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y'all need 2 take it easy
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I am going to interracial while taking it easy
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Would you guys like to switch places with her?
I am taking it easy
May you never have it easy
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That's extremely rude. Stop hurting my feelings.
Danda is out again
You need to WORK nigga
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Blaine mogging my attempts at shitting up the thread...
your niggerspeak got filtered, kinda funny
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found this guya earlier. she's so beautiful. that earring suits her really well
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Beautiful guya
I know...
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where did your fren go?
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a real fren wouldn't abandon you like this, would they?
i bet his ego is more important than you
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he didn't abandon me
we're still frens
lazy tuesdays..

there's always discord for chat to keep up with people i imagine? did you manage to make arrangements for this weekend?
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Not this weekend, no. More like next month...
what about you? R u gonna go out again this weekend?
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why isn't he posting then?
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you probably scared him off
i'll probably go out this weekend again, if schedules work. it's a regular cadence and having something to do on the weekends rather than rotting is really nice. plus, the whole spending time with a fren! did you set a tentative for next month to go to the movies or something?
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with the attitude he has, i don't think i did.
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>i'll probably go out this weekend again, if schedules work.
what would you like to do on this weekend? To Go to another restaurant or maybe To go to the movies? Maybe to the bar?
> it's a regular cadence and having something to do on the weekends rather than rotting is really nice
yeah i suppose that's true
> did you set a tentative for next month to go to the movies or something?
i just said that we should meet up sometime and he asked when and i said sometime next month because he's moving back into the city at that time.
maybe you misjudged him
>what would you like to do on this weekend? To Go to another restaurant or maybe To go to the movies? Maybe to the bar?
probably go to a sit-down restaurant since i should be feeling good enough to eat now, yes. there's some places i'd like to visit, i think sharing nice food and discussing it with others is always nice. i was thinking more like a library to check out some books or go out and play games somewhere. instead of a bar, i'd rather drink tea somewhere i think, i'm more a quiet and relaxed type of person.

>i just said that we should meet up sometime and he asked when and i said sometime next month because he's moving back into the city at that time.
that sounds good then! make sure to follow up closer to the date. do you have a high level idea on what activities you'd like to get up to?
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misjudged for what? he doesn't give a shit about me. maybe he reeaallly dislikes lewdposting
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>probably go to a sit-down restaurant since i should be feeling good enough to eat now, yes. there's some places i'd like to visit, i think sharing nice food and discussing it with others is always nice. i was thinking more like a library to check out some books or go out and play games somewhere. instead of a bar, i'd rather drink tea somewhere i think, i'm more a quiet and relaxed type of person.
have u ever been at a bar b4?
>that sounds good then! make sure to follow up closer to the date. do you have a high level idea on what activities you'd like to get up to?
we're probably gonna go 2 a bar as usual
he doesn't want to interact with you anymore ig. Also u reporting him was also kind of a problem
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why the fuck are you bringing me up? he has to interact with YOU, not me
Maybe the problem never was the experiences you had with your friends or they just were a small portion, maybe the problem was always your being lowwkey insane.
but you are here in the thread, so he would have to interact with you. he can likely talk to guya in private instead if there was something they wanted to talk about, no? just because they're not posting in one thread on 4chan doesn't mean they've abandoned anyone.

>have u ever been at a bar b4?
quite a lot over the years, yes. generally they're too loud these days to really have a nice conversation and so you can't really have a cosy atmosphere. they're okay if you're catching up with old frens and want to have something to eat and drink with social lubricant, but for more hanging out with a new fren i think it's better to be able to hear them easier and eat lighter foods.

>we're probably gonna go 2 a bar as usual
do your bars usually have loud music playing even during the middle of the day? or are they nicer places to sit down usually? i wonder if bar culture is different between our countries. what kind of foods do they usually have available at yours?
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holy goyslop
i am insane yes
true. all he cared about was his image as an avatarfag on here, but since he can't have that now he won't show up anymore
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clumsy futo spilling her milk...
Aware enough to know that you're insane but not aware enough that you're the one who ruined all your friendships. People here tried their best to reach out to you and accommodate you but instead you gaslit yourself into thinking they were conspiring against you. Go take your meds.
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nuh uh, i can read people well. what i ruined weren't friendships to begin with.
i did manage to make a nice fren from these threads tho
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i see. I suppose that makes sense... Have u ever been 2 a club or a rave b4?
>do your bars usually have loud music playing even during the middle of the day? or are they nicer places to sit down usually?
not sure about the middle of the day, but later, it's pretty loud. Especially in the bar we frequent...
> i wonder if bar culture is different between our countries. what kind of foods do they usually have available at yours?
oh just various snacks, like flatbreads with cheese and fried bread
he has to interact with you too
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maybe i finally gave him a reason to drop your threads without feeling guilty about it. bet he was getting bored of them anyway. he could never take it easy. he was against the idea from the very beginning.
he could literally just ignore me
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that chick is living the dream
You are being very obsessed.
Are you sure?
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i'm not obsessed. our brains are very complex and no reason is as straightforward as you think.
>Are you sure?
about reading people? i always carefully study people i interact with. OP might have considered me his friend, but i've always seen him as an acquaintance at best from the way he treated me. what pissed me off was his insistence on trying to convince me otherwise without really doing anything.
>i see. I suppose that makes sense... Have u ever been 2 a club or a rave b4?
ive been to lots of these before, yes. i think i've got that out of my system and i prefer to be quiet and take it easy these days, though. i still do like concerts, though.

>not sure about the middle of the day, but later, it's pretty loud. Especially in the bar we frequent...
i see, i wonder why they always make it so loud? it's harder to hear your friends and have a merry time. flatbreads and cheese and fried bread does sound really good though, over here its mostly chicken, chicken, and some more chicken maybe. it's hard to find more to nibble on that is a bit lighter. i miss the izakayas in japan where it was quieter, the food was cheap, and there was a huge range of what you could buy. so many different little tasty things.

do you usually drink much at the bar or only have a few to get over the nerves of talking to people?
Trying to save the face again with a bold statement, appealing to complexity.
>about reading people?
No about having a friend from here it looks more like you are pushing everyone away.
>he's having a meltdown and will probably give an angry reply after, but since I'm writing this he will change the pattern of his reply just to say I'm wrong.
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what face do i have to save? i'm literally acting like an angry coomer and showing the worst side of me
>No about having a friend from here
he's a good fren to me so yeah
Ok let me play your same game. Are you giving them the same treatment you are giving the anons here or are they stroking your ego enough to keep them around?
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>ive been to lots of these before, yes. i think i've got that out of my system and i prefer to be quiet and take it easy these days, though. i still do like concerts, though.
I haven't been to those yet. What are they like?
>i see, i wonder why they always make it so loud?
maybe to create an atmosphere? The bar we frequent is a metal themed bar. Lots of metalheads frequent it
>flatbreads and cheese and fried bread does sound really good though, over here its mostly chicken, chicken, and some more chicken maybe.
this another bar we frequent also has chicken. Their chicken wings can be really REALLY spicy
>do you usually drink much at the bar or only have a few to get over the nerves of talking to people?
yes and no. I am very much a lightweight, so it only takes a few beers to get me pretty drunk
>izakayas in japan where it was quieter, the food was cheap, and there was a huge range of what you could buy. so many different little tasty things.
what's that? Is it a type of bar?
Lurking in these threads has brought back an old memory that seems to come back every few years. I was about 13 and at the zoo. There was a profoundly retarded person who looked about my age howling in the grass. Seeing him really upset me. Not because I hate the disabled or because it ruined my day, but seeing someone afflicted like that, first hand, knowing he will never live independently was deeply upsetting to me. I get a similar feeling watching clips of Terry Davis, and to a lesser extent seeing posters like Barneyfag. I get a similar feeling in these threads now.
How so? Isn't the Barneyposter just a bot anyway? I never understood how that works.
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i'm not even angry anymore, i just wanna post toehoes and be le disrespectful while OP ignores my posts
have you considered that neither of those things apply in a true friendship?
do i look that retarded? kek
Terry was a based schizo tho
You didn't answer my question and I think everyone here is ignoring your posts except me because I'm bored.
Seeing an otherwise 'normal' anon act like this. I've spent far too long trying to think of something that would cause me to act like this but just come up blank. The only explanation that makes sense to me is mental illness.
The common denominator is a feeling of "there but for the grace of god, go I." It could be me doing that if things turned out differently.
I was under the impression that Barneyfag was just severely autistic. It may be a bot now but at one point he was the real deal.
Also yes you do look that retarded if we have to be blunt.
If I should say it personally seeing an anon having a meltdown upsets me as well at first. If it goes for long like this anon is doing I'm not even upset at that point just exhausted but that might be because I'm sensitive and can't be indifferent I don't know.
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i can't answer your question because it literally doesn't apply to me. i have no ego to stroke and i'm treating him well (hopefully).
thanks, i'm trying my best
i'm not having a meltdown
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opie do you hate me yet?
Treating him well? Who is it if it's from this thread? I lurked here from the beginning probably so I know more or less every anon and there are no more than 3 anons who were talking to you directly at best. Or are you lying to save your face?
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he doesn't post here anymore and i don't wanna involve him.
>lying to save your face
why do you insist so much?
There are plenty of anons who don't post here anymore maybe it's the anon posting wiki links or another touhou poster. You don't want to involve him because you are afraid he'll see what your true self is. Now tell me I'm wrong. I insist because you are being a dumb liar.
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but i literally told him everything
>conveniently staying with someone who supports your side of the story
once again the truth and middlegrounds never matter only who has the biggest echo chamber, this whole situation is just pathetic
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he didn't give me his opinion tho. he's not on anyone's side
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i thought the nonnies were gonna keep posting as normal. where did everynyan go??
It would be ironic if he too thinks you are acting childish I'm sure several things have been omitted too but you are going to lie about this.
Probably somewhere where there isn't anyone pooping the thread.
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i annoyed him so much about it that i feel bad for bringing it up now. he knows what's going on. why does it matter anyway?
>Probably somewhere where there isn't anyone pooping the thread.
how am i pooping the thread? we're having a normal conversation here!
>he annoys people about other people he's obsessed with
Poor fella also you are posting porn in one of the few recurrent non-porn threads I used to lurk in and we are not having a conversation I'm just bored enough to talk to a plainbrain kid like you. There is just the two of us here so ask yourself why oh you won't because you are obsessed so your head can't even think about any other reason than the other anon's friend
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we don't really talk about it, and i've told all my online frens anyway (i only have 3). i let people i care about know what goes on in my life, is that wrong?
>we are not having a conversation
damn, i feel hurt now... i thought i was being entertaining!
>ask yourself why
because i was right. shitting up the threads actually works, contrary to what the other anon was saying
I bet you are omitting your friends how slimy of a person you are being and if they support your behavior well it tells even more about you even
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it's funny how you fags decided your own rules on a red board and as soon as someone "infringes" them you all get mad or disappear.
i will never forgive hutanon for trying to impose his "no lewds" rule in these threads. virtue signaling at its finest.
>s-stop posting lewds, go to horny jail!
nobody cares that you're against porn, faggot poser. let people enjoy what they want, especially on a red board like r9k. you don't wanna talk to me? that's a different discussion, but don't try to tell me what to do because this is what happens otherwise.
this is partly why i'm resentful towards him. always deciding how things should be, and how people should act.

your attempts at trying to convince me that i'm in the wrong are not working. you have no idea what i went through.
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answer me already, coward >>78253982
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no i don't hate you
Today was a good day at work. I'm going to watch that Youtuber you mentioned yesterday (MrBallen) and watch spooky videos. I want to get super spooked today
As far as I can remember as a lurker it was commonly appreciated not to post porn because the anons were tired of the usual porn posting on this board that now has turned into cuck posting even. I doubt it's even virtue signaling one can be against porn for valid reasons I am against porn for example because it validates promiscuity and creates dissatisfaction in a couple's romantic life other than being generally distasteful content. Staying away from porn is better. I'm not trying to convince you you are in the wrong it's blatant how obsessed you are being and you still will deny it so this is why I'm calling you a liar because you are holding on a single thread all the time and you seem inconsistent without ever acknowledging it. You sound disingenuous.
It's BPD. He's splitting.
It's not BPD he's clearly either bipolar or outright psychopath he even admitted of having sociopathic tendencies. Just another hateful anon on this board why am I even expecting something different
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why aren't you replying to me then?
i come to this board to talk to people who aren't put off by porn because IT'S A FUCKING RED BOARD. if you aren't okay with it, then you don't belong here. if you try to tell anons that porn is wrong, that you shouldn't touch your worm, etc. it's VIRTUE SIGNALING because you're LITERALLY on a RED BOARD telling degenerates what they shouldn't do.
>romantic life
if you have a romantic life you're a normalfaggot and don't belong here.
>Now he's attacking me
I don't know if I should begin to find this funny I never even mentioned anything about being in a relationship and I don't have one either
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you sound like a woman tbhdesu
Also sorry but it's too funny "Noooo not in my le red heckerino boardarino" man I get too much fun from people being too absorbed into chan's culture and cultism
>Verification not required
I hope you see the irony in this post given you've been acting like a bitter ex-girlfriend for the last three days
Thank you it's always nice to be told I have working braincells
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>why aren't you replying to me then?
i don't know what to even say to you
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easymooders gonna easymood
>now he thinks I'm a woman
I can't
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what culture? i'm just telling you what people i expect to interact with when i come here. opie's dear friend was the exact opposite of that, trying to tell people what's wrong and stuff. he wanted to appear as some sort of saint on this board, and not just in this thread (this bit is important). people like that really piss me off.
also i'm not trying to attack you directly either, this topic legit makes me seethe. and it's not limited to porn.
am i that girlish? should i be worried?
i was just implying that women think very differently sometimes.
it's different. you don't wanna bother at all.
are you a normalfag at least?
I suspected you were a woman a couple of weeks ago but I'm convinced of it now.
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that can't be, i have a dick and i like girls!
That's a (you) problem anon I take every new anon I talk with as a new instance without expecting much. Sometimes I get a good conversation sometimes I don't but never pretend anyone has to post a thing or another just because we are in a certain board. Like anon I don't care about chan's culture blue board red board purple board I'm not absorbed by this stuff because it's literally meaningless. Defending this stuff with teeth and claws is close to pathetic because it means NOTHING. (You) mean NOTHING to other anons jannies or Hiroshimoot for defending a board's culture. Nothing here means anything like most things in life. You could say that then I could do whatever I want and post whatever porn gore and shit I want because it means nothing but it's here you are wrong, I respect myself and it's a matter of integrity towards myself if I follow my own rules or try. I don't owe it to no one but myself. "We are in a red board" Yeah I don't give a fuck I still want to talk to like-minded people that belong to a different demographic I can't find somewhere else and since this a loose board it's easier to entertain them without being too worried about pointless rules. I don't give a fuck if someone avatarfags I don't give a fuck if someone namefag or makes a recurring thread it's up to you to be a good person or a bad person because of the freedom you have. I choose to be a good person and no one can take that away from me.
I was told more than once that I sound like a woman because I put more thought and feeling in what I write so it's different from both your average anon especially here and average man. I take it as a compliment.
No lol I'm not a normalfag I have no one and no one cares about me like I spend most of the time pumping music in my ears and deal with my loneliness.
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>it's different. you don't wanna bother at all.
no i just don't know want you want from me
Inb4 he doesn't even know whoops I caused another change of patterns
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I can't take it easy!!
I gotta lock in so my future isnt miserable
Just get any job that will hire you. All you have to do at most jobs is just show up every day and they will love you and your life will be better
kill yourself faggot
retard killed the thread
I gotta like get a degree tho, so i can get a good job!!
I want a house
And desu my only hope of getting a gf is by having a 6 figure salary
What degree will you get?
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anon... red board just means i can post porn and you won't do shit about it. i will follow the rules of this website and complain about those who don't, but i won't make rules up to impose myself on others. like i said, if you don't wanna talk to me because i posted something that offended you, then don't, but i'm not gonna let you tell me what's wrong and what isn't. everyone should have the freedom to post whatever they want, within the rules.
you say you don't give a fuck, but to me it seems you're giving a ton of fucks about me just because i'm posting porn in this thread.
i want you to hate me and tell me to fuck off
economics, i can either get a good government job or get a high paying job in a private firm with it
I repeat that it's your choice to do good or bad with the freedom you have and that it depends on how much you respect yourself as a person. I only made a fair point I just worded it more lively.
even if i get a job, it doesnt really mean my life will be better
Why do you want him to do that? A sense of atonement?
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and again, if you see porn as le bad then you don't belong here.
also i'm not saying i'd have posted porn like i'm doing now if his fren wasn't around. i just don't wanna feel restricted on a board where there is almost no restriction on what you can post. if you come here you should expect nsfw content because "red" means nsfw.
because he's once again trying to keep me around for no reason. it's not like we can go back after having completely ruined my image in these threads. and even if he did want that, i'm sure he wouldn't do shit to make things better.
I'm free to say that you are being questionable then also >ruined my image dude you are doing everything yourself you could've avoided everything but you have no self-respect and integrity
The only person keeping you here is yourself
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>i want you to hate me and tell me to fuck off
if you want to leave then leave. You don't need me to tell you to do that
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one very lewd koishi and i'm fucking off for the night (or forever?)
i'm fine with that
>you have no self-respect and integrity
those aren't important anymore. it seems you're missing the whole point of the situation.
op should tell me that but he's avoiding it for some reason
>if you want to
noo! why would i want to? i'm enjoying myself! aren't you?
>I haven't been to those yet. What are they like?
generally loud and disorientating, if you really like the music being played there it can be a fun experience. you will need to drink a bit to stifle the social anxiety if you're like me and then you can cut loose.

>maybe to create an atmosphere? The bar we frequent is a metal themed bar. Lots of metalheads frequent it
i suppose that makes sense, there isn't so much a theme at them here they just play trashy pop.. the atmosphere is otherwise uncosy as a result.

>this another bar we frequent also has chicken. Their chicken wings can be really REALLY spicy
yess, i love spicy food! today i had a takeout hotpot bowl and it was really delicious. do you normally eat spicy food?

>yes and no. I am very much a lightweight, so it only takes a few beers to get me pretty drunk
so lucky, this means you can get tipsy and ride that buzz without having to drink much at all. i have to drink too much that i get bloated before i feel tipsy.. and in general i'm trying to stop drinking as much anyway, as it's never really helpful and instead sometimes harmful.

>what's that? Is it a type of bar?
they're a kind of bar specializing in tapas, where you order lots of tiny little nibbles like skewers, small pieces of chicken, and eat them while conversing with friends. they're mostly about the social and cost-effectiveness.

in my case i went out for the day and had fun. sometimes people get busy. the thread is more active than usual today, even.
I understand the situation more than you do because you are being absolutely psychotic
Can I get a quick rundown? What misdeed did the OP commit that made him act like this?
OP lacks proper communication and is accused by the anon to only care about one anon and talk better only with him while keeping this anon here as some sort of backup or I don't know. So the anon went "You know what fuck you and your threads and everyone inside!" but he does this only because of past experiences of other failed friendships. As you can guess he is childish and mentally ill other than too absorbed in chan's culture which says a lot about how much individual thinking and he lacks
I lurked in these threads because they were a nice change of topics and stuff but since this anon had a funny spark this thread is now going to shit more or less
>bro has been at it for 100 posts
rent free lol
Hey Pedro/Guraposter/Brazilianshitskinmidgetpedophile is back!
Jesus Christ that's so fucking stupid. I assumed OP insulted his mother or called him some kind of epithet or something. This reaction makes even less sense now.
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>generally loud and disorientating, if you really like the music being played there it can be a fun experience. you will need to drink a bit to stifle the social anxiety if you're like me and then you can cut loose.
do u like the music that plays there?
>i suppose that makes sense, there isn't so much a theme at them here they just play trashy pop.. the atmosphere is otherwise uncosy as a result.
maybe u need to find a more themed bar then? Do u enjoy metal music?
>yess, i love spicy food! today i had a takeout hotpot bowl and it was really delicious. do you normally eat spicy food?
sometimes. Today i ate some buldok ramen but i couldn't finish it
>so lucky, this means you can get tipsy and ride that buzz without having to drink much at all. i have to drink too much that i get bloated before i feel tipsy.. and in general i'm trying to stop drinking as much anyway, as it's never really helpful and instead sometimes harmful.
but then u can't keep up with ur drinking buddies...
>they're a kind of bar specializing in tapas, where you order lots of tiny little nibbles like skewers, small pieces of chicken, and eat them while conversing with friends. they're mostly about the social and cost-effectiveness.
that sounds nice, but i thought most bars sold snacks like that
>in my case i went out for the day and had fun. sometimes people get busy. the thread is more active than usual today, even.
where have u been?
The funniest bit is that he's accusing OP of ruining his reputation when he's being ignored by basically everyone. The usual posters are away I don't know why but probably because the thread is being shitted up and while his posts can be ignored it can still be quite annoying to watch which is his intention so far. This used to be a different thread like a lowkey waifu thread but with conversations and all and everyone was always welcome regardless. The only premise that naturally and organically grew with the thread was that it was a corner out from the board's bullshit and it's the same thing the aisu thread does and I don't see why this thread couldn't be the same because of petty revenge and culture bullshittery.

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