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mbti talk goes here
The ENTP stereotype is grating and partially evolved from the female weeb culture that revolves around obsessing over those sassy, smug, and "dreamy" anime twink men.
not posting in this thread but will monitor it's health for research purposes
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sir, this isn't a valid argument
not an argument, a statement.
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bitch stfu lol
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>tries not to care, cares a lot
>mistakes pessimism for realism
>corrupts your morals as a bonding exercise
>feelings are boring
>needs to be valued because has zero self-worth
>represses feelings
>waits until you're not looking and does something nice
>libido intensifies
>i don't understand why you love me
>there's an easier way to do that

>must be ENTP now
Threadly reminder that there are only four functions,

Fi is not a function
Se is not a function
Ne is not a function

Function stacks are shit and do not belong in MBTI
Online tests are not MBTI
Shadow functions are shit

lol are you saying infp and enfj are the same thing
why do some people try to gaslight infp men into thinking a single woman on the planet would find them fuckable?
Technically, I am saying INFJ and ENFJ are virtually the same thing, the only thing that separates them is the introverted/extroverted attitudes.

The reason it's INFJ/ENFJ and not ENFJ/INFP is because the function stack theory has completely ruined the letter dichotomy. The dominant functions of both INFJ and ENFJ would be feeling, whereas the dominant function of INFP and ENFP would be intuition.
Perception types are supposed to have a perception function as their dominant, according to MBTI theory.
what do I study in uni/college as an INFP
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Socionics chuds, this is your reply

1.5 years passed and still no retort to this.
>Shadow functions are shit
That's the inferior function, bby
momma's boy complex trauma garbo whatever is not an mbti type
get therapy already, your every second post screams
>your every second post screams
Bitch this is /r9k/! You're insulting us!
>sassy, smug, and "dreamy" anime twink men
Wait the fuck out of a second, that's lterally me?
The shadow functions (take note it's plural), are not the same as the inferior function.
For example, the """shadow functions""" of an ENTP are Ni-Te, making the shadow type of ENTP an INTJ.

The inferior function of ENTP is sensation, and their inferior attitude is introversion, making their inferior type ISxJ.

But you are pointing to the very thing I am criticizing, modern """MBTI""" keeps stealing terms like "shadow" which refers to the unconscious inferior, and repurpose it to mean something completely different, and not only is it different, it's just bluntly wrong. They do this with EVERYTHING. Even the term function has been stolen and repurposed.
>why do some people try to gaslight infp men into thinking
It's funny as FUCK
The shadow functions refer to the "shadow stack", which is the opposite of the four "main" functions in the stack.
This garbage was created purely to support the shitty 8 function stack theory.

The "main" """"functions"""" of ENTP are Ne-Ti-Fe-Si
The "shadow functions" of ENTP are Ni-Te-Fi-Se
Then you invert the shadow stack, to Se-Fi-Te-Ni and add it to the main stack to get
Ne-Ti-Fe-Si-Se-Fi-Te-Ni which is the 8 function stack of an ENTP.

What does any of this mean? Absolutely fucking nothing, the theory is pure garbage. The 8 function stack doing what it does best, making a colossal useless mess of a nice theory.
My dick and balls
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quit ensulting ENTPs. as a newfound ENTP myself, you are projecting. us ENTPs get bitches and you don't.
>letter dichotomy
Literally worthless for describing personality
It's only useless because it's WRONG. If it was used correctly, it would work perfectly fine.

Everything modern is shit and useless because it's all made by incompetent retards who cannot understand the theory on which their idea is based.
If you translate letter dichotomy into MBTI and Jung, it lines up perfectly. The problem is they changed the letters to mean something that they're not supposed to mean.

INTJ is a judgement type, why does that type have dominant perception? Why are all the introverted types completely wrong?

INTJ = Introverted judging type =
Judging functions = thinking or feeling
Letter theory says thinking type, not feeling.
INTJ = Introverted thinking type
INTJ has dominant thinking and supporting (auxiliary) intuition.

Modern theory is HORRIBLE and gets nearly every single facet incorrect and does nothing except confuse people about typology, and funnel them into shitty online tests which lie to them about what type they are.
At this point you must be trolling for real
INTJ is actually a perception type. they are Ni dominant which is highly subjective and personal.

the secondary function is where most cognitive thought is exerted, so they are effectively a poor mans Te type influenced by Ni schizophrenia.
I guess it's just too complex for you to wrap your head around so you just default to the "lol ur're such a troll! XD" to defend your fragile ego from having to recognize and reconcile the fact that you're ignorant as hell.
incorrect, look at the letters
I - Introverted
N - iNtuitive
T - Thinking
J - Judging

INTJ is a JUDGING type, not a PERCEPTION type. INTP is a perception type, which has dominant intuition. Just like ENTP, which is a perception type with dominant intuition (perception).
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same way INTPs are effectively schizoids influenced by Ti autism-lite. the majority of their thought is objective patterns that could be through Ne cognitive effort, but since they lack any Se grounding they are floaty and essentially orb ponderer autists forever living in fear of Fe and trying to predict immediate futures that aren't happening around them, but "theoretically could".
This is spoken nonsense
Intjs are intps in socionics
So if that is your complaint just stick with socionics lmao
(Btw if you want to know why intjs are judgers in mbti, its because extroverted judging functions are the ones they show to the outside world, and ti is an internal and self referncing process)

>B-but there are no 8 functions, only 4
So you are claiming se and si are the exact same thing, even though they produce a completely different type of person? Lmao ok, i guess estps and istjs are the exact same type then

If there is anything wrong about mbti, is that it is too restrictive, and the solution is NOT to make it even more simplistic y reducing the functions to just 4
intj here and im fucking retarded wtf are you talking about
This thread is why the whole world sucks
>You can only think or feel, not both!
>You can only sense or theorize, not both!
you're not right.

for instance, Te is a highly perceptive dominant function. it's not an internalized function. if you compare Te and Ne, you can see how influential outside information is to how they see things. it's filtered through and colored by their secondary function, but it completely relies on the external perception to filter incoming information.

question an INxJ about their core beliefs and see how "perceptive" and flexible they are in their belief systems. question an IxTP and see how rigid they are with their worldview.

INxJs will dismiss you and IxTPs will call you retarded. ExTJs will fight with the information you present and be more "perceptive" because of the nature of their dominant function.
You clearly don't understand what these things are measuring, you probably think "feeling" means "emotion". No one said anything remotely close to what you implied.
Please, Read Jung. Or at the very least, the original work on MBTI.
Incorrect, "Te" for one is not a function.
One of its components, thinking, is a function. And that function is a judgement function, just like feeling. The functions thinking and feeling do not perceive things. Perception is strictly the realm of intuition and sensation.
You are perceiving this text on your screen with your senses (your eye balls).
>it's not an internalized function
Meaningless drivel. All functions are internalized. You cannot think outside of your own brain. All of your thoughts happen internally.
>if you compare Te and Ne, you can see how influential outside information is to how they see things
More meaningless words.
>but it completely relies
You are just full of downright wrong information. Nothing is completely one way or the other. This is exactly why Ne is not a function. Because it implies that the function is entirely extroverted, which is impossible.

You have a 600 ELO take on typology. I'm ignoring the rest because it's horrible and blatantly wrong.
s*phie kill yourself you pathetic waste of life

>The Four Functions
>The essence of Jungs comprehensive theory of type is that everyone uscs four basic mental functions, or processes, that are called Sensing (S), Intuition (N), Thinking (T), and Fecling (F).

The confusion arises from the table directly above this:

Table 3.1 The Eight Jungian Functions
But what she is actually referring to is the eight Jungian types, as there are only four functions in Jungian typology.


>By psychological function I understand a certain form of psychic activity that remains theoretically the same under varying circumstances. From the energic standpoint a function is a phenomenal form of libido (q.v.) which theoretically remains constant, in much the same way as physical force can be considered as the form or momentary manifestation of physical energy. I distinguish four basic functions in all, two rational and two irrational-viz. thinking and feeling, sensation and intuition.
>I differentiate these functions from one another, because they are neither mutually relatable nor mutually reducible. The principle of thinking, for instance, is absolutely different from the principle of feeling, and so forth. I make a capital distinction between this concept of function and phantasy-activity, or reverie, because, to my mind, phantasying is a peculiar form of activity which can manifest itself in all the four functions.

There are four functions: thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. Any time you are using your brain I.E. imagining something, you are using all FOUR functions simultaneously. Every function is ALWAYS being used.

Checkmate 8 function stack retards. You're blatantly wrong and have never even read a single word of the source material.
yet another overrepresented INTP reporting for duty
Lmao, dude... you're so off base it's not even funny. Like, have you even read Jung yourself, or did you just skim a Wikipedia page and call it a day?
Fi, Se, Ne, and all the other function attitudes are ABSOLUTELY a thing. Jung literally talks about them in Psychological Types. Maybe try actually reading the source material before making bold claims.
And function stacks? Shadow functions? They make perfect sense if you understand the theory. Just because YOU can't wrap your head around it doesn't mean it's "shit." It just means you need to study more.
But hey, keep living in your little bubble where only the four basic functions exist. The rest of us will be over here actually understanding the nuances of typology.
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>Incorrect, "Te" for one is not a function
you lost me there. didn't read the rest.
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>Incorrect, "Te" for one is not a function.
>One of its components, thinking, is a function. And that function is a judgement function, just like feeling.
wait wait wait. so are you saying INTP and ENTJ are both judging types? they both lead with thinking, no?
>There are four functions: thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. Any time you are using your brain I.E. imagining something, you are using all FOUR functions simultaneously. Every function is ALWAYS being used.
so... there's no types at all? what's the point of the theory if every time you fire up your noggin, you're just using your mind which uses everything all the time has nothing to do with any specific functions? why not just say "brain on" and "brain off"?
are you the retard or is jung the retard here?
No one is the retard but INFJ-A is painfully autistic/big-picture-challenged at the worst of times and picks bad hills to seppuku on
I think the enneagram is far more interesting than MBTI because it deals with motivations and fears, rather than just thought processes. It's far more useful for understanding yourself.
very inferior Se of him.
mbti does that as well but much more specifically/structurally esp w/ 8 functions.
Really helpful for understanding how that works in relationship with others, understanding other peoples perspectives and why they might clash.
enneagram feels way more surface level and basically points to stuff I already knew. mbti has been much more "revelatory" in making me notice and become aware of things I was not before.
>Fi, Se, Ne, and all the other function attitudes are ABSOLUTELY a thing
Scroll down to my other post, where I literally quote Jung's Psychological types where he directly says there are four functions, then proceeds to list them.
I never said "Si is not a thing" I said it's not a FUNCTION. You lack nuance.
"Si" is a type, namely the introverted sensing type. Whose dominant function is sensation, and whose preferred attitude is introversion.


>The Extraverted Thinking Type
Te = Extroverted thinking type.
Te = type
Type != function

Cannot make it anymore clear for you idiots.

>or did you just skim a Wikipedia page and call it a day?
Get lmao'd on.
Yes, yes, yes. You got it. INTP is actually supposed to be an INTJ, the J/P axis gets fucked up on introverted types because whoever made that system fucked it up royally by misunderstanding a misunderstanding that the OG MBTI made. Then to fix the mistake they made with the J/P axis, they just shoehorned in the shitty function stack theory so that it made a tiny shred of sense.
No, there are types.
And the point is that just because you're using every function, does not mean you are conscious of every function. The thing that differentiates types is what they are aware of in their own mind, and what they choose to tell other people from their mind.

A sensing type will not pay attention to their intuitions, and instead will tell you about their senses.

The implication that a type does not use a function directly flies in the face of the theory. It's impossible to NOT use your senses, you literally cannot turn that off. But you can choose to ignore it sometimes, in favor of your intuition. And that's what intuitive types do.
Same with thinking, etc.
I disagree completely, I've only found MBTI to be useful for determining how someone should be taught or what tasks/careers they may be proficient at. Enneagram explains so much of our personalities and the choices we make, especially when combined with instinctual variants. If you know someone's enneagram, you'll have a very good idea of how to persuade them. Utilise their driving emotions to your advantage.
lmao bro u really out here tryna act like u know shit huh? u think readin a couple quotes makes u some kinda expert? gimme a break. jung was clear as fuck about the 8 functions, if u actually read his shit instead of just skimmin wikipedia like a dumbass you'd know that. but nah, u just wanna cherry pick a few lines to make urself feel smart. well congrats, u played urself. Si ain't just a "type" u moron, it's a legit function. Te ain't just a type either. seriously, how fucking dense are u? this ain't rocket science. there's ti, te, fi, fe, si, se, ni, ne. 8 functions. period. end of story. miss me with your pseudo-intellectual bullshit tryna twist jung's words. u don't know wtf you're talkin bout. come back when u actually understand the basics instead of embarrassing urself postin this kinda crap lol. fuckin amateurs man, i swear.
>INTP is actually supposed to be an INTJ
but you said daddy jung said there's no introverts or extroverts.

>No, there are types.

>The implication that a type does not use a function directly flies in the face of the theory. It's impossible to NOT use your senses, you literally cannot turn that off. But you can choose to ignore it sometimes, in favor of your intuition
so what's the point of types if everyone uses sense, but some just choose not to or ignore intuition, or just aren't inclined to use things even though they always do? everyone is a sensor. everyone is an intuitor. why differentiate anything if everyone uses everything all the time?

is this why there are TYPES and different kinds of them? surely an INTP does not have the same mind as an ENTJ. is this just the shadow theory?
>Jung's Psychological type
That's the book where he says alternative approaches like MBTI are heckin cute and valid tho? Jungchuddies? Our daddie did a betrayal on us? What's our copium?
I mean it sounds like you just haven't looked too much into it, it gets most interesting when you see different types with opposing inferior functions, or how someone with tertiary si relates with someone dominant si or se. Seeing all of those relationships are very interesting and insightful, or just when I'm talking to people understanding if the are Ni or Ti dominant there are just fundamentally different ways of engaging with things that can appear very similar externally.

The "very similar types" like intj and intp actually basically being total opposites functionally while very different types like isfj and intp while externally coming off very different actually being extremely similar if you go past the surface is much more interesting to me.

if you want to psychoanalyze my feelings about enneagram i'm a 5w4 549 sp/sx
>INFJ-A is
hilarious and his presence is the best spice for popcorn.
>us ENTPs get bitches and you don't.
But I got an ENTP just now here?
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>The "very similar types" like intj and intp actually basically being total opposites functionally while very different types like isfj and intp while externally coming off very different actually being extremely similar if you go past the surface is much more interesting to me.
ahhh, finally some good shit.
>jung was clear as fuck about the 8 functions

He was clear about something.
>I distinguish four basic functions in all
>two rational and two irrational
>thinking and feeling, sensation and intuition.

Check mate in one, retard. Want me to pull up a video of him LITERALLY saying there are four functions? Literally straight from the horses mouth.


>but you said daddy jung said there's no introverts or extroverts.
No one said that, in fact I said the exact opposite. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what functions are, and what I am saying.

>so what's the point of types if everyone uses sense
Everyone has muscles, but not everyone is an athlete, why is that? What differentiates a person who uses their body athletically and someone who doesn't? This is the same concept, except applied to the physical body instead of the psyche.
Some people don't see what is in front of them, rather they see what is in their mind. That is what typology is differentiating.

I think I can answer your questions is you phrase them a bit better, they're a bit too vague.
it's le shit type of shit. get some taste. yikes.
lmao dude, you're trying way too hard to sound smart. like, congrats, you can read jung's basic bitch description of the functions. want a cookie? but you're completely missing the point. who gives a shit if jung called them "types" or "functions" or whatever the fuck else? it's all the same shit, just different words.
the real meat of it is how those functions actually play out in people's personalities. and guess what? turns out there's a lot more going on than just the four basic functions. the shadow functions add a whole other layer that explains a ton of shit about how people tick. but apparently that's too much for your smooth brain to handle.
you're over here jerking yourself off about semantics while the rest of us are actually gaining some real insight into ourselves and others. but hey, if you wanna keep your head up your ass and ignore the usefulness of the 8 function model, be my guest. just don't expect anyone to take your ignorant ass seriously.
maybe if you spent less time trying to "checkmate" people on the internet and more time actually learning about typology beyond the absolute basics, you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself like this. but who am i kidding, you're probably too dense to even realize how dumb you sound.
so wouldn't you then logically break down the types even further? into say 16 with differentiating strengths and preferences?
>you're trying way too hard to sound smart.
Just quoting this because it makes me smile.
>who gives a shit if jung called them "types" or "functions" or whatever the fuck else?
Jung cared enough to differentiate them with different terms. The entire point of typology is to differentiate.
>it's all the same shit, just different words.
I guess you should just eat some shit, it's the same thing as food it just has a different word. You need to study more Jung if your ability to differentiate is that undeveloped.
If you think it's merely semantics, you're stupid. It's called differentiation, a car is not an apple. You are not a tree, the ground is not the sky. An attitude is not a function, and a type is not a function.

Not reading the rest, not worth my time.
Strengths? No. Just because you prefer to do something a certain way, does not mean you are good at it. An intuitive type can be very bad with their intuitions and get them wrong constantly, same with any other type. A thinking type could have constantly bad ideas that never work, etc. MBTI is not measuring strengths or skills or effectiveness as using a function, or anything of that nature.
You can find ENTJs that are neets who will never amount to anything
And you can find ESTPs that own fortune 500 companies.
Types are already differentiated by preferences, that's what the term attitude is referring to.

And beyond those differentiations you made, there is nothing further to break them into.
Once you understand what functions actually are supposed to be representing, you'll see that there isn't very much room left for further differentiations. Which is why OG-MBTI only expanded the theory by adding an extra attitude, which is the J/P dichotomy. And that really wasn't even an expansion, as Jung already did that, just without defining it as an attitude.
jesus christ, you're even dumber than i thought. you're so far up your own ass with this "differentiation" bullshit that you can't see the forest for the trees.
no one's saying there's no difference between types and functions, you absolute dingus. the point is that getting hung up on the specific terminology is a waste of fucking time when the actual concepts behind them are what matter.
but apparently you're too busy jerking off to jung quotes to actually engage with the substance of the argument. "hurr durr, jung used different words so they must be completely separate things!" like, congrats on your basic reading comprehension skills, buddy. want a gold star?
and lmao at you trying to act like you're too good to read my whole post. we both know you read every word, you just don't have a real response so you're trying to save face. pathetic.
but please, keep going on about how types aren't about strengths and shit. like, no fucking shit sherlock. literally no one said they were. you're just pulling strawmen out of your ass because you don't have an actual argument.
the reality is, the 8 function model provides a framework for understanding the nuances of how types actually manifest in real people. but i guess that's too much nuance for your black-and-white thinking ass to handle.
but hey, if you wanna keep your head in the sand and cling to your oversimplified understanding of typology, be my guest. just don't expect anyone with half a brain to take you seriously. now if you'll excuse me, i have better things to do than argue with a brick wall. later, dumbass.
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>no one's saying there's no difference between types and functions
Huh, that's funny because:
>who gives a shit if jung called them "types" or "functions" or whatever the fuck else? it's all the same shit, just different words.
>it's all the same shit, just different words.

Consider yourself disregarded.
oh my god, you're actually too stupid to insult. like, i'm genuinely impressed by the sheer magnitude of your idiocy.
you really thought you did something there, huh? like, "hurr durr, you said it's the same shit but also that there's a difference, gotcha!" like, holy shit dude. it's called hyperbole, look it up. i know nuance is a foreign concept to you, but try to keep up.
the point, which apparently flew right over your thick skull, is that getting hung up on the specific words used is pointless when the underlying concepts are what actually matter. but apparently even that simple idea is too much for your pea brain to grasp.
but hey, if cherry-picking quotes and ignoring context is the best "argument" you can muster, then by all means, consider me "disregarded". i'm sure that'll make you feel better about your complete inability to engage with the actual substance of the discussion.
but please, keep embarrassing yourself. it's honestly hilarious watching you flail around and try to sound smart while completely missing the point. you're like a toddler trying to do quantum physics. it'd be cute if it wasn't so sad.
>No one is saying that!
>Quote you saying exactly that
Post your type and whether you want your close ones loving you for who you are or rather loving you unconditionally.
lmao, you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel now, huh? like, is that seriously the best you can come up with? a bunch of all-caps screeching and strawman bullshit?
i hate to break it to you, but making up fake quotes and arguing against points no one made isn't the epic own you seem to think it is. it just makes you look like even more of a dumbass than you already did. which, frankly, is quite an accomplishment.
but hey, if you wanna keep tilting at windmills and pretending like you're some master debater, be my guest. just don't expect anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together to take you seriously.
the fact is, you've yet to make a single coherent argument in this entire exchange. all you've done is cling to semantics, cherry-pick quotes, and make up strawmen to argue against. it's honestly kind of pathetic.
but i guess that's to be expected from someone who's so far up their own ass they can't even engage with basic concepts like nuance and context. you're like a walking dunning-kruger effect, too stupid to even realize how stupid you are.
>just don't expect anyone with less than two brain cells to rub together to take you seriously.

I don't mind if retards don't take me seriously. I am unperturbed by this. Retards (you) gon'na tard.
I do not like which occasions cause you to break out the popcorn so I do not care for how you season it
>Which is why OG-MBTI only expanded the theory by adding an extra attitude, which is the J/P dichotomy. And that really wasn't even an expansion, as Jung already did that, just without defining it as an attitude
so what does jung have to do with anything and what are you complaining about?
>have an appointment with a vocational evaluator
>whose purpose is to help me figure out what jobs i might be suited for
>get somewhat excited at the prospect of discussing functions and types and enneagrams and humorism and characterology with someone in person
>show up
>it's two sheets of simple questions
normies are basically animals anon, you'll learn eventually to have 0 expectations
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does this test even have any backing? it seems like ways for people to find personality than test it the way people identify with it. Genuinely curious to what actual credibility this has compared to other quackery and psych hogwash?
it makes people feel quirky and unique and that's all that matters.
as an infp male i feel like an unwanted freak science experiment gone wrong. i do not feel quirky or unique. i feel like a mistake.
infps are a mistake, male or female
Hitler is the most normieass shit imaginable, I'm so sick of it.
as an INTJ, i wish i wasnt an INTJ!!
I wish i had friends..
Doesn't having friends primarily depends on luck?

Like irl you meet any sort of people having friends they relate to and tet on well with. It's just they you should have met some you like in circumstances when making friends is easy.
as I figured, seems similar to astrology star sign type shit and how it forms personality. I dislike labels besides Christian and made in Gods image or things that are inherently true about my person like race or ethnicity seems more pertinent to me and is what I understand or respect
yeah true, i think my personality makes it harder to make friends tho + im autistic
Im just hoping i can make friends before i finish college or life will suck till i die
Phone screwed up my post
What's your mbti type and ethnicity?
Troll alert! Troll alert! Goofy goobers have been pinged on radar! Be on low alert! Literally nothing they could ever do, say, or Be can hurt you!
Why college?
My guess is that since you're "atypical" it's probably not that rational to necessarily follow default strategies of "college is the last opportunity to have fun in life", cuz those are mainly fit for "normies". Try alternative approaches, idk.
I am not aware of what I am with the test, I also feel whatever I was labeled would have enough justification no matter the label even if I was labeled as it. I am 50/50 German and Irish 1st gen In new world
want my serious, half-hearted take? Classifying people into arbitrary groups is as old as time, desu, MBTI is an interesting view on human nature and different personalities and how they operate in society, albeit pseudoscientific. but it holds no merit or value in real life and can't be used on people practically (in careers, etc.), taking it beyond a fun internet topic or test is just branding yourself as an insufferable person and ironically, without any personality or interesting hobbies. as long as you don't take yourself too seriously about it though, it's honestly fine.
desu my ass, I was trying to say "To-be-honest"
How warm are your toes at night?
>dude like people are unique dude you can't put them into boxes maaan
>the vast majority of women are literally carbon copies of each other and the ones that aren't are deemed autistic and retarded
okay, retard.
i wanna go college so i can get a decent job
and mainly just to make friends, i dont wanna spend the rest of my life alone in front of a computer
Nigga, I mean you can find friends outside college by engaging in various human activities, if it won't go too well there.
Who are you quoting there?..
>various human activities
like what exactly??
even so i really suck at socialising TwT
this seems to be the correct take from what I know and am aware of. Similar to people who make their identity one thing be it being gay, gamer, any fan of something beyond a enjoyer. it seems to be a replacement for community and common ground. Is there a personality for being pious honourable strong etc? I just think people are quick to find reasons to be slothful and unrepentant in a way about their actions, one can always improve. I've genuinely been able to kick meds and improve my mood easily 200% by reaching a understanding of things and having a full union with God and being able to just be happy and believe in myself all the shit that sounds corny is true most people are just poisoned literally or spiritually into rejecting the best advice they can get, however in their state of ignorance and separation from God the advice seems absolutely absurd obvious and ineffective. I genuinely feel better than I've been in 10+ years I can only compare it to being a child in terms of peace of mind and enjoyment of life. Not that it's not hard or i do not still struggle but its no longer unending. I hope a small percentage of my faith and positivity can reach 1 person who reads this
would depend upon the season and alot of other things but usually airing on the cold side. honestly preferable as just add blanket
Whatever you like, try looking for something social.

40k helped me a lot.


2 more questions. How often do you drink, do you prefer rural or cities, and what do you think about green energy? Why are you always so sad?
hmm I will continue to entertain this. I drink somewhat often usually taking 2 day or 3 day breaks between. I think green energy needs to be done more efficiently in manufacturing and recycling aswell as the question if thorium fission power is considered green. I'm also no longer sad all the time I used to be but no longer. Was for many reasons mostly problems with living Szasz was right. Szasz was right about it all, the one good Therapist I had agreed with me and Thomas Szasz and I left amicably and no longer considered myself ill :) genuinely reccomend you watch some interviews with Szasz on the myth of mental illness, my therapist seemed genuinely more sad than me talking about how he was discredited. She was also Hungarian
and rural I forgot to type it, it was such an obvious answer
If you are likeable, and a good listener, you can overcome your problem of not enough friends. This is something I as an INTJ have had difficulty with. I was an abrasive asshole before but have mellowed out over the years, and thanks to the book "The Charisma Myth" I've managed to identify some of the mistakes I was making with people. Once I make these changes, suddenly people that I interact with start inviting me for things! Amazing feeling.

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