer and fuck off to Swanage
Seagull de lad
Bacon bacon buppy times
Arse shit ribs
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Hopefully RiffRatz has clipped this
Jarvis has been spiking cannabis with LSD for a laugh
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Better than getting a bag of wokey
mark really used to do coke?
Seagull de lad
Robin de lad
Magpie de lad
Really not a fan of summer, me
Yeah. HHL tried wokey after seeing SSM doing it
Are Steven is trying new things
Are you trying new things over the weekend de lads?
Me? I'm not
He was winding up the twolls.
Baking powder innit
His beard grows quickly doesn't it
favourite film lads? it's trainspotting for me
Is it very relatable? A squalid run down flat in the central belt of Scotland
Miami Vice desu, excellent film
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Magpies are notorious dickheads lad

They will kill and eat other birds and their young just for a laugh
Work outdoors and at least 2 times a month im greeted with some fucking horror show of a pigeon missing its head and most of its guts
NOT a womfy sight at 7am tbqh lad
Fresh Fat Andy ere
Very Arbroathian
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This really upset the twolls
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SSM's favourite film is Scarface.
>work outdoors
Well there's the problem lad. Get a real job instead.
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Enjoying that spastic mong boy you posted yesterday.
seething sprogged wagie
1st class degree in engineering
Setting out tower cranes level and line
Alpha male
degassed beer
>be me
>a magpie
>see the same old spastic manlet mong on the construction site with his velcro shoes and hard hat
>lmao what a fucking loser
>kill birds and leave their corpses for him to find
>kek to myself as he seethes about it and cries
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>being stuck in some office all day having to deal with everyones shit

no thanks lad
Spat a vape cloud out at this
Life is objectively better when you:
>are employed in a decent job
>have a loving, committed and sexually active relationship with a nice woman
>have children

Anyone arguing to the contrary is just coping. Simple as.
hayfever is going fucking mental today fucks sake
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Karl had a pet magpie called Maggie that pecked his grifter bike tyres
He tried simmer eats for a week
I check their website and the meals are over 5 quid each
Just more ripoff slop from nonce island
Are Brian is a national treasure. Have you seen his prank videos?
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Just in fucking tears. It has been for almost 400 years that the Princes of the Kingdom look after the royal menagerie of frens at the palaces. King Charles has nixed that in one fell swoop and all those Royal Frogs are in disarray. It not right how they get discarded. SPACCA is going to be furious.
I wfh lad so I don't get any of that shite. But do you know what I did back in the day when someone did start talking shit about others in the office? I would ignore them and when they paused waiting for me to reply I'd say something like "yeah I know that's crazy" and then get back to pretending to work.
Also nobody left bird carcasses on my desk.
Castrated spineless infertile man
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QRD on Brian?
ooofff, not feeling very good today
my withered testicles have got shooting pains in them
starting to think it wasn't such a good idea to have ordered DIY hormone therapy from India so I could mutilate my body on the cheap
i hope you never get to see your daughter
His YT lolcows make him feel better about himself
gonna take my name off for a bit to reply to people I don't like them add it back on to post unfunny shite
nobody will be the wiser
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generally its just a tail and a spine, they usually pick them clean but this one had all sorts of guts and shit hanging out

Id put up with bird carcasses all day over bullshit office politics tbqh lad
more than one anon dislikes you shippy
Wagies will tell you this meal that cost 5 pound 50 from simmer eats is worth it because it's convenient and allows them to give more of their time to bossman
I get my hrt from the NHS
The lupron injections cost 220 quid each
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The Woyal Apus served up the Langoustine Wizza for centuries. Where will they go now that Frogmore has no steward?
I have accepted that I will never be a woman and I will be detransitioning in due course
hoping to close this embarrassing chapter of my life for good
Yeah, thats undeniable. I only have 2 of the 3 (1st and 3rd)
having children is immoral bro
Looks like a greasy heap of shit. You got enough cheese, fatboy?
nerve has been touched lol
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>having chiIdren is immoral
Shippy will never see his daughter.
How often do you see your daughter?
Shippy's main priority is attacking his enemies in /britfeel/
Daily. You?
I doubt Arbroathy even has a bf
Wonder what Shippy's daughter looks like
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>'At the end of June last year, a statement by a Sussex spokesperson confirming the eviction read: "We can confirm the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been requested to vacate their residence at Frogmore Cottage." In response to being kicked out of the property, Harry is said to have responded to his father with eight words: "Don't you want to see those grand-frens anymore?" Speaking on GB News back in January, host Patrick Christys and royal expert Kinsey Schofield discussed how the couple could use their Noble Apustajas to ease tensions with the Royal Family.'
you don't have a daughter, you have a son, unless something has changed
>Wonder what Shippy's daughter looks like
You know what would make this thread better?
Endlessly spamming a stupid frog AI gimmick that is boring, unfunny, uninteresting and never gets any replies.
You know there are more than 2 posters in /britfeel/ right?
Would put money on Arbroathy being dead by his own hand before the end of the year, as is often the case with his kind
why stay if you hate the posts made here?
why is harry complaining about this.

why is he so entitled to this shidd when he isnt a working royal

why does he fink royal family entitled anything

little bastard
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without the shit gimmick posting its just sad angry lads having a go at each other because there is fuck all to do
Would not be surprised if Arbroathy was very overweight, no pics is a sure sign of ugly/balding/fatty
janny hates soijaks being posted
I'm anti-royal from a right wing perspective, hate how it's all fucking goontwat progressive shitlibs who are anti-royals.
You forgot to take her name off you thick cunt.
we love wapu posting mate

you can fuck off
Fuck off mate literally no one likes you.
I'm a fat balding twat with a beanhead
I'll be honest all the posts that are like hurr durr gimmicks bad or why you here if you hate the spam blah blah blah are total nonsense.
I genuinely britfeel hilarious and I love coming here.
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All this spam because someone pointed out your sprog is brown (which it is)
alri big shippy lad, long time no see
Did people poke fun at Shippy's brown sprog before zimlad came along or did it take off after zimmy posted his kid?
Shippy is 'punishing' the thread because a tranny upset him. SAD!
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>He posts drivel for 16 hours a day on 4chan
Yet your daughter is being cared for by another man.
shippy won't be here until 8pm
>He reads drivel for 16 hours a day on 4chan
Sad how Shippy ended up becoming the /britfeel/ jester
He is the thread lolcow replacement since Poley rarely posts anymore.
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Oh ofcourse it was pakis that came up with the simmer eats scam slop
Imagine my shock
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Do you agree with Doctor Who, lads? Is 'white mediocrity' celebrated and do black people have to be flawless to get anything?
We need poley back ASAP
Never thought I would agree, but it's true.
shippy out
poley in
Anyone got those cartoon pics of Poley where he gets progressively uglier like a Pokemon?
They were legitimately the funniest things I've ever seen in this thread.
We need a new breed of personalities. The old ones have become stale and boring
Another genetic slop paki supporting their paki slop brothers scam business
>neeeeeeew Britain!
Britfeel is pretty much dead. There won't be any new blood sadly
You've become stale and boring
Arbroathy is the hot new sassy /britfeel/ personality
We need SSM posting here
>neeeeeeew Britain!
Ah I see, you're a Scrump and Eve fan. Makes sense I guess given the tranny shit.
This. But it will never happen sadly
SSM wouldn't be able to complete the CAPTCHAs
Surprising how few posters here have sprogs.
>full time position, two years experience asked for
>central London, office working
>salary range 17k-17k

Might be one of the worst adverts I've ever seen. Not because it's the most egregious, but because it's so mundanely awful. Like this is just the norm and you shouldn't even be dismissive of how bad it is. State of this fucking country.
I'm not a man, unless I have a woman.
>on the incel board of 4chan
some posters have managed it...
which posters have can you name them
Not a thing wrong with pumping a few IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies
I'm not a woman, unless I have a man.
this is the 5th time I've seen you post this.

Have you ever done it yourself?
Need a wofvefe, me

Yessir i do
Well certainly not you, LOL!
So you can't. Got it.
been off the booze for a few weeks now
do the intense cravings ever stop?
I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with it, you know?
You could confirm that I'm right by saying "Yeah, you're right, I have sprog", which you do, right?
Depends, how long were you on the drink before you decided to quit?
massive boner at work. don't know why i watched that video
name these posters with sprogs
One day I will have a sprog and I will put the nay-sayers to shame
You, you've got one, right?
drank every day for about 2 years. some days only a couple beers, others 10 to 12ish pints
And which poster am I?
Anonymous, you're here in /britfeel/ and you've got a sprog, right? Don't tell me you're sprogless
Yes (RIP lad)
Ok I'm Shipanon and I am sprogless. Happy now?
did smirnoffbro actually die or was the pressure of being a larger than life tripfag too much pressure for him?
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>I am sprogless
home from the pub and put a breaded chicken escalope in the oven, i will eat it then fall asleep, thanks bye
Zimlad has literally posted pics of him and his sprog.
That sprog belongs to his girlfriend and her ex. Learn your lore.
I wonder what causes someone not to want sprogs, furthermore, consider that a 'gigachad' attribute
BritNormie currently on the train to Thurso to wind up crossmong
Amazing how there's literally ethnic riots going in the same area of Leeds that had ethnic riots going on twenty years ago and the coverage in the news is barely noticeable, let alone insightful.
BritNormie will arrive in Thurso at 18:00, 7 minutes later than scheduled, after departing the 2nd leg of his journey in Inverness at 14:00
BritNormie is a proud customer of ScotRail
SSM lost media
we should organise a britfeel meetup. go for a pub crawl would be lush
BritNormie currently on the 'Far North Line' (Inverness to Wick). He just departed Culrain and his next stop if Invershin
is shutin still alive
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Shout out to the good time crew
All across the islands
Yeah, he posts in Discord, he's still doing well. got a gf and a nice job in London
good, always liked that lad
Nobody loved spastics more than SCEA.
BritNormie has never been further north in Scotland than Elgin, until today
I'd unironically be up for this. I think we tried a while ago but it never worked out, only the Shippy-Polet meet up went ahead iirc
Indeed, 'mong boys' he used to call them
he really is here all day everyday. grim
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Square Peg in Birmingham
BritNormie's train is the green one
it's funny how much this image upsets shipblob
Nobody hated brown sprogs more than SCEA.
Why is he wearing a tie?
I am really good at pool because I played it every day with the nurses when I was in a psych ward. About 6 months
Reckon I'm probably the best here
Got to dress up nice to meet your fellow NEET incels shutin gimmick posters
so excited for my cheesey wizza later lads
corrrr get in there de lids
to give poley something to hold onto during the physical act of love
fats, carbs and salt, love it!
Who is here all day everyday, and how would you know, are you here all day every day?
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Quite shaken about the eponymous Ian of Debian killing himself. Just learned this from 2 thread ago. Whats Debra been up to.
oasis, blur or pulp?
128 quid to last until first of August. All bills paid so just food really. I can make it work. Overspent this past month like a MONG.
SSM or Makaveli?
HHL called for the death of all brown sprogs but you don't see Shippy seething at his oldest ally
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I envy SSM, I do not envy Maka.
SSM. Not really into Makaveli
Wot noodles soon i reckon
an afternoon thread

What was the fookin 8 word response? Cba to look but I am curious.
Nicely done, lad. I love these so much, save every one posted with long file names that encapsulate your brilliant lore. I do especially adore it when you invent new varieties with creative names. Please never stop.
You should do cocaine and have sex with men at parties and film it and post it on the internet: it would make people respect you more.
>keep dreaming edition
Out of the three I reckon this is my favourite edition.
Fuck I miss Feel Street

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