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reminder every "dickpill" thread is just gay strategy to get hung anons to show their dicks

>hahah you're all dicklets coping
anon sees thread, links r/realitydick where the average dicksize is showcased, links calcsd.info where the real average based on standardized studies is shown accompanied with proof that a 7 inch dick is larger than 99% of dicks

>haha no you're a dicklet and women only want 8+ you're a coping dicklet who'll never please a girl and give her primal orgasms
>haha no i'm totally not a gay dude who jerks off to this fantasy
>haha no i'm totally not gay just because i require proof that you're not a 1incher dicklet while i have my hand on my dick waiting for the pics

also reminder 90% of this board and so-called incels are just gay men trying to stop men from liking women
>hahah im totally not gay when i talk about chads being gods haha just like at their jawlines bro haha they're so fucking hot and you'll never have this you should just give up bro at least we guys like everything
The ultimate red pill is that once you realize incels nowadays are just some flavor or brown/asian, the whole movement can be dismissed
>so it's all gay?
it's always been. the whole blackpill thing has been gay from the very start.
>The ultimate red pill is that once you realize incels nowadays are just some flavor or brown/asian
most of internet users can be summed as that. It's not just incels.
pre-smartphone internet and today's internet a two completely different things.
source on the gravure? porn with no dicks is the best.
Strange. Ask any person on the street what an incel looks like and the description will unanimously be white young male.
>reminder every "dickpill" thread is just gay strategy to get hung anons to show their dicks
I know, I post my dick anyways because I just like to show it off.
whisper is a better way to show off (to real women)
meds NOW retard incels don't make these threads
In every incel community, white people are slightly under-represented. If you asked someone what political views an incel would have, they'd probably say most incels are far right, when in reality most are centrist or leftist. Your statistically average incel is a brown leftist who probably resents white people.
hey man if I resented white people that means I resent white girls, I could never do that
You do resent white women for not sleeping with you, thoughever. If they will sleep with you then you're not an incel.
>If they will sleep with you then you're not an incel.
Literally only one white girl I met in high school, I haven't slept with anyone in years, besides not all brown people hate white folks, you are watching too much mainstream media
I never said browns all resent white people, I said a large portion of brown incels do, which is true. Brown incels worship and resent white women.
>Brown incels worship and resent white women.
Well. I can't argue with you there.
Whitecels are because they don't want to stick their peepee in the OP webm.
>Be incel
>Have autism
>no luck IRL as my friends are also autists
>get some normal friends, they never try to set me up with women because I'm "weird"
>online dating... no matches, 10k+ swipes and $100s wasted
>eventually single mother from work settles for me
>I get sex once a month if I'm lucky and I have to basically devote myself to this used up hole.
I'm guessing most incels are just autists like me.
well maybe it's time to match with several women and fuck them so you gain experience and become more attractive. if you banged one, you can bang more.
based thread. fuck the blackpill.
i noticed that, being a hung anon
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Oh wow look at me the 10%
keep coping. cope more. blackpill is false. keep rotting in bed lmao
>blackpill is false
>insults the guy
>tells him to cope moar
>tells him to rot in bed
>all for being below average
can't make this up.
I have like 5 legit female friends and double that if you count their friends that I'm acquainted with. This was all accomplished because of college and work. So why do they simply not see me sexually? What is the cause of this? Personally, I think it's my neurodivergence and my manletism. Call it a cope to try and figure out what the cause of the problem is lol.
You are aware that whites are a minority worldwide and on the internet, yes?
I siddhant believe it
WAR! What is it gooood for!?!
I'm white, 6ft, and ok looking.
It's literally just a socialization issue. I can almost guarantee that all incels are introverted and just don't have a way to socialize with women frequently.

Basically, all guys I know who have dating issues are online nerds who have niche hobbies, usually gaming-related. They don't even necessarily look bad.
Quit essentializing race when it is a fake construct made to divide the working class
I can already tell you're an autistic faggot, and if I see you on the street, I'm smacking the shit out of you
>Blackpillers are gay
They have always been. No straight men jerks off to chad fetishizingly repeating "it's over" like incels do
That also explains why they're so wrong about women. There's nothing at stake for them, they have nothing to lose being being astronomically wrong about what women like
Incels, stop being gay! Desu
>I'm white, 6ft, and ok looking.
And 20 yrs old.
There's also a lot of bully chad fetishizing
the daily threads here prove your theory
dickpill is for gays, who would've thought lmao
pretty sure straight men are just neurotic about their dicks unless you're objectively huge. i'm legitimately 7.5"x5.25" and insanely insecure still about any woman seeing it, whereas a guy with my length but 6" or bigger girth probably hasn't felt true insecurity about his dick in his entire life.
I'm the same length and about 6" in circumference and I'm insecure about my dick. I think you basically have to be a 8" non-BP to not be insecure about your dick, or in the top 0.05% of dicks.
you're measuring wrong or just baiting. 7.5"x6" is bigger than most pornstars. fuck off and stop making men with actual real size hangups even more insecure, jesus christ every time with you top 1% dick guys bragging. every single thread.
lmao you thinks they're actually that big? they're like 1% of men but they are usually common here? and that's not to mentions having a big dick is directly related to confidence and getting laid. don't believe anything you see here unless you get pics.
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>reminder "incels" are 90% just gay psyopers
you're a psyop, shut the fuck up. Get the fuck out of r9k, or better yet, 4chan if you want to live in your own reality. Leave us the fuck alone with your fake redpill bullshit, I'm tired of seeing these fucking fake hope ass threads showcasing us the """"truth"""". Fuck off, sincerely
It's that thick at the thickest part (about an inch from the base) and gets thinner along its length. It's about 14.5 to 15 cm or 5.7 to 6 inches at its thickest point when I am absolutely rock hard. It's thick enough at the base that large condoms roll up during sex because they don't fit properly, and regular sized condoms flat out don't fit at all.

Believe me, or don't, my point is that it still seems small to me.
>still no pics
>claims to fuck
>is still here
>contradicts his first post
so easy to catch one.
>contradicts his first post

>still no pics
Why would I have pictures of my own dick being measured saved on my PC? I have never sent a dick pic in my life.
look at this gay incel lol

sorry your gay psyop didn't work. go jerk off to dicks now, we don't judge.
i don't care. your insecurities are delusional and not grounded in reality in anyway whatsoever where mine are real and backed by facts. a 6" girth or anything near it is a top 1% girth by any measure and you know it while a 5.25" girth is average. stop making average/small men feel like shit just because you're unwilling to accept the fact that you're objectively huge.
"Hitler is jewish"-tier psyop
Kill yourself op
what is your purpose being here, huh?
you fucking greasy fattass reddit slop of a fuckface
Anon, a girth of 5.25 inches is in the top 20% of white people and top 10% globally. That's not average. An average white guy is like 4.5 to 5.0. A 7.5x5.25 inch penis is like 50% larger in volume than an average white penis.
every single penis size space pretty much agrees that big girth starts at 5.5" girth minimum. 6" girth or close to it is the golden big cock girth standard and will absolutely never feel or seem small to any woman. whereas it's very likely the average woman has been with one or more men with 5"-5.3" girth, it is not a big girth and i would classify my dick as barely above average specifically because of the girth. a 6.5"-7"x6" guy would mog the shit out of me.
You have a dick that's larger than the vast majority of men, but I get the insecurity. Porn has ruined the brains of a generation (men and women).
plenty of men and women online act like my girth is pretty average. it seems like every woman wants a dude closer to 6" girth, at least based on what i read online big girth is what gives them pleasure more than anything else.
>it seems like every woman wants a dude closer to 6" girth
They don't actually know how big 6" of girth is. 6" of girth is in the "can't fit properly and causes tearing" range.
people with large dicks still being insecure makes me feel even more horrible.

I barely reach 5, I frequent multiple discord servers with lots of gay people and I've read a lot of people say that "if you're under 5 you might as well turn into a bottom lol" which is incredibly hurtful.

I can understand a 6 incher still being insecure that they are not bigger due to the things that are out there but you should also be thankful you're not average or god forbid below average.
i don't know that's what lube is for. regardless the stats don't lie and i don't have large girth which is what truly matters when it comes to sex. i'm gonna die a virgin anyways so whatever.
Average height is 5'7 but with online discours you'd think average height is 5'10
>i don't know that's what lube is for
Real life isn't porn, you know. Very few people have lube just sitting around, even serial whores. If you don't fit properly chicks will normally get impatient and either stuff themselves onto it or spit on it and hope for the best.
also i was talking length here not girth lol prolly shoulda mentioned.
I'm scared to measure my girth too in case it's also small.
My dick isn't ugly neither but it definitely isn't nice and pretty, it seems to have these small bumps at the base... Ever since I started to think all about this and becoming more insecure my libido has gone to the gutter desu
i am legitimately a little below 5'11" and don't feel tall myself. never been called tall either.
well, chances are a girl is not gonna commen on your cock being bigger than average unless it's like notably bigger, just a little bigger isn't much to care about.

Slightly below average seems like a death warrant though doesn't it? Same for height.

If I was 5'6 I would have already thrown myself off a building.
holy fucking shit same. I was really short in middle school and was constantly mocked for it, but had an insane growth spurt in HS that made me 5"10-11"(not fluent in burgers) but I still have the height insecurity when even though im average where I live.
What's funny is the opposite happened to me. I was pretty tall for my age but stopped growing and I am below average in height for my country, but weirdly I was never bullied by men for it. I was frequently bullied by women I dated/slept with for my height but guys at work and stuff never point it out, even when they don't like me.
>every single penis size space pretty much agrees
lmao look at this faggot

nothing wrong with being gay

but OP is right after all lol

incels are just gay men discouraging males to pursue females kek
Holy shit these faggots have tiny dicks lmao
Most of them are probably a little below the average bone-pressed, which is about 5.5 inches. They also don't anglemax, which is a HUGE aspect of porn that goes unnoticed and undiscussed. Most porn, even amateur, uses really intense angled lenses to make the focal point of the scene (the pee pee) seem larger in comparison to its surroundings.
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>>every single penis size space pretty much agrees
>lmao look at this faggot
>((Reddit spacing))
>nothing wrong with being gay
>((Reddit spacing))
>but OP is right after all lol
>((Reddit spacing))
>incels are just gay men discouraging males to pursue females kek
yeah people insecure about their dicks seek out spaces that discuss size. cry about it.
>insecure about their dicks
no, it's just gay men obsessed with dicks trying to trick anons into "proving" it.

>tiny dicks
pornbrained faggotloser cuck kek
every man straight or gay is obsessed with his own dick. it's literally part of being a man. you're weird if you're not.
i have a huge dick (8.8 inches) so i don't care.
now watch those gay anons with dick in their hands trying to trick me into showing it and getting banned

also vaginal depth is about 4 inches deep and most dicks fall under 5.3 inches. keep coping.

just admit you're a homosexual.

pay no attention to the fag above me. he just wants to feel special.
incels (faggots) projecting again
you post about your giant dick constantly bro. you are absolutely obsessed with it.
My brother is an "incel" influencer who is gay, and he makes mad profit off of the incel shit. I wondered what was up with that, if there was a conspiracy of some sort at work. Interesting
>I was frequently bullied by women I dated/slept with for my height
Interesting story, explain
bingo. op theory makes sense now. i highly suspect wheat waffles and faceandlms are gay too.

even decline might be bi at least, considering his swinger experience
There's nothing to explain. Chicks would just call me a "manlet" to my face, even before/afting fucking me.
Wow I fucked that up, my brain merged "fucking" and "after".
>incels are just gay psyops trying to get me to love those big, sweaty, meaty cocks
sure thing OP
>no, it's just gay men obsessed with dicks trying to trick anons into "proving" it.
fucking lmao
gay guys literally send that shit unsolicited bro, why would they spend hours tricking men into posting dick pics?
>implying that's not hot af
It's not hot when a chick is just angrily trying to attack you because of some perceived, insipid slight. It's just annoying.
it can be hot af in bed dude
As a woman (XX) this is probably then only based and real thread I will ever see here. Literally only based moid here.
Keep up the good work.
elaborate on what you like about it, please.
probably the fact that you're dabbing on dicklets and other genetic dead ends. based chad.
I'm not OP. But so basically you are genuinely the stereotype people on here whine about? Or at least playing into that. Pretty amusing.
Its the fact that you're real about homosexuals and trannies.
You showed their right face.
They constantly make psyops about women because they fucking hate us and want to make more men transition or become fags.
I've been saying this for ages. Straight men don't hate women, homosexuals and trannies do.
We are all they ever wanted to be so no wonder why they hate us this much and want to give us bad reputation.
Thanks for finally speaking truth and not making some retarded woman hating thread psyop number 10000.
Only type of man that I will ever give respect.
Thank you.
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>As a woman (XX) this is probably then only based and real thread I will ever see here. Literally only based moid here.
I hate troons with passion.
They are mentally ill men who are pretending to be us. While actively hating on us.
I can assure you plenty of straight men hate women. Doesn't matter if successful, failed, Chad, or incel.
The reason is simply that most men and women are pretty shit, but it's easy to just hate and blame an outgroup.
>I can assure you plenty of straight men hate women
So not straight.
You can be attracted to something and dislike it you know?
Like how racist people end up jacking it to black women x)
it never fails lol
>wow it's crazy how dudes are more into sex than women!
>they don't go for chad only
>see anon, maybe just maybe you know...
>i'm not gay tho ofc hahaha no don't worry anon
did hasan post this?
this applies to the whole of the blackpill
>7 inch dick is larger than 99% of dicks
You mog the troons raiding this thread with their rmicropenis, which is why they trooned out and post about how everyone who isn't a 9 inch dick has a clit.
Allow me to destroy that argument
Diff girl fucked her already i sent her cock pic here:>>78258304 as I did to:>>78258373
>sorry forgot to reply
she's not into it lmao kek desu
sorry she's not yours, it (was) just your turn.
yeah ur big but demoralizers here will say no
I literally came in her mouth yesterday and am meeting her again tomorrow? not everybody is neet like you
Actually it is hot when women tease us before/after sex, usually in a bid to get sex. It's cute.
black girls do that to me often. I am still into Asian girls only, but black girls make me feel things when they tease me in a playful way (while they pursue me with interest at the same time)

I think I love women who can make me feel stupid.

I chase asian girls, and black girls chase me.
she still fucking cute holy shit. it's been years.
I'm half brown half white and I managed to ascend after masking le autism, race only matters if you are ugly/poor/short which describes a huge portion of ethnic men tbf. Being neurotypical matters way more since you can ascend with your own race easily.
Massive lifefuel, thanks man. That's the size of my dick, might just dm some femcels I know after I cut bodyfat down.
gayincels come here to spread deathfuel.. anons end up whitepilled.

aaaa she is so fucking hot
>well maybe it's time to match with several women and fuck them so you gain experience and become more attractive. if you banged one, you can bang more.
I've only really fucked my current GF and it basically requires me to give up all of my free time for sex once a month.
women are a monolith. if you're attractive enough to get a gf, you're attractive enough to fuck all girls.
we really need source on that cute jap
I'm a bit smaller, around 5.5 inch thick at the thickest part (base.) 7.5 inch length. I still feel small because I'm 6'3. I'm scared to post a photo but eventually will gain the courage for teh lulz and see what happens.
>also reminder 90% of this board and so-called incels are just gay men trying to stop men from liking women
i dont think theyre totally gay. most of them are likely totally brain friend from porn addiction. porn makes your sexuality totally warped
but the obsessed posters and promoters of that shit are definitely homossexual.
blackpill is the biggest psyop of all time
I love ha thu desu
gravure is the only worth porn
sea is heaven for demoralized blackpillers
my dick is huge and yes gay anons try to gasdlight yo
Ive literally heard the worlds most beautiful young woman agree to threesomes with a man because she has seen his large penis.
it always has been though
unless you think elliot rodger is white

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