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>be me
>An Alien
>One day discover a planete call "Earth".
>Discover human race
>Realize i should invade theire planete to save them from theire own violence and brutality.
>Realize human can be good and i can change something.
>I try to take down the secret global gov.
>I fail.
>I search why.
>I discover 4chan
>I discover all my plans leaks on this website but theire replace alien by China, jew, leftist, or capitalism.
>I realize the secret service just watch theorys on 4chan to discover what are my next plan.
>I realize gouvernement need these idiots to defeat me.

Fuck you human. I just try to help you.
Go back to Plebbit, you fucking faggot.
It's for this kind of stuff Space Trade Union don't want you.
fucken gottem
Did you ever asked to yourself why we (alien) are always bad guy in movie or video game ?

No of cours.

Listen to me i'm trying to help !
cool, solidarity lessons between cuban people and half niggers, im so happy im in this prison
I don't get it.
Why you always talking so weird on this website.

When i study human outside they don't talk like people here.
Fuck off, we're full
You can crash on the Moon I guess...
are you the guy who flew over that one anon's house? if not do you know that guy ?

also we are trying to stop jews. so it's your fault for having kike like plans. how are we supposed to know that your not a space jew
Kill the billionaires and then you'll be welcomed.
Sometime i try to land on your planete to walk into nature but of cours you destroy it more and more.
You are litterally the only specie in the univers who do that kind of thing.
Martien don't do this stuff and everybody know an average martian is a fucking retard.

Also maybe you can stop the jew if you LET ME DO MY JOB !
I try but /pol/ scream out loud my plan.
>muh enviromentalism
>humans are le bad
>humans are below retards (basicaly animal)
you are a space kike. go do your kikery ways somewhere else. unless you bring a cute nerdy boy for me. you know why
Bro just use alien technology to land inside their houses and then shoot them until they die. You're making this too complicated
Since i discover you the SSC (Solar System Council) made some rules about how i should act with you. If i kill an human my life will REALLY become shit.

I don't have the right to kill an human but i can convince a human to start a revolution or do conspiracy.
When i try to create a booster of health for you and experience it on animals IDK how someone from the global secret gov change the formula and create Covid. After this i try to create a vax but of cours you say it was a poison so global secret gov understand i was behind it and change the formula of my vax.
I never said human are bad.
see Mr Alien there is a website called Reddit, full of jolly witty people. much better than this shithole of negativity. There is a certain community on Reddit named r/4chan where where people post interesting threads from here. I hereby declare that I plan to cross post this thread to Reddit and profit from thei currency " Upboats". Do I have your permission, Mr Alien?
If it's the only thing i can do to bring joy...
yeah post it on reddit.
Also thank to be so polite it's rare these days.
thank very much Mr Alien. I vow to use my future profits and connections that come with the wealth to help your cause to topple the human government.
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i'm sorry alien dude. please name my planet in no man's sky
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No prob human,

thank for the support my dude.
how you talk about them i-imean us clearly shows how you think about humans. now bring me a cute boy or get your self over here i wanna pat an alien boy
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So what are you supposed to do after you get niggered?
can i see your planete, my fellow human ?
Mondial peace and maybe try to put you in SSC so you can maybe feel better in your skin.
It's my job.
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here you go alien dude. i found it in a galaxy i named Somalian Pirates. i was thinking about naming it Rape Gabe or Gabe Woerishofer but you are more experienced in the cosmos than i
It's just piss me off i try my best for you and you don't help me instead you prefer to be cuck by your global secret gov.

Anyway, we know a race of alien who look like human femboy but they are carnivor and have 2 dick. But they are very cool people. Is this okay for you ?
Who the fuck is Gabe Woerishofer ?
r/UFOs best place on the internet. Only subreddit I use.
Somalian pirates you say ? Why not call it France or Sweden ?
Gabe Woerishofer is a secret service CIA spy, he is the reason alien dude fails in his mission to help humans. the very bane of alien dude's existence and everyone must Rape Gabe
fuck wrong message my bad.
Wow you have a reddit account that people can look at? That's attention seeking behavior. Shame on you.
Intresting... i put his name in my report to SSC.
Thank you.
When i will invade the Earth i promise you will have some of our beautiful female.
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how many am i allowed? will they love me for who i am or is this all just purely carnal and they will only desire me for my body? i welcome your kind and the fellowship between our two species but i don't just want to become breeding sow, i have a lot of no man's sky to play and a lot of Gabe to Rape (his crimes will not go unanswered)
>>I discover all my plans leaks on this website but theire replace alien by China, jew, leftist, or capitalism.
>>I realize gouvernement need these idiots to defeat me
Lmao. Go back to Zarlak you alionoid
Ok plutonian.
This shitty orgaznisation human call NASA say you are not a planete.
Since this day you are the joke of the solar system and for ONE TIME human have right.
>nigggered ?
anon did you get blacked?
two of them? sure this will be fine.
i'll help you out as much as you want/ can

There is no "nigger" in space. After peace we do nothing about these kind of problem SSC don't care.


Are you sure ? It's really two big cocks.
But they are cute actually.
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this is the timeline
You seem a pretty good person i think you will easily find a sexy alien female. What can of person you want ?

Also, i will do some search about this Gabe. If he his an CIA agent maybe the SSC can give me right to send a BDAC (BIG DOUBLE ALIEN COCKS) to his home.
Goddamn gay niggers from outer space.
I just call the SSC : we prepare also a COCK AND BALL TORTURE to this CIA spy. They are worst than guys on /pol/
Hello, can you send me some alien steroids or nanites or something that will turn me into a real life Baki character without turning me impotent? I'll help your crusade if you do.
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After i invade Earth.
If you want to help make a "coup d'etat" or become a posadist
Are you guys some kinda commies? Lame.
Also I thought you said you can't just invade.
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Not really commie but posadism is a step you can choose to meet us.
I can invade but i can't kill human with my hand. It's why i use conspiracy or other things to destroy your big gov.

No need to thanks me.
Okay, so... what do you guys do for fun? Do you like archery? MMA?
Galactic football is pretty popular and interdimensional chess too. I personnaly like to listen Classik Deconstrucked Rock when i work.

Also we do a lot of sex without shame.
There is plenty women for everymale on your planete... Why virgin exist ? Why are you retard ?
Women choose who gets sex and they are very picky, also they don't like sex as much.
Personally I want to be a virgin until I marry another virgin.
Are all aliens promiscuous or is it just your species?
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Mr Alien, do you mind coming on my podcast?
>space nigger is complaining

you will never be an earthling
what kind of bow do you shoot anon?
sorry benevolent aliene i just like making big cums and trolling on 4chan :(
I just have a cheapo fiberglass 41# magyar horsebow. I'm thinking about getting a 50# laminated one or maybe a ragim impala.
Are most aliens humanoid monkey-like creatures or are there some elephant or bird descended ones
I'm shy sowwy >w<
My species
The SSC is don't angry against you feeble human.
Most of us are humanoid but martien look like a mix between onions boy and mental retard.
I find Taylor-Joy beautiful.
Remind me my first love.
Fuck you space nigger all you do i smoke weed and watch history channel

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