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The girl you're putting effort into was just a one night stand to another guy.
>I ask her bodycount
>she tells me "probably like 10, some of them were only once"
yeah I'm literally never going to meet a virgin/low body count woman aren't I?
she also got very defensive when I asked and said "oh I bet you think I'm a whore if I've slept with more than 3 guys?"
>"oh I bet you think I'm a whore if I've slept with more than 3 guys?"
"Think? You are." then leave and cut contact.
Not worth it
No hymen no diamond solves this
Not interested if they aren't virgins
What's funny is that deep down inside they know that they're whores, which is why they get so defensive
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Yup, feelings are but a weakness that we harbor to drive us to reproduction, yet denying the right of reproduction from others or ourselves is to deny the primary reason to exist, to perpetuate the existence of life, particularly life that's similar to us. Yet we feel no happiness when we discover that the child we've raised is not our own, as there is a desperate need in each of us to be the sire, the perpetuator who has succeeded in his mission, for that will validate our existence in entirety instead of what we can offer to others who might procreate. To simp is to dream, but to be cuckolded is to despair. Our lot need to take what's ours instead of disparaging
I don't put any effort into females
better luck next time nigger
>No babe, I hate tight vaginas.
>The girl you're putting effort into
Just how do you guys consider this ownership of a woman? Why do you believe you have any right to monitor what she does, who she talks with and where she goes?
Forgive me for thinking we could be life partners and raise each other up to become better human beings as we complete the union of a man and woman to form a family unit and have children so that we aren't lonely in our old age and can have a stake in the future of our country and people
Go ahead, fuck Chad and throw it all away babe
Enjoy the personal hell of your own creation
good thing i know literally no one then
You ignore my point. She may not feel the same about you. You spot a girl you want and decide on your own to put effort into her and that gives you the right to her life. You speak as if she already belongs to you and damn her to hell after your judgement. She's not attempting to catch you and make you her's. She isn't in on your plan
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>raise each other up to become better human beings

I would love to inhale the type of copium you're smoking. I've never seen a single relationship function that way, at least those that involve a woman who's been the town bicycle before settling down with plan B. Those type of women almost always end up resenting her husband because of the realization that she had to settle down with a non-Chad.
You understand the situation well. And have articulated it succinctly.
Who enslaves who roastie? Who enslaves who?

It's not men sitting on their ass while women work 10 hours at the factory. It's not women changing a man's car tire when he has a blowout on the side of the road. It's not men divorcing women because they get a permanent injury and can't work anymore.

So you tell me. Who enslaves who?
Most men couldn't change a tire nor do they work for slave wages in a factory. 100s of Millions of women work in factories everyday all over the globe while men are out drinking and gambling or playing some game and bullshitting with their boys. Oh and for changing a tire, many men and women push a button and roadside assistance comes.
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you put in "effort" while she meets up with her fwb every week
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>tfw body count one
>oneitis probably has a somewhat high body count because he's a musician (with a day job)
I just keep telling myself he's probably been with lots of slutty women and I'm just being a female cuck and I should get over the crush
Gadzhilliards of wymyn break their backs with hard labour you Chud. All men do is lay on their asses
Yeah, happened to me last week. Lied to me for months.
>All men do is lay on their asses
And gang rape women.
nice that I refuse to engage with them, no need to think about shit like this.
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>spends year chasing my work crush and trying to get to know her better
>she immediately hits it off with a new guy, flirts with him every day (she initiates) then fucks him within a month of meeting him
>while i was too busy doing all the work so she could flirt with chad
Literally slave cucked. If this was 10000 years ago i would be a eunuch tending to grug chad's harem watching my crush getting railed.
>The girl you're putting effort

Lmao implying I put effort into women, I learned my lesson early around the age of 11, it was already clearly then that regardless how much effort I put in it will never be enough whilst Chad can make fun her infront of her friends.
attraction is just visual. if she didnt like you right away she never will. at least not properly. might use you for attention for a few months, like she did to me. Essentially, love isnt for us. its not something we're ever going to experience. Accepting this is the hardest part, not sure that i fully have yet.
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I very unfortunately developed a crush on some girl in my outer circle of friends who I can say with confidence has a lot of other men on her roster.
the craziest thing ive experienced is that these girls will admit stuff like this to me, and then tell me theyre not like that anymore, but i just KNOW if Chad comes along those legs are spreading faster than a rumor
>i'm an ugly awkward male obsessed with a stacy
You aren't special anon.
And when you call roadside assistance a female mechanic changes your tire right anon? You are so fucking stupid
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The girl I'm dating has an ex-husband. I don't even know what to say anymore.
If you have to put effort in, then she doesn't want to be with you. A woman will make it easy if she wants you. There will be obvious hints, and she'll agree with whatever you suggest. Maybe try one desperate hail mary attempt, then find another one. Don't just pine over one person.
You're ignorant to believe women cannot perform manual task. But I have never seen one of you good ole boys change a tire on your monster truck. You need a team of people to change a tire.
Funny enough i had to change my tire this morning, i dont drive a monster truck and i never said women cant do it, they just wont and most dont know how to
>I hit it off with a girl very well
>be basically have all the same interests and hobbies and stuff
>also into all the same sexual shit as me once we start to hit it off
>claims to be lonely like me too
>I wake up to a text a month later that "oh yeah sorry someone came back into my life and I can't talk to you anymore" wow thanks for confirming I wasn't the only one and that there were better options, and that I had no chance because I was an e-nigga. sorry I just needed to vent. Well I mean at least she told me why I'm blocked before blocking me on everything, most girls don't do that. Is this typical of BPD women?
sorry that I forgot to end the greentext at the end btw I'm just tired
Oh dam she catchin STDs then? Ew, dont want her no more hehe
That it's not gonna work out
holy hell why am seeing you everywhere today. anons beware that this girl is in a relationship already but still has crush in his bfs musician friend. horrible stuff.
Why don't manlets and other ugly men understand that one night stands are not for them?
we are not trying to get one night stands, the whole point of this post is to talk about how we have to put in effort to get in the sack with a woman meanwhile tall chad doesn't have to try
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Virgin men and ex-sluts belong together though don't they? Both are less desirable than their counterparts: virgin women, and popular men.
>oh I bet you think I'm a whore if I've slept with more than 3 guys?"
BITCH?? That's the definition of being a WHORE
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this is the blackest pill of all, also known as the niggerpill. incels recoil at the thought. it's pretty bad but it makes sense logically. oh well. guess its over.
>The girl you're putting effort into
but I'm not putting effort towards women
yeah you're basically instantly getting swept to the side if a chad from that "former" part of her life comes back into her life
i dont even mind if theyve got a few bodies, i would do the same if i had the chance, its just disheartening to know tht they can basically have whatever they want while i starve
"You're not a whore because you weren't paid"
You kill a person, you're a murderer. You steal, you're a thief. You sleep around, you're a whore.
Murderers are always murderers. Thieves are always thieves. Whores are always whores
>looks inside "autistic lonely femcel"
>2 digit body count
Just know that I feel for you. This must be fucking horrible. I don't know how I'd get over this if it happened to me.
Then don't put effort?

Take your pills
you know for some guys it's either redirect all your life towards a woman to get anything out of her or stay an incel forever, right? some dudes don't actually have women approaching them. they have to work to even get a woman to notice them let alone get pussy. in that case I recommend not doing anything at all and giving up but it's easier said than done.
Hey man, it is what it is

If all your options are bad, all you can do is pick the least bad one
it wouldn't be so bad if they actually enjoyed the sex they were having during casual encounters. at least I could understand that. the sad part is that these women almost universally say the sex is underwhelming and empty. yet, they get a thrill and sense of validation out of it so they keep coming back for more because they're insecure.

if they're doing it because they love having sex with strange men, more power to them imo. but usually it's just a very pathetic attempt to feel better about themselves and nearly always backfires and they either learn that or some never do until they can no longer get it.
Weird kekold cope

You are a weirdo, don't bother quoting me
bluepilled & brainwashed i see
>we have to put in effort to get in the sack with a woman meanwhile tall chad doesn't have to try
Then your issue is with chad not a woman. In life effort does not mean a guarantee of success in any endeavor. You may have an athlete that trained their whole life and some rookie has success immediately. Or a person works for years on an idea for a business without success and something changes slightly and someone else succeeds.
>underwhelming and empty
That has more to do with the guy not performing to expectations. On occasion you find a guy and the sex is so incredible I hardly have the strength to dress and thinking all the while when I can see him again.
bad bait. women don't usually admit to being a whore like this. Study first, bait later.
I'm not that other guy, so why should I by default also have whatever he had? maybe you could call me a cuck, but i think an explanation needs to be given as to why this is the default stance. people aren't equal, so why am I all of a sudden entitled to something someone else had?
Nta but you're 100% a tranny. Rope and cope troon.
>On occasion
you aren't exactly making it sound like the odds are good lol. a quarter of the time you get fucked really good and the other 3/4 you feel terrible?
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i dont agree with that honestly, i guess the label can stay but that doesnt mean the person continues the action
like pottery
it's not my first time this has happened to me so I'm not as hurt as the first time it happened, but I still feel terrible just how easily disposable I was, she basically told me that she "kind of" (KIND OF?) appreciated our friendship but that she can't be friends with me anymore because we were sexual with each other and "life's not fair :p" (yeah that's genuinely super fucking hurtful to be told this)and that she wants to start things over with someone who recently got back into her life. I mean at least she had the decency of telling me WHY she's blocking me on everything, most girls don't even do that they just block you outright and it's usually always because they found someone else
and to answer your question, you don't get over it. I still think about the girls I fumbled a decade ago. I genuinely don't think I will ever get into a relationship especially since virginity gives women the ick
>i dont agree with that honestly
can't disagree with reality, buddy. you either accept it, or slam head first into a wall
once an incel always an incel?
one is a lack of something (lack of pussy/relationship), the other is an adittion(more bodies)
>but that doesnt mean the person continues the action
their mind has been affected by it, and they might have developed trauma from it, and it shows they're an immature person who might cheat on you if they don't get enough attention from you
You >>78254061 dont think being an undesirable man who cant draw female attention for years doesnt do something to his psyche? This anon >>78254064 seems to believe so. I think you can cleanse your mind mostly of negative feelings due to this, but the underlying issue has to first be solved. (by becoming Chad or getting a gf)
Women live life on easy mode while men live life on hard mode.
This is why I'm not putting effort into women. It's pretty simple.
being promiscuous even in the past is like having a shit tattoo or a drug addiction, it shows you're very prone to impulsive and risky behavior, which makes you unstable as a romantic partner, especially if combined with untreated mental illness and past trauma
This is the blackpill in a nutshelll
Thing is, incels don't get this shit for free, they need to put in alot of effort, still.
That's just wrong.
And honestly, incel>whore.
Even the depressing fucktard here has more potential to be a good parter than any of the soulless meat bicycles

Life is rigged its unreal
so no addict has ever turned their life around? cmon man
Effects of being a whore are irreversible.
No woman can love, but those can't even bond
well you cant grow your hymen back so duhhh, and the memories last so youre not completely wrong, women love Chad though so youre wrong there
>women love Chad
What does "love" mean in this context?
I mean, one unfortunate accident, and beloved chad gets dropped like he's nothing
they lust over him and imagine that they can fix and tame him and turn him into a good husband, and it's typically chad that drops them not the girl, what do you think a "situationship" is? it's when one person wants a relationship and the other doesn't
I remember this former addict coming to talk to my high school about drugs. He was like, 45 or so. Said he'd gotten addicted in his 20s to heroin and did a lot of crazy shit, owed thousands to gangs, got into legal trouble, etc. Said he's been clean over a decade, but if he's honest with himself, nothing has ever felt as good as that heroin high. Nothing ever will.
After being an alcoholic for a while, and 'turning it around' I can say I'm not the same person as I was before. I still want to get wasted. I remember how it felt, and my brain has been permanently altered. You can stop taking drugs but you're still changed. Whether someone wants to put up with that isn't for the 'former' addict to decide.
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does that mean that mayli and elliot rodger would get along?
The Supreme Gentleman was only into blonde white girls, anon.
Literally just go to a church bro, find some girl that was raised Christian they're probably not whores
>He hasn't heard about "born-again virgins."
NTA but
>I'm not Christian so the whole relationship would be built on a lie basically
>church girls are also big on the whole "ask my parents for permission to marry me" thing and I'm a loser who works a minimum wage job
>church girls are kind of normie and turn fat after marriage
>church girls still use social media and see how degenerate culture is, i was raised christian myself i know theyre not as pure as they look
She was probably a one night stand to somebody a week ago.
Dont fuck with women, just fuck whores they are cheaper in the long run.
>and nearly always backfires and they either learn that or some never do until they can no longer get it.
Holy cope
Stop posting, you imbecile
>Why do you believe you have any right to monitor what she does, who she talks with and where she goes?
That's not at all what OP was saying.
It's the dreaded feeling that you are putting effort into being with a girl while some other guy gets to fuck her while not even putting half as much effort into it. How the hell do you confuse that as owning someone. Imagine you trying your hardest to get with a man but other women that just met him an hour ago are already having sex with him. How would that make you feel??
you are replying to a tranny bro
mayli is so hot I would marry her and fap to her vid while feigning ignorance about it in the relationship
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Then you haven't met many elderly people. My grandparents were in an old folks home for 3 years, visited them at least once a week. You couldn't imagine the love some of these people had. It is out there, just hard to find.

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