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Just eat more. If you are a woman that is.
I do want to gain weight, but not that extreme, just go from 105lbs to like 115lbs ideally. But I can't gain weight because I'm unironically retarded and forget to apply for neetbux half the time and have to live on scraps until I get money again.
This works for me, but only because I have a degenerate upskirt fetish. If she were in pants, it'd do nothing for me.
Have you tried just applying a couple of weeks in advance?
Buckets of kfc chicken are expensive
You can get your boyfriend to pay for it.
It's disgusting and unhealthy AF, and you should be ashamed of yourself for wanting this.
no thanks. landwhales are disgusting. i may be a bit pudgy, but i hope to never stoop down to this level.
Foids objectively look better overweight. It's just science
>Have you tried just applying a couple of weeks in advance?
yeah I do that sometimes, but I think I have something wrong with me like why else could I be this lazy. my rent is low enough that I only apply for social security once every two months, but I often start procrastinating and forget when that two month mark is approaching.
I already look like this so nothing
Is there any sort of auto-payment setup with an account and routing number? That's how my VA disability works, but it's enough to cover rent and utilities, so I wage slave anyways.
Does that include wearing dresses or skirts though?
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>I already look like this so nothing
oh lordy please crush my face with your cellulite thighs, spit in my mouth and call me mean names :((((
you have the autism then or something like that?
I think disability does often work like that, but the kind of social security I'm on is just for jobless people, so you gotta re-apply every single time and write down the same shit every time you apply.
Checked. Nah, just chronic shoulder and back injuries since my early twenties.
no 'tism then, and I'm sorry anon. do you at least get some kind of medication that helps with not being in pain ?
They'd mentioned opiates at one point, I declined. I think that was before people really tuned into opiate dependency. I just lightly work out my shoulders to help, is what it is.
So for the SSI you're on it basically works like unemployment?
ive been fat before, unfortunately my genetics are such that i get a huge belly and no ass. im so jealous of people who can be fat and hot.
>huge belly
quads dictate that a pic is required for evidence
I heard about a woman who had chronic pain and apparently weed helped her, but yeah I do think drugs like that aren't always the best choice even if it might help. what happened to you ?
also yeah, this social security I'm on is like a last resort safety net. you just need to show your bank statements and have no money and no possessions (no car, no house etc.) and then they give you enough money to survive. but you need to apply individually each month.
Just chronic joint stress from carrying heavy equipment, sometimes without much sleep, wearing heavy PPE at the same time. Yeah, I have issues with substances. So I overall abstain.
Seems asinine that they require you to have nothing to receive help, on a "if granted" basis. Sounds stressful, seems ignorant of them with the amount of people struggling.
I agree, but I guess they don't want to give any benefits to people who don't "deserve" it, and perhaps it's a sort of punishment as well for being a poor who asks for support but doesn't have any diagnosis to qualify for disability.
and did you work with some kind of heavy machinery or just in a warehouse? but either way I feel like that's a really shitty fate, you were just working hard. now I kinda feel bad for being a social leech who has no real issues
Im getting close to this, so Id say another 25 to 30 or so pounds?

I have a similar fat distribution, where it goes every where in that makes sense
I would maybe possibly probably hypothetically theoretically fuck the shit out of her. Possibly.
Used the Marine Corps to escape NEETdom and seek thrills when I was 18. Wasn't infantry or anything, just years of wearing body armor on training exercises paired with moving communications equipment in and out of trucks, machine guns, ordnance. Little sleep or time to physically recuperate, being a lanky kid in my youth, caused permanent joint and nerve issues. Veterans Affairs will grant disability long term for military related injuries or wounds, but the trade-off sucks. Way I view it is, plenty of guys ended up much worse that were in real combat.
ohh, I know getting into the army to escape poverty was a thing in the US but I didn't know there were anons here who went through that. Seems like that would be almost like moving apartments, just every day, and having to carry heavy things all day. but I hope the job you have is easy on your body at least, and you didn't have to go back to that fate of being a neet.

my own experience with neetdom is just getting more and more depressed the longer i applied for jobs and couldn't get any, and eventually i just gave up and decided that if society doesn't want to give me a job, i won't work then. and i mean i applied even for cleaning and cashier type jobs, but here you need an appropriate education for absolutely anything.
Appreciate that. What I'm into now is still fairly strenuous, but, looking to change it up within a year.
Formal education requirements for things like retail service and custodial work is brutal. France by chance? I've heard there's a lot of higher education and a very competitive work force for just about everything.
That's so hot. Do you like your body type?
Who is she? Kinda looks like SnowAngelCake but idk
desu, you should gain to 115 and triple it form there. Then you can make my cock hard.
Where do I find a girl like you then? Honestly
Hey Anonette, want to be boyfriend and girlfriend?

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