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Class 43 edition
all the thread basics starting to return after a week of dollython running
Where are my dollies
Right here mate. What can we act out for you today then?
NEETs could be put to work cleaning the train tracks, helping to keep them free of leaves for hardworking commuters.
Give me compensation Jo you CUNT.
200 SSM posts a thread is it. Keeping the SSA upto date, forcing back the seasideSEETHERS?
Which dolly are you?
playing both neet and wagie for maximum seethe and drama?
>new hire at work
>literally a tranny
>they're actually really nice, always engaged, use emojis and stuff in team chats, seems genuinely interested when chatting to you
>very tactful and actually tries to draw conversations away from sensitive topics rather than zealously scream progressive views about them
Lmao nice try, still not in favour of you weirdos.
I'm the one who claims to be very rich but refuses to provide proof and then makes up some drivel excuse about why providing proof would be counterproductive
I'm 32 and I married an Albanian MtF amputee. There you go lads a new dolly, it has been written and posted on 4chan, logged in the lorecives it must be true.
>I understand your concern. You can contact us once the item is received as we can then escalate the matter for you.

You bet your arse I'll be on the chat again on Thursday 'Jo'.
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I am summoning and manifesting zimmy to appear and make a single post that riles up the seethers so that they may be cast out.

Just bought some new tracksuit bottoms
You're speaking to a chatbot, lad.
>our team may need information of your work stating you had to take off as well

These cunts serious? I'm going to have to provide them with details of my fucking work. JUST GIVE ME MY FUCKING 20 QUID VOUCHER.
That could very well be one my old LARPs I've lost track of all the drivel I've posted
The war against Andrew
The war against the noncenest
The war against Shippy
The war against BN
The war between Nubs and Ebin
The war against Lollers
The war against Chika
The war against Footlad
The war against HHL
Trying to drive a wedge between Flad and Lollers
Trying to drive a wedge between Chika and Lollers
Trying to drive a wedge between Arbroathy and Shippy
Trying to drive a wedge between Arbroathy and Zimlad
The war between HHL and Footlad
The war against Arbroathy
Swanny war against /britfeel/ we were all nonces, we were all Andrew
NEET v wagie war
Sprogged v sprogless war
ShipAnon just confirmed he is /britfeel/ right now with that post.
Zimmy married a woman and had a kid all so he could rile up the seethers. Except he was just joking the whole time. He didn't really want to marry her or have the kid, it was all a LARP! The greatest LARP that britfeel has ever known. Total dedication to his craft.
Wrong I'm Swanny
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Could get 300 bong on ebay for pikachu n64 what hasnt been out the box in over 10 years. Thats like a full cost of living payment for nothing. Sentimental value though.
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Arbroathy has a degree and this angers Shippy greatly
Need a 'mixed race princess' update
Still rarely see her mate
starts between 10-11 AM until 12-1AM when he goes to bed.
That's really not that much in the grand scheme of things. Barely a month's rent.
I'm not "very rich" but I do have a high income and I'm very well off.
Acer Chromebook has been purchased has it not
soz lad but am disabled
Wonderful lad. What do you do,? What's your income? Can you post a bank balance for us?
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I guess. Could sell it then buy a new laptop or sth. I have a ps2 game that goes for 90-100 as well. I sold a lot of stuff like this fir basically pennies in 2016 to free up space thays ended up worth loads more now some of it though. I just hoard for now.
God it must be grim being poor enough to bother with this
This is the SSA's ultimate fantasy
I'm a self employed creative advertising consultant. Last tax year I made about 220, on track for 300 this year. Last time I posted a bank balance people just accused me of doing "inspect element". I did post a pair of my 1000 quid shoes yesterday though.
I've got more money than you war
Only wanted some free cash for doing nothing. Chill out big man.
Lol I'm a really in advertising consultancy as well, though I made about 240 last year.
I'm the only married /britfeell/er
Grown men having an online willy waving competition
That's cool lad! I had no idea someone else here was doing that. What kind of projects do you work on?
I'm the only homeowner in /britfeel/
Give him warehouse job.

Homeowner, wife, 2 children, 58k a year job, 73 plate car.
you dont get it lad hes calling you a poorfag, you have to be seething and fuming now
Who here is above 25 and still takes the bus? Fucking grim being a failure.
All the side bait and riles ups are returning after an absence. Mad that init.
Alright Thatcher's ghost
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Only just found out that Gibi and Ben are having a sprog
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LARP jar gon be overflowing today it seems.
bus wanker 2008 patter is it aye?
Aren't they in an open relationship (i.e she is free to shag while he watches / hears about it later)?
Don't know how that women stayed on the phone with him so long, would have hung up after 2 minutes.
Wonder how common this really is. If you read on Reddit it seems very common but I reckon that's an echo chamber and it's probably extremely rare. Only known one couple like that in my life.
That is indeed true. Grim ain't it? I've seen Ben and he looks like a complete soi. Gibs could do so much better.
You're here literally every day aren't you?
This is my second post of the day, he was expecting me to be here much sooner, so in the meantime while he was waiting for me he had to pretend to be me.
That is correct but I'm not a shut in who rolls out of bed and sits at his computer all day like you implied in the previous thread. Far from it.
>CeX has expanded over 600 stores worldwide, spanning over 10 countries including the UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, The Canaries, The Netherlands, Australia, India and Italy.

didn't know cex were this big lads
Shippy, you have no social life. Please stop. You're pathetic.
Mostly condom adverts, but occasional gay dating sites as well. It pays the bills you know?
You have no sprogs.
Shippy has a job that takes him all over the country. He doesn't have an amazing social life but he gets wanked off on a regular basis by a ladyfriend in north London. He also used to have an FWB who he shagged regularly.
I have a 1 year old daughter in Tottenham. Learn your lore.
Oh aye? What colour is your daughter de lad
Wow there really are CeX stores in India. Bloody hell.
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Karate chopping normies on their stupid bald head
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Need to hear SSM's views on this exciting news
Need an Indian SSM channel.
>Hello sirs, if you're new to my channels, I'm seasideSANJAY and have the TMAU
Swanny won, he defeated the noncenest.
>shippy still posts here daily
I didn't imply that in the last thread, but now you mention it, yes that is literally your life. Albeit with a really nice flat, iMac and loving wife and dog
Shippy doesn't post where he is going to be that day.
Every day he'd post a picture of Modi and the location where he was going to be that day.
Swanny nipped that in the bud after Swanny posted on the same tube line he was going to be on.
ok, 6th day of endless drivel, got it
Lollers lost to Swanny too.
The titlad poll destroyed him.
Swanny's goal was to rid the /britfeel/ of all the paedophiles and failed to drive them all out. He won nowt
Swanny doesn't exist, yet another character with a fabricated personality and made up lore backstory.

Post mr cuddles, you wont
his aim was to disrupt the noncenest and he has succeeded there
Haha that wasn't me but you have a point here. I do occasionally travel places or go out at the weekend. Not every weekend though.
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brown kid
I'm not BN retard
once a month visit with his kids in prison
Firing up the Swanny character again is it king?
No social life outside the gym
by talking about him is it, king?
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Finishing up the last of the chicken pieces I am. Small plate full of protein, we keeping it healthy today lads. Tons of sugar might be okay for you but it not for me.
Post your most recent (of many) charge sheets
You need a spacker tray de lad
There's nothing healthy about that meal.
In and out of prison constantly, rarely sees his kids
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>Boredom get you
Mark isn't wrong
But I'm not a spacker lol. Its a slippery slope. One day you buy a spackertray, before you know it you're living in monitored housing with a spackercord you can pull if youre having a 'mental health crisis'.
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get a job and a life you sexless rejects

cheers x
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Dirty lil Scottish slag using her body and tits for simps.
SSM should get himself another PS5 I reckon
Swanny and SCEA are characters done by the same person
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Working may be for you Footmong but it's not for us
No pussy no work. No contributions to society lad.
I had abusive parents and the first name on my birth certificate is actually "Penis". My adoptive parents changed it to Dennis.
Why? If I'm not getting pussy literally what is the fucking point?
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Footmong popping in on his wagie break
'Penis' Greg G.
Fucking kek, the lore keeps growing.
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DOLLY change
I repeat
DOLLY change
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cmbyname lad and Angela lad are ALRI

everyone else is a fucking mong

especially those two Scottish drug addicts the tranny bloke in a dress and that arbroathy mong utter despicable tards imo lmao

so get indeeeeeer x
I met my current wife in an Amazon warehouse.
That's beautiful, lad. What was his birth/deadname if you dont find that too rude of a question?
Maybe one of the reasons you don't get pussy is because you've made your life entirely about not getting pussy
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general gone to the dogs

hope you all get a stage 4 diagnosis lmao x
And so what if I want to live in a country where people look like I do?
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Getting ready for sleep soon.
sproglessness is not for me, it might be for you but it not for me
Do you honestly think a tranny would work in a warehouse? They can get cushty 'diversity hire' positions in well-paid jobs without even being qualified
I can't believe they made Daryl such a nice ordinary decent bloke
I think it's a very common fantasy that couples might roleplay in the bedroom, but it's very uncommon (less than 1%) to turn that fantasy into a recurring reality.
You want to live in a country full of hideously ugly fuckers?
What sort of reasoning is that? I mean first of all it's not true unless you also assume that 'life' is nothing more than 'work' in your eyes - an intriguing assumption on your part...
should vastly improve now you're here footrat
Women are nasty, vile creatures that deserve no respect when they deny some decent men from ever getting sex.
Thoughts on titlad and bootylad?
You made it pretty clear that the only reason you'd ever do something you don't want to do is if you were rewarded with pussy. Do you think that's an attractive attitude to have? Obviously not.
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>Mostly condom adverts
They don't deny decent men sex. They deny shit men sex.
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Are you still upset after Laura made a video in her boyfriends boxroom
I think that's enough drivel for now. I'm checking out for the rest of the day, maybe the rest of the week
I don't want to work if there's no reward. Aside from jobs which offer massive salaries (which are nearly impossible to get), the only tangible 'reward' for work is a partner in most cases. But this isn't guaranteed and is used as a ploy to make young men waste their lives doing something they hate by lying to them that they will receive something they want in return. I'm saying fuck that arrangement. There is no incentive for me to work if I am not being guaranteed pussy at the end of the day, so I'd rather just doss around and let the country fall apart just as it's been doing so for decades now.
In that case I'll wind down the 'brown sprog' drivel if you're not here to see it and get upset
No they deny sex of men when they can shag the best looking lads on tinder. It's very easy for them. These fuckchads take advantage and fuck hundreds of women.
Go to bed already MONG.
Right, so now we go back to my original point. Maybe one of the reasons you don't get pussy is because you've made your life entirely about not getting pussy.
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They've had sex on that bed.
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Those floor to ceiling mirrors have seen some action they have.
Laura and Chad, standing butterfly position, her arsehole getting wrenched open by his cock. Cooorrrrr.
She's always made it clear she has a bf. From what she has said he seems like a good lad for her.
Ruthmongs bedtime isn't until 2pm, mong.
What time does he wake up?
I'm a decent man and I get sex. You're a complete piece of shit and you don't get sex. Seems like the system is working to me.
Round and round and you don't understand. I'm done, see you later mate. No point talking to you any more.
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>I'm a decent man and I get sex.
Can you take me under your wing lad?
Around 10pm so he can doompost throughout the night
I think the rest of the thread would appreciate that but personally I'm not bothered. If anything the past week has been the funniest /britfeel/ has ever been. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in all my life. But it's too much. 16 hours a day might be fun but it's too much. It doesn't upset me at all lad, why would it
I understand perfectly well lad. You think the only tangible reward for work is sex. That's exactly why you'll never get sex. It's you who doesn't understand this.
No point talking to you any more. Later mate.
You're the IT grad right? You're going to make it. You're doing all the right things. Keep it up.
Might take my laptop and mouse to a cafe later today. Hopefully they got in a shipment of gfs.
Yeah lad that's me. I'm going to make it. It right.
Must be very noisy. That's his parents and she is with her parents as well. They will probably do it on holiday and definitely a lot more when they rent a place together eventually.
he ridicules others for being in a boxroom, but what he does with his day doesn't need a big luxurious flat and could be easily achieved from a boxroom
Yes. Young, fit, healthy, good looking women in happy relationships have sex.

Can we please move past this utterly banal point?
You're just a late bloomer lad. Many such cases.
Mmm yes she probably likes being dominated and looking at her reflection.
Hopefully I do actually bloom though lad.
What percentage do you reckon do banal?
Jimmy Carr was 26 when he lost his virginity. It's not too late.
He uses contraception during his sexual encounters
I'm 34 so it is.
Any examples of 30+ year olds so it's closer to my age?
Can you repeat that in the next thread please lad? We've already posted basedrex in this one.
Kek, NTA but very interested in anal sex generally and most surveys show that for women under 50 nearly all have 'tried it at least once', a sizeable majority 'engage in it on a semi-regular basis' and about a third 'engage in it regularly'. Only total prudes think it's some weird taboo at this point.
Same age I lost mine
I'd be a good person if I were getting sex. You see some right horrible lads with women.
I won't be in the next thread, I'm giving up the drivel for the rest of the day
You have already started lad. Good job, working on your social skills, etc.
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Based and blackpilled. Working doesn't pay anymore. Men are disposable and you may as well give the middle finger to contributing by benniemaxxing.
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what was the blokes name
Grown man. Obsessed with the sex life of a young woman. She doesn't know he exists. Hasn't brushed his teeth yet today.
It was your dad. Tight hole on him.
Most females lose their virginity by 14.
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Only managed to shag once so far this year, and she was a 4/10 at best. Can only imagine things will get worse as I get older/fatter/balder
Grown man. Wears condoms during sex like a teenager. Afraid of STDs and pregnancy
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>It was your dad. Tight hole on him.
delete this
This just isn't true though outside of backwards stone-age retard countries in the middle east and africa
It was a girl I met on discord actually. No penis on her
No they don't. This is insane.
well that's just disappointing
wow that's crazy
*goes back to reading manga*
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This lad got more action than you losers.
You would never be a good person, even if you had sex. It is not in your nature to be a good person. You will always be a pathetic person, no matter what happens to you. We all know this. Women know it instinctively. The only person stupid and delusional enough to believe that you would instantly transform into a completely different person if you had sex is you. The fact is you would be a terrible life partner and a disaster of a father. Every single thing in your life makes that crystal clear to everyone except you.
How come everybody here is 34?
They do. It's mostly blowjobs and then full sex around 16.
I'm 10 years younger.
Yeah working on it lad. But still hard, had a site visit to my grad job recently and showed how lacking my social skills still are. I do okay on 1 to 1 conversations but group conversations are so difficult, I feel like an alien. Felt so awkward during lunch trying to get involved in the group conversations. I been reading that book how to win friends and influence people but not sure it's really helped. I am trying to smile more and use people's name more as some of the simple things book suggests, the more complex stuff I always forget in social situations as my nerves take over.
Grown man. Sprogless. Seethes for days at other men who have them
How come everybody here is a loser?
Only Ruthmong is a loser
Threads look like a couple of school kids have found 4chan. I'll assume you're not kids on 4chan, so why do you post like this on 4chan, what do you get out of it?
Flad has a job, why don't you?
No one will employ me because I have a 8 year gap on my CV
They're either actual schoolkids (it's the summer holidays) or they're NEET shutins who haven't mentally progressed past the age of 15.
I was sitting in a class one day in lower sixth and the guy I was sitting next to got his wallet out. It had a bunch of notes in so I said jesus where'd you get that from? And he was like 'what do you mean? I just have a job'. And then I looked closer and I saw a condom in the wallet as well.

I had a huge fucking existential crisis right then. This guy was my age, 16 or so, and was already financially independent and regularly shagging. I had never spent a weekend anywhere but my room on my computer and hadn't held a girl's hand.

Some people just so effortlessly fly through life and for others there is a total failure to launch. The divide is so enormous neither can really comprehend the other.
I have tried to apply for thousands over the years, but nobody hires me at interview because I'm very ugly.
Same shit in every thread everyday, week month, year. It is constant, it's not summerfags the thread is maybe a dozen lads at most now.
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Have you been applying for modelling jobs
This is very sad. Chads are on a whole other level.
I hate the summer hols as a NEET. Everyone floods the boards, real life gets shittier etc.
During autumn and winter, that's when I'm king of the castle.
He's probably got a wife and kids now whereas you're sitting in your boxroom getting upset over something that happened nearly 20 years ago.
>He's probably got a wife and kids now whereas you're sitting in your boxroom getting upset over something that happened nearly 20 years ago.
done him fuming seething riled up kek
I always thought that the guys who said they were shagging in secondary school were just making it up, but looking back they honestly probably were. I was just coping. The more you learn about reality the more blackpilling it is.
So youve been here for years reading posts that you dont like?
It's just like any other skill mate. It's like playing the guitar or something. At the beginning you need to think about every note, every finger placement on the strings. But with enough practice you become competent without even having to think about it.
A certain lad comes here with the sole purpose of derailing the thread and has been doing this for years
hes a gimmick for you lads, when the gimmicks bait and drama goes full on, close the tab and come back in an hour if it's still shit close it until next thread. if its just a few dickheads leave them to rot
So at 16 you said to yourself "Wow I suppose you get out of life what you put in" and started working hard like this guy too, right?

I had a job and carried a condom in my wallet as a teenager too. Didn't get to actually shag until I was 20 but still.
I hope he is. If he's getting this worked up about some lad having a job and getting sex at 16 (not everyone has those at that age) and has proceeded to do literally nothing except stew in his own misery for the next several years then he deserves nothing but mockery and contempt.
i know lad it's the same bait drama and flame wars >>78249809
shippy only admits he is here 16 hours a day though
aye thats shippy
>I hope he is. If he's getting this worked up about some lad having a job and getting sex at 16 (not everyone has those at that age) and has proceeded to do literally nothing except stew in his own misery for the next several years then he deserves nothing but mockery and contempt.
NEET v wagie war
Sprogged v sprogless war etc so on and so forth
what do you think shippy gets out of it?
The first day on the anonymous hacker known as fourchan dot organisation is it?
you're first time on leh interwebzz?
People say dumb shit online because its funny omg no waii
tab closing time see you later lads let the goblin rot
A non-white sprog IoI
Don't care if shes brown. I still love her
Hard to disagree with you lad. It seems a bit mean spirited but I actually started working at age 16 too and now I have a great life. Why should some lad who spent his life sitting alone playing games have the same life as someone like me? They think it's injustice but it's really just fair enough.
The honest truth? I think sexual pleasure is what he gets out of it. It's horrifying to contemplate but I believe Shippy gets turned on by these threads and masturbates while he's here.
bus/metro/car (I don't drive though)
usually I just walk places if I am on my own
I don't mind being a buswanker when it's not busy desu, something nostalgic about it to me
One thing we do know is he gets immense enjoyment out of reading other posters racially abuse his sprog.
I have a bus pass just like SSM does (on mental health grounds). Wagies foot the bill lol
Normal people will do this once, maybe twice and then move on. /britfeel/ however is lumbered with mentalists who do this day in, day out for hours and hours on end.
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*chucks another apu in the apu incinerator because he only managed to complete 29 qmee surveys in an hour instead of 30*
I did it once and discovered I really liked it.
Brutal lad. But the only way to keep them in check sadly.
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Ordered a Huitzilopochtli Helper from FRENU and they send me a fucking Box Room Bandito instead. Beyond mad. They're an incredibly stand-offish breed but never actually do anything when confronted. He's got a nasty little BB gun but I've got a broom long enough to whack him.

Can you incinerate this one?
Fucks sake lad you got one of the ones with the backwards arses as well. They are the most deadly.
another lazy day of work for me. stealing a living
Corr mum forgot to put a packet of those stock cubes away in the locked cupboard
>Can you incinerate this one?
yes but if the frog knockers come then remember to tell them that he fell in and that it was a very tragic accident
Need an AI apu post about the shady underbelly of apuette wrostitution. The things they make those little ladies do...
Olive shorts and baby blue t-shirt for me today lads. Sick of people wearing nothing but grey scale.
>and regularly shagging
he wasn't though was he? As you said yourself, he had a condom in his wallet and it probably wasn't for show, so he wasnt shagging, he was '''shagging'''
The lad's point is that there would be no reason for him even to carry a condom "just in case" because there was zero chance of him shagging.
Yes lad, we need more colour in britain. I regularly wear a bright red t-shirt with bright red trainers. Sometimes an orange combination as well.
At least that lad never humiliated himself by wrapping his cock up in a little latex sheaf. Couldn't be me
all black for me. All day everyday.
alri bnwolad
Is it humiliating to have a posh wank?
I have a white sprog, will post proof later
I couldn't care less, what proof exactly
There are men out there (grown men, one might say) who regularly and knowingly, when they are about to have sex with a woman, stop themselves from doing the most natural thing in the world and carefully tear open a little faggoty foil packet, removed the flimsy, odd looking primary-coloured (aka for children) ring, manoeuvre it onto their steadily deflating cock and awkwardly scrunch the translucent latex cocoon over their nob. How anyone can do this and still call themselves a man with dignity is utterly beyond me. It's literally cucking yourself - self-inflicted artificial infertility. No babies for me! Christ alive I mean really actually imagine wrapping the physical symbol of your manhood and virility in a cuck jacket. I will NEVER ever wear one of those godforsaken things.
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where's the afternoon uploaf?
>for children

This little embellishment is very revealing. I mean this whole post is the product of a diseased psyche, but the "for children" bit is really proof of a deep sickness.
Hear Hear lad. I've been trying to tell them for years now but some people here just can't digest this simple truth that should be self evident
Things that are coloured in the primary colours are for children. No adult should own anything in bright red, yellow or blue, let alone wrap a brightly coloured rubber ring around their cock. The indignity is astronomical.
I was going to paste this into the WhatsApp group with my IRL mates, as I sometimes do with amusing/deranged posts on here, but I don't have any sprogs myself so it would raise questions. Luckily this board is anonymous so that's no problem for you.
Grown man. Never seen a vagina with his own eyes. Spends sixteen hours a day telling NEETs the appropriate way to have sex.
Was thinking this morning and i realised i never never seen an erect penis in my life, flaccid penis yes many times, vagina yes many times but never an erect penis
Ahh yes, this is the good shit I come to britfeel for.

And the classic grown man post a few posts down to rile the original up.
same now you mention it. I've seen my own like but not another one
Is there anything wrong with pumping a few IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies?
Condom v no condom flame war
Colours for children v colours adults wear flame war
The bottom of the barrel gets deeper and deeper
Did you not have sex education at school?
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Getting pissed and few ciggies kinda weather
Nit today though
Do they bring in a fella with an erection at school?
7th time you've posted this, I doubt it will be the last
yeah but nobody walked into the classroom and whipped out their hard cock. We're talking about irl here
>Nit today though
Why not? As you said perfect weather for it, if not now then when?
provisionally post of the day right here
Huh? You're telling me the teacher wasn't supposed to get his cock out and make us all touch it?

Maybe that's why I'm so fucked up.
Ours was very odd. It was all run by a third party 'social consultancy' group or some similar nonsense NGO grifters. It was always the same guy who came in to talk to us. A very odd fellow to say the least. One time he was there to talk more about the biological side of things and he starts by saying "as young men [was an all boys school] your sperm is the peak of its quality, it's excellent, it's just mwah!" (he does a chef's kiss at this point). But he just kept on going on about it like that, you'd of thought he loved nothing more than the sperm of 15 year old boys. Like I said, odd fellow.
Never used a c*ndom with ****. No sprog tho.
It was part of ours that people could volunteer. This was in the 90s though.
>It was always the same guy who came in to talk to us. A very odd fellow to say the least
A bloke who's day consists of talking endless to children about sex, I'm not surprised
You need to seriously, SERIOUSLY, carefully consider your life choices lad.
no, already beaten by this >>78250886
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cider chug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLSvQqg2jgQ
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>Never used a c*ndom with ****
Thank goodness you've been here every single time to read it and point it out. For free no less!
>putting condom on fake weenus in c. year 8 at that age when the girls are more physically/mentally developed than the boys
it really was degrading wasn't it
horrible times
Arbroathy is a BN character. It's obvious at this point
What would you rather they do? Put on hardcore porn and force you all to wank to it right there in class?
What was it that he typed that gave you that thought lad?
Split the class into groups of two, a boy and girl, and send them into a school locker room to do biology.
>I will NEVER ever wear one of those godforsaken things.
Yeah we know, no woman would ever let you near enough.
Used to wank with a mate of mine when I was younger. To be honest I wanted us to wank each other off too but it never went that far.
Workmen outside digging up the tarmac to put in new sewer lines. Hot as a bitch outside, sweating and heaving from the effort.

Me inside, answering a few emails here and there and watching anime while sipping an ice cold coke.

Both doing our part for the economy and society.
they could just not teach it
even more so these days, as if people don't figure things out/use google/get told how things work by someone else etc
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I've got about 45 minutes of calls left. It's just not right.
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I know lad but feeling under the weather next day, messing up sleep pattern, etc there's something 2 be said for that being a tomorrow me problem though. It seems like almost mmmm like almost a crime if the sun's out like this and you don't have at least a cider in the garden like 1 or 2 beers to start off what been sitting in the fridge for a while wouldn't it be nice. Better than being stuck indoors sober lonely and depressed and bad nerves
Jules Jordan taught me more about sex than every single "sex education" lesson over ever had combined. No point to it any more desu.
Just dont drink too much and youll be fine
Mine was a boarding school in the 90s and there's a lot of things that would probably be a national scandal if it happened today. Lads wanking onto each other, having to put things up their arse for losing etc. Might post some stories if people are interested.
I went to uni with a few lads who went to some of the big posh boarding schools like Eton and Harrow, and I heard some fucking stories man. The way everyone told it though, it was all a big laugh and they enjoyed it. Suppose the lads who felt like they'd been abused aren't really going to tell it as a funny pub story.
Nah I'm honestly food thanks mate.
My mum was FORCED to bring my dinner to my bedroom because I refused to leave it. All eyes now on me to eat the dinner she lovingly made me. Reminder: only last week I urged her never to make me turkey dinosaurs again
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>Just dont drink too much
How u do that?
How's it going to look to the neighbours that you're out in the garden drinking in the middle of a work day?
I miss the resident alcoholics. Especially smirnoffbro. I feel all alone
You'll see him again in heaven lad. Or at least read his posts on some kind of celestial imageboard.
You will never be free from this place, even in death.
I think people deal with it in different ways. Some probably still think it's a bit of a laugh, otherwise try and suppress the memory of it or cope by going along with it being a joke. I dunno.

One I remember is a lad got dared to wank onto someone else's face while they were asleep. If the other lad woke up, they had to put anything up their arse that the other lad chose. Usual sort of thing that happened. Anyway, he lost and the other lad picked a Tamagotchi (it was a toy thing at the time).

The problem was the chain broke off and it got stuck, the school found out obviously, parents went mental but it was all kept quiet still. I remember it well though, partly because I was one of the lookouts but mostly because it was my fucking Tamagotchi
Dont buy more than you want to drink and dont go out when you run out
imagine raising a brown sprog as a white man. grim
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Might write out a list of banned things to post about b4 I start drinking for my mental health. Then I can just check it first if I post anything. It's always fun nd games til I start pondering about this n that and putting on the spice girls nightcore etc melancholic turn comes on very fast
Mum told me that I can be sitting cross-legged on my belly when the cleaner lady comes around any more because it shows off a very obvious dick print in my shorts.
Arbroathy is also an alcoholic.
imagine posting stale gimmicks on britfeel 16 hours a day. grim
Meant to say that I CAN'T be and on my BED. Fucking phoneposting.
My brother is a teacher at an all boys school. Last year they went on a school trip and my brother was one of the teachers doing the supervising. One of the kids tried to kill himself because he was in a gay love triangle. He walked in on his boyfriend giving another lad a blowjob. My brother had to be the one to phone up the parents and tell them this.
So what you're saying is gay lads are the source of all the drama and infighting and sexual immorality? Fair enough.
Nowhere close. I mean REAL alcoholics, not binge drinkers
Wonder if HHL's carers know that hes an alcoholic
Nonce fiction, nah see you later lads enjoy yourselves though, sure you will x
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oven wizzas pushed through the gap at the bottom of the door to the NEET boxroom
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The fruit flies won
Bringing back bad memories Swanny my lad?
wonder what june thinks about HHL
Wonder if Shippy will ever have a relationship with his brown sprog
when the dollys get put away the porn and sex posts start. every single time
my room is somehow worse
Please share lad, we need some OC here
The mad thing is, Smirnoffbro was very wealthy. He could have hired a maid to pop into his mansion a few times a week, but chose to live in filth.
thats what happens when you're depressed lad. you stop caring
if you post your room lad you will become a dolly to have drama and ridicule posted about you for months if not years
post yours
I think it's because he knew he didn't have long to live. Lad just went full nihilist mode.
>full nihilist mode
I like that phrase
Shame. I don't mind you not sharing it, I wouldn't post mine either, but just hoped for some entertainment. If you post it as an Anonymous I don't see how someone can go on about it for years.
smirnoff is on lollers discord post soon?
Lollers said it. Why would he lie?
this is the part when i say i'm not that lad and you go on and on and on that i am?
Not sure what that means lad. Anyway let's leave it there and forget I ever asked.
Look mate if you don't want to share a photo of your grim room it's ok. I understand.
Let's see your rooms lads
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What I think Ill want nd what I end up wanting later not always lining up dee lad
>why would a nonce lie
what does him being a paedophile (he isn't) have to do with anything
Show him how its done lads, post YOUR rooms
LollersDolly has been revived
I don't live in just one room lad. I have a lovely big penthouse flat. Unfortunately it's quite architecturally distinctive and people would be able to figure out my address from a photo.
Thought as much lol
screenshots of lollers posts soon?
>Humble brags
Every time
Mad how he's trying to turn even this into a riling up competition. Serious mental illness in full view.
Lollers personality poll screenshot any second now
You mean Pollers lol
Lonely shut ins ITT
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>it's quite architecturally distinctive
'Floor to ceiling windows'
When do the ethical nonce posts start?
>'Floor to ceiling windows'
I sleep in a big bed with my wife. You?
I have a brown sprog that I rarely see.
I sleep in a relatively big, albeit not king sizes bed alone
>'Floor to ceiling windows'
Another forced personality factoid for the purposes of bait and spam
Arse pressed, and I mean PRESSED against it. Anus visible to the world.
Makes 2 of us then I guess
Why aren't you allowed to see your brown sprog lad?
The idea of someone having a brown soroghas really upset him. He'd rather he didn't have a brown sprog. But he does
Lol that nonce comment set him off
I sleep in a big bed with my bf
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Absolutely howling with laughter here lad.
Sorry lads, I'm not going to risk doxing myself just to rub it in that I'm doing better than you in life. Frankly I'm not that cruel. You can take some comfort in denial instead, I'm generous enough to allow you that.
tab closing time again lads see you next thread, leave the mong to samefag and reply to posts from this morning
There's a reason he feels so passionately about nonces. I'm not saying he was a victim. Although it's entirely up to you if you want to draw that conclusion
Occasionally I will think of a funny post to make, begin typing it, but when I reach the point where I have to type out a gimmick I genuinely start to keel over and break down laughing. I get tears in my eyes and my chest muscles hurt so much from the breathless laughing that I have to spend a few mins recovering.
I sleep in a big bed with my wife and her bull
I've been having that reaction with the 'floor to ceiling' window gimmick lately
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>What do you mean you eat whenever you're hungry? We have set meal times for a reason, it separates us from the beasts.
Thread goes to shit with seasideMARK doesn't uploaf.
SCEA is here with us now
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Nothing to stop me just robbing ppl(bad ones) and selling the loot on ebay
Nice of them to allow you in
Sad little man if true. Why not go outside?
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Have a cheeky Maka drinking update while you wait for SSM to uploaf

Being a status/consensus oriented individual must be tiring. Always having to nod and agree with DEI/ESG and virtue signal with charitable donations to woke charities. Despite the fact you know deep down its all ultimately bollocks. Even if those far right Reform/Trump hillbillies and chavs repulse you a bit.

I wonder if those people ever find an outlet to let loose and make very un-PC racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic comments
Right wing v left wing bait
Goddamn alarmberg failed on me this mornin by not looping

Swear to God i actually double checked and configured it correctly

Not the end of the world since i've still got wednesday acting as a buffer there, but still sucks arse thoughbeit
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Wonder why DJ removed all his community posts.
all the old gimmicks and bait slowly returning after a week
>join meeting
>mute myself
>don't listen to a word
>say goodbye when i notice people leaving the call
cor hard job
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SSM has done graft
Working simply isn't for me dee lad
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Post drivel
I once was stopped on the street by some black guy. I am not very confrontational so had to stop and hear him out. Was asking for money for some sort of youf anti-knifecrime thing or something. Eventually had to say no I have no money and he said I have nice hair. Weird strategy.
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>he said I have nice hair
but you're balding why lie
He's always here with us. Looking down on us from the sky.
do you not get sarcasm or something lad?
Shoutout to Freddy Krueliquor
i started that gimmick now i'm not sure if he really is balding
Yeah wfh is the biggest blessing to my life ngl.
John West Express
Hey all. Fresh fat Andy for yas
feeling bored.
do you feel bored in the day?
do you turn to the alcohol?
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Fishy Cabs
Mad how I have to waste the time of government drones and pretend to look for work just because it's highly illegal in society to say 'I don't want to work and I don't care about jobs or careers'. Mad how society spins having a job as a good thing. We should let robots do all the work
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Why have you not produced any sprogs?
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Yes and yes
Me and SSM are kindred spirits
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SSM is like the father I never had
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Why did he do it though dee lads?
wagies problem now
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Happy for ppl that want to work bht it not for me due to disability
If only they could adapt same live nd let live instead of anti disabled tirades then playing victim when u don't just take it
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Words cannot describe how much i hate summer, me leedingtons
I don't know why everyone gets so worked up over a man throwing half a kebab on the floor
I might take a nice depression nap today. Not feeling good at all today. It not right.
New invention where you take a snapshot of your home and at the touch of a button, your home reverts back to looking exactly like it did when you took the snapshot. Save ever having to tidy up or have a bin full of rubbish that attracts flies in summer. Just a press and it's back to clean.
Move to the scottish highlands
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its not highly illegal you spacker, when you sign up for bennies you are entering into an agreement that you will look for work in exchange for a weekly pittance

No looking for work = no bennies, if you told them this when you signed on they'd tell you to fuck off (in the kindest possible way)
sell this to the lads that do Black Mirror
what's the horror twist though..?
>gets eaten by midges
7/10 from are Andy. Might have to try duck burgers for myself now
Did you start drinking yet?
Someone deletes everyone's saved data and the world goes into apocalypse mode. A generation passes and the only bastion of civilisation are a collection of monks in the mountains who practice the 'clean your room' philosophy of Jordan Peterson.
The housing block gets a weekly clean and I made sure to take a big old shit in the communal toilet and not flush right before she arrived. Clean up on aisle two wagie!
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Summer is objectively better in every way lad

People who talk about how "warm and cosy" winter can be are all fat fucks who stay indoors anyway
Something to do with human life not being distinguished from objects by the technology, so you can essentially kidnap people in a snapshot room and keep them there at a touch of a button.
that's a good one lad, better than mine by a mile
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Women's rights, you say?

Women's WRONGS, more like!
Have to say I agree with you. Tatooinelad was on to something. There's a reason civilisation peaked in the Mediterranean with the Hellenes. The sun is the lifegiver.
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Still mulling it over u?
Just had a fantastic zoom meeting with some of my clients in the United States. They love my work and they can't wait to go into production with it.
Nothing better than sitting in short and a t-shirt, adilettes on your feet, sunglasses on, under a parasol, sitting at one of those lacquered wrought iron style bistro tables on a matching chair, sipping from a glass of orange juice with a ton of ice in.
How exactly does alcohol help with boredom?
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The paper shall be pushed around in a most timely fashion
It's almost like magic really. You're bored, then you drink this magic potion and it makes you feel not bored.
Only children wear shorts.
>Only children wear shorts.
done him he's seething and fuming now kek lol
Happy to see your posts again mr flad <3
Would I be autistic if I wore my chiton around town when it's baking hot?
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Bit like when youre a wean nd computers games were fun
What even happened on strictly. Did he have a wank in the corner of her dressing room and throw the spaff at her?
Based angelalad. You got any pics of her being cute? I like her succubus side, but sometimes I want to imagine we're just happily married and going on a date and she's making cute faces at me.
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Did he win then?
Who exactly is this meant to be lad?
The shut in goblin who makes these threads unusable throughout much of the day.
That isn't a person lad.
>He's angry because shitposts make /britfeel/ (a thread for shitposts) "unusable"

Lol shape up or ship out you spacker
What is it then, a movement?
It's a brown sprog lol
so it's 60 lads all sharing the same bait seethe and gimmicks?
i bought 2 bottles of white wine but they are still too warm to drink, need to wait for maybe another hour or so
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Who said l'm a angry
60 posters was the absolute peak. Before the number was removed there were around 30-40. These days? Maybe 25 or so I reckon.
/britfeel/ was down to 30 posters before the IP count was removed, 4 years ago the poster count was 80-100. Makes you think dunit.
literally impossible to be bored when youre pissed
reckon you are a seething greg lad
They all left, moved on, improved themselves. Yet you're still here. Maybe you're the one who needs to do some thinking lad.
Not at all. The 'brown sprog' gimmick is hilarious to me
You've done me lad mark that as a pwnage on your winner spreadsheet
ready to do it all over again?

Call him by his full name lad. "Penis Greg Greg"

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