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Greggs edition
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He not well. It alcohol poisoning
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My day doesn't start until I have my woffee.
What do you go for, lad? Instant or something a bit fancier?
Kinell SSM needs to visit his doctor ASAP
Wouldn't let that guy serve me a steak bake. No way.>>78238562
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SeasideLORD march on the local Jobcentre. It's time put an end to their bureaucratic tyranny. Lads huddle behind shields lest the CCTV identify them and ban them from benefits for li fe.
Just cheap Tesco branded instant lad. Money's tight atm.
The war against Andrew
The war against the noncenest
The war against Shippy
The war against BN
The war between Nubs and Ebin
The war against Lollers
The war against Chika
The war against Footlad
The war against HHL
Trying to drive a wedge between Flad and Lollers
Trying to drive a wedge between Chika and Lollers
Trying to drive a wedge between Arbroathy and Shippy
Trying to drive a wedge between Arbroathy and Zimlad
The war against Arbroathy

Have I missed any?
>Have I missed any?
Swanny war against /britfeel/ we were all nonces, we were all Andrew
Do we know why Shippy isn't allowed to see his woglet yet de lads?
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SeasideHIDING as sanctions and arrows rain all around them. The Whistle Posse desperately huddle against barricades to avoid a cruel financial and mortal judgement. This jobcentres time runs out as the ram draws closer.
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little monkey Iass
I am literally about to make a cup of tea
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Need to be a right sports loving, guitar playing deano to get a lass like this. Fucking hell, got no chance me. They're never into lads who like vidya and computers. It's always these deano types.
There was never a war against flad. HHL brought things on himself. Chika and Lollers barely interacted. Arbroathy v zimlad is entirely on arbs side of things.

Your lore needs refining.
The war between HHL and Footlad
Will be sticking a bunch of frozen fried chicken pieces in the air fryer for lunch today lads.
NEET v wagie war
Sprogged v sprogless war
Always seem to burn my tendies them things.
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Whistle Posse Wallop bringing the pain to the heart of the DWP. The outer entrance to the Jobcentre is breached, soon a thousand sanctions will we be squashed and Dorset and Dossers can live in peace at last.
Calling the NEET vs wagie war a "war" at all implies there was some kind of meaningful conflict. The NEETs were shitting the bed from day one. It was a steamroll.
>70 percent humidity inside
it l-lush
playing guitar is easy. learn a few chords and you'll make women cream
instead of woglet sprog just shorten it to spwog
Sounds like wagie cope to me.
why do you behave like a kid on the internet?
Cant stop making screeching noises everytime I remember an embarrassing memory. Proper mong behaviour.
you mean like a spwog? lmao
that is quite spazzy to be fair lad, what made you start doing that then?
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Ruth fixed her eyes yet?
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What happened to footmong anyway? He was always up for some cheeky drivel posting with me
you can argue away why you won't work
you can argue away why you work
you can argue away why neet life is better
you can argue away why wagie life is better
you can argue away why having a sprog is good
you can argue away why being sprogless is good

why do you act like a kid on the internet?
I thought Crosslad was Footmong? It's all very confusing.
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>Emily's thick thighs
>What happened to [personality]...
>You're that other anon that was/had/didn't have/said the thing
>Questions your appearance/build/height/sexuality/emotional state/income/living conditions/relationship status
>It was confirmed on discord
>Is it acceptable for X to Y?
>X personality is Y personality
>Little lad
>Wee lad
He popped in yesterday. But yeah, he rarely posts now. Hope he managed to move out and get a nice little flat of his own.
Being born a spastic, I suppose
DVDlad and SeasideLORD are the only non mong namefag posters here.
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I thought you were taking a week off
I actually think a lazy eye is kind of hot
wow a lazy dosser likes lazy eyes what a surprise
Titlod and B00tylad are sound lads too.
I'm employed and have a sprog.
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She must sit on her arse all day at her wagie job. Lazy cow. All the lads doing most of the work.
she uses her energy for more important things like manoeuvring to get her little brother kicked out on the streets
crossmong is footmong.
She take a two hour shit lunch break cause all she eat is blocks of cheese and raw mince. It smell like Shrek's intestines. It lush and I mean lush.
I thought so the posting styles are basically the same and Crossmong occasionally breaks character when he's drunk and starts posting Asian feet.
You sit on your arse all day
Footmong has a job. Crossmong stays up all night posting about his failed past relationships. I don't think it's the same anon
Wakes up, fires up the laptop, gets a new ip on phone. Tried to create flame wars on the internet like a kid
Yeah it's no big deal. Don't know why people worry about it.
And you come here every day to read it lol
i act like a kid on the internet i'm winning
FBR wir brauchen dich.
Footmong used to have a job. He's mentally unstable and often laments of his position in life and how he isn't suitable for any of them.
Grown man. No friends. Unemployed double digit years. Has he ever had a gf? No. But he has won britfeel a few times.
Was just about to make my own grown man post, but I started breaking down in hysterics after I had typed the full stop after the first two words.
Poor lad is gonna grow up hating women.

Women seem to love cheese a lot. It's terribly unhealthy. My mum just carries a whole block of cheese on a plate and eats it all whilse watching the gogglebox.
Why would you believe anyone on here if they tell you they have a job? Me? My life is dedicated to DVDs, walking my dog and grinding FFXIV. No time for sich trivialities as a job.
Cheese is perfectly fine and has historically been a great source of energy, fat, protein etc. and a very useful way of sorting milk.
The problem is that today most people simply eat WAY too much of it, just like they eat way too much of nearly everything.
I'm depressed and no one will hire me at this point. I don't fancy working at a warehouse anyway.
Wieso? Was ist los?
Get rid of all the olds. Genuinely some of the worst people in the country keeping a fucking boot on everyone's necks.
Plenty of people will hire you mong. Get to an agency.
old v young war
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In fucking tears de lads.
I fell victim to the Humungous Helper Trekkie Wrekkie down at the Wuppalooza cafe on Feel Street Mews.
Was barely halfway through it when the owner rang the bell to say my time way us. I'd only about 10 minutes to eat it too.
They say I owe them over two hundred quid.
They say they're on the phone to SPACCA.
I don't have two hundred quid. I swear they told me I had 15 minutes.
The war against horseboxes?
>tfw you do a heckin horsebox abuse post
kek absolute 4chan winners.
Nightwalk lad ran into some proper nasty tyrants. Hope he gets a civil claim in. They're always stopping and handcuffing him when he walks about masked up in the dead of night. He isn't doing anything wrong. Muppets.

War against baby mamas
Thank christ arbroathy isn't here
Why don't you become an auditor ruthmong? Easy money.
What happened to the child support gimmick? That always gave me a chuckle
90 posts early so he can post his mongy OP image lmfao
Ran its course. 'Brown sprog' is the hot new gimmick.
Just want ebin back.
desperately seeking online wars
t. acting like a kid on the internet
They gonna handcuff him behind his back and put him on the floor in part 2. You only supposed to handcuff someone behind their back if they're being aggressive or going into a police car.
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Seething in my thread are we little lad
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Mouth is watering lads, they smell fucking lush and I mean LUSH
What time does the Shippy vs Abroathy war start de lads?
>but I started breaking down in hysterics after I had typed the full stop after the first two words.
I have this sometimes when typing 'floor to ceiling windows' in fact I just burst out laughing now at Hilton Park Services(northbound)
Do you think SSM says "oooohhh it's llluuuuush!!!" when he cums?
Yes lad riled up beyond belief. Proper fuming.
looks shite x
That is utterly grim.
Might fire up my Abroathy character after my lunch
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12:30pm and there's still no SSM update
Needs some chips on the side but I'd fucking demolish that in a seconds corr
I'll be long gone by then
Let's ask Ruth.
What do you mean? Arbroathy is my character.
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Doesn't SSM do his voluntary work on Mondays?
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Farming (you)s on britfeel is easy, just watch this:

Oh lads! SSM did thing!
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No jobs at agencies. All gone to the immigrants. She hang up on london audits. He just want a minimum wage job at a warehouse so he can afford to move out of his terrible toxic family house. There are no jobs left for young british 24yo men.

tell us more lad!!
Yea he never posts on Mondays
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What thing did SSM do lad
Oh? This could be big news indeed laddy
Not for the SSM bit but have a (You) from me lad. My good deed for the day to make a little spacker happy.
He's a right mong and you know it. Id rather hire a refugee who can barely speak English that this mong.
Labour coming down hard on dossers with their new law, lads. Anyone found to have run a channel engaging in 'auditing' activities to be given mandatory warehouse work.
Oh shit lad. What fat man do?
Auditor v tyrants war
seasideARMY v seasideSEETHERS war
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>the warehouse told his mum he wasn't working fast enough
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That's discrimination against a lad with autism. He can work. He would love a job as a binman as like the vehicles. Anyone can do a job like that... especially a young man like him.
so what? he needs a living like anyone else
The best social safety net is a job.
Poor lad got sacked by a FEMALE on the first day of a job for being too slow apparently. I would be fuming.
No time to work. Too much dossing to be done.
why can't you answer the question, why do you act like a kid on the internet?
Know a lot about how kids act on the internet do you? That's pretty noncey ngl.
Do you think he posted on /britfeel/ ?

Tfw you have a stable job but you live with parents, have no friends, are 27 m, and khhv. What's the point
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>fit for work? that assessment never existed
Bin men jobs are well paid and competitive you retard.
You need to keep going so you can pay taxes to, um... keep England going? Or something?
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Their job is to film warehouse wagies and ensure they don't break the law. Many of them go fucking crazy over a camera. Lot of low iq twats working in warehouses. Always got to deal with a situation with intimidation and violence.
Should suit the auditors just fine then eh?
>Know a lot about how kids act on the internet do you?
Yes I use to be one
That's pretty noncey ngl.
why are you acting like a kid on the internet?
If anyone that's posted in the past 30 minutes is 25 or older, I feel genuinely bad for them.
She wouldn't want a fat, old, stinky dosser man like him. She'd rather have a lad like me if she had to choose.
I like to believe that he did sort himself out and got the good ending
too grim to think otherwise
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They need an audit. What are they hiding in there, you know?
Auditors v wagie tyrants war
Same format different dollies
A grown man playing online wars like a kid
Just keep wage slaving bro
It never began
A fucking BROWN SPROG!
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I'm not that lad or the ssm guy.
Name on Abroathy lass
Question still applies.
You will never know what it's like for your child to hug you and say they love you.
I don't think they will. I've never had much luck in the past. Got very lucky. I look a mess too.
>[personality] is a n*nce
>I like [personality]....
>I hope [personality] is ok
>I wonder what [personality] is up to?
>I hope [personality] works things out with [personality]
>Redpill me on [personality] I haven't been here for a while/I'm new
>Alright [personality]
>Trip on [personality]
unironically would fix our nhs
LED strip lights?
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Oh excuse me, waiter! One sprog my good man, brown if you please.
Post how you look, black out your eyes and mouth.
I don't know what that is. I will have to look it up. I watch asmr and vlogs.
Not a good idea lad on a place like this.
Lol you fucking twat. You're such a lying cunt.
I've applied to thousands of jobs over the years. Haven't got a single offer. It's not that uncommon for me to get interviews, but when they see how ugly I am they immediately blacklist me in their minds.
Absolute lie from start to finish.
I support Arbroathy. There, I said it.
just a take on the ruthmong drivel init
Pure LARP. 50p in jar please.
You think there aren't people out there in that situation? Being don't like ugly people on a primordial, subconscious level. The Halo effect is real. Ugly people who are qualified to the same degree as attractive people are almost universally never picked over the good looking ones.
SIX fucking g4s immigrant security guards on shift for every jobcentre and they want to sanction British people struggling to find a job?
No I don't think anyone has ever applied to thousands of jobs and been rejected from all of them because they're ugly. Your nonsense is so clearly and obviously bait that it really doesn't merit any further attention.
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SSM forget about the SSA. Not right.
Immigrant security guard to protect the immigrant employees whose job is to take taxes from natives and give them to yet further immigrants.

What an astonishing state of affairs.
lol i'm acting like a kid on the internet kek
He looks like the untermensch from nazi propaganda in this pic.
Act your age mong.
Why did they make Nagatoro so fucking sexy?
SSM should get an SIA licence and be bouncer.
Ruthmong stepping off the plane on holiday after finally getting his passport countersigned.
Lauralad what has upset you this morning?
Dad eats like a fucking pig. Stupid cunt.
If I were to get one of those mong-job licences I think I'd get the pharmacy one. Means you can be a pharmacy delivery driver, just boosting about in the small van delivering prescriptions to the elderly. Seems comfy.
which poster is laura lad
SSM is too short to be a bouncer. He's only 5'7".
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Laptop and phone taking another battering today
Ruthmong has a pony-tail though
Would probably have shoes if I could get a passport.
LOL lovely little webm de lad. Well done.
Poor SSM. I didn't know there was a height requirement to be a bouncer
nagatoro tanlines sexy footjob hot bullying
no he's 5'10
You just typed your pornhub search into /britfeel/ lad. Bit embarrassing!
I'm ugly and managed.
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>no he's 5'10
So he says. He looks much shorter.
what if I told you I did it on purpose to rile up the pedo hunters?
Just got a bit sad me scottish lass posted a video at her bfs boxroom.
>no you couldn't possibly have had different experiences to me
>therefore you must be telling total fabrications from start to finish
Truly staggering the narcissism of the average man.
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love history me

>"The need to be fashionable was very directed towards women, but in lots of ways men were just as susceptible, if not more," said Miss Avidon.
>She studied the collection as part of her PhD research into the role of fashion in identity construction of elite late 17th Century women.
She has sex in there too.
That would be me Ruthlad.
that's cause he's 19 stone
Shawn of the Dead 2? Really?
Sean of the Thread
You're like those japs who get angry when they find out idols have bfs and boycott them
Bet that bed has seen some action
Sean of the Dead and it's just Helper in the pub alone doing lines. It's his world, the zombies are just living in it.
Shall we call you LauraLad instead
What an absolute stupid roastie cunt. Doesn't she know acknowledging you have a boyfriend kills off half her audience? Is she retarded?
Ruthmong sounds better than Lauramong
Yes, the bed was big enough for two persons. Deanos get all the lasses.
Simon pegg a bit of a woke idiot these days
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Very shabby thin mattress he has. Probably spends all his wagie money on useless tat for her.
Might do a PhD on black trannies in 12th century China.
People are very reluctant to spend a lot of money on a good mattress. Used to be the same way myself so I get it
do you think they watch in the mirror. Bet he does the patrick bateman thing out of american psycho
That does look like a really uncomfy bed.
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She wants to put the message across that she is in a loving, longterm relationship and doesn't need any creeps asking her out.
You CAN'T deny she is a spitting image of ssm. It's uncanny. If you're attracted to this ugly bint then you're a queer.
Might do a PhD on the history of /britfeel/
how much should you spend?
will ruthmong be with us all day and then through the night
Fuck up you SSM gender bender cock sucker. Your posts are boring and you're a little faggot.
Can we see your mattress?
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Hopefully. I like Ruthlad
Oh look guise it's Ruthmong ;)
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She knows what she's doing. Very upsetting to see her turn on us like this.
Time to speedrun my job for an hour then go back to pretending im unemployed.
the lengths this lad goes though to act like a kid on the internet
It's RuthLAD not Ruthmong.
Waiting for mum to get back and clear the cat shit up. Told her to let it out as I'm a heavy sleeper.
Ruthlad is my second favourite dolly
What you can afford desu. A good mattress is a luxury
You are deranged lad.
Who is number one laddy??
Metal bed frame a rookie mistake as well. Too loud
bet she's got one at home covered with little pins of all the countries she's visited
life's exciting when you're an attractive woman
Wonder if we'll get a Mak drinking update today
Our mattress was 800 quid. Was very against it at the time but honestly it's fucking lush and I heartily endorse getting a very high quality mattress.
The war against Ruthmong
The lad featured in the OP
what did you spend on yours then lad
I'm not an attractive woman but I've visited a lot of countries laddie
She is on her travels now. Her passport must be getting filled up.
Makaveli is an alcoholic so very likely.
Yep. Solid wood, either ottoman style or raised so you can store stuff underneath it. Don't fix what ain't broken imo.
>My mattress cost more than your mattress little lad
Yeah I have a metal bed frame and I can't even turn over without it sounding like a flock of birds has been let loose.
If I recall it was like 650 quid or there abouts. Flip and rotate once a month and the jobs a good un
yes but you don't have sex with the locals
>Flip and rotate once a month
Why are you doing that?
my bed is bettter than yours
my dad can fite your dad
why do you act like a kid on the internet?
They turn it to face the mirror and he goes doggy on her. Very hot seeing your reflection in the mirror with a girl.
A non-white sprog
I mean I try to.
The mattress lady told me too. Stops permanent dips appearing from where you lye
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Grown men playing one up about their beds
she has two passports. One for Israel and one for Dubai
Stops it developing lumps and depressions
No I sleep on a big bed with my wife.

Fucking love this episode. A lot of Kirks in the thread desu
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I'll be going to bed soon.

That was a cute asmr. She looked best there and in that green dress.
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Might have to start doing this with my mattress then. I bought a brand new bed 3 months ago
This is the sort of person who thinks they're one-upping married men with families.
Worth noting some ain't intended to be flipped due to where the springs are located.
Arbroathy seething because he never flips his mattress and has severe back pain and neck pain as a result.
going to bed at 2pm. so grim
Yeah well huh yeah my mattress is hand made in Hawaii to my exact specifications and I get a new one every month, non of the flipping and turning for me little poorfag lads
She does work so she can afford holidays you passportless neet.
Who are you talking to? Like really who do you think you're pwning with this post?
Luckily, she has a big strong boyfriend to flip her mattress for her.
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Case closed desu
Also if you lads are in a relationship ditch the double bed for a super king. Makes sleeping at night infinitely more pleasant.
Lads in here with their metal squeaky single bed they've had for too long.
mad how round her face is
Burst out laughing at this edit
She is not got his inferior genetics. She would despise having that as a father.
Looks like Jim sterling desu
This won't be necessary for us incels.
I've only had mine less than a year. They squeak no matter what. I do have an expensive mattress however. I've slept in wooden ones that squeak too. Mad.
The war on ASMRists
SSM should transition. He would make a fine lass.
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Ruthmong go gym, you can drivel post in between sets like me. Great for mood.
But what colour is your child?
I'm sprogless.
Confirmed incel
Reckon her bf looks like that jay fella. They all want those deano looking types.
Can I borrow a feeeeeeling?
What are non incel trainers?
Post your best trainers
I could do with some trainers like that. Do they let you in without shoes?
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Chad wears Nike slides
I like pumas. Decent for the price compared to Adidas and Nike.
Black trainers not my thing though
Never seen a white man wearing those.
I've seen some lads working out with only socks on so guess so.
Incel trainers have 2 stripes
My trainers are better than your trainers
Only nonces wear those trainers
KEK poorfag trainers
>y-you have incel trainers!
Done him lad.
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Can picture HHL kicking down to the shop in a 2 stripe tracksuit to get a bottle of vodka
coor a gateway into personality drama
Threads away to die. Time I head off then.
My best trainers are the Nike AF1 x Tiffany collab that sells for over a grand. I own them because I am not a poorfag. I am successful and well off, more than you.
>that will be six hundred pounds for a bit of rubber and some cloth to wear on your feet please
>he can't afford six hundred pounds for a bit of rubber and some cloth to wear on your feet please
The lad in the shop senses your hesitation and says
>Ha ha not a poorfag are you?
You say "n-no" and meekly hand over your card
Best trainers I ever had were the original Nike Roches. Simple clean silhouette, lightweight and breathable, very comfortable and not expensive.

Wish they kept making them instead of the newer and uglier versions of Roches.
>I wear forces look at me

Aye good for you
I have a pair of Nike Air Max 95's. Cost 190 quid.
Spending a grand on trainers so fucking stupid. Rather put that towards a nice new GPU upgrade.
That's fine, I'll just wait for the time stamped proof that you have 600 quid (or more expensive) shoes.
Thanks lad I appreciate your kind words.
I put them on my feet and go out and have fun in the real world. I'd rather do that than live in a computer generated simulation.
Just post pics of your trainers lads much easier
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For SSM it's Dunlop.
Alright I'll play. What do you want me to write on the timestamp?
"Arbroathy is a faggot"
There's no actual thing in the Jobcentre agreement that requires you to wear shoes and use a mobile phone, yet they will pester you about it.
Says the mong sat here with the rest of us.
Aren't those the trainers he complained that fell apart within a week?
We have nothing in common except the fact we use the same website. I know you're desperate for that to be some kind of great leveller but it doesn't really work lad.
'Shippy has a brown sprog'
why do you sad sacks of shit feel the need to have a countryball general on a flagless board?
Someone post Marks Reebok trainers kek howl scream crease
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Adidas for me lass
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armrest broke off my shitty ikea chair so just ordered picrel, looks proper mint
its a containment thread for men with the mentality of kids be thankful for that
Looks like something an incel living with his parents would order.
Post timestamped picture of your one grand shoes lad. You won't because you wear your dad's old 20 year old shoes held together with sellotape and super glue.
nonce chair
I think this is the closet we'll get to seeing Scottish lass's feet
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I compromised.
Here you go big man.
It's the type of chair a 14 year old streamer would buy
It's these ones:
you don't pay a lot of money for trainer
>what do you consider a lot of money
600 quid for trainers
>kek poorfag thinks that a lot of money
have you got 600 quid trainers?
>yes got a few pairs poorfag
show us

proof never gets provided. anon with the 600 quid trainers becomes lore and dragged out to bait poorfags now and then
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Ugly handwriting that
A grand for that? wtf?
Sorry lad I need to work on my penmanship for sure. I did write it with a Montblanc pen that cost several hundred quid though.
>I did write it with a Montblanc pen that cost several hundred quid though
Proof? You know what to do
Can't be arsed mate, one time stamp a day is enough. I'll prove the pen another time.
Yes he certainly does. She's shown off lots of expensive gifts from him before. Lads literally work to spend it all on keeping a female. Better than paying random girls online though.
Saw similar looking ones at Primark for 15 quid lad.
These ones didn't cost 15 quid. They cost over a thousand quid.
I imagine your post has upset him greatly lad.
He posted proof what more do ya want?
This is how it works lad. The proof is posted, and then the cope is posted afterwards.
Need proof he owns a Montblanc pen worth 'several hundred quid'
No proof they are authentic. Fake trainers are big business.
Until the big onlyfans plot twist.
You got them snides off dhgate
It's worth 380 quid. Just looked it up. I didn't know exactly because it was a gift.
>post proof!
>t-they're fake

This is why I don't usually post proof. You can't win. There's always some cope.
Just keep my carpenters pencil in my pocket desu.
They look like shit considering they supposedly cost 1000 quid lad.
We all owe Rishi Sunak a great debt of gratitude.
I like them lad. Wanted them for a good long while before I pulled the trigger. They're not for everyone though.
Or so I thought. Think I've lost it
hope you girls post your underwear next
Proof of this carpenters pencil lad?
I don't wear underwear lad
>I don't wear underwear
I only wear Calvin Klein boxers. They cost 44 quid for a packet of 3. That's more expensive than your boxers.
Proof of undies.
Mine were 3 for 15 at Matalan
Who has the biggest porn collection lads?
Sorry lad you need to go to my OnlyFans for that. I wouldn't be able to afford the boxers in the first place if I gave out the photos for free.
Probably HHL. He loves digital hoarding.
Don't care about speculation. Lets see who has the biggest porn collection, get bragging lads
Based, I gotta bunch from Primark. Some tshirts too.
All my porn is saved in playlists on xvideos.
My undies cost more than your undies
I find getting t shirts to fit me the way I like them to be a pain.
>buying shoes that cost 50p to make for 1000gbp

very very low iq
One THOUSAND FUCKING POUNDS for a blue tick on some black trainers!
buying 1000 pound shoes...won't get me a girlfriend
Just bought a pair of shoes for 1001 quid. I win.
Most likely true. But some woman are mongs
Alright now post yer bed and mattress
Those are some heavy shoes.
My THIS is better than your THAT
Proof? Need a timestamped photo little lad.
I won't but it's lush.
How many symptoms does mark have?
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No hangover cause i dint have the gin as well. i just got the gin bottle at 4am and then put it away again and went to bed instead. Self control desu but my next trick no drinking at all til weekend perhaps none at the weekend as well.
>How many symptoms does mark have?
dont care?
All of this applies to SSM
Grown man. Spends a grand buying kids shoes worn by ethnic drug dealers. Brags about it online. Hasn't kissed a girl in years.
his liver looks like a pizza slice
It pizza night pizza night de lad
Bowl of shreddies for me de lids
literally just sharted it smells really bad like really bad eggs
A new dolly to play with
>How many symptoms does mark have?
What do you get out of this?
I was rough this morning. Had a drink last night due to having today off.
Feel alright now but regret it. Just monged on the sofa since I got up.
Upsetting you for a start
none of them
he got another 20 years hard drinking and it gonna be lush
SSM needs help
More than I expected if I'm being honest.
The war on 1000bongtrainersanon
>he got another 20 years
Get real lad. Mark has maybe 5 more years at the most.
It was just a question, do you need me to ask it again?
His choices his consequences.
Ask it again
Alcohol v seasideMARK war
course he will he doesn't even drink that much
The need to act like a kid on the internet is kicking in again
>Hasn't kissed a girl in years

I'm married
Makaveli will never make it past 25.
You know I'm going to ask for proof though, right?
I'm divorced
Can't prove that without doxing myself or her. So I'll have to ask you to trust me or not.
Fully grown married man. Spends a grand buying kids shoes worn by ethnic drug dealers. Brags about it online. Wife sleeps with her back to him.
just put my underwear on that costs 100 quid.
Flame war time is it kid?
Weird cope and in fact not true.
>just put my underwear on that costs 100 quid.
A timestamp over a framed wedding photo seems adequate. Blur/cover the faces.
Proves nothing lad. Could be anyone's wedding photo. Guarantee someone would just go "That's your mum and dad's wedding photo!" Not going to waste my time.
Lad you can obviously prove you're married if you want to without doxxing yourself.
I can't think of a way, and your suggestion wouldn't do it.
Go with the old classic, timestamped shoe on head. Her shoe on your head, your shoe on hers.
Why do you care if he is married or not?
may invest in those meal delivery services me. massively cba cooking
Not going to post a photo of myself or my wife on here. If people want to think I'm larping, so be it.
some lads here are emotionally invested in the lives of others
You dont have to justify spending your own money, obviously. But if you do want to spend a thousand pounds on shoes why go for Nikes of all things? They really is chavvy teenager shoes. Are you still a young lad? Any guy over the age of 26 should not wear 'streetwear'.
Anything to distract themselves from their own grim lives.
So I can win britfeel, duh
People can wear whatever they want. Stop being such a wimp
never mind just saw the price. Deary me
I'm 22 lad. I do agree that men over the age of 25 should stop wearing 'steetwear' though.
me? i have 156 quid in my bank account to last me until the start of next month. Cutting it fine here dee lads
Okay 22 is alright, quite an outlier to be married at that age though. How did it happen?
Itl be a pair of clogs hand carved yourself for you then de lad
If all your utility bills have been paid then that's easily enough money to live on.
>Arbroathy not posted once
Confirmed wagie. I officially withdraw my support.
wouldn't like to say lad, it's just fucking sad that some lads here have to know the ins and outs of other posters lives and if/when they don't get it they make shit up about them
I'm not that married anon. I did mention I wear nikes earlier in the thread.
I've got 85 pounds on my desk.
Getting bored waiting for Arbroathy dolly to show up
You sound like a fedora lad. There are no arbitrary rules about what age people can wear things, this isn't the 70s. You don't need to start dressing in chinos and boater shoes on your 26th birthday
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I only took a drink cus mums friends stayed for tea which is just easier 2 deal with with booze. Wouldnt have otherwise. Usually my exp with drinking to be around ppl though the next day is less rough than drinking alone cause bored/sad/it friday/it hot weather/etc which goes off the rails more often
I did my back, shoulders, arms and hands in carrying heavy shopping home. I'm FUCKED. Such is the life of a carlet. Fuck I feel like I'm going to be sick, lads.
>bruv we still look fuckin sick innit, so what if im 34?!
You're not one of those 30 something men dressing in North Face an Nike clothing are you
It sounds like you need PIP to help you with your daily living. You can get a car on Motability.
Grown men gossiping about what others wear, like women do.
I'm already on PIP lad but not for mobility. For Autism, innit. That does severely impact my ability to drive IMO.
No, I just have Nike trainers. I don't wear streetwear clothes, but if I wanted to wear them I wouldn't let some arbitrary made up rules about my age hold me back. That's silly.
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>taking fashion advice from terminally online NEETS
The age at when you MUST stop wearing [xyz] war
YOu can still do it. This autistic person drives

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>His clothes don't have a little 'swoosh' on them
BandingDOLLY wars
we're late moving to a new thread
I dress head to toe in Hoodrich, because I can afford to. I'm wealthy, you see
65 quid comes out on the 27th for electricity and i got my car MOT on the same day, where they might try and do me for some minor repairs.
Klaus Schwab shagging Sanna Marin's quinny
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I need carer. Life too hard for me.
Why is there no new thread yet, getting worried
>I dress like a poor person because I'm rich
Wow, totally mogging everyone there lad
Any update on the new thread?
Here you go lads
just make a new one and spam it lad we're wait to be riled up
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They dont let us get our cars MOT'd at garages here in N.Ireland because we are all fucking savages
There is at least a 3-6 month wait for MOTs, and the wankers in the test centre fail people for everything (so they have to pay for retests etc)

Shower of bastards, they wont let normal garages do it because "oh people might get ripped off or drive un safe cars" all while they used the MOT lifts that much that almost all of them are deemed unsafe

On the plus side its been fucked like this for so long that the police don't even bother to stop people with not MOTs anymore
Already failed my test a few times, lads. Nearly killed people a few times. It's not for me.
ASMR girl quims

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