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You do realise women don't care about muscles, right? Like, when women are judging a man's attractiveness, muscles are literally at the bottom of the list. Why would anyone spend hours just lifting a piece of metal? Why do you exhaust yourself in the gym everyday?
the guy i'm into pretty much looks like dale from king of the hill. but i think many women are still into the typical fit guy look though.
He was born with chad features. I'm not so I'm compensating.
>Why do you exhaust yourself in the gym everyday?
running helps me to not feel like shit, also i get to be out in nature
A girl said to my friend that she has a crush on me. It felt great until I saw her tweets that said I looked like Saul from Breaking Bad and she was only attracted to my personality. It did hurt to see that tho :/
sorry to bring up a bad memory anon. but I meant this in a good way that makes me physically attracted to him basically.
bob odenkirk is hot
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The type of women who are into fit men tend to be bottom of the barrel masculine promiscuous women. All of the cute beautiful and feminine women are the ones who care about your face and hair
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>You do realise women don't care about muscles, right?
Yes. I'm a tall skinnyfag with a nice face and I've had plenty of women ask me out throughout life. My personality gives women the ick and they abandon me every time, however.
>Why would anyone spend hours just lifting a piece of metal? Why do you exhaust yourself in the gym everyday?
I have nothing to do and need to pass time
>You do realise women don't care about muscles, right?

who said I'm getting muscular for foids?

when a girl does makeup and looksmaxxing everybody will defend them they are doing it for themselves, but if a guy does it, then it's definitely for women lol
>who said I'm getting muscular for foids?
you are either doing it for the or you have autoandrophilia and are gay
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Women are only "into" good DNA. Anything else like muscles is a healthy cope at best.

Let me repeat that for the less intellectually abled among us - Women are ONLY into GOOD DNA and NOTHING ELSE. Anything you can possibly change, be it muscles, education, wealth, a haircut or fashion plays an insignificant role in deciding your attractiveness. Your children will inherit your genes if you were to leave her or die. That is the ONLY thing they are interested in even if they don't usually know it themselves. She may marry a rich guy or a "nice" guy if their wealth or support otherwise is a sufficient enough net positive to their kids when compared with the DEVASTATING negative impact of them inheriting their subhuman genes. She is NOT attracted to her husband, no matter how much she tries to deceive herself.

Personality is the biggest cope. Your "personality" is decided in 0.1 seconds during first eye contact. Anything a good looking man does is cute or handsome and anything an ugly guy does is cringe or creepy. For those who still cling to the personality cope - we now know that you have little control over it, being largely genetic+environmental. You are either born or imbibed with extroversion and charisma during childhood, usually some form of positive reinforcement and good life experiences.
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Yep, love seeing women BTFOing /fit/fags
Yeah ive never liked overly muscular guys. i like chub on my men, its adorable and they are comfy to cuddle :)
>men are generally into nice tits and wide hips, good dna
>women and generally into tall height and a full head of hair, good dna
Nothing wrong here. You can stop complaining now, troon.
>men are generally into nice tits and wide hips, good dna
nice try trying to spin the rant around, but men are into every single thing outside of literal disease, deformation or obesity (and some are even into that)
>but men are into every single thing outside of literal disease, deformation or obesity (and some are even into that)
Wrong men have two bars. One for which ones girls to fuck and one for girls that they want to be in relationships in. You described the former, for the latter they only want becky or better.
Nah, you are just denying reality. Male taste always includes wide hips and a small waist among other things.
or maybe I was just skinny as fuck and looked fragile like a glass? you realize that looking good doesn't make you neither a faggot or a simp?
>Have girlfriend
>"I don't care about muscle anon I like skinnyfat guys and dadbods"
>Do it anyways
>Girlfriend pretends she's not into it the entire time
>Sees me lifting one time
>Creams herself about it
Yeah women lie. If you say that you don't require your partner to be a certain way it makes you seem like a better person and also gets you off the hook when you inevitably gain 100lbs from refusing to work on yourself at all and blame everybody around you instead.

Women, not even once.
>or maybe I was just skinny as fuck and looked fragile like a glass?
Ok fine this is also a good reason to lift and partially autoandrophilia
>when you inevitably gain 100lbs from refusing to work on yourself at all and blame everybody around you instead.
you do realise there are thousands of other ways to stay fit other than muh lifting. too much muscle is bad for your heart also
A man doesn't need to be even fit or ripped for this though. Men just look good when in the act of working out, like do you know what it looks like to women when you do bench press? Hot asf. Or maybe I'm just a perv
>t. used to go to gym, now work out at home
But gym did have its good sides.
gymcels never recovered from this
Sitting on your ass drinking a case of beer a night and eating bags of chips and french fries for 6 straight hours then going to bed isn't a good way to stay fit. It's a good way to gain a hundred pounds then get mad at everybody else and refuse to do anything about it.
>Sitting on your ass drinking a case of beer a night and eating bags of chips and french fries for 6 straight hours then going to bed isn't a good way to stay fit. It's a good way to gain a hundred pounds then get mad at everybody else and refuse to do anything about it.
weird argument
gym culture only existed for the last 50 years and people are fatter now than ever
I lift so I dont look breakable and feel good within myself, its nice having physical strength, to have all clothes look decent on me as I cba with fashion too much. I feel restless if I dont lift, plus as well it has contributed to getting gfs and hookups, ive even had lesbians grope me.
I dont even care, my goal is late 60s, early to mid 70s MAX but past that things drop off fast, I dont want to deteriorate into a bag of bones.
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>centuries of human ideals
>decades of scientific studies and consensus
>clickbait youtuber talking about steroid abusers

who will win?
Eating 24/7 also didn't exist 50 years ago. We have easy all day access to calorie dense, good tasting food instead of eating 2-3 meals a day at set times of mostly vegetables and proteins.
you know you can just....not eat so much, right? you don't need to lift heavy objects to not be fat
>implying I give a fuck what women think
lol. Lmao even.
I'm not the one doing it, women are. I hit 30 and I flipped to trying to get fit and take care of myself, they hit 30 and say the world should change around them being fat and old.
I lift to beat up other men and intimidate them, not get women
some women do like gym bods. women that work out might appreciate men that work out. stop acting like you know what every woman wants
Yup it's so extremely demoralizing. I improved myself in every aspect but I'll never get the physical intimacy I need because I have a heavily receded chin. A nice chin is like the second most important thing about facial aesthetics and I had to inherit this shitty genetic trait from my dad. I never mouth breathed in my entire life, it literally was over before it even fucking began
Just get a genioplasty then.
It's not like these things are very acceptable to do for men. First of all I would probably have to move far from home because everyone I know would suddenly see me as an extremely insecure freak and if I ever had children they would inherit this bullshit too.
not here
not quite

being e.g. a mouthbreather might have nothing to do with quality of the DNA and it affects facial bone structure
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>He doesnt know about the strength shit test and strength comparisons to other males that comes 3-6 months into a relationship
If muscles aren't what women care about, why does every single Chad who enjoys massive success with women have them? Likewise, why is this incel board overwhelmingly populated by skinny men with no muscles?
How bad is it? Post a pic of someone with a similar chin.
I mouth breathed somewhat growing up due to septum deviation. It's not like those extreme cases but still very much noticable. Luckily I have somewhat decent beard growth to cover it up but I'm still considering an implant, as well for my cheekbones.
Women only want a man to be toned, with visible abs, he doesn't have to be a beefcake like i like it
Women like athletic guys.
Even the manlets who played football and hockey in college crushed. Women aren't impressed by roid apes and neither is anyone else. Even if you're only okay looking you will do far better with women if you're somewhat cut up than if you're slobmaxxing.
>every single Chad who enjoys massive success with women have them
they don't. next question.
also lmao @ you I thought this wasn't an incel board? at least keep the narrative straight when you're samefagging all over the place
Like this. I look like a fucking chud from the side, even though the rest of my face looks good. I can't grow a beard at 25 either. It's fucking over.
I'd do anything to get surgery. Your jaw area literally looks like a newborn baby.
It's not my face but yeah, basically. Mine is probably even worse. I don't believe surgery is a good solution so I'm just fucked.
Wait till OP finds out that muscles dictate your facial anatomy...
Look, here's what I think. In your lifetime I think more people are going to think of you as a fag looking like that rather than if they knew you had plastic surgery. And again new people you meet won't even know you had one.
After the initial embarrassment wears off people are probably gonna respect you more not looking all weak and dysgenic. Especially if as you say you look good otherwise.
Normies are animals living by instinct, they don't even try to correct for halo effect. They don't even know it exists. Yet we have to depend on normalfag approval for so many things in life.
As I see it you are wasting a lot of potential if you don't adress this.
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Isnt this because they expect quite a bit from your base strength?

Im quite sure theyd all get instant ick if they saw you struggle to bench 45 lbs while all the other boys are benching 200 lbs easy
>man likes being a man
so a normal person?
Here's a suggestion, download some image editor and fuck around with your face for a bit to get a rough idea of what you could expect from a surgery.
> Why would anyone spend hours just lifting a piece of metal? Why do you exhaust yourself in the gym everyday?
I do it for myself, it's a hobby, it's like saying "why would you play and try to get better at videogames"
Thanks for the words anon. I still don't think I'll spend big money just because I'm insecure and normalfags are retarded, but maybe some day I'll say fuck it.
Captcha' M0GGD
Atlas and Hercules
What of them? They were masculine ideals, it was an ideal for men to strive for when females had almost no power in choosing their mate. Men's aspiration for the masculine and powerful has nothing to do with female preference but with competition amongst each other. You retards forget we are an intrasexual species, meaning our species decided who passed their genes through male competition, not female selection.
In conclusion, women might as well have always been attracted to cute twinks because it didn't matter throughout our evolution, ofcourse that changed in modern times when they became free and artificially protected.
i don't lift for you bitch, shut the fuck up
In that case it's not about not being able to do that, it's about try harding at something you're not good at. Literally just don't go to the gym with her if you don't normally go. Be authentic.
I think some strength training is good, to strengthen your bones and muscles to counter the loss that will occur in old age, but cardio is better
I have a really good chin and prominent jawline, almost chad tier and I still get no pussy and am invisible. It's a collection of things not one or two.
They do. They just dont care for autistic bf%. Looking better will make you more attractive, confident and seem more consistent.

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