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what are the implications on the new wave of lgbt people being racist and generally far right in sentiment?
Fags have always been racist. They just hide it because of optics.
nobody needs to hide it in 2024, pajeet hate is normalized
that's not the case outside of your 4chancel hugbox. Election tourists ruined the anime site because losers and the alt right overlap. That's why r9k the incel subreddit, is the most /pol/ like. In short touch grass. Gou outside and see how well anybody likes your alt right ideals outside of 4cent garbage. Not even just lgbt and progressives. Go and tell "normal" people your hobby of sitting on an imageboard posting wojaks for several years.
I'm assuming someone on the "right" bullied you once and you're still holding a grudge about it.

Please, get some help for your anger issues before you shoot up a school.
Psychoanalysts used to associate faggotry with fascism, the military is full of them for a reason. They have been psyopped in our view to be the nice passive effeminate people but this really shouldve been foreseen. Also, rightoids tend to be neurotic, and "having an lgbt identity" is definitely a type of neurosis, so it really just fits.
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>that's not the case outside of your 4chancel hugbox
yes it is. someone opened grindr at the RNC. they are full of fags
Tranny post.
Yeah becasue those fags are in the closet idiot. They think that if they just love jesus enough, go to church enough, and donate enough to republicans that will save their soul. Im sure they repeat this while a 19 year old trap sucks their cock or a 24 year old trans chick fucks their ass. The only thing they are doing though is setting themselves up to be the first people purged from the party.
trump held an LGBT gala at his mansion
it will be like Ernst Rohm who helped Hitler get into power and then get shot for being gay
Thats cool, those people are idiots. Republicans desperately want to gas gay people and are barely being held back by social norms right now. Its extremely obvious to anyone who is not an idiot that voting for republicans as a gay person is voting against their interests. There are a lot of people in the community who hate themselves deeply though so they do stuff like find a wife and vote republican to feel better about themselves. These people end up trooning out HARD in their 30s and 40s after they can no longer stand the sight of themselves.
>muh american politics npc babble
this isn't going to make trannies like pajeets anon
What the fuck are you talking about. Are you so deep in the weeds that you have lost the ability to talk to people?
save the political analysis for your blog grandpa
>he doesn't know
grindr even had to do damage control for how racist their app users are
>say ack!
I love this image it's so cute and funny
You can no longer filter by race, iirc.
so? that's the default on hetero apps lol
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None of this would be a problem if ugly people had the shred of dignity that incels do and just stood down

But then again, it's politically incorrect to tell an ugly tranny that they are disgusting, so I guess it's forgivable for them to not understand
You used to be able to
never saw it on tinder anon
zoomer trannies do it all the time
no one can take shit like this seriously when you can be called alt right just for owning property or owning guns
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>implying this changed anything
>new wave of lgbt people being racist and generally far right in sentiment?
Voting demographics don't really back this up.
>grindr even had to do damage control for how racist their app users are
Racial preference =\= racist
just make the leap anon, the right wing is waiting
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How do I obtain a far right big dick mommy gf(male)
what's wrong with being racist?
Ackshually he wasn't, he was shot because he was advocating for further revolution and a legitimate threat to Hitler's power. Hitler knew he was gay for years and defended him.
Alphabet people are no longer exclusively Jewish, so there will be more diversity of political opinion.
Trump and his supporters are illiterate retards. No thanks
you're on 4chan, you're equivalent to an illiterate retard in status
White people are literal golems.

>errrm ackchyually sex reassignment surgeries at 12 and putting rifles in your anus are good and moral actions
>nooooo we cannot let Russia and Iran keep existing
>yes, gay marriage is non negotiable as is dying for Israel
Log off, they literally don't exist.
Good, they are literally looking out for each other then. The OP image would not happen if ugly men were reminded that they are too ugly to do anything but make a mockery of themself that will never receive the validation they set out for and will erode their self-esteem to the point of their suicide. Cute twink trannies need to give sub-5 trannies the much-needed fatherly guidance that they must have missed out on throughout their lives
browse >>>/lgbt/ for one day
fpbp (fifth)
>nobody needs to hide it in 2024, pajeet hate is normalized
not a pajeet, but why are people suddenly hating on pajeet migrants when they had so many years to develop their hate against middle eastern and sub-Saharan migrants which objectively act even worse than pajeets.
Pajeets are just creepy and disgusting, but I'm yet to hear about them making no-go zones or trying to enforce sharia law.
they enter the middle class where white people are

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