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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Scream into the void edition
instructions unclear creamed into the void
Dear Killer Mike - how come you never responded to my email? I loved R.A.P. Music it goes hard.
Haven't had sex since March 3rd. I won't be able to control myself much longer. Doing nofap isn't helping but I don't want to have sex with someone I don't care about either.
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I changed my discord @ and now you'll ever be able to add me again.
Who the fuck uses shitcord
If you're who I think you are, I don't think I ever even friended you on anything.
Real ones delete discord and pretend to have moved on from the internet while secretly being active on a new account

gee champ think that might have been a hint
Why did he even have fans?
well it's either him or the JUGGALOS BABY
Real one? What kind of one?
Gaslighters originally
Dear Evan Hansen
We've been way too out of touch
Things have been crazy
And it sucks that we don't talk that much
But I should tell you that I think of you each night

I rub my nipples and start moaning with delight
Is that considered gaslighting?
hey anons, i need some serious opinion

i been a neet all over my life ever since i finished school, i suffer from depression and existentional depression, however, i can ride a bicycle, i been considerating doing food delivery for a living, specially considerating food delivery pays more than a minimum wage in my country, however i don't have a bycicle yet and i don't have mobile internet in my phone at least yet
Sounds like "getting the fuck outta dodge" to me, which btw ghosting also is
Are you physically fit? To deliver via bike you're going to be covering A LOT of ground
it's always funny when cringe whore /r9k/ sluts with a dozen social media accounts and 400 orbiters (conservative estimate) farmed from a combination of them pile in to letter threads to talk about the infidelity of men when you can't go a day without begging for male attention like some fucking dog whether on here or elsewhere. do /r9k/ cunts think they're superior to /soc/ whores? there seems to be this unfounded and mistaken superiority complex that the type of whore who visits this board expresses as a defence mechanism for their low self esteem that's so contemptible it's hard to even disabuse them of their ignorance about it. you're not the edgy and enlightened feminist alt-girl you think you are, you're just a stupid fucking hole, like the /soc/ girls, like any other interchangeable woman.
>physically fit?
yes, at least i think so, i can lift weights and i always throw away heavy trash, so yes
You're seething over her and she forgot about you.
all of the posters here are artificial intelligence. even the people that are around you physically are not real. there is no reason to be upset over artificial intelligence.
Anyone can be replaced. I had grown tired of living in a world like that
i have not slept in a while. i will just take another capsule soon and continue to stare at my screens until it is time to leave the house. i feel disconnected to everything around me. i want to feel something but there is nothing to feel.
He'll save us from the ghosts
i wish there was something real but even if there was i wouldn't believe in it anymore. i have felt trapped outside of my own body since i was very young, maybe my entire life.
>lol u mad tho

hello faggot stuck in 2004, we've since updated our level of discourse since then if you'd try to keep up. hate to have to hold someone's hand through a dialogue but since you seem too braindead to understand the point of my post, i'm not talking about any one person in particular but about the general quality of women who come to this community. i don't talk to toxic /r9k/ cunts because i'm not a fucking retard such as yourself who willingly surrounds themselves with awful people and is simply asking to be taken advantage of by sociopath whore women with no scruples about being evil. in case you haven't noticed, /r9k/ matches /soc/ in its degeneracy on its best days and is an even bigger shithole on its worse and we have women, faggots, trannies and discordniggers to thank for that.

>all of the posters here are artificial intelligence.

sure seems that way a large proportion of the time.

>there is no reason to be upset over artificial intelligence.

you guys really have to get over this "micromanaging people's mood" thing. this is the letter thread where people come to vent, how about some self awareness from the audience.
>you guys really have to get over this "micromanaging people's mood" thing.
>how about some self awareness from the audience.
yes exactly, we are all.
Dear big fellas,

Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you. And your little fuckers, too.
i've been so delusional lately about this concept of living. i know eventually one day i will no longer exist and i am so glad.
Damn bro there are plenty of girls out there. Just be patient. You'll find the right one someday if you just drop the negative attitude.
false hope. nobody is good, man or woman.
i could go through the list of proven psycho bitch /r9k/ females dating back over a full decade but saying their names empowers them (even when a few of them are dead oops HAHAHAHAHAHA), instead i entreat anyone to peek into the biofem general or spend five minutes browsing the catalogue, then ask yourself if you'd actually want to talk to any of these "people" by choice. unfortunately i'd wager it'd be a not insignificant number of you since /r9k/ lost its fangs years ago and all the better, funnier, more original posters moved to other, more topical boards, /pol/ or killed themselves, replaced by white knights and alt-lifestyle retards.

being totally candid, at one point many (many) years ago i did believe the incorrect notion that disaffected and socially sidelined young men were better off pairing with quirky e-girls who shared their interests but there's no comparison and no parallel, this type of female pretending to be a femcel who mirrors your personality is doing the gender based equivalent of blackface and appropriating male subculture as women typically do because they can't make their own. if she posts here, stop acting like a simp faggot and leave, similarly if she tells you she has bpd or some other mental dysfunction, you're not going to fix her. i've since corrected my behavior rather than waiting to find a diamond in the rough in shitholes like this and have something real, face to face and tangible with a normal (as normal as women get) girlfriend in real life who wants to start a family with me. you can and should do the same.
Apparently it is a self-fulfilling prophecy!


I guess I will just wait this one out for a few more months until I die or whatever

Or today

Or yesterday

Or something.

Nah, u deserve a cute girl to nag u for the rest of ur life as punishment.
figure out your phone situation because it's a necessity for food delivery and if you're going the bike route get an e bike, unless you have olympian levels of fitness and conditioning you're going to feel miserable on a push bike day in and day out doing this kind of work
Aside from Ciara and oxy they're all living happily ever after. Some even have kids now. But you're here still posting about them.
I just wrote this twice??, but my posts seemed to vanish? So now I am rewriting it >_<"

Dear Sweet Turbie,
I Love you.
However, I have to leave r9k and all of 4chan forever because I have decided to use a specific easy method for quitting porn and so this will be my last post. Because there is too much porn here and I have made a vow to quit and become a no-porner, an ex-porn users? A non-user. I don't use porn! Yippee! ^_^ I am mentally healthier thanks to this.

Don't be too sad that I am gone for, now I'm free from the slavery of porn! :)
I have overcome my addiction to fantasy, and will just be focusing my mind to reclaim my subconscious.

As for everyone else I love you too, I'm sorry for all the evil I've put out and enemies I've made. I know some of you will be happy about this and others will be sad. I apologize that I contributed to making your favorite e-girls leave and got poop all over the place, I did it on my own, without God, and for that I am sorry. I ask for your forgiveness and to tell Turbie about this post incase she doesn't see it the next time you see her. And be Nice. Everyone likes (You)s especially little turbulents.

Oh and my turbieenjoyer email got hacked and lost so I don't have it anymore >_<"
If it were meant to be we'll meet again.
Good bye Cupcake
I will miss /mbti/
The jews who are promoting transgenderism onto the poor demented users of this board won't even allow for me to write the method I'm using the post won't go through.
They are our enemy
ythe estonians cucked me by making my lituaniuan gf trans im also high
How about dat wiki tho
wish you would just tell me the truth but youre always vague as fuck. i think all youre capable of is leading people on then running when things start to get slightly real bc youre not real.
da vidya
Did you finally get a new chair?
Thanks a lot for your advice, Okay, i will consider a E Bike

a E Bike would be a Eletrical Bike right?
Hey you

Dont you have like a

Prime directive
Doubtful (you)
yes an electrical bike. to break yourself in you could try a standard push bike just to get a feel for things and see how you do but if you live in a hilly area especially it's gonna be tough with how much ground you need to cover like the other anon said. good luck.
Goodness.. The plot development that can occur between thread death and rebirth!
Proud of you and will miss you --have missed you lately already. Trying not to be self-interested but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad that I'm gonna miss out on your glow up. We'll all feel the shockwaves through the ether regardless.

No hard feelings,
Peace be with you,
Much Love
Why would you write that??
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>and appropriating male subculture as women
Gee!!1! The women we've been FORCING out of our spaces and hobbies suddenly are feigning to like them to cater to ME and ME specifically!!
>as normal as women get
Aw, are you throwing a tantrum because she'll never, ever, share the same interests and personality quirks as you, sweetheart?
I said I'm making the beef B soon ok!
How annoying. I was dreaming and you were just about to fuck me and I woke up. Then I went back to sleep but dreamed I was playing on a beach and started to bury a strangers foot and she got startled and then her friend asked me to bury hers. Then it turned into a sandal and she really liked it. I'm going back to bed.
That buttermilk tho.
u seem mad tho doggie dog breath lmao lmao lmao touched a nerve sweatie? on the rilly dilly yo

based retard
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Also, I want to express remorse for saying that I spoke too soon when I commented on your growth. Healing isn't linear, nothing organic in this life truly is; hiccups are to be expected. It was hurtful to see you lashing out again so soon after I had shared my observation.. I have some responsibility complex or something as part of the magickal thinking so I felt like it was partly my fault for breaking some woo-woo rule, y'know? But I want to clarify I wasn't/am not trying to give my intuition/observations credit for your progress, either.
However, it is affirming to see you doing well, because it makes me feel like my progress is safer from upset if it's a larger trend in the air and not just a fluke within my personal/current experience. If horns had to cross, it was nice to butt heads with someone with that Aries adaptability, it made it more productive. I appreciate that at your best, you can go full-in with your intensity but not necessarily hold grudges or drag up stale and stagnant energies. That "Bros can trade blows and still be bros and maybe even better bros the next day" sort of Masculinity fed a part of myself that I often have to neglect lest I risk hurting others too much. But you also were a wonderful mirror for me to see the ways in which I was betraying even myself at times when my rage was not righteously or tactfully deployed/directed.

>I don't shine if you don't shine
Thanks for sharing your shine, brotha. May it be continuously nurtured in the ways and spaces most Right for you, and may it continue to have positive ripple effects on those around you.
i hope my life ends soon
same anon

my existentional depression is seriously killing me
that sucks anon

the anguish of being a retard and cannot connect normally with others is doing it for me.
Just stop being sloths
i forced myself to get two hours of sleep i think it helped. but the thing about having this medication is if i miss a day or days of sleep i can just take more adderall to stay awake.
I think you need to replace the dog whistle you're using. It's not quite painful enough to be motivating.
i walk like 40-50,000 steps a day
and we are entering real schizy hours yeaaa

and what has that ever helped you
it helps me become more underweight. i don't walk that much on purpose though i'm just on my feet at work
Whats your bmi looking like
17 i'm maintaining it because if i get too underweight again they will take away my adderall once more and i won't be able to function at work
it's getting difficult to maintain since i started this job combined with resuming adderall. i eat 1000 calories a day if i'm lucky and i burn most of it off working at my job
Im sure if you got a bf who would fuck you twice a day youd burn more calories and you would be hungrier
i don't want a boyfriend that will fuck me twice a day
more or less than twice?
less than twice, sex never sounded appealing to me
so you are still a virgin?
thats depressing
go meet people and have some fun
i really like being a virgin, define fun
Virginity has no inherent value
you gain nothing from it
but sure do whatever you think is best for you, doesn't seem to work out thst well though
why do you need to have sex to have fun? if someone wants to be a virgin, let them. its not your decision retard
but i don't gain anything from sex
how is it not working out well?
good sex is more fun and satisfying than anythhing else
you are miseryposting here every day

i dont remember asking about some incel tradcuck opinion
i don't think that is true for everyone, you're just an addict to pleasure i guess, most people are though
that anon is right and has a point. you seem odd about this topic
>you seem odd about this topic
and with that any potential discussion has been killed off
im going back to bed
you should learn to be more respectful of other peoples personal choices
you go tell that druggies and self harm peeps
i don't care what druggies or self harm people do, it's none of my business
i won't eat anything for the next few days, i do not deserve it. not because of any notions of self worth but because i need to be further deprived
You know I gotta keep it strong, I'll move along. But you gotta know that my heart is tortured with a flame that burns bright for her. You've only forced my way and my exit. I wanted so much more than your greed allows.
stop saying good morning to me. i don't know what mind game you are trying to play but it is not going to work. leave me alone.
This keeps getting stuck in my head so I'll spread it to you. Share my pain and delight.
My crush came over finally and dealt me a whirlwind of feelings hurt and disappointment with myself. An old one says I'm a shoe in for suicide now, which Barack told me is my cause of death back on 8/24/15. So there we have it. I feel so empty that she didn't fuck or anything. An undying love formed but she slept with my dad and told me off. I think I'll be getting back on the shard as a result and the sherm too. There's little promise of a happy life for getting clean anyway, I just want to be numb from betrayal, i hate my life sober, to think that moms made me happy too, what a fool I am to be hated by the one. I have to move along and I will. But you know where this is leading me. I think I might self harm again.
this has encouraged me to stop speaking with them. thank you!
Tell that to me directly. Is there a list of approved things I can say to you? Can we negotiate for Good Nights? How about good mornings every other day or only on Fridays?
i will do 3 day fasts every week now. i am just over 90 pounds so i wonder how fast this will make me drop. my goal is 85 pounds.
sounds good to me, you have been getting kinda fat
this was meant for someone at my work.
this is such a predicable response. before you even replied to me with this i knew someone would say it and i was thinking that i wish this motivation worked on me but it doesn't. i know i'm not fat.
are you crazy? have you looked in the mirror lately? your love handles are sagging over your hips. you're not 90lbs, you're probably more like 140. you have a mental illness. stop eating so much
you're such a tryhard. my hips are so bony i can use them as diy pockets when i wear leggings.
more fatty copium... how could you say all that through all those donuts you have stored in your fat neck?
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You will not be missed.
Lmao, look at this cringe.
You write exactly like someone on my friend's list. I'm going to block them now. Just in case. All this time I've been sharing my good energy and you've been receiving it in annoyance and bad energy.

I can't risk keeping this kind of bad energy around me. I'm now blocking you, and unfriending everyone who doesn't say good morning to me. Thank you for opening my eyes. Goodbye and Goodluck.
>generic typing style
lol. sorry your friend wasn't into you i guess.
i accidentally cut my wrist open on one of the racks. i hope i get tetanus from this.
i also hope you get tetanus from that :D
you're being a little obsessive. i'm sure you have far better things to do with your time.
It's ok. I have removed the negative drain from my life thanks to your eye-opening post. From now on I will only allow positive enriching energies into my aura. That is how ill turn this experience into a positive and beneficial one.
obsessive? I just think people should get tetanus more often. you're being weird
well alright, whatever helps then.
i forgot to bring my contact lenses and i'm blind at work today. it is fine though because there isn't much work to be done. i hope i don't make this mistake again, on a much busier day.
Down 25 lbs, still a fuckton to go.
how much do you currently weigh? what's your goal weight?
260, started at 285. Goal weight is 180 then push to 160 to give me a buffer before I go back to my fat old ways.
damn, well good luck then anon.
Gonna be a long road but I'm determined to do it. Fat people are viewed as subhuman, so I'm taking my humanity back
ok well back to work. i'll get some water and take my adderall before lunch later.
>The drugs begin to peak
>A smile of joy arrives in me
>But sedation changes to panic and nausea
>And breath starts to shorten
>And heartbeats pound softer

^^That's gonna be you if you're mixin' them wet daddy's with Shardonnay player. I'm serious. Don't go dying on me, I'm your friend let's do business. How do you feel about noids I got a fresh vial it's a phatty, i'll send it to you for free if you promise me you won't go back to dope. Plus I could use about a half gallon of pure water, my neetbux drops on the 1st of the month I'm broke right now but I could pull a few strings to at least cover the Overnight Express for you bro. Pray for you, love you, you're not alone, you matter, Peace '& Love drop contact if you wanna do business
Plus, if we get to know each other I'd smoke you out on some DMT and help you heal. I normally don't advertise this but tripsitting is what I do best over 16 years experience. And don't worry about the water baby they sell it at the store, i'm not destitute I've got like $2.16 in my neetbux card. I'm just dehyrdated. Anyways, Hope you're doing good Hunter. God Bless you and you're whole entire family.
do you know that the person you currently like doesn't love you nearly as much as I do, doesn't think about you and doesn't have dreams about you every day like I do? just saying
The person I like doesn't like me at all. They barely tolerate me.
why do you like them then
Don't worry, I got cannabis and alcohol. I am not on that dope no more that you folk do. I'm not suicidal cause of the Prozac I get from the community mental health. I don't really wanna do drugs again, I'm just fucking panicked from loss of control. I feel like I'm being hazed. Who knows maybe I stay clean, I'm trying to get a year coin for shard instead of going off the deep end. I just want it all to get better not to wait and ward, it's important I don't go there.
I'm going to get my drink on around noon like normal. It oughta be alright.

My discord is hunterbear6526 #0. If you want to talk more. Add me
sometimes i wonder if you just view me as nothing but a stalker incel and i wouldnt put it past you to feign interest just to get back at me over a period of time. the difference between creep and chadlite for me is 30 pounds and a shave tho
I don't know. I can't help it. I think I know but I haven't fully thought about it. I just know that I do. I don't know if I even like them. I'm just very attracted to them. There's some kind of pull to them that I can't resist. What is causing that pull? Not sure, but I can't deny nor resist it.

Hey buddy, still alive?

Learned some basic stuff today. Like how to draw with my arm instead of my wrist, and how speed can make lines straighter. It'll take years, but I think I can get there. Not at your level, but close enough to not look like Linkara's "Lightbringer." Hard work is my one redeeming quality. I can produce quantity no problem, it's quality that's my pete noir. I used to think writing was my strong suit, but I'd not be surprised if you had me beat even on that front. Brevity is the soul of wit, yet I ramble on and on. Perhaps I'm nothing more than an "idea guy" in writer's clothing. But maybe Spongebob: The Musical was right, and there's a place for those who delegate. One that isn't the fiery pits of Hell. Well, keep yourself alive.
I had a gud run, maybe the best even. I'm stepping down to allow young blood to grow free from my imposing shadow. Going into seclusion so that I can focus on farming potatoes and manipulating things behind the scenes.
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>Scalping accuracy this month 83%, 1.52R
Holy fugg I have made it
>In numerology, the angel number 88 can represent an increase in abundance, such as financial wealth, better health, personal growth, and the development of skills and talents. It can also be a sign that your efforts will be rewarded if you've been working towards your goals and dreams.
You a millionaire now investment bro?
>I don't know if I even like them. I'm just very attracted to them.
It sounds like you just want to use them for sexual favours.
Angel numbers are all good, go look up what angel number 83 means
That could be fun but I want more than that. A lot more. Too much for me to put into words here.
years ago
then became daytrade bro and now it's just stupid

>Number 83 holds special meaning in both numerology and symbolism -- it's often associated with manifesting abundance and achieving success. The energy of this number is unmistakable when it appears to you as an angel number.
damn. gotta watch out for those sneak non dub/trip/orbetter essence-containing numberinos
That doesn't make any sense or seem worth it. Just pump and dump.
i don't know what i'm living for desu
nobody ever stays
You have the charisma of a damp rag.
You have the appearance of a bank clerk.

We don't know you
We don't want you
The sooner you're put out to grass, the better
We don't like you
We don't want you
Well, better find peace hanging with yourself
I have seen things you people would never believe.

Invisible tornadoes and corrosive acid rain microbursts out of the blue. Foot-long, cancerous human sperm cells multiplying by the quadrillions.

Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!
>God Bless you and you're whole entire family.
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>Invisible tornadoes and corrosive acid rain microbursts out of the blue. Foot-long, cancerous human sperm cells multiplying by the quadrillions.
But have you seen THIS
Real photo, btw
I snapped it myself
Perhaps that's because, you come from Belgium.
Which is pretty much a non-country.
i'm still suffering from existentinal depression
Today I did something good for you and you will probably never know it was me.
I still hate you and what you did to me, but this reminded me that I am the good one that got away. Not you.
Thanks, person with vague enmity towards me!
Stop praying for me! I was already too strong!
i've been drinking, driving, now we'll never go home
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Are prayer gains natty?
Supernatty, you might say.
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I need this chick to milk me.

I need my balls to be emptied down her throat.

I have NEEDS.

And she NEEDS to have my semen metabolized for nutrients!
I'm not coming back to the thread, so all of you boring as shit glowfaggot sadists can start looking for someone else to plagiarize.

Stay vapid, losers.
sir i use turnitin.com
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Hey how's the server going
i'll catch you red handed
They are going to get you and when they do everyone you know will be glad they did and nobody will feel remorse for you.
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She will swallow my cum

She WILL swallow my cum!
In the car they found a tape
They didn't say who it was to
Henry Darger levels of a faggotry.
One day Anons, you'll have that moment like the Main Character had in 50 Days of Summer, and realise you're just seeing "them" through rose tinted glasses. There's so much more out there to find, and to do.
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Any found by the Harlequin will be left bloodied.
Any found by the Moon will be left weeping.
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Anyone who isn't 50 years old and likes gardening is using the hobby as a psychological coping mechanism for the one who got away
Tfw you don't got no hoe
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>Tfw you don't got no hoe
But at least you can still plough
you can't say these things about this woman bro, she's too inexperienced
That's wrong. I miss him tho ;_;
Okay, I am sorru :'(
Nice dubs
It makes me laugh when I think about how you asked Madison for permission to suck my dick. You are an actual cock sucking manlet faggot and nothing will change that kek

Don't listen to him, he's a complete idiot!!!
We're been gangstalking him for many years but we just can't get him on anything concrete.He's just trolling you he's never done illegal drugs in over 7 years, That's why we're so pissed he's trolling us
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We will send garden Anon a positive energy care package as compensacion with which to fertilize their future prospects
who do you think you're replying to
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Nobody is falling for the samefag handwaving routine
r-right g-guys?
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Shhhh let 'em cook those homegrown veggies
Question is who do You think You are replying to
Can you stop sabotaging my efforts to fix our relationship and just reply to me already, A? Or are you going to keep being a bitch?
Can I have 2 scoops of an hero?
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Make it a triple scooop 4 me senpai
I ate too much sugar and now I feel ill
You should keep going and see what happens
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554/555 skooma addicts OD right before they finally alchemize
Thank you. I'll be borrowing this picture and putting it to better use at a later date.
I would imagine it's boring as shit without me, kind of like this thread.
Hang it in yer shed, N'wah
The sun will set on this day just as it sets on us all. And it will set on you and yours. Mark it.
Seriously, though, you tell me. Is it still just a bunch of racist losers all cheerleading the one guy in the FBI with an IQ over 120?
You still the spotlight so I don't pay much mind
>Hang it in yer shed
What a fool you are, it's not going in my shed. What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How can you be so naive? I'll be keeping it close. In my heart
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May all your tomorrows be better than your todays. Under Moon and Star, Anon.
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Are you still reposting twitch memes from five years ago and doing your bizarre cop version of "roasting the normies" via ~deep fried~ and ~zany fonts~ while you make a bunch of shit obvious that you really shouldn't be making obvious?
Still bullying people you depend on to keep your fuck ass little secrets without even realizing it?
Thanks, I'll be taking this before I leave, as well!
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He's too fuckin STRONK
The sweep is on, boys. Make your peace with The Nine while you still can . . .
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Let's make it three!
To you forever, from me to you.
*I've* got a lot of nerve, the shit I post here? Really? Are you sure that's the attitude you're going with?

You know, maybe I will start posting here again.
>You know, maybe I will start posting here again.
Please don't
You are all losers. You can do linear algebra until the sun dies, and you still won't be able to write like me.

Peace out, and fuck you.
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Since it's three for free
kindly given from you to me
I humbly accept this gift from thee
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im just so fucking hurt and angry and sad and i can't do anything about it
i think my dad molested me but i can't be sure and so i just have to act like he didn't and never talk about it even though i feel deeply that he may have. he's a charming guy and despite being a bad person is amiable and easy to get along with so i feel like a traitor to him even considering he may have done that. i can't talk to my family about it, talking to therapists doesn't help much, and i don't have any friends to share it with irl so it's just festering in my heart getting heavier and heavier every damn day. i hate things he's done even if he hasn't molested me, he used to hit me, he's called me a faggot and neglected me and never been a father, he destroyed our family and my mother had to force him to let me visit him on every other weekend because he didn't want me otherwise. he's a shitty person and narcissist and it wouldn't make a difference if he touched my penis or not since he's still a crap human either way so why do i care so much and even more infuriatingly why the fuck do i still love him
why do i crave his approval and his smile and his laugh
why do i visit him so frequently when it makes me feel like shit every time
why do i feel like a delinquent son when he's the delinquent father?
i hate him and i want to yell and scream at him for hurting me and my mother and my sister so much and for being so selfish, but i don't because i don't want to upset him. i don't care that i've seen his dick in the shower, or when he got out of the shower, or when he would change clothes. I don't care that he may have rubbed my penis, or kissed me on the lips once when he was drunk, it was all probably just an accident and im not understanding it. that's always how it is, i never remember anything correctly and i always misinterpret things and never understand how things actually happened whenever it involves him.
i want to grieve something i don't know is real
Possibility #1 I'm just a paranoid scitzo dumbass.

#2 you're all reading the things I type on here and the images & videos I share but rather than actually confronting me about all the opinions I hold and actions I take that you find disgusting you send thinly veiled targeted messages letting me know you know and that you think I'm a sad little deranged freak

#3 which is the most wild scitzo shit that isn't even really paranoia is the idea that a form of psionic realm exists in just a normal metaphysical concept like language, where in the matrix of possibility in the linguistic programming is becoming more and more finite and with it greater control falling into the hands of those who wish to engineer more accurate predictive outcomes trough attack on the very idea of individual thought.

I didn't say the word
I danced around the topic
But someone
Who I have never met nor will probably ever meet
Was explaining the word in great detail
was bird the word?
Dad's are naked in front of their kids, it's an inevitability. Kissing you on the lips is something dad's do too, even if it's a bit weird. But the rubbing of your penis(Assuming he wasn't washing you in the shower), yeah, better figure that out real quick.
Kek, oh no we're opening the morphogenetic fields. What do you talk about, and how has that been reflected? It could just be basic memetics. A concept comes up in popular media, you form an opinion, but so do thousands if not millions of others, some of whom are going to share your opinion and have a more refined version of it
Are you the A?
I can tell by the way you type and act that it 100% didnt happen and you are just a little faggot seeking attention and indulging in a fetish.

One day your search history will be public knowledge so think about that before trying to make a case.
It all collapses into one. The One.
what makes you think that

nope it wasn't in a shower, it was in bed. it just makes me want to kill myself sometimes
The amount of failure along with getting cucked that precedes me is like a demon that threatens to fucking slice my throat the very second I let my guard down and dare to take anything seriously for even a second. Fuck man. I'm not gonna do it again. I should be more careful.
Emotions are slowly becoming my poison the more I live.
Cowheart! Yum!
Stop talking mean about my waifu, dick head. She's waaaaaaay better than /soc/ whores and you know it. On the other hand... Seeing you seething is kind of funny so you might entertain me more if you like.
Just a few days ago I realized that I'm only acting up to make people mad enough to hit me in the face. I want to feel that kind of love again, from when I was little. Brains are so weird.

Hey babe. How about you slap my cheeks until they're hot and throbbing without me acting like a bastard? Is that too much to ask?
>I want to feel that kind of love again, from when I was little.
Thank you God for allowing me a chance at redemption every day.
I remember that back when I got really upset I slapped myself on the cheeks and the pain calmed me down and I felt really good for a while. Is this why cutters do what they do?
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Homelander moement
I think you don't understand. Normal people visit the house they grew up in. I don't have such a place but at least I can revisit the feeling of seeing stars and feeling the blood rush into my cheeks.
Or the breeze on a hot night. The smell of the ground just before it rains. Tons of Madelines to dip in your tea, Anon
I love the smell of rain. I used to love to listen to thunderstorms while enjoying the smell of rain.
I want to hold hands with my waifu while enjoying the smell of rain. :3
I don't understand why my waifu was alone for so long. I had random guys tell me that she's a monster but they don't know I'm probably way worse than she could ever be.
I hope she found someone so she can do her part to increase the amount of nerds on this rock.
Just ask out your waifu out.
They told me she's only interested in 9s or above or guys with money.
It's beyond hopeless.
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9s is cute though
I doubt it. They're probably lying
i never thought id see fucking dear evan hansen lyrics on 4chan of all places, musical theatre fags are like a different breed of autistic than 4chan autists
Also, she probably wants someone with blue eyes so her kids get them, too.

I have the recessive gene from my father so there is a slight chance of our potential kids having blue eyes but it's a very slim chance.
I would feel guilty to rob her of the chance of having kids with her beautiful blue eyes.
It's a play about someone faking emails between him and a kid who committed suicide for clout how is that not something 4chan would like?
So? Who cares just get with her
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcbm9akAVgU
I'm never going to see the people in my class again life is so retarded
Get contact info???
Ive done this like 4 times now lulz
I can't decide whether you're lucky or not because you're not sure if it happened. You don't seem to have developed the emotional defense mechanisms that a lot of victims (ones who are aware of their abuse) often possess.
As someone who is well aware and whose brain developed in accordance, I can tell you the grass is not too green over here. I'm not diagnosed with anything (because I've avoided therapy my whole life) but apparently childhood trauma and cluster B personality disorders are correlated. So yeah, if you didn't grow up acutely aware of it there's a chance you didn't develop these (or maybe you did anyway, obviously I don't know you, the suicidal thoughts you mentioned are a red flag).
I have never talked to these people but I don't like the idea I will never see them again. Also I reset my phone and lost all my contacts again
Treat it like a game. Treat it like serious shit and feel like ripping my face off. Treat it like a game. Treat it like serious shit and feel like ripping my face off.
I need to find a way to stay on just treating it like a game.
>if you didn't grow up acutely aware of it there's a chance you didn't develop these
i mean i was aware of other sexual abuse, irl mainly from a family friend and having explicit conversations with guys from 11 onwards sometimes involving me sending them explicit pics
i do feel fucked up and have bpd/anorexia, i don't feel like i'm lacking for that stuff. it's more just concern that it would be my dad too, but again it's kind of a moot point
ashully is not game is real life
Refreshing over and over just for a sign of her. Wasting my whole life in this one thread(not in this one).
What the fuck am I doing.... why the fuck am I like this for fuck's sake
Antagonize me some more. It's the perfect day for it. Go right ahead.
Your mother was a troll, and your father smelt of elderberries
guise no you dont know her ok she's REAL my egf is REAL she just posts in another general. no that's not a picture of belle delphine she just does her makeup the same
Someone paid her 400k to play Pokemon with her.
What a fucking nigger. Fucking no womb whore removed me from xir server because I expressed a difference of opinion?
>you aren't posting your sources
>I don't like those sources those sources are evil and charlatans.
What a fucking nigger. Wish I can bash your brains in. Hate people like this more than anything.
All liberals are the same shit. Never can argue their points and hide behind censorship. If you say anything they don't like they unpeople you. Can't wait for a fucking civil war.

Feel so fucking stupid. I KNEW this was going to happen. They ALWAYS respons the same. Fucking tranny no womb whores.

I don't give a fuck if you think what I'm saying is wrong. Go ahead and prove me wrong but don't try to silence my voice just because you don't like what I'm saying. That's so fucking un American. God I can't wait for a civil war.

Seriously considering joining on an alt and collecting as much damaging information on her as I can. I'm so fucking mad.
The trick is to have a dozen or so accounts ready to go at all times and start trickling them into the server from you cell phone when you realize faction with mods is going sideways.
Hey buddy. This'll be my last letter for awhile. Keep believing in yourself. Don't worry about the other bullshit, including these letters.
Eeh eeh ooh ooh aah aah
I already have a ton of accounts. I make them for one time use or throw aways and just never bother to throw them away. I do not like how this was handled at all and I'm extremely vengeful. Not always but in situations like this I can't help it. Seriously considering using my darker talents to see just how much social and psychological damage I can inflict on her. It's been a very long time since I've done anything like this but I'm not liking this at all. I knew she was going to respond in this way and gave her the benefit of a doubt.

If someone gives me 3 reasons why I shouldn't do it then I won't but if someone gives me even one reason and some ideas I'm going to burn everything down.
I mean just cause chaos; it doesn't have to be all psychohorror and sadistic. Just do trolling and laugh at them until you feel better.
Find me pls, I'll be out there
Like 666 times more? Then again, I'm slow on the uptake of vague information so it may take more tries? I guess we'll see.
Now you have to do your worst because you made me curious about your darker talents. Or was this just internet toughguy nonsense? Show us the internet panther, aching to spring into action.
Let us know what you plan to do tho. It would be a shame to give you an ear piercing for stepping on the wrong toes like an idiot.
Nah. I'm pissed. also this is a little frustrating? Maybe isn't the right word. That you're replying to me but not replying to me. I kind of want to inflict maximum psychological damage but also I kind of don't want to anymore and probably don't have the time. But also I kind of want to do so because I truly believe she deserves to be punished as I saw what appeared to be Similar thing happened to someone else when I first joined. And what makes jt worse is the type of server that it is. It's not exactly a random server. She's acting as a gatekeeper to something far larger to herself, and if you don't perfectly agree with her retarded political opinions she has the right to sever you from that? I'm feeling pretty justified to do my worse and curious to see exactly how much I can do when fully unleashed from the chains of guilt and morality.

If I said it you wouldn't believe it. You'd just say I'm larping or something. but if you're curious I can say but I feel it will likely be held or used against me later. So there's no real benefit to say exactly what I believe I'm capable of.
Please do as much damage to these fuckers. Truth is king and these fuckers deserve a lesson for shitting on logic itself.
How did they unperson you?
Dear Alexander

I am slow to anger, but I tow the line. When I reckon with the effects of your life on mine.
It's a shame that this anonymous board is everything but, isn't it? Not having a place to speak my mind is driving me insane.
It's ok. I calmed down already. I am a little curious to sew what I could do but not very motivated. And it was basically just anytime I posted anything political that was against their beliefs, they kept making snide remarks. Then she baited me into posting my sources and when I did. Said the guys PhD doesn't make him a real doctor, even though he's a clinical nurse. Then said I need to be removed from the server for spreading misinformation, all within 1 min of me posting the video... So she never even looked at anything that was presented.
Sometimes I feel like I just argue with the same posters over and over and over again, even on different threads, on different boards.
You don't understand. I have no time to half-ass things.
People who are too sure to be in the right suck so much. It's really arrogant to assume one is always right and to refuse to listen to differing views to check if one was wrong. That shows you that they are not interested in learning the truth. Funny how they are very quick to call people nazis, while we show much more restraint than actual nazis.
You are a dumbass, simple as
I'm socially retarded. Learn the difference.
Dear Tomato,
First, I want you for sex.
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I don't have anyone else who cares but I forgot to do my homework for tomorrow. It was voluntary but I've been trying to volunteer for the past few weeks. Share my ideas or attempt to make things more fun. Kind of like when I was back in school. I always felt the need to ask the question that I thought others might be wondering but too shy to ask, or engage with professors so they didn't feel bad when everyone else tuned things out. But no one is tuning things out and there's lots of people with better communication skills than myself. I guess I just like sharing my thoughts or getting answers to things I'm thinking about. Some people seem to like it. A guy actually just messaged me to ask to see something I wrote up last week. It was a job description but I made it up. I guess he's watching a recording of class? But if so he should be able to just read it when I shared my screen and read it aloud? I know this job sounds really great but that was the assignment. Make one up and that's what I did. It's just a collection and amalgamation of a bunch of different things I liked. I'm too tired and drained to write anything up tonight but it would probably be helpful to at least attempt to brainstorm. I can maybe throw some things together tomorrow if I wake up early enough. It probably won't be very good, but curiously when I told someone else I didn't think the other thing was any good they said it was. So maybe I'm over thinking things. Thanks for keeping me company and reading all of these words words words.
I can't keep doing this. You're simultaneously my only source of wonder and a bleak constant reminder that that I'm entirely inadequate.

It's been years, but I don't think I can keep scavenging for scraps for the rest of my life. It's beyond obvious that you don't care about me beyond casual acquitanceship and I've lost hope that'll ever change.

I don't think that things are going to turn out all right for you but I also harbor no illusions that you'd even want me around in a worst case scenario.

I just thought that maybe you'd have a but more affinity for me. But maybe forgetting you just might clear up enough clutter that I can love someone else.

Goodbye S
Yeah I'm sick of it to desu. They all kind of say the same things. Like all of them
>you're evil, lying, brainwashed by anti christ, the man in the TV said different, you're just not smart enough to understand why you're wrong, your sources are wrong and my sources are right, you believe misinformation, you hate democracy even though we are a constitutional republic, etc etc etc
At this point I really think a civil war would be on everyone's best interest so we can have a decoupling

Funny thing is I have never seen anyone on the right be afraid to debate their ideas and political views, at least not privately, while the other side is always having some excuse or getting too butthurt to actually hold any meaningful discussions on why they believe what they believe. They always act as if they're smarter and better informed... when usually they're literally repeating talking points from legacy media.

>Not having a place to speak my mind is driving me insane.
What is it that you need to say?
People changgge
But some people never do

And when people changgge

You gain a piece but you lose one too
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Wow so deeep
i saw a meme format and i adlibbed it vro i promise i could give no lesser shit about >your kek
So I just have to take everything like a good doormat cuck, then, huh? Okay
if the shoe fits may my creative writing exercises give you painful kidney stones leprosy spaceAIDS etc

You Can Cope
But You Cannot Heal
It's a song by Future Island, at one point the singer switches to his death metal voice
I would say no but my strugglingest of friens usually never heed my advice until it's far too late and I don't wanna be mistaken for a hater or a coveter

's up 2u
Gimme a refund on your workshop prof.
I wish I could cope, it feels like I'm literally trapped into caring and not just giving in to my relationship being the hell it is and moving on to doing something else
someone's been busy.
I shouldn't but if I say anything to her it's going to fuck up the progress I made leaving my old self behind. But I just cannot take being lied to so many fucking times. But I can't say anything
I wanna rip my face off
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Then you'll be fine. More than fine. Just keep being patient, humble, and moving like lasagna, Garf. Just don't let anyone get you out of character

Good people don't deserve to have their best qualities brought out by the worst of times/environments/people. Makes you feel like a gardener in a war.
But don't get it twisted
Saying shit here doesn't help. It still feels like I'm bottling everything up and that I'm paralyzed from not just moving on from my emotions. Why the fuck was I born to care so much
I'm just going to lay down and cry.
Thank you for the words and acknowledgement
i'm starting to hate that i use this fucking site of all places to vent and cope, i'm suffering from existentional depression, the worst feeling a person could possibly feel, yet here i am, posting here among other losers

why i keep doing this to myself?
why my life got this bad?
SOmetime's you gotta have a good purge.
same. I've spent a lot of time here this year with nothing to show for it. All while having to deal with large amounts of toxicity and negativity. Unironically considering leaving and looking for a discord server so I can at least establish friendships and meaningful connections.
>friendships and meaningful connections.
never happening, i left discord for a good reason and never looked back, i have better chances getting support and having meaningful connections in depression chatrooms and mental health forums Unironically
It feels like hell having to distrust your own gf all the time
The trauma from being cheated on is hell too
And I cannot do anything about any of it all I can do is just stay quiet and hope for the best
I'm going to sleep
Betrayal PTSD is real. There are specific trauma-informed therapies for the mental havoc being cheated on wreaks and it needs a delicately catered approach.

>It's Hard To Heal In The Place That Made You Sick
Black Mold? Or Gold

Important to discern. Then delegate accordantly
Sleep tight little nigga
i'm so unusually tired i just woke up i need to take adderall, it's hard to type
It's been over seven years since we last talked. I'm not the same person I was then and it's for the better. I wonder if you've become a different person too? Probably not. You were also so close minded, your narrow way of thinking level allowed you much room to grow.

I'm not the same person I was seven years ago, but I could've grown much sooner had it not been for you holding me back. You bullied me into shaping myself for own your benefit.

I hope it comes back to bite you in ways you couldn't imagine.

Sincerely, K
I have to self-censor myself constantly on public forums when someone incapable of listening to reason puts words in my mouth and threaten to get an admin involved because my opinion "pissed him off".
Just a couple days ago I called someone out for talking bullshit about getting a piece of tech to work without providing evidence (code, schematics, etc). I even described in detail which test would verify his claim but he just ignored it and tested in a completely infective way and keep on pretending that he isn't full of shit. I gave him an apology to shut him up when he hinted to get the admin involved for "pissing him off", which I regret now, desu. But I'm the new guy in that forum and he's throwing his weight around for being an established member of said forum.
I may have to go into lurk-mode there bc arguing with people incapable of using logic/reason annoys the hell out of me and is not worth it for me.
Now I understand Keanu Reeves when he said he's done arguing with truth-dodgers.
*Rafiki bonk*
i didn't want to wake up at least i don't have to work today
Ta-ta, Toto
i think im dying because im seeing and hearing things i knkw are not really there
you're not dying, that's just schizophrenia
i don't have schizophrenia dude, i got enough sleep last night so i shouldn't be hearing and seeinf things.my feet hurt and that's why probably
Drink water brotha, could just be dehydrated
i should stop walking so much its literally killing my feet
ok i'lI try this thanks
>never happening
Probably for you and for me but I've seen others make close connections on discord.

I just dealt with this earlier this year. Gather all of the evidence you can because the person I thought that would never lie to me, started trying to gas light me at every turn. Get your closure and cut ties. No good can come from it. Trust is a hard thing to regain once lost.
It's crazy how long my shoes last since I stopped walking and ride my bike everywhere. Makes walking almost unbearable when my bike is in the shop though.
that is nice i had a bike as a kid but someone stole it. unfortunately my job requires a lot of movement, i usually get 30-40000 steps a day and my once squeaky clean shoes are starting to get dirty and messed up. it sucks.
i hate when new shoes squeak i got doc martens and they non stop squeaked
Holy hell, pigeon poster is back
>Now I understand Keanu Reeves when he said he's done arguing with truth-dodgers.
Link? Yeah I'm tired of these Kind of peoples too. Some people just can't deal with every being wrong or admitted to mistakes. It should be used as an opportunity to improve. But I'm so foolish. I used to have a really great friend, she's married now, but she used to always try to blackpill on this. That i was wasting my time on those people. I should only use emotion with the masses and save my logic for the few. I'm starting to agree with her views more and more these days. Funny, because she's agreed with some of mine and seems to be in a better place while I'm still stuck. Time to relearn those lessons she tried to teach me. I kind of just want to go full blackpilled for a while. I think it would be much easier than whatever I'm doing now.
its probably your shoes. I tried being cheap for years and I regret it now. A nice pair of running shoes helps so much. Highly recommend crocs too. You'll quickly notice a big diff.
what is considered cheap to you. I think spend a decent amount, and it's just because im not used to walking so much, i should get insoles or something. my work doesnt allow crocs i think but running shoes may help
I was using Walmart shoes and my feet were giving me so much problems until I got a decent pair of running shoes.
my cat has been clingy since i started working again. she stays in my room all day if i leave my door open before i leave, she stays closer to me in the mornings
walmart shoes are terrible, i usually wear converse and docs, im very particular about shoes and dont like stuff like nike, adidas, etc.
has your cat ever watched while you rub clit
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She needs a cat fren
no i dont masturbate because im never aroused, and i wouldnt do it in front of an animal, thats gross
Lmao dude what is wrong with you

But yeah also curious now
she has one, but she doesn't like other cats or other people very much. she mostly just likes me
have you ever masturbated orignaly
i don't understand how people get aroused or have sexual relations, it doesn't make sense to me
Have you ever watched your cat lick her clitty?
i think everyone has, i never felt much enjoyment from it so i don't see a point in it
Try it on weed at least once in your life. Orgasms sober are alright with me but on weed they're mind-shatteringly satisfying. Sober orgasms sometimes even feel painful and weird but weed helps to relax the muscles down there and make it feel magical and no weird pressure feeling or other discomfort at all, just pure bliss.
i have tried weed, weed used to just make me sleepy but if i try to smoke it in present times it makes everything echo and i can get paranoid, so now i will not smoke weed
I envy you, honestly. It's an annoying distraction around good looking females and I wouldn't be mad about having a switch to disable arousal when it's the wrong place/time for it.
Jesus you sound like an absolute fag
>This action cannot be performed during combat
Some strains make me sleepy, some incredibly horny and some make me paranoid. It all depends on the THC/CBD -ratio and changing the vaping temperature let's one modulate the effect somewhat because CBD has a higher vape temp than THC.
Did your orgasms feel any different on weed?
My arousal system is not augmented and I don't like it!
You say this every thread
i never masturbated on weed, i never masturbate normally so it never crossed my mind to masturbate on weed
We gotta fix this

I don't even open/read every thread so what the shit are you even talking about, fucking turbo fag boy?
If weed improves the perceived taste of food I wouldn't be surprised if it would make orgasms feel better/more intense. But your case seems to be some kind of outlier (not judging tho).
>female bends over to manipulate me by showing me her cleavage.
>Getting distracted
I never asked for this.

The Limb clinic is fresh out of arousal modulation modules. Fuck.
i used to get sad about probably being on the asexual spectrum because i realized nobody will ever truly want to be with me. when people asked me out, I always got uncomfortable and said no. but now i realized, i am ok with never being in a relationship because i would rather be alone than be with someone that is not truly similar to me, even if i will never find someone like me ever. i barely even want friends, the older i get I just want to focus on hobbies.
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>Time to go to my gynecologist appointment down at the third limb clinic, he he
it does suck having daydreams though. I've always had the daydream of someone sleeping in my bed with me in the dark, i imagine some type of shadowy shapeless human entity laying next to me, not touching but inches apart. it'd be comforting. i had a dream about this too. we were at a hotel because it had a swimming pool, we didnt swim but we went to the vending machine and got soda, then we sat by the pool and put our feet in and talked.

when i was a kid, i used to imagine a silhouette but it wasn't like this one. that one was evil
I think there are dating sites that are respectful to aces. Don't miss out on having a nice, platonic relationship.
t. forever alone not able to follow own advice.
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Nightman cometh
i don't exactly like the idea of dating sites because they always seem superficial or like someone is being put up on a display.
a lot of people on forums that i read say they are asexual then they say they like having sex? i don't understand this but I feel like it would be the same on the dating apps.
i don't know i also dislike the word "relationship" or "girlfriend" "boyfriend", don't get me wrong monogamy and exclusivity is extremely important, what i mean is those words make what i think should be a lifelong connection sound fleeting.
I know. I tried it a couple weeks but found out I'm too weird or something. I used to have at least some fun on forums to geek out about tech but my main forum is infiltrated by people prioritizing feelings over facts and it's off-putting to say the least. I got gang-mobbed by randos making vague-posts about me and I'm considering to go somewhere else or off the internet. I quit twitter already and feel much better now.
Haha I finally made the most hater poster list
a debt collector came to metaphorically rape me because i didnt pay back my medical bill what a fucking nigger. im not going to do anything about the debt collector either unless they try to sue me or something. i hope they get raped by bbc
Relevancy achieved!!!
Only to be lost again, inevitably
i don't have any social media either, if i wanted to look at social media i would use a third party application to view posts
You didn't make the "able to form a coherent sentence list" though.
i want to try going the arcade today or tomorrow but i probably won't i'm so tired. i'd have to go at night too to avoid the people
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>You didn't make the "able to form a coherent sentence list" though.
I'm tired of being good. Help me turn off my conscience and become sociopath mode. Hypnotize me into going Dark Mode.
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After years of concentrated griefing and psychological torture server ringleadering I'm finally hated by someone. I've so made it
We shall soak the ground with the blood of fact-dodgers. It's time to cream the corn.
i gucking love you bitch
Being proud of being utterly stupid is a level of stupidity that is not reached by many. Congratulations. You're a member of the 1% club.
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The best part about the %1 percent club is there's no women allowed
Only maidens and crones eh
Bones and Jones.
Someone's gotta work the kitchen and make sure the memebers dont go sandwichless

Lost interest ages ago
Samwitches and cunnydiment bitches, it's aaaaawright
I don't think you can even find the babbyfuck meme anymore without some serious deepweb connections
Haters gonna badmouth just cause they got banished and were warlocked out of the club grounds. Lacked the silver and couldn't hag*le their way back in neither. Can't cast the circle so now they cast aspersions toward those who invoke the Triple Moon. Absolute shameful dispray
Thats cool or sorry that happened to you but do I get a sandwich or not? The gnomes offered me scones but they dont seem very nutritious.
Making me think it is #2 and you just answered yes.
I try to get your goats and you act like you read what I wrote while seeming to pretend you're not bothered by it.
Seriously JPT happened to be talking about it today because it is this eternal thing to talk about every day in this country, but nobody talks about how unfathomably unreasonable it is to expect foxes to eat grapes when 2/3rd are effortlessly recognizable as sour.
The murder, the blackmail, the rape and abuse.
All darkness seems justified in the face of that.

For #3 it isn't about anyone ever having said any particular thing.
It is people saying something exceedingly esoteric at nearly the same moment in time with no related primer.
I can't tell if you really don't know what the symbol is or you just don't want to talk about them.
To talk about basilisks and the people who breed them.

The wedding was one of my favorite moments.
Them on the left and us on the right and something was in common for all of us on the right.
The compromise that filled the heart of one of us, a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone.
He works too hard for that.
I just described two of them.

I talked to the first moon.
She and the sea both ended up with their own cheeky stigma.
Despite the sea being so vast, so heartless and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts incapable of supporting life.
They'd say the tired trite words to me and act like I was ever even close to human in their eyes.
I talk to them because any good in me needs to be reminded of the truth and they do this effortlessly.
Incredibly miserable.
everybody knows that if the knights gnomes and wizards set aside their differences for a block party potluck it would usher in an age of abundance never before seen. thats why ~~~tHEY~~~ won't let it happen
how? I don't feel like i'm missing anything. if i wanted pleasure i could just do a drug or something. MDMA feels very nice
Dear Pirate Tattoo

I can't ever ask you this question because it is something I'm not supposed to know BUT WHAT IN THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOUR BROTHER'S DICK???
I've seen people do bad stuff to their one-eyed Charles the snake but that takes the cake friendo.
I'd post it here but I don't ever want to see it again.
What provisions do the knights offer?
honkai star rail isnt as fun as genshin
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bigfeet supremacy all good under the hood with the hardwood.
Scrapple with a heaping of groaty dick.
I made the same discovery about ZZZ this week.
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look at this fuckboy faggot i already hate it
look at his arms crossed cause he thinks he's hot shit
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Not a letter to anyone but God damn pussy isn't anything special.
It's a warm sloppy hole, I thought I'd feel some kind of extreme feeling over it, like my dick would feel like electricity or any of that.
Nope, just a warm sloppy hole.
My horniness for women is way fucking higher than how good they actually feel.
so sex isn't a much of a great thing either huh?
So i made it here, now what?
>don't feel like i'm missing anything
Says the pedestrian to the person with a car.
i have a car yet i prefer walking. i can bet it's the same with this.
Dont go all radio silence on me
when i was in highschool the first time i had sex without a condom was special. i had trouble cumming with condoms, and i thought i'd had something wrong with me, all the years of porn catching up maybe.
Nope, turns out I just don't like condoms, and I like the idea of breeding a bitch. The closer we get to trials in tainted space world the better. where's my damn pregnable horse gf who lives in walking distance of a nursery and anti-space-aids nanobots? Where's my exotic wolf girl pyromaniac submissive insane nymphomaniac gf who will drop to her knees and spread her pussy wide open for me?
Anons, I am going to become the antichrist and bring about a space age.
30 MHz of fun.
Hmm maybe that's because you feel the grass on your back foot
first time sex having is never good. especially if youre death grip addicted to porn.
What I would give for a back rub.There'd be a happy ending for all parties involved.
bitch you a nigga
>Not a letter to anyone but God damn pussy isn't anything special
Had some kind of dream about being in meetings. I was trying to get a team to build something but something kept going wrong.
>get a team to build something
Your self-esteem?
I think it was some kind of architectural design of something but I can't remember enough.
It was your other life.
Wow, the joke went right over your head, huh.
What if it was my future life? Our future life. Together.
Stop talking to me about other people or I'm going to stop entertaining you
>That reminds me of this one time when my ex boyfriend-
I think I might start doing fun things again in the future and let you live vicariously through me. It's the least I can do now that we're quantumly entangled.
Guess I never had much to offer
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So, I threw together some things and ideas. Probably the most important were the questions I had but even those weren't very good. I should have spent more time on things but I haven't exactly been at my best for a while. That's just a cope though. Another excuse. I'm so great at coming up with excuses. Always have some excuse ready. I want to be held accountable. But if I can't even hold my self accountable why would anyone else waste the time to do so?

Everyone else had much more impressive things to share. I didn't feel it was worth sharing what I had so I opted to go last. I think that was for the best. Everyone else who went seemed to be missing something that I asked, something I was looking for. But at the end, a team of two went, I didn't even know we could use teamwork on this one. What they shared was by far the most impressive. I couldn't help but notice the layout, structure, and subtle colors. It was just... chefs kiss. I want to reach that level someday. Not even just for the visuals but the questions they brought were most impressive as well. I know I'm saying impressive to much but that's what it was. So professional. The questions they had were what everyone else was missing and much more indepth than what I was too uncomfortable? to share. They don't know but I copied their questions. I'm going to review them later and make them a part of my strength. I wish Kev was here with me. He was even more insecure than I but he had a real talent for being able to "mimic" the strengths of others. He saw it as a weaknesses but I always saw it as a powerful ability that others wished to replicate even half as well. I want to reach out to him again, but I know my words won't have as strong of an effect since I'm not where either of us want to be yet. Soon K, I'll show you that even people like us can make it too and hopefully that gives you strength to move forward on this difficult path we've chosen. I don't wish to walk this alone...
Dear new friend. Excited to make your acquaintance. But I can alreaaaaaaady sorta see the usual signs of you losing interest in me. As a general rule, if I write more than you write in a conversation, I'm the disposable party. We're not at the point of paragraph long questions with one word answers, but just keeping it in mind before the ghosting
I have 30 minutes to make it to another meeting. I can't do it. I can't be the glue that holds everything and everyone together. Why is that always expected of me? I can't keep it up much longer. I'm already the weakest of you all. Why do you keep looking to me but play as the leader? I have much less experience than nearly all of you. Can't you guys also step up and host the ceremonies? I haven't even gotten a chance to eat yet and I'm tired. There are things I need to focus on and I'm already so far behind. but I know if I don't show up it feels like it'll be the final nail that breaks the camels coffin. if I give up my time I know it'll be overall more beneficial to more people, but it won't be as beneficial to myself. I'm not strong enough to bear this on my own. E tried to do it and I saw that he couldn't so I stepped up. T sees that I can't do it and tries to shoulder things but he's busier than the rest of us. And an old man shouldn't need to carry all of that weight when all of us are the ones benefitting most from him. I wish others would help more too, and it's not the easiest day of the week for me. I'm really tired and when I try to fix things it always makes it worse so maybe doing nothing and suffering is the best option. All of the little time I have left is slipping through my fingers quicker and quicker. How do I stop the time? Why is time so hard on us all? Thank you for giving me time at all. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the time. For your time. Thanks. I'm hungry but I don't have the time. I want to cry but I don't have time.
I think you got it the other way, like stop talking to others about you
The evil bitch is you.
I suppose I won't be hearing from you any time soon, but I'd like you to know that I still think about your [REDACTED].
Damn SCPs...
Initial of yourself or for whom this is for
god who am i kidding
its always me and never you
why couldn't it be me? Why not me?
Gross, you smell like octopus
Well I hope you're ready this time. I'm actually glad you couldn't be honest. The truth is I've been wanting to leave for some time. This time for real, I just wish you weren't so clingy
If supernatural intervention can't convince someone, then nothing will. Plus it speaks volumes of the low estimation they must hold.
You dont deserve itt
Got a knock at the door. It's a package from my ex. I'm excited and sad. They were the only person in the entire world to get me a gift. Why did things have to go so wrong?
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To the people who are here looking for someone. Leave your initial or theirs here, or a clue.
There's a letter included. I don't know if I'm strong enough to read it.

My sins they are many, your mercy is more
Just go to sleep instead.
I just casually got into the most psychologically damaging and destructive relationship that I could have ever possibly gotten in and I have literally no way out because I will regret it forever if I do try to do that. Lol can you imagine if it turns out that computer never arrives? It's gonna be super fuckin funny ahaha
While "Stan" is the most fitting song for these threads, this is a close second
heathers kino
Why is white man rap so cringe
Probably, I'm included in your future or ?
Depends on who you are. But with those digits there's a good chance.
Can I really learn the banjo and how to draw at the same time, all while dieting out of my obesity, writing a sequel manuscript, learning Python, doing resistance training 4 times a week and making that promised visual novel? Fuck yeah I can.

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It is fun to act like I have an actual audience in the people I actually talk to.

Recent scitzo delusion is that I started writing down on notepad a short thing on a subject I felt nobody was talking about as it related to a project me and a cabal started by in the early 2000s.
I'd almost want to call it a microagression or performative ignorance, but it isn't malicious and it isn't performative.
It is basically people acting as if they have empathy the way you would get with psychopathic individuals who know they lack this and know how people react and thus pretend to have it for the sake of avoiding conflict.
I truly in my heart of hearts feel like that describes half the population at large and this world is just a swirling hell as a result.
There's a fucklong article that was posted on /pol/(and ignored lol) that basically said the world is run by Corporate Managerialism. TLDR, but Real Empathy is basically replaced by something that just sorta runs through the motions of empathy. Normally a caring friend would ask someone downtrodden questions, but Corporate Managerialism has someone ask questions because they want to be PERCEIVED as a caring friend
Dear big fellas,

Still going at it I see.
The ship will never return to port. The letter hasn't come, the ship has left.
That sounds like something I watched recently. But he approached it more from an in intelligence view.

Dear father, Kill yourself. Dear greater family, I hope you get raided by a pack of feral niggers who rape you and your spouse for 72 hours straight. God knows you deserve it.
nobody cares I think you should find Jesus
You're gonna burn out lol
Every single day feels like an eternity
On a diet?
NTA but they sound pretty (((quirked up))) (autistic) (who /here/ isn't?), so...
Burnout can come from doing the bare minimum monotonous and mundane stuff like basic home and health upkeep, and then you just feel understimulated and shittier for not having much to show for it. The ol'
>Normies think I'm lazy when really I exert 300% more effort than they do on a daily basis alone for lackluster results
dilemma. 'S why accommodations are just as important for "high functioning" autists; that work ethic, the hyperspecific knowledge base, the "I have an issue with DELEGATING ATTENTION TO THE RIGHT THINGS not focusing in general" ADHD overlap, etc. can make them above-and-beyond artists, workers, members of the community... But they gotta not be so burnt out from giving EVERYTHING just to survive while people who ARE lazy and hypocritical are just unaware of how easy things are for them because this entire sociopolitical/economic system is built around what good little roachies they are.

They might burn out from chasing the dopamine dragon, but it'll be far more fulfilling and rewarding anyway than getting beaten down by this bunk ass system
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literal TedBlog btw I assume you know all of this if you're mentioning burnout but I wanted to soapbox I suppose
No, just being a codependent in a relationship with an avoidant that lost their love
I resent that my entire life revolves around you and your health.
I resent the fact that I can't sleep when I want because I have to make sure you get out of bed, take your meds, get ready for your appointments and get into bed properly.
I most of all resent that I don't have a life of my own anymore, but I'm shamed with guilt for how I treated you in the past when you could do those things on your own and I guess this is my punishment
Maybe I'm quirked up, maybe I'm autistic. But I've got the time, I've got the willpower. The trick is that all those hobbies and disciplines will flow into each other for my ultimate goal of making a VN. The resistance training admittedly will drain me of energy in the short term, but even that's synergistic with the diet. It'll be doable. I've done big projects before, I can do them again... and without a gaggle of retards known as "friends."
You'll probably wanna research bereavement support groups because when they pass your feelings are only gonna get worse.
Christ are you the real life version of the Tallahassee Couple?
I already go to therapy so I'm sure whenever the inevitable happens, that'll be one of the first topics of discussion
breh using
>>>attachment styles
to define/examine anyone else but yourself is a just a trap to be swindled by BPDemons and narcississies or to hate/Pride yourself.
You Do Not Know What Is Going On In Their Head Or Why (no matter how much you know about their fucked up childhood or how evident the way they treats you makes their strengths & flaws). Take whatever of value you've gotten out of that ideology then drop it immediately. Even for yourself, honestly. Just approach from a wider trauma-informed perspective, or eat out of better trashcans. Don't give time and energy to examining [how the most wounded and/or toxic parts of you conflict/are compatible with the Totally Objectively Well Adjusted And Healthy or wounded/toxic parts of] [people you date]. It's all black and white pseudointellectual bs shamelessly arguing

Go back2basics. If you're saying
>an avoidant
you best be talking about someone with AvPD/antisocial tendencies. Not this
>I am just a shitty communicator, uninvested in this relationship, and soulless enough to not mind wasting your time even though I don't value it and that has way more to do with my present, conscious actions --albeit many of them learned from traumatic past experiences-- than some half-assed Twitter tier psychological non-profile

Overintellectualizing shit you should NOT have to be told/spoonfeed or need to learn not to ignore in the First and Simple format, clogging up the greater psychological Glossary with shit we already have comparably brainrotted words for like
Abysmal. Simple as
I've personally never found any success on projects I began with friends. Or co-workers. God my fucking co-workers.
Dear Mom

I often wonder what your reality is right now. Are you in Heaven? Is it nonexistentence? Can you see what I'm doing in any capacity?

What awaits after death scares me. I hope you are waiting for me. I didn't say it enough when you were alive but I love you
one day he will write me here or call me again, probably not
just say sorry;9

Also exercising is gonna boost your overall vitality. You'll ache on the harder days, but you'll sleep like a baby and upgrade your stamina bar so it can be filled exponentially higher, so ye.

Resentment towards lack of healthy/stable connections or connections at all heard, but, you can do better than that, mang. Arguably worse to have your insincere cope weighing on your energy/mental in place of "retards" holding you back in the social/physical. It's okay to not have friends and not want them but come off it with the machismo. It's beneath the person you are Becoming
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>But they gotta not be so burnt out from giving EVERYTHING just to survive while people who ARE lazy and hypocritical are just unaware of how easy things are for them because this entire sociopolitical/economic system is built around what good little roachies they are.

If you had a magic wand to rewrite the entire system, what would you change?
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What does that mean?
Fair enough. I had a huge post prepared, but uh... I feel like I've vented about the same thing so much here, this place doesn't deserve my shit. I'm gonna keep my shit to a diary of some kind from now on.
All you should know is I don't excuse her for the whole avoidant thing. And every single other thing she keeps doing to me. I'm just gonna keep going, see if I lose my mind completely before I meet her in real life or something.
Perhaps you're right. I suppose it's that the only people I seem to be able to rely on these days are my tutors and my fellow resistance trainees. The former are purely transactional relationships, and the latter are comrades in arms at best. Maybe self improvement will lead to a mending of the issue, maybe not.
Sorry, it's the "Alpha Couple", from the Mountain Goats.
They're a codependent alcoholic couple that hates each other but can't separate because they're codependent.
Here's the most popular song involving them.
and you are? Probably not looking for me haha unless
Why is there no girl (female) out there who will play map game and spend all day neeting with me?
NTA, but centralize the school systems and add advanced/accelerated/regular/vocational tracks as early as middle school, like the Nords do. You do the job you're qualified to do, not because of connections or money but because you've both the relevant aptitude and the proper training. Might hurt for the kids who don't get in the higher tracks, but they'll be making more in a vocation than they ever would have with a crappy minimum wage job.
Girls infamously have an aversion to geography.
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My e-girl (female) has an interest in map game.
She cheated on me
who will make my mcdonalds and deliver it to me?
Dear Anon,

If you read this letter your life will permanently improve. It has been written with the power of the creator guiding each letter. There's no reason you expect to laugh or some sort of meme besides whereabouts you're reading it. Today will be a day unlike any other day because today is the day it all starts getting better...today. Praise Jesus Christ, you were always meant to make it, you just had to be satisfied receiving all that God had planned with you before you got here. Don't mind the part of you that doesn't believe, belief was not an essential part in any of your life except that you believe in yourself. God will show you then you will believe in him. Don't worry about yesterday or tomorrow, because today is good enough. Write this down anon , "today is the day it all got better."

the real the one
If you're someone with a direct line of contact to me, feel free to broach the subject when my schedule clears up a bit more :^3

Naw, naw. Not if that feeling is coming from shame, mang. But, there are upsides to keeping things to yourself, especially at [[[this Time]]].
That was significantly more just me venting/refining some thoughts and feelings than it was true unsolicited advice. You know yourself better than I know you, and you know what serves ya and what doesn't. Hardest part is just putting that inner Knowing into action.
I am familiar with that
>"Well, if it's not TRULY hurting me or holding me back irreparably or irrecoverably.."
mindset. Now, not to toot my horn in tandem, and you and I are too strong for that kind of flawed logic. Everyone is, but you and I are in touch with out Infallibility (a la Don Juan conception of Warrior qualities). That doesn't mean it's always justifiable to tolerate or enable people's toxicity and disrespect. It's also not easy to just "leave them to die" as it were when with that Warrior's Heart comes the ability to see how deeply rooted in Suffering so far outside anyone but God's control behavior like that is.
Regardless... Follow your intuition, but make sure you're keeping your grander goals and values in sight, in balance.
How did that end up unfolding? Both the map games and your spoiler
Totally understand. Trying to offer solidarity from definitely not a *more* healed place, but perhaps a differently healed aspect? I can still get LIVID when I recall the way people I gave my all to betrayed and abandoned me. And still, that lingering grief pales in comparison to the way the memories of them inspire me to ace this shit so I can try one more time to bring em to the top with me or say goodbye in a way I can make peace with, on my terms.
I have a lot of great relationships in my immediate environment at the moment, but "friends" is a tricky word, so I feel you. Everything has its season. You can harvest.. or just take a vacay when it's time, if you catch my drift.
Keep absolutely GETTIN it bro. All sparks lead to Flame
What is this parody from? Standalone meme? Or some type of media?
This concept is actually based as long as it's entirely community owned and organized and the corpos and feddywap gubbmints are kept faaaaar away from it.
Universal basic income with a trade based economy cherry on top. I'm lucky to live somewhere where this is the culture but
damn I think I'd end myself from the resulting depression and dejection, if the initial heartbreak doesn't kill me, a 4 month erelationship ending 7 years ago had me bedridden over a week and damn near did and she didn't even play map game
Think it's from
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Well I'm still around, just sitting on letter venting about it all the time, until now. It wasn't like a dealbreaker or anything because it was just drunk erp that she felt too guilty to continue but goddamn does it traumatize you. I have never had any real self esteem since then. It doesn't help that women don't like guys without self esteem.
I made the mistake of not buying her hoi4 asap so we have not played any yet. My computer is still being repaired so I can't do that either.
Thanks a lot. You know talking to you always helps a lot. I always feel like I'm completely and utterly alone in this hell(besides her own pain with me) but you really do help with that. I get it was just you venting by the way kek, I would like to say I agree with all your sentiments in that post.
I'll keep them in sight. Sometimes I forget to. Hard to keep anything in sight when minutes feel like hours these days.
It's kind of why I haven't been posting in [that place]. Not only am I always sitting on [other place], but I have lost all my will and energy to keep up with [that place] for now. Alright but no seriously thanks for your posts. You have no idea how much they help.
Yeah honestly I don't know if I'd have been able to take it if things exploded into a full blown breakup for me. It was incredibly fucking close. If I hadn't stayed up that whole night waiting for her reply to me calling her out, I think my relationship would have been over and I might have done something I wouldn't have been able to revert.
Feeling shit for you right now anon. I'm super fucking sorry that things did not work out.
fr fr gig economy is brety cul but have you ever just Mike Rowe'd around your town ACTUALLY to your own schedule and ACTUALLY at your own place and for the labor itself not the """fruits""" of it AKA like 15% off your next order for some other poor exploited sap to come deliver your groceries?
>Muck barns and tidy tack rooms because papaw's gettin' old and you can drown the smell of manure out of your nose with the smell of sweet hay at the end of the day
>Give old ladies rides to the airport cos you're going that way anyhow. Little do you know you've now earned rhubarb cobbler on a monthly basis for the rest of her years
>Petsit Satan's Little Darlings for room and board because you're in the market for some familiars and the knowledge and experience comes gratis
Prep for aBoGaLyPz or CoLLaBpSe but not in a Fearful way, just in a
>oh cool now I'm prepared for anything but since Nothing Ever Happens I've just got a degree in herbalism and a super tight tribe now
way yanno

It's All Downhill From Here
*honk honk brrrRIIINGG*
Amen, Onenon.
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God bless you today and evermore, anon.
If its drunk ERP then it wasn't really infidelity was it? Are they still your GF in this case and you're just traumatized by the drunk roleplay, or did something happen IRL too? Sorry if it feels like I'm asking too many questions, it sounds like an odd situation you're in so I'm trying to understand more so I can give advice.

Do you play map games other than HOI4 bro, or is that the only one she plays?
It's a little troublesome that you imagine to know me. I'm curious as to how you came to that conclusion.
Didn't realize it was you when I wrote the stream of consciousness stuff on attachment styles btw

Of course, man.
And letter does have its magic... I hope it all comes full circle. I don't know where I'd be had you not been one of the first people I interacted with when I came back during COVID, had you not been so compassionate. You're one of the most positive influences in my life so I always wanna return the favor whenever I can.
[That place] is always there waiting in calmer times. If anything, let the passion you're putting into higher stakes pursuits be a testament to anything helpful you've learned there, yeah?
It's alright anon, I don't really need advice, the situation I'm in is far far more complicated than anyone could even think. I should just sleep and move on rn. I hope you have a good day.
And also you and yours, fren.
Thanks for the wholesome rare

>[I] imagine to [know] you
I'm the least bit curious about how you pulled that misinterpretation outta thin air, so
Well I'm going to be up a bit longer. You mentioned meeting them in real life, and that might help be a hail mary to either fix the problems or find out if the differences can't be bridged. Is that something you have planned for soon?
I'm gonna miss buddy poster.
I was trying to say how can you spot me but I'm tired and I give up
I wish but it's definitely not happening soon. Neither of us have the resources.
I know things will be okay irl. She's different there and we are both more than attractive enough for eachother physically.
I still find it such an incredible thing, the fact that even happened. Things probably already came full circle regardless, what with your insight on self destruction practically saving my relationship, but either way...
Yeah, I will. That place holds a special place in my heart. Sounds insane but I'm serious. I'm so glad I was able to find it when I did. I hope your passion is strong too. Actually that's a stupid thing to say since you're already incredibly passionate, kek. Thanks for everything
Have you met IRL before then to establish that? Or has it been something you're commonly talking about recently? And she didn't cheat in the end right, it was just roleplay that one of you initiated?

You're right that in person a lot of anxiety and trouble can evaporate. It's easier to talk through body language and gauge reactions and expressions.
I'll throw in my two cents -- what kind of ERP was it? If it was just text with a rando, I'd consider a path to reconciliation. Just a step above erotica. If she knew the schmuck and/or was doing it via video, not so much. That's a more infidelious excursion.
>>78270655 vidrel
The Shias really did acquire ya in the Merger, huh..
A pasttime of mine is pretending any given letter in these threads is addressed to me. Gets difficult when there's specifics I couldn't possibly fit, but general accusations, taunts, and bitterness? Oh yeah, tons of people who I could imagine writing that to me. In real life, people who are polite but distant probably dislike something about you. These letter threads are my "fanfiction" for what they "really" think.
>The ship will never return to port. The letter hasn't come, the ship has left.
Sometimes it's best to set sail and never look back. Easier said than done, though doing is better than saying.

Smooth sailing.
tfw no mike nautical musings

i use those threads for venting and ranting
/Neu/ Levels New Debils
auld ills
You are the maker of your own misery.

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