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Castle Howard edition
Hope we get a Sunday uploaf
Good morning lovely lads
Shut up ruthmong
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SSM will be in Swanage today
Would love to play some vidya with ruthmong desu. Come onnnnnnn lad, lets get on it.
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Lovely morning but a bit too hot for me. Hope it gets cool soon.

Good morning.

Stinky alcoholic dosser.

state of these mongs
I don't really play it too much lately. Just been a bit too depressed for it and poor attention span. I would have to set up another ID.
Might help your depression then lad.
Would love to work at a warehouse with ruthmong desu. Come onnnnnnn lad, lets get on it.
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have no idea what to do with myself today
it's a hard life
I don't think it's a good idea for obvious reasons. There are other lads like HHL.
Warehouse is so grim. I'd rather be unemployed and miserable than work in a job I hate. Not for me.
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>Dylan Brister, 27, and Cameron Allan, 21, subjected dad-of-three Calum Simpson, 24, to the most horrific ordeal after drugging him with Class C drug Etizolam and booze.
>Graphic footage recovered from Allans phone was shown to the jury during proceedings as well as photographs of Calums horrific injuries - sustained 11 days after the birth of his youngest child.
>Advocate depute Angela Gray told jurors: What you saw on that footage was rape. It was sexual assault. It was committed by both accused acting together.
>The prosecutor said: This is a plan between both accused to drug Calum Simpson to make sure he does not get up. They drugged him for their sexual gratification.
>The court heard that Allan and Brister had been seeking to recruit a man to make up a threesome with them but efforts to find a participant failed.
>Ms. Gray said: And then Calum Simpson, a complete stranger, arrives by chance.
>The court heard Allan told police in a statement he said a prayer for the victim, claiming that he had bad sexual thoughts because of whats happened to me.
>During an interview with police Brister told officers: We are not rapists. We are young boys that like a bit of fun.
>dad of three

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>Family of dad raped and murdered by sadistic killers question attacker's years of freedom
At least he won't have to pay child support any more
Stop posting your fetishes tranner
I'm spreading awareness to any lads here who might be potential prison gays about the dangers of associating with homosexuals.
was in glasgow yesterday and there was a pride march on. loads of tranner and pride flags, but equally a shit load of Palestinian flags. don't really get that tbqh, doesn't Palestine practice the whole "throw the poof off the roof" mantra?
You're a homo though lmao
He's one of them self hating gays. Story as old as time.
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I am a straight woman in a relationship with a straight man and that's the end of the discussion.
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>I am a straight woman
The reasons aren't obvious to me? Is this your weird 'ill be doxxed' paranoia?
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>l am a straight woman in a relationship with a straight man and that's the end of the discussion.
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the gays are uppity now that I've highlighted how sick their culture is to the vulnerable lonely lads here
>wakes up
>begins another le heckin trad and redpilled hate routine
Wow you have such an amazing life. LOL
Unlike you lad, I actually am straight.
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>be gay man
>dress as women
>look im straight women now!
is that an image of Nick Griffin?
What a sad little life Arbroathy
You are a male. You are in a romantic and sexual relationship with another male. You are, by definition, gay.
Will arby make it to the 40+ club?
Always think this is Nick Griffin when I see it
aye they do, as a bi-fag i dont get why so many want immigration from these countries and show support to them
Literally nothing wrong with having 3 sprogs at age 24
It is actually from an episode of Come Done With Me
Hence my jokey comment here. That guy starts seething and says
>What a sat little life Jane. All the decorum of a reversing dump truck.
Or something like that I can't remember.
Yeah that one
I've been seeing a lot of cancer reveal videos pop up in my feed over the past 6 months. No words really.
Don't bother arguing lad. The historical and biological natural state of families means absolutely nothing to a seething incel with no shoes.
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i like big tits tbqh
Grown man. Puts on a summer dress. Shoulders very wide. Everyone can tell there's a cock between those legs.
The weirdest cope is when people who don't want sprogs say they will have them 'someday when I can afford it', why not just say you never want them?
Let's ask shippy. the 30+ sprogless man.
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My girlfriend hates me watching wrestling due to the women in the shorts because I get aroused. She refuses to have sex with me when wrestling is on. How can I supress my urges for women to make her feel better? I've stopped wanking to porn too. Though she never believes me. She got cheated on in her first marriage, and she's never gotten over it.
The grim sex LARP post
Arbroathy is the only white man left in his tenement block, it not right, it not right one bit
How long before a Shippy picture is posted and the following bead head nonce posts routine
you tell us big man when will you post it?
do the one about shippy being a wagie and having no sprogs
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>keyboard is working again
i think it just needed a good 24 hours to dry out
might cancel the amazon order for that new keyboard
>No Sunday uploaf
Spams the thread with SSM images, catchphrases and drama
I always get these intense dreams when i nap during the day
how long was the last stint of bird swanster?
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did somebody mention shippy
find im more likely to have a sex dream during a nap
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If i ever decide to check out early its probably going to be on a sunday morning tbqh

Family, work and friends are all in one way or another, massive wankers , you try and be nice and let it slide and people just take the piss some more,
The thread has really slowed down today, thank god. It's been unbearable the past few days
Back home from a wee weekend break.
Might put some new wallpaper up in the hoose
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Getting ready for sleep.

Life is grim. I'd probably do it on a Monday. Nice and early.
Did I miss anything good? I haven't been on the last couple days.
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>Getting ready for sleep.
At noon?
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I sleep when I get tired. I wake up naturally. I struggle with waking up with alarms.
Why does a minimum wage driver need to wear a suit and tie?
Not having a good sleep schedule and poor circadian rhythm can cause low mood and depression.
HHL admitted he lives in a care home
Too many normies fall for that prime day marketing bollocks. So much tat they buy.
What's wrong with him that he needs care?
Hair like a homeless person
That's not really the cause of my depression. I'd get up at the right times otherwise. It's other factors outside of my control.
He had a mental breakdown in 2020
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Having a coffee aren't I
did he get sectioned and thrown in a padded cell?

Waa waa wa
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Already had 3 cups of tea today
The drunken mong has a mental breakdown every other night.
Arbroathy has been bullying Shippy because he has a brown sprog
based arbroathy
Shippy is sprogless.
I'm wery wery lonely pwease play my silly games all day wiv me
It's not helping though is it, poor sleep is making your depression far worse.
Shippy is fatherless. He has a brown sprog.
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Arbroathy is awake
Does the retard football team helper plays for all live in the same care home?
Drama and make believe are his life
Drama and make believe are her life
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She takes great care with her hair and appearance. She works, has a relationship and gets As in her exams recently. What have you got going for you? Do you even have a routine?
Drama and make believe are her(his) life
Drama and make believe are your life
the drivel engines have been fired up
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4x lush drivel.
Drama and make believe are my life
>walking through the estate
>group of youths harassing every passerby
>gets to be my turn
>lad starts talking
>leader stops him
>"nah mate."
>"he looks like a proper down-and-out baghead :/"

he said it sympathetically too. a la "you don't take the piss out of disabled people" (which is where i thought it was going).

how do i feel about this?
I've given up and just rotmaxx since 22. Too old to turn it around now. Wouldn't get a gf at this point. Best years gone. I'll never get over that.
Need a seasideLORD update
2 Scottish men, 1 in a luxurious apartment living with his wife and dog, 1 living in a run down block of flats on housing benefit with African neighbours
I'm 32 and only starting to turn my life around now. Still got a ways to go but I'm trying. Never too old to try and turn things around lad.
need a tower crane update from SCEA
Squalid flat in Abroath
The urge to neck myself has returned
poo poo people
Need a brown sprog update from Shipanon
I really don't have the energy anyway. It's all over. I wouldn't know how to. Getting a job is not the answer. I'll be more depressed.
There are no updates because he prohibited from seeing his sprog
Your appearance saved you from being robbed I guess
He's clocked in for his 16 hour shift. Sad shut in
Need my SSM Sunday upIoaf
Give wagies 1 half day each week to wait on their knees at Dover nd give their favourite new citizens a warm introduction I think you'd find many would opt for 4 or 5 days on the trot
A brown coloured sprog
Arbroathy is on a mad one today
What's this about Shippy having a brown sprog
Well, are you a druggie lad?
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Catching up on the latest YTDC drama me

Yep, he's awake
Who's awake, can you point him out?
No I can't
>it HIM!
wank complete. time to crack on with the day
He'll be here for 16 hours today posting near endless drivel
You said you couldn't keep this level of posting up
As did you yet here you are
He never puts his penis into a vagina, but he often puts his drivel into /britfeel/
Sleeping very soon. Brain will get a good wash with spinal fluid, uninterrupted by any alarms.
What is a bacon
yeah. is that a protected category now?
I'll only be here for 12 hours today. I got a lot done from 8am-12 actually.
No access to his sprog
Why are Scottish people so ugly?
Shirtless Maka
>I'll only be here for 12 hours today

Imagine saying this unironically
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>Those people come from a war zone in the third world. You squandered so many amazing chances that never had. You were given the opportunity to succeed. You were educated. You could have been a doctor. Instead you chose to be a dosser.
Occasional prison visits with his sprog once a month with the screw looking over his shoulder
Most people that do long stretches inside look forward to catching up with their friends and family, some look forward to being able to post drivel on /britfeel/ again
a bacon bonce aka nonce
its a slang term for nonce
Might have thought you were a homeless nitty and felt bad lad
All of that is true though. The taxpayer invested tens of thousands of pounds into Crossmong and it hasn't paid off at all. I'd rather invest it in someone who has the balls to cross the channel in a tiny boat.
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Went out for a nice little cup of coffee and a slice of cake at a local cafe with the wife. Some lovely gardens attached to the cafe, walked around but forgot to take pics, here's one from the window.
It's a thin slice of pork belly, usually fried and served for breakfast.
I'm not sure which is sadder, soijaking some 8 hour old post from the previous thread, or defending refugees at 3:45 in the morning
Why are modern girls so retarded?
>Women in their 30's still think they are 16
>Vape might as well be surgically attached to them
>Call all other females "girlies"
>All act like they are the most important person in the world

I don't get where this level of retardation has come from in the last 3-4 years. Why can't women just be women and act as such anymore?
SSM loves bacon bacon mutty times
How comes he doesn't get a beer belly, very strange. He must work out his core to avoid the belly no way that's genetics
That lad wasn't defending refugees. He was attacking Crossmong's statement about being a bennies leech.
It's simple calories-in-calories-out. He's not taking in enough calories to develop it.
Druggies can be unstable so they didn't want to mess with you.
Nothing wrong with being a bennies leech if that's what Crossmong want's to do.
Pwease lads I'm all alone again and need drama pwease
>I want to make this post
>Oh wait I can't it's in the middle of the night and some lad who doesn't even have ten grand to his name has a problem with me posting it at that time

Jog on you cunt. I'll post what I like, when I like.
What lollers is.
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>I was hungry but then I remember that it wasn't one of my set meal times. I'm not a fucking animal!
Lollers isn't a nonce.
Nah someone like that shouldn't be on benefits. It's not as if he couldn't work. He just chooses not to.
another day of drama and childish insults is it king?
Nice little gazebo back there.
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>He pays for his train tickets
I've got 6 figures to my name, not that it's relevant
someone post the larp alert for the wifeposter
sad, sad, childish and sad babbymen
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>I'd rather invest it in someone who has the balls to cross the channel in a tiny boat.
Why not? All these boat people get far more handed to them on a plate, why shouldn't he milk every penny he can off the welfare state
I just jump the barrier Fuck Southeastern
Mak and Swanny are very similar.
>someone who has the balls to cross the channel in a tiny boat.
I crossed the channel on a small boat recently, suffice it to say it was a very lively crossing
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Need a gf pronto. It not fair.
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>Go somewhere?! Do something?! No thanks, I'd rather stay inside and post drivel 16 hours a day.
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>jump the barrier
Takes the piss when people get on the bus, train or steal food without paying and they get away with it. Why should ANYONE have to pay if they are going to be so soft and lenient on it?
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nanny won't like all these soijaks
what is there to go and do when you're friendless?
Let's see some proof little lad. Racist wankers are always skint. I'm sure you're no different.
Because it's a bad investment for the taxpayer. People like him should be put down so we can bring in one extra hard working person from abroad.
I'm on 150k a year with a company car worth 50k and no I won't be providing any proof.
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>stay inside and post drivel 16 hours a day.
Looks like twoIIing outside of /b/
16 hours EVERYDAY insulting other posters and trying to belittle them. EVERYDAY.
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Ive 21k in the bank and ive no idea what to do with it
I have no idea who you are so why would I care either way?
Grown man. Wears a dress and calls himself a woman. Spazzes out over people having children.
>I'm on 150k a year
posts on 4chan? I can believe it
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Better than spending quality time with your sprog
Surprised this didn't get blocked by the robot. Fair play lad.
Tends to be progressives who are always skint moaning about tories and boomers and landlords. Yeah I'm sure some racists are skint too, but it's not as clear cut as you make out.

Whats the logic in racists being skint? Some are, some aren't, nothing to do with their racism
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>Why yes I would rather spend my time posting drivel on 4chan than being with my sprog
You should care about how pathetic your life is compared to mine mong.
Arbroathy and Crossmong. Two boring Scottish cunts
They just always seem to be skint lad. If they aren't skint they are usually deficient in some other way, like being very ugly etc. The racism is how they deal with their personal inadequacy.
couldn't give a fuck what is or isn't a good investment for the taxpayer, my contributions are minimal. Good on crossmong for scrounging
Why do you hate our country lad?
I'm racist and don't have any personal inadequacies
Are you tiled up are you seething are you fuming? I need to to feel better about my shit lonely life
What time is the Arbroathy vs Shippy war
Why should I have any loyalty to it? Might as well extract as much resources out of it as possible and contribute the absolute bare minimum you can get away with, good on crossmong for doing the same
It's already happening around you lad, you just need to be more perceptive.
today is Crossmong vs BritNormie. Arbroathy and Shippy are having a rest and will resume drivel activities tomorrow
I highly, highly doubt that. You're either skint or ugly as sin with a head like a fucking bean.
Hungry but too lazy to cook
Not him, but I can honestly say there isn't a single country on earth worthy of the loyalty of it's young men. I would love for the day to come where that isn't true, but right now it is. I am happy when current countries are pushed further into decline, why would I want the current establishment to be perpetuated?
I hope you never get to see your daughter Greg.
You're another one who should be put down and replaced with a hard worker from abroad.
And you. This is why I want as many people crossing the channel and settling here as possible. The native population are so shit and lazy, it'll fuck the economy. We need those hard workers.
Not been outside for about 7 years straight. Wish things were different. Working seems impossible now.
Why didn't dad stay in touch?
Why's that? I hope you get to see yours
>The native population are so shit and lazy
Which are you, non native or shit and lazy?
Mine died two years ago #RIP
Crosslad managed to rile up him without even being here. Mad
>You're either skint

>or ugly as sin with a head like a fucking bean.
Yeah, you got me there
a very lonely and very angry man
Nerves have been touched today
Such a weird little fantasy you're compiling here, probably a sexual element to it to. I doubt you could care less about the economy
Need a Shippy nerve status
Why can't Shipanon see his sprog again
Can someone explain what the fuck people are in about with seasoning a cast iron pan? Are people not cleaning their pans or what? I thought r/castiron was a joke sub but I have no idea what the cunts are on about.
This is how much britfeel degrades when SSM doesn't upload in a while. Pure drivel
Why is swanny in and out of prison so often?
Mumberg just made me a sandwich
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QRD on the 'brown sprog' ? I'm new here
>We need the hard working forens to perpetuate our fractional reserve central bank fiat currency housing crisis net zero anarcho-tyranny obesity crisis street gangs ethnic ghetto deindustrialised joke university managed decline socialist hellhole
How wonderful.
If he can't find a mong to play drama dollies with he just increases the samefagging until a mong joins in
Thing is, swanny actually enjoys being in prison. He was fuming when he heard they were releasing him early due to overcrowding
His sprog is brown kek
Thing is, shippy has a brown sprog
Shippy and Zimlad have mixed race kids (possibly Smirnoff too?). This makes a lot of people very irrationally angry for some reason.
swanny and MB are make believe posters, just more drama dolls
he spent most of his time in prison thinking about /britfeel/
*makes a lot of sprogless trannies angry
Balding nonce cunt
trying to revive old drama. grim
no social contact outside the gym
Only Shipanon has a brown sprog
You are a balding nonce. Why?
Why doesn't he care about nonces with a full head of hair?
Wait really? But I swear zimlad has posted pics before, no?
>You are a balding
It's stress from not being able to see my brown sprog.
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Fuckin hell lads the drivel is in overdrive today
The pic of his white wifes sprog from a previous relationship with a black man? Indeed. Learn your lore lad.
hairlines have always touched a nerve with him
Does the baby mama know you're a racist
He can't cope with the idea of a white man and black woman having a child together so he makes up this story where the wife is white and had a black father
some men are happy with a woglet sprog, most aren't
She knows and doesn't care
It might be for you, but it's n-not for me.
He has James Bond like detective capabilities and can spot any personality a mile off
My cock has always touched a nerve up your arse
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Get in there Arbroathy lass x
Sheer autism here lad.
Forced into an arranged marriage with a woman from Devon he is no longer with
your sprog is brown lol
have you contributed to the economy with a sprog? A higher population is good for the economy
tranny can't have a sprog
what is adoption
The native population are so shit and lazy they can't even contribute sprogs to the economy. I agree there
Just saw a video about an Irish prozzy from this board, who posted videos of her spitting on minorities in the streets. Mental behaviour
Just come out of prison (minimal access to his sprogs), and as soon as he's free, he spends that time posting drivel rather than seeing his sprogs
>the overall unemployment rate in 2022 was 4%
>3% of white people were unemployed in 2022, compared with 6% of people from all other ethnic groups combined
people from the combined Bangladeshi and Pakistani (9%), Asian "other" (7%) and black (7%) ethnic groups had the highest unemployment rates out of all ethnic groups
>white people had the lowest unemployment rates out of all ethnic groups (3%)
>hard workers
S&P500 ETF my lad
Can't have a sprog, can't see his sprog, brown sprog
You're a minimum wage driver who is sprogless at 30+.
Just keep saving it until you've got 100k in cash
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>wake up
>check SSM's youtube
>no sunday uploafs
getting bored of this now
No lad I'm a childfree DINK
He going Swanage today
there is nothing organic about these threads, it's all forced. forced drama forced bait forced dollies to play with
I'll be calling it a day at 2pm myself
>He going Swanage today
Hope he goes live
where is this shippy brow sprog gimmick coming from? he never even had sex
A drain on society then, got it.
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>I'm a childfree DINK
Nice trips lad, but I don't know where this odd idea comes from. If this is your conception of britfeel lore then it casts the rest of it into doubt lol.
Arb isn't even the same person posting all the time. If a trip isn't used then it's not the same person. Simple as.
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You and your wife.
Ooooooohhhh no no no no, this is NOT going to go down well with a certain crowd
Tranny won't like this at all
Her afro needs a trim
Who was in wrong?

He writes a lot of erotic fiction about black men and white women. The opposite however drives him nuts.
Your turn lad. Let's see your old wog
fucking disgusting. sort your self out apelover
Kinda yeah lol, I like it buzzed or with a weave. She wants to get something put in but finding an appointment at a decent place that isn't crazy expensive is more difficult than you might think.
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This is your big flex? Ohh no lad you've not helped your case here at all!
Me? My wife is white
Grown man. Wears a dress. Lies to himself about being a woman. No ovaries. Gets angry when people get married and have kids.
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>My wife is white
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You aren't the brightest are you lad?
Nice wife lad, you really seem to have hit the jackpot with her
>that hair
lol she has that short afro most uggo apes have lmao she's not even one of the rare 'good looking' ones with Caucasian features, just another peasant from a village a low tier white 'man' scooped up to take back home because she'd act like a slave
One pic. Just some pixels on a screen. And yet it sends them BALLISTIC.
which nationality?
>you really seem to have hit the jackpot with her
Be nice don't troll the poor lad
Nasty bitter tranny
It's only banter innit
Not in the slightest lad. I'm a net taxpayer.
You'll almost certainly never have a wife, and if you do, she'll almost certainly not be as good as Zimlad's wife.
You can tell she's lovely and attractive lad. Fuck the racist incels.
Where is your wife lad
my wife was white but I beat her black and blue after England lost
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Honestly I just want a woman to live my life with. Seething at a lad who has what I want makes me realise most of you probably don't want to be happy, even if you got your exact perfect other half.
Fuck me I'm so lonely.
Grim post this lad
You're contributing less to the country than some single mum on benefits with 8 sprogs. Her sprogs will grow up collectively to contribute more GDP than she would have if she had got some 'career'.

The sprogless are a deadweight on society
>The sprogless are a deadweight on society
HHL springs to mind
Post of the day right here, had this been a normal day it would have been hard to beat, but we're at about 4-5 threads a day now

Don't have one, zimlad has done better than I have
I'm sorry, is Crossmong a single mother who is bringing up 8 kids? Is that what we were talking about? Because I don't think it is.
Sean is a little worse than just a dead weight lad. He's actively shitting on things. Total mong he is. Good for exactly nothing.
>Don't have one
I didn't think so.
The sprogless ought to be tax double or even triple what the sprogged are taxed.

Having 4 sprogs should make you immune from income tax like Hungary
Based one zimmy. Fuck seethers, acquire wives.
>is Crossmong a single mother who is bringing up 8 kids?
yes, she got banned from mumsnet and spends her days here now
This only works if you don't have mass immigration from open borders. Also you should probably make it income tax, not other taxes, to incentivise people with kids to still also be working, not just welfare queens.
>You can't call Crossmong a loser! What about single mums with 8 sprogs!

I've long suspected the sprog thing was a huge cope and this proves it.
Crossmong is Graham Linehan?
Never claimed to have a wife, can't you even decipher a simple black and white sentence of obvious meaning?
>acquire wives
When will you acquire yours?
>to incentivise people with kids to still also be working
we should incentivise them not to work. Thats why the free childcare sceme is so shit. Encourages mothers to work
Touchy. Have I hit a nerve there Shippy lol
Sprog cope
I don't know, but at least I'm trying to have some semblance of a normal life. I would like to have a wife and kids, yes, is that so bad? Christ alive you people are such a mind numbing combination of toxicity and banality.
Wife cope
Big Scottish bloke running around the flat stark naked with his willy flapping about
the woglet daughter walked in when I was watching blacked VR porn and in all the excitement I came so hard it shot across the room and hit her in the eye now she needs an eyepatch so I've started calling her blackbeard
Swanny had a wife, she left him for reasons unknown, a mystery
I'm also married and it's the best thing I've ever done. I'm sure if I posted a photo of my wife here the lonely, bitter lads would find something horrible to say, but I love her with all of my heart. She is the light of my life and makes me happy every single day. I hope you find the same. Fuck the seethers.
Talking about Arbroathy? Fat, Scottish, has a willy? Yep sounds like arbs.
are you spying on me lad
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Just spat my coke zero out at this post
Arbs isn't fat and without the glasses she passes
Could be a few posters here to be fair. Although my willy isn't really big enough to flap around when it's on the slack, more of a grower than a shower.
Glaswegians should stick together
Shippy will never have a wife and this makes me smile
this is it right here. Writing out BMWF fantasies whilst seething about WMBF
Grown man. Unemployed. Makes posts defending his favourite ugly Scottish tranny on an anime incel forum. Doesn't get paid for it.
>Shippy will never have a wife
you're probably right there
>and this makes me smile
Why's that? I mean we both want the same thing here it seems
So much for no drivel. Fresh start tomorrow
Can you point out his posts lad
Arbroathy is in Angus, not Strathclyde
I'm fond of Crossmong actually. Thinking about moving to the southside soon too, so we'll be neighbours. Just think it's bizarre that he claims he isn't a hun while coming out with all kinds of hunnery.
You love it you fat balding nonce.
Yep, here is the latest one>>78227924
Thanks for asking!
blackbeard? that's what we called my gay brother's black wife
this post unintentionally made me think of BN sat in his chair naked with a flacid willy
>He pointed out the posts

Fucking chad move. Respect.
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a lot of cope coming from the race traitors trying to defend their anchor families
>I'm sure if I posted a photo of my wife here the lonely, bitter lads would find something horrible to say
especially if she's non-white, they love seething at that. But yeah, I'm sure they'd seethe even if she was white
Shippy is a proud race traitor
I rarely do that because I have floor to ceiling windows right next to my desk.
Aren't you a man who wears dresses and make up and let's other men fuck him up the arse? Sorry probably has nothing to do with your post, just wondering.
yeah, I had a black wife but I sold her to manchester united for 200 million
Nothing more traitorous than chopping off your willy
Is that why he was kicked out of the BNP
>4 driving lessons 100 pound
>"you can pass within 30/35 lessons!"

Are they having a fucking laugh? Literally thousands of pounds on lessons alone?
How much should driving lessons actually be?
>the race traitors
the people who make themselves infertile, so they can never produce white sprogs?

Poley is actually similar in this regard, extremely vocally racist, but castrated himself so he can never sire any pakistani children
She is white yeah, and I think that would make them seethe even more.
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>I have floor to ceiling windows right next to my desk.
>not 'never'
Where the fuck are you getting lessons so cheap? They're 40 - 50 quid a pop here.
>floor to ceiling windows
you mean a 'curtain wall' you fucking uneducated philistine
25 quid an hour is more than fair. After the costs of paying off the special car they use, the time in-between lessons etc, they probably barely make the same as a full time minimum wage worker.
That's even more reasonable. Letting a skilled person earn a skilled wage.
>She is white yeah
I mean, we'll have to take your word for that.
>40 quid an hour
Curtain walling refers to a specific kind of glass cladding lad, not applicable to my penthouse. Also I got an A in Advanced Higher Art History, never call me a philistine again.
I wouldn't call a driving instructor skilled.
>she is white yeah
what did he mean by this?
Go to a field or a car park with your parents and get them to teach you the basics. Then get a couple of lessons to supplement and prepare you for your test. No reason at all that learning to drive should cost more than 200 or so quid in total.
ripoff Britain
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>Also I got an A in Advanced Higher Art History, never call me a philistine again.
How much of that do you think they are actually taking home lad? It'll be less than half. I think that's fair enough. Or do you want driving instructor to be a job that only desperate mongs do, like working in a warehouse or something? I don't think that would be a good thing for anyone.
>Go to a field or a car park with your parents and get them to teach you the basics
This is how how I learnt to drive. My dad used to take me to every sunday
>majorca, amsterdam, barcelona protesting against tourism
>their economies are literally propped up by tourism
Talk about shooting yourself in the bollocks. They should be more angry at their government for not regulating Airbnb.
>she is white yeah
Why do I get the feeling that she is Columbian or something, not that there is anything wrong with having a Columbian wife, but it wouldn't be right to call her white
Why do you consider that post 'soi'
Rainworth and Blidworth
most car parks have cameras now and will fine you for driving in them after hours
I think they're more angry at the tourists themselves rather than the tourism. Can't blame them though, tourists are universally awful.
Only the SSA will get this reference
Expensive lessons prepare you for the expensive insurance. Both help keep the NEETs off the road, as it should be.
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Just saw it. Well done Zimlad, well done.
What are they angry about? That people want to visit their country? That they want to spend their money in their country? If you base your economy on tourism you can't complain when people come. Amsterdam basing their economy on weed and sex and then surprised when it attracted degenerate reprobates. BOGGLES.
If I had a white wife (I don't), I'd be spending my Sunday with her, rather than posting drivel on 4chan, I'd probably be shagging and maybe even impregnating her. Each to their own
Grown men sat alone playing gotcha with each other online
shippy is like the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang but only kidnaps woglets
Cars and driving is a scam in general.
>Lessons are expensive
>Cars are cheap but incredibly expensive to maintain
>Car insurance
>Road tax
>Parking charges everywhere you go
Trains + busses is such a cheaper lifestyle.
>What are they angry about?
They are mostly leftists that don't want foreigners coming for a short stay and contributing to the economy, they want foreigners coming permanently and contributing nothing to the economy
The idea that Amsterdam is primarily a tourist attraction is staggeringly ignorant. It is a major world centre for finance, law, fashion and advertising. There are more finance jobs there than in London since Brexit. Tourism is a tiny fraction of their economy.
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Some men spend their Sundays with their sprogs
Some don't (or aren't allowed)
noisy black bastard runnin round
Don't pay your way? keep off the highway
Fair enough but I mean more they don't want a certain type of tourist despite being known for a very specific type of tourism. I suppose somewhere like Majorca is more dumb because so many people holiday there.
Can't pay? We'll take that little woglet away!
Honestly the mayor of Amsterdam is a fucking idiot mate. Something needs done about overtourism there but she has the wrong idea entirely.
Yeah we're settled in for a 4th straight day of relentless industrial scale drivel
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a cheeky chuckIe was had here
I threw my woglet into the sea at 4 weeks old. 10 years later she showed up on my doorstep with a missing leg and a proper sailor mouth. Said she was raised by dolphins which I assume is some sort of negro gang.
>Something needs done about overtourism
why, what is even wrong with tourism? It might be a small contribution to the economy but it's better than nothing
Shipanon will NOT like these posts
back to 5 hour threads now the shut in is in full flow
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this is my favourite photo of shippy
can you point out the posts shipanon will not like?
Shippy can't read so all of them I'd imagine.
why are you posting blacked porn?
>50 pounds for motorway driving lesson
For what reason
Why isn't WhiteWhiteAnon with his wife today? Why is he here posting drivel?
Very telling that all those posting seething at based Zimlad and his wife aren't seething at >>78228114
Well you don't learn to drive on the motorway at all so it might be scary to try alone for the first time.
Just too many people lad. Go there and you will see what I mean
Naked man sat at his desk next to the 'floor to ceiling windows' on very rare occasions
Amazon delivery driver a good job? They all seem well calm
If you don't like the hustle and bustle of the city why not go to a more rural location instead
if you posses a working brain motorways are easy to figure out
Corr yeah, how could other countries not be on their knees begging for more of these upstanding young gentlemen to enrich them for a fortnight?
Burst out laughing so hard at this

No, it's already been beaten
Yeah I've been to Amsterdam and it was packed with Turks and Moroccons, they should all fuck off back home, I agree with you there
Less about hustle and bustle and more about shoulder to shoulder crowds in residential areas and areas with businesses much more important to the economy than tourism
I drive but with my autism I get very stressed on normal roads and motorways really stress me out. I've thought about packing the driving in sometimes because it is expensive but it allows for far more independence. I just had my sister come with me on motorways a few times until I got comfortable.
Football fans make up a tiny percentage of overall tourists
True, but the average tourist is also a chavvy football fan scum.
Is it worth driving if I have no friends, have nowhere to go except for work and don't trust other drivers?
ben je nederlandse? If not, why are you going to Amsterdam contributing to the problem
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i visited last October and it was busy but nothing more than you would expect for a capital city, everything around the red light district was busy (obviously all the tourist traps) but everywhere else seemed quiet

The only time i heard any police sirens screaming about was late on Saturday night but that is to be expected
Cant wait to go back again
Worth it alone for being able to drive to a supermarket and do a big shop with ease. Also driving to late showings at the cinema for me.
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Obviously not. Look nobody's saying you need to know how to drive. If you reckon it benefits you, learn. If not, don't. How this is causing consternation in some of you is beyond me.
Mongs, the lot of you.
Howling at this edit

Only mongs drive for a living. I hope no one here actually drives for a living
I don't really care about it lad. When I go to Amsterdam I don't go to the busy parts so it's not a thing for me. I'm just saying I can understand why they want to reduce tourism in general, and "pissed up lads" type tourism in particular.
lol, even the default suggestion on EasyJet is Amsterdam
You think he hasn't been dogging before?

Might book a short holiday to Amsterdam just to wind that anti-tourist mong up
Egypt lore
Based. Nice day for a cheeky drink in the sunshine.
>Only mongs drive for a living. I hope no one here actually drives for a living
what's wrong with a driving job?
time to make a ssm thread and spam it king
Going to put a pizza in the oven now but I'm worried ill be so enthralled in the drivel that I'll forget about it and it'll get burnt. Need to take it out at 14:56
Wouldn't wind me up at all lad. I don't live in Amsterdam so there's nothing in it for me. I can just see the perspective of people who do live there because I don't have autism, so I understand why they feel the way they do. Doesn't mean I feel the same. Enjoy your trip. Let me know if you want any recommendations.
Got to have a bit of fun in life ain't you?
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its fucking based milling about stoned off your ass tbqh

The place is so quiet , just the peaceful chimes of the trams and the occasional junkie rummaging about in the bins collecting cans
You might as well walk around wearing a shirt that says "I did not go to uni"
Good idea lad


Whys mark always smoking nowdays?
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>l don't have autism
He's not drinking on Monday or Tuesday cos he's cutting rite down
Where is castle howard
Think it's in Yorkshire, went there as a kid, it was shite

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