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Let's have a homosexual hate thread. They're unnatural subhumans and they deserve no empathy.
throw faggots off rooftops
I love when MtF trannies can somehow convince themselves that they don't look like men. I've had a couple funny convos of stringing their desperate asses along before they're finally like

>btw.... im trans...!!! >-< idk if u could newtice

Imagine having the jawline of the crimson chin and thinking you look womanly
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Breeders say what? Who would win? One little gay SEA boi or 206 big tall straight white bois? One gay man raped 206 straight guys, destroyed their white Britbong asses. Know your place, breeders.
But I like that fuzzy warm feeling I get when I'm around cute guys I like. I work, study, workout, fulfill any obligations I have, and to top it off I don't even feel any attraction to children! Why so mean? :(
You're a degenerate and need to be exterminated with fire.
Your feelings are unnatural and degenerate. Nature designed the penis to enter the vagina. It's why 99% of humanity is straight. Kys
I'm glad I'm bisexual and not a faggot
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How cool would it be to have right wing death squads going around executing fags point blank? I would love to see it.
God I wish I didn't care about the consequences so I could bomb a fag parade.
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Do you have a type anon?
Just vote in far right politicians and spread right wing propaganda. Eventually we can ostracize the fags from society again.
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>Free palest-aaAAAAAACKK
I love how faggots took care of themselves with aids once and now are taking care of themselves again.
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well, im a loner
Skinny, just a bit smaller than me, smooth skin, small features. Not effeminate though and definitely not a femboy. I also like the opposite just as much; gruff but well groomed, toned though not massive, handsome.

All of these are just fantasies and general goals though. irl I'm not terribly picky
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Well so am I. I'm at an age where most guys already have been in relationships and had all kinds of life experiences, so the prospect of exposing myself to someone feels really intimidating. To show someone what a giant loser I am and trusting them not to hurt me.
I want someone who understands what it's like being so lonely, being a reject no one really likes, and can understand why I have all these hangups and crazy thoughts instead of judging me for them.
Now where to find someone like this. Most homos are turbonormies and people on here are intimidating for other reasons. I have trust issues as is. Often I think I am simply too mentally ill to be close to someone else at all, and I will die a virgin.
It's so crazy to think we are two loners talking to each other here, both yearning for love, but kept apart by these walls we have built up.
And now if I'm gonna be completely shallow for moment, I like big muscles, basically, and that's it. I'm pretty basic and tacky like that. But at the end of the day anything goes
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only dead faggots are good faggots
lol faggots are outright demonic. imagine celebrating 200 guys getting raped because it was done by a faggot. how the fuck do leftist subhumans even explain tolerating these freaks? homos are mentally ill and should be euthanized
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Pic rel is the best part of the Bible imo
what about lesbians? they're okay because it's hot to men, right? as long as other men don't fuck each other in the ass, it's all good?
it's also degenerate and any men who thinks it's okay because it makes his pp hard is also degenerate
on what criteria are we going here? you know exist today because your ancestors decided, "it's okay because it makes my pp hard," thus male and female procreation laws were established. there wasn't a semblance of thought behind its morality, which is how nature operates? your conservative ideas regarding sex are ironically unnatural.
Homophobia is just another expression of societal misandry. This purported "hate" against lesbians exists only as an afterthought meant to cover up this double standard.
They're as natural as incel losers
straight people are disgusting subhuman filth. can't wait to commit unlimited genocide on these trash breeders. i'll poz ur neg hole with hot lead, bitch
>hahahaha lets kill all the faggots
>abloobloobloo we got raped :(((
Kek chuds are such snowflakes
2: and you're gonna say, "well, morality and values works in society we needed in our intelligent, modern society" and what about homosexuality in modern society that is a problem in any way? if they didn't exist, as you would kill them, they wouldn't procreate, if they existed, they wouldn't procreate either but would live their life as happy individuals who would contribute, by chance, greatly to society, like any other average human with free will and human rights, just that they wouldn't produce little babies most of the time. and they make up so little of the population they wouldn't be a bother in any way. just because you don't like it, does that mean they cannot exist? would you advocate also for killing infertile women? how does it actively go against your own morality, infringe on your freedom, rights, and will in any way?
3: and the fact that gays exist despite it being a literal dead-end and being ostracized, exterminated, and just suffering and suiciding all over the world, for thousands of years. just because the reason isn't immediately apparent to your smooth puritan brain as to why they are here, doesn't mean they are "unnatural." I doubt it's a defect, at all.
not gonna read all that faggot, imagine writing all that just to defend your lesbian fetish, holy shit kill yourself you waste of oxygen.
a genetic dead-end*. it goes against natural selection, but they still exist, because they don't produce each other, straight people do, and that's not a mistake.
i don't hate trans women
but it is not easy to recognize them as women because most trans women look like men wearing long-haired wigs
are you discussing the lives of people here, advocating for extreme violence, but can't even read a paragraph about a criticism? holy shit, you're a literal ape, YOUR existence is unnatural.
Homophobes like you are weak little faggots with repressed homosexual desires; I'll liberate you from the tyranny of the closet with my dick in your ass and once I leave you in a bloody, bruised heap with cum oozing out of your battered hole you'll choke out the words "thank you"
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Virtuous fags/queers are sides and muscle worshippers
you're a cuck faggot who loves to watch women fuck in front of you, lesbians are degenerate on principle like all homosexuality is and defending them because it makes you feel good makes you no different from homosexuals
How about you type a coherent sentence, retard?
I'll help you hold down OP while you sodomize him, I'll cum in his eyes too after you beat him down
are you retarded? I was using lesbians as an example to taunt you, my argument has nothing to do with that. I'm a straight woman you're projecting your desires.
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lgbt hate is something I can get behind.

>it stays in the bedroom

no it doesn't.
>They're unnatural subhumans and they deserve no empathy.
Nah they're just annoying as fuck, if they'd shut up and keep their degeneracy in private I'd be fine with them.
my sentence was completely coherent and understandable, only pseudo-intellectual redditors care about perfect grammar and the fact you are trying to win the argument using the grammar argument shows you can't debunk my points and lost the argument
Virgin straight guy only 8 partners a lifetime vs Chad gay gets 1,000 a lifetime
Stay losing
I'm not the same person you replied to, idiot.
oh yeah whatever i don't care, i didn't read your comment and it's probably nonsense anyways, i already made my point that all homosexuals are degenerate and if you want to take the argument somewhere else i'm just not interested
>and it's probably nonsense anyways
I don't understand, aren't you just following your heart and emotions at this point, not wanting to stop believing in your ideologies? how could you criticize homosexuals when you behave exactly like them?
A virgin straight man at 40 with cheeto dust fingers is worth more than any faggot on Earth by miles. Faggots are disgusting.
Whatever helps you cope with being a kissless virgin buddy lol
>aren't you just following your heart and emotions at this point
so you admit faggots try to shoehorn their desires into politics/schools/culture etc...? and their reasoning holds no merit?
of course you gonna repost the same picture you found on the internet inside your conservative far-right groups like a retard and not fact-check like a retard because it verifies your own stupid beliefs, like a retard. this was made by a white supremacist, antisemite, holocaust denier, and just the whole package. none of you want to think or find the truth, you just want to believe your own hatefulness is justified, like everyone else.
It was not coherent because you completely failed to grasp what the other anon said. There are no points to debunk. You're just a plain blabbering idiot. You are incapable of logical thought or anything that would matter.
who the fuck said I think they should create political groups in countries where they already are accepted? I do not care, I'm talking about homosexuality itself, if two average people from the same gender want to be together or to fuck, I am not against it. I'm not defending organized political and cultural movements here, I'm not.
i didn't even read that gigantic wall of text and i already stated that multiple times, again my only argument is that homosexuality is pure degeneracy in principle and i am not interested in arguing about other things, stop trying to deflect
No, it's not about feelings, I'm saying that it's natural, it's not a problem or a defect that they like the same-gender. they have the right to defend themselves against hate because homosexuality is harmless, and they aren't "Wrong" for existing. advocating for that right is okay, making it an ideology in america is for idiots who have nothing better to do.
thar's exactly what I was arguing about, the naturality of homosexuality. you are a huge fucking hateful retard if you can't read 1 line of my reply to realize that.
that's nice and would make sense 30 years ago but we all saw what happened when we let them "do it in their bedrooms without bothering anyone" now we have a whole fucking month of that shit and they still aren't happy
Your "argument" is literally a statement. You have no argument.
it doesn't mean it has anything to do with the group or individuals. it's a culture that grew in extreme over the years, but it became something entirely independent of sexuality nowadays. blaming an entire sexual orientation, where there millions of people around the world who has nothing to do with your little group in the united states, is dumb, because there are all kinds of people, one trait doesn't make them associated with it.
this is the funniest shit ever because I looked the guy who wrote this and he's literally like the one I talked about earlier, >this was made by a white supremacist, antisemite, holocaust denier, and just the whole package.
he literally makes shit up, AKA, "Theories" about race, gender, sexuality, things like undermining women as the lesser gender in his writings and uses science manipulatively. like hitler darwinism level bullshit. GTFO conservatives, you're full of shit.
>the seething tranny is still lurking this dying thread
holy shit don't you have anything better to do?
you said nothing with this
just emotionally charged nonsense
the proof is sound and true
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What if we posted more cute furry guys in order to mend this conflict?
Maybe the homophobes ITT eventually will come around see our point of view?
Or maybe they can come to feel seen and appreciated as fellow members of the male species?
I know women fall short in doing this.
After all, we all have dicks and balls and suffer because of misandry. We shouldn't be fighting.
I followed my emotionally charged nonsense with a decent explanation of what I'm implying, the reply under.
go to /trash/ furfag
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nice pic. Sure go ahead, it'll help restore balance in the universe if nothing else.
let the random board be random
I was going to watch a movie, but felt too lazy. I always manage to waste my time in the least productive ways. also I'm not trans how did you conclude that?
anon if you think that's any different and true then good luck
alright, I'm too lazy to argue, here's his wikipedia page, his theories and conclusions based on scientific facts are, to say the very least, just theories, but he could be discredited further by his history, his ideologies and agenda that he is trying to push.
Sorry, meant to link this, here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Sheppard_(activist)
I'm fine with gays but trannies are just degenerate retards
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There's never much interesting going on there.
What would it take to convince you I am, at the very least, a well-meaning person?
Is there anything burdening you? Maybe I could offer you a few words of comfort. I think you are suffering. Do you feel lonely like I do?
Based. I think the worst of the alphabet people is got to be the fucking dykes. A bunch of miserable malicious narcissists who sole reason is to exist is to be an annoyance to the opposite sex. Objectively terrible taste in woman and yet they act like their omnipotent.
Damn, 2016 truly is over. This thread would be way more full of homophobes than fags back then.
All in all, pride shit needs to start getting burned more and it doesn't need to be everywhere in media but if some regular dude I was otherwise fine with told me he dated dudes I wouldn't even think about it. Trannies have proven to be a detriment though.

>son of two lesbians
is it gay if i want a man to lie on top of me? fully clothed and flaccid of course
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Perhaps you can understand that burning gay flags comes off as kind of a scary and hostile gesture to us. It makes people want to double down on the flags.
Most of all, trannies have been a disaster for LGB acceptance by association. I can see that they suffer a lot from their mental affliction but they have this very uncompromising cultist mindset which makes them a pain to interact with unless you full stop commit to their nonsense ideology. But for example Blair White seems to have a very reasonable approach as a tranny and I don't understand why the rest of trannies can't to the same thing.
No one is more annoyed than me by this, I'm always hesitant interacting with other LGBT people because of this pressure to conform into all of this pronoun shit which I hardly believe in.
Sounds like touch starvation desu
i think it is a bit of touch starvation but it's weird because i'm thinking about a man
it's mostly just because men are bigger though
kys closeted fags
the only reason you feel this way is because you are repressed homosexuals and all your hatred is frustration with the fact that you can't allow yourself to accept the real you.
(not the guy you're talking to btw) You want something big, cuddly, warm and most importantly living to help give a feeling of safety that perhaps you don't have in the physical world. Maybe it's more about the tactile aspect in this case. Don't tear yourself up over it, just take it for what it is; a symptom of the circumstances that you need to change. Good luck bro.
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Is there some sense of security to it?
I remember when I was little and sleeping in my parents bed (to a relatively late age, being an anxious child), I would sometimes lay early mornings, room flooded in warm light, finding myself half crushed under dad and just feel very relaxed and at ease. I miss those moments. I don't get anything like that anymore. When I wake up in the morning these days I just feel dread.
I wouldn't hate them as much if they didn't try to groom kids. I remember the oberfell decision and I hugged my gay friend. Now he's a tranny and I'm conflicted. I wanted to be left alone. I wanted people to be left alone. That was the whole point. As soon as they got what they wanted, they just kept pushing. I feel betrayed. I genuinely feel hurt, like a stab to the back.
I also feel conflicted, on one hand I also see there is some amount of groomy shit going on (especially in tranny circles), however I have no way of assessing how widespread or serious of an a issue this is.
I also see a lot of conservatives characterizing anything gay existing within the vicinity of kids as "grooming". According to them I also were groomed because I interacted with homos older than me as a teen and talked about my emotions and shit. Apparently it's only okay interacting with hetero adults until I were 18? Fucking dumb.
Overall I'm very sceptical of grooming accusations being thrown around because it's clearly being used as a fear mongering tactic.

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