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There is nothing left but sex and feeling empty.
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I'II bring it back, no need to thank me folks
Women's perception of love is so fucked they can deep throat Chad's dick and cuddle with their husband the same night
Women are such whores that they'll call you controlling for not wanting them to fuck other men while you're in talking stage.
If you want a relationship why are you fucking dudes on the side?
Only thing women likes are vibrating sex toys shoved up their holes
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conclusion: alpha coitus beta currency
Ive done this, I dont see the big deal unless there was some sort of exclusivity explicitly stated
gud pwoint
>Ive done this
We know, whore.
Im a dude lmao manwhore to you
Exclusivity from first date is stupid, nobody does that. Unless there is a mutual agreement both are free to date or have sex with other people. Most men are simply too much of a loser to have fwbs.
>that was the best ive ever felt in my entire life!
>*fucks chad next weekend*
Kek, cant write this shit
It just sends a wrong message tho, the message that bitch can't keep her legs closed, it's a turn off
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It's not sad that this is truth. It's sad that guys refuse to believe it and they still think real life is like fiction and fall for female lies and manipulation. Women use men for resources, children and status the same as chimpanzees and bonobos just come to terms with it and move on with your life. You are the same as a job, a car, a house to her, you're a beneficial accessory not a person to be loved for just who you are. If you want pure romantic selfless love go watch an anime or daydream the the only place it exists is in male imagination.
ok, id get it if she didn't care for the other person and didn't plan on seeing them anymore but she liked them enough to continue to date them and decided to fuck other people at the same, it's called being a skank
I'm with you on this. I've done it too. I'm not exclusive after one date. Holy shit, how big of a beta do you have to be to assume you're exclusive with someone after going to dinner once? I just assume that any woman I'm seeing is fucking other dudes until we get to a point where we've agreed to stop fucking other people.
My ex girlfriend did something similar if I remember correctly. It's fucked up but it's whatever.
>has sex one time
>"bitch can't keep her legs closed"
some quality extrapolation there sherlock
If you can have sex with someone else you are not really interested in the person you are talking/dating to, simple as. It's the same as you would never cheat on someone you actually love you cheat on someone you're using. Because you know you would actually care about the person and how your actions affect them and you wouldn't be interested in being wirh someone else. Society has been so hopelessly selfish and narcissistic people have to actually have this explained to them.
nta but it's only a big deal for me because I'm a virgin and I can't find other virgins that don't also have extreme mental issues, and nonvirgin women find virginity icky
Again, if you're searching for a relationship why are you fucking dudes on the side? You aren't looking for a serious relationship then, you just want to settle because you're feeling lonely or something
Based and monogamypilled, /thread, kill all sluts and manwhores, cinnamon biscuit 2025
Redditors are truly pathetic people
>Hi guys this thing happened and it makes me feel bad... Thanks for the responses, it's totally my fault for assuming she was exclusive and there was nothing wrong with her getting her back blown out by some other guy after she went on an amazing date with me
It's like the redditor is almost human, it has human instinct and then it gaslights itself with the help of otehr redditors into supressing it. I'm sure they will have a long and happy relationship when he's already having to ask other people to convince him the feeling he had aren't valid and this totally won't eat away at him I'm sure.
>Men told they need to be in touch with emotions
>Men feel disgusted with relationship dynamic
>Men told their feelings are problematic and they msut repress their e motions
>Men told they need to be in touch with their emotions
you barely know someone after a first date, let alone "love" retard
most first dates or second dates don't lead anywhere
it's because he will get downvoted for being a heckin misogynist if he dares to suggest that women should have personal responsibility and respect for someone who might become their future partner
>best date ever!
>see you next week!
>*glark glark glark glark glark glark glark*
>*plap plap plap plap*
>oh btw last year all my holes were getting filled by my ex's cock while you were busy at work falling in love with me after our amazing date
why do they even mention it
That's the point, if after a first date you don't see it going further then that's the end. Don't string some poor bastard alone because you want an emotional tampon. But if you do see it going further then have a bit of respect not to whore around.
>I make good money now so it doesn't count that I was gold digger in the beginning
Lmao even
>why do they even mention it
Women confuse what they find attractive with what men find attractive. They think it's hot if their man has a high body count because that proves he is desirable to many women but ultimately he chose her. Women are pack animals that make decisions with consensus so if the consensus determined her man is worth fucking that's a green flag.

Sometimes they project that feminine logic onto men, even though we (those of us who aren't cucks at least) want the exact opposite in a partner when it comes to body count/promiscuity. They do the same thing with education, job title and income. Those are all very important to women when finding a partner so a lot of them think having their own impressive education, job title and income will help score a Chad. Then they learn the hard way most men don't give a fuck about any of that and would rather date a high school graduate working as a waitress than an office drone with a MBA.
its a fair point, she could leave him and "fuck chads" like you men are so obsessed about, but she doesn't because she really loves him
>Sometimes they project that feminine logic onto men, even though we (those of us who aren't cucks at least) want the exact opposite in a partner when it comes to body count/promiscuity. They do the same thing with education, job title and income. Those are all very important to women when finding a partner so a lot of them think having their own impressive education, job title and income will help score a Chad. Then they learn the hard way most men don't give a fuck about any of that and would rather date a high school graduate working as a waitress than an office drone with a MBA.
this is what SexED should be about in schools. understanding the difference in mating strategies between men and women.
Male's desireability vs Female's ability to guarantee fatherhood. (I don't know how to put it, I'm sure there's a better term)
Astaghfirullah why cant we just go back to the good old days where women were property we bought from their father?
>puts him down in front of his friend
>tells him to his face she only got with him due to shitty circumstances and would have never considered him ever
>suprised he isnt gleefully loving her at every turn
Good fucking luck convincing the over-educated, walled feminist roasties running the education system they should teach girls that youth/fertility/looks >>> education/job title/income
we need more male teachers. female teachers are all child molesters anyways
Jesus. Why are you taking shit like this so seriously ? They were just dating, not in a commited relationship yet.
Another example of a guy putting a woman on the pedestal.
why doesn't the government care though? this could potentially fix declining birth rates, of course they would rather import cheap labor and destroy demographics and raise crime instead
It doesn't change that you're a gold digger. A woman that married a millionaire and divorced and now is also a millionaire can't say she isn't a gold digger just because she has money now
>I killed a person once but I'm not a murder
It has the same energy
> Meh m-m-my gubbermint
Get a life beta cuck and become self sufficient and not some fucking beta who depends on some grey-haired perverts. Become your own government and mate with 4 young pristine women at once.
Love is worth so much when you dont even respect him
That's actually fucking disgusting. American dating culture and "establishing exclusivity" is beyond retarded. If you went on even one date, you are in a "talking stage", i.e., exclusive, i.e., dating.
t: European (Southern)
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Do you really define your whole view of sex/relationships from Reddit/Twitter/4chan posts?
(In the real world, among real people, relationships work on feelings. Something like this that FEELS wrong IS wrong.)
Lol I remember when I fucked a girl, came in her and took a shit on her face after she told me that she went on a date with some cucked guy.
Now this guy is a happy husband and takes care of a kid born 9mo after they started dating.
She was like 28 and told me she wanted to settle down and I met her on some nerdy board game evening shit and fingered her right there. Still became fwb with her until she found a guy with money (which kinda pissed me off because we had a good thing going).
>ok ok she loves him but she doesnt "respect him"
changing goalposts faster than you change porn tabs, coomer moid?
sleeping around is whore behavior and men should be told whether or not the woman is still being a whore on the first date
if she doesn't respect him she doesn't love him. simple as
To males your 'love' is worthless if you've wasted your best sexual years/experiences on others. It's about sexual respect and dedicating your life and body to one person.
I am sure u can find a lot of girls who will fuck you right away in southern europe. I dont believe that there is some established norm about dating anon. Ive seen enough low class ugly yugoslav bitches ( although definitely not all of them are low class and ugly). I also dont see why it is disgusting. Of course cucked guys who cant get girls will get offended. But honestly its nice that you can meet women out there who will fuck you within 15 min of meeting you, their pussy wet AF, without even knowing your name just cos ur hot and took their hand some disco.
Who says man should be told ? If men are stupid and dont know the female nature and which of them are whores and which of them have hymens then they obviously aren't worthy of passing their genes.
Im just a probably-narcissistic moid who cares more for respect than anyone's love
I guess that is wrong
You don't love someone if you don't respect them. To women respect is listening to them and being supportive and to men respect is not fucking other men and be submissive
>the only ones worthy passing their genes are cucks
The state of debauchery, total reversion of values kek
You forgot to tag it as sarcasm.
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This, dude learned a valuable lesson

Actually nevermind, he's a redditor so he probably didn't
Who says I was sarcastic ? No anon. I wasn't sarcastic. Learn to interact with people, learn to discern whores from non-whores. Maybe you would rather keep fucking whores than get maried if u became a high status guy. At least that is my case. I absolutely love how promiscuous women are, I can go to some charity gala, fuck a hot 22 year old and use her as a sex-toy. I actually am not sure if I should settle down with a proper virgin girl ( and yeah i can find them) or if I should just continue manwhorin and maybe make some babies in casual relationships with different women ( preferably married so that i dont have to pay any royalties).
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casuaI coitus
Nice fantasy, anon.
trash bait nigger. do better.
You are all missing the point that the girl is incredibly superficial, all she cares about or remembers about their first date is her outfit. The guy remembers the relationship but all she remembers is some fashion bullshite. Now that right there is their fundamental incompatibility, not some abstract romanticizing nonsense.
it's not a fantasy, anon. I used to be a schizo 4chan incel but learnt how to move the right cogs in people, including women. Its funny how quickly I can put my dick into a girl... kissing them within 3 min and fucking them within 30 min... without even knowing their name. I used to be one of the worst 4chan incels.
I don't mind promiscuous women but I think they should communicate that
>I want to fuck and that's it
It'd be so much better if people were honest.

>>I actually am not sure if I should settle down with a proper virgin girl ( and yeah i can find them)
Finding them in your dreams don't count. Do you verify their hymen or something? Lots of women say it's their first time but already sucked 10+ cocks kek
I dont think u know how bad it is lol. Women can be so dick-hungry If they are a: drunk and ur hot/high status or b: if u seem like a really dependable, trustworthy guy and are hot/high status
these are all the same guy btw you ain't fooling anyone with your turbosamefaggotry Mr Redditor. go back.
By sticking your dick into a lot of hos. You'll eventually learn to seem trustworthy to the shy 18yo women who are rather reserved concerning their sexual desires and you'll learn to recognize their behaviors.
Yes I am the same guy so ? And no I am not using reddit.
i wonder why some people are incapable of understanding the idea of potential. they are the same people who cry about the state of dating as if they aren't actively perpetuating it while punishing those who aren't. it will be funny to see how dating looks 5 years from now
kek it's so fucking easy to see. I think anyone replying to a pathetic virgin baiter like you after this deserves to be in the screencap. no more (You)s from me faggot.
When I first started dating my fiance, it took us a few months of dating to sleep together. In that time I slept with and dated other women and after the first time she and I slept together, a chick I had been dating texted me the next morning asking if I was free, and that afternoon I went to that chick's house and fucked her too, but that was the last woman I slept with who wasn't my fiance. My fiance genuinely has no idea about any of this and I know she'd be furious if she found out.

Just blogposting and humblebragging, but yeah, romance is dead. Dating in the mid-late 2010s turned me into a cold, vicious, opportunistic person who just assumed the worst of everybody and assumed everyone was dating and fucking as many people as possible.
what do women mean by this?
At least you are honest with us even if you are otherwise a degenerate. I hope you fiancee finds out and leaves you however.
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>cold, vicious, opportunistic person who just assumed the worst of everybody
So it made you not retarded. Why are you getting married anyway?
I do not cry about it at all, in fact I love it. Dating has gotten pretty easier now with the apps, I am not looking for a long term relationship right now and it still helps me meet men and women willing to spend some time with me, every once in a while I get lucky with someone (I always state that I am not looking for anything serious in my bio and in person)
She knows about my past and found out pretty early in our relationship but she doesn't know about some of the specifics. She was mad at first and got over it. She even lied to me and tried to say she had a "slut phase" as a way of trying to level the playing field but she was blatantly lying because she struggled to even come up with details for it. She counted cuddling with a guy she knew (but not having sex) as a part of her slut phase and insisted it counted.

Shit, just last night while we were talking about an unrelated subject (Korean food) she brought up how I probably had kimchi with one of the girls I used to fuck.

>So it made you not retarded.
Cynicism and cold detachment do not make for a happy life. I was miserable and became so obsessed with playing the game the way I thought I was meant to that I lost my sense of self. My fiance basically had to pull me out of my shell after I had a mental breakdown about how I'm a fake person and was misleading her.

>Why are you getting married anyway?
Because I'm retarded, I guess. Or I'm the male equivalent of a post-wall roastie who is ready to settle down now.
My reality and the dating lives of coworkers is worse than what i read on thr internet.
>Because I'm retarded, I guess. Or I'm the male equivalent of a post-wall roastie who is ready to settle down now
Sad, many such cases. Good luck. You likely are a fake person but at least you can be a fake person with another fake person. I can't stand other people romantically now. I'm going the crazy cat lady route.
>Dating in the mid-late 2010s turned me into a cold, vicious, opportunistic person who just assumed the worst of everybody and assumed everyone was dating and fucking as many people as possible
That's true but it doesn't mean you should be like them too. Be the one that you want others to be
Maybe I'm delusional retard so idk
>You likely are a fake person but at least you can be a fake person with another fake person
I have spent years deconstructing and rebuilding myself to not be a fake person. Not that I particularly have to justify or explain myself online, but I have taken down a lot of barriers I used to put up and become a lot more honest with myself and others about who I am (for better or for worse).

>at least you can be a fake person with another fake person.
She's not fake at all, which is why I like her so much. There's no pretensions with her compared to a lot of the other women I have been with, she's terrible at lying and pretending to be something she's not and it was with her help that I was able to become less fake and more genuine.

Thanks for reading my blog posts.
>I tried explaining that I do forgive her but just don't want to overly romanticize our first date anymore.
LMAO this poor guy is fucking REACHING
>Just humblebragging
at least you admit it
>I used to put up and become a lot more honest with myself and others about who I am (for better or for worse).
Aren't you still lying, maybe by omission, to your fiance?
>She's not fake at all
Ok she's terrible at pretending but you said she's still trying to cope with your hoe era by saying she had a hoe era.

I don't know man, sounds retarded but I'm happy for you.
I'm honest with myself. I'm a terrible person with bad anger issues, alcoholism, lazy, spiteful, lustful, deceitful, and about 1000 other shitty qualities. I used to lie to myself about some of that, tried to change some qualities to make people happy. But it's like trying to put feathers on a cow and say it's a bird. I'm honest to myself now. It's other people I'm not honest with.
>That's true but it doesn't mean you should be like them too. Be the one that you want others to be
This is great in theory but you start getting worn down over time. Seeing a chick's phone and realising she has hundreds of messages from other guys while you are chatting up maybe 1-5 other chicks makes you realise how uphill of a battle it is.
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lmao im saving this one
>Aren't you still lying, maybe by omission, to your fiance?
If it comes up I'll probably tell her because I am terrible at actually lying. Until then, I guess I am lying by omission. I never said I was perfect, but I have come a long way.

>Ok she's terrible at pretending but you said she's still trying to cope with your hoe era by saying she had a hoe era.
She tried to do this initially but got over it because she was just being emotional and reactive, like women tend to be. Generally speaking she's extremely honest about her emotions and life. She doesn't even really have social media because she finds it too dishonest.

>I don't know man, sounds retarded but I'm happy for you.
All romance and relationships are retarded, a part of my life was learning to hand myself over to it and not be so cold and analytical.

>I'm honest to myself now. It's other people I'm not honest with.
Being honest with yourself is pretty difficult and takes a lot of work, you don't HAVE to be honest with other people because you really don't owe them anything, but an honest man or woman never has to remember or keep track of their lies and deceit, ya know? Life gets harder in some ways (people pass moral judgements on you and treat you worse) but easier in others (you don't need to juggle your lies and keep them consistent), it's just trade-offs.
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Nice trips. I agree that not lying to yourself takes work.
I like lying because then things can't be thrown back at you to hurt you. Women especially like to do that, and if all of the ammo I gave them has no powder then I keep the advantage.
>I like lying because then things can't be thrown back at you to hurt you.
Things only "hurt you" if you are ashamed of them or let yourself feel bad about them, to be fair. If you are genuinely honest and forthcoming, and secure in yourself (or at least not deeply insecure), then the words other people use against you can't really hurt.
>Exclusivity from first date is stupid
>Nobody does that
I would, if non-exclusive romantic/sexual relationships are as widespread as your post suggests, then I despair for the world.
ur welcome

because we go on multiple first dates in a month stupid, sometimes in parallel
>In a month
There were periods in my life where I went on like 5 first dates in a week. God, that makes me shudder.
Was Sheldon Cooper a sigma male?
>the female brain can't comprehend that you can go on dates without also spreading your legs for Chad like the dirty fucking whore she is
Disgusting lecher
You are just as bad
>because we go on multiple first dates in a month stupid, sometimes in parallel
Remember this post when women try to claim they can be lonely and that dating is hard for them too.
Okay, but you shouldn't even have sex until you are married, much less when you aren't even exclusive.
I thought the idea of "dating" someone means you are in a relationship with that person. No?
You don't understand how it hurts to know a girl you genuinely like is fucking someone else?
This thread is so depressing and blackpilling. Are all women sex addicts? Why won't they just stop having sex?
She literally did tho and fucked her ex?
Homie, don't tell me you fell for a Reddit NTR fanfic so hard that you're defending a hypothetical woman who was written to be evil deliberately
>my reddit.jpg threads are so hecking le blackpilling :((
How the fuck did you all fall for this shitty bait and not even one of you has the sense to post YWNBAW and call it a day?
Absolutely disgusting.
Are you telling me I should touch grass and that these experiences don't exist in the real world?
The concept of having two women at the same time who are interested in me physically and romantically is so foreign that the only thing I can compare it to in reality is the plot of some tacky porno. To have one woman for dating - one that I could use to slowly climax myself in some sort of emotionally intimate state of bliss that I'll never know the depths of, and another woman strictly for sexual degeneracy - its too much to grasp for. When I imagine a successful date with a woman, I can only imagine wanting That woman. I can only imagine being with That woman. Nowhere in my wildest thoughts and dreams would I go on a date with That woman, and then go sleep with someone else.
I imagine thats why people have such a terrible time coming to terms with this reality.
No I'm telling you to stop bumping your shitty thread, OP. No one cares about your fake ass reddit fanfics.
>so basically she did everything except make me eat another man's jizz out of her pussy. should I break up with her bros??
Idk you seem to be the guy who has trouble coping
>A story that makes a m'lady look bad? Must be fake. Women would never do wrong.
Every time like clockwork.
Redditor getting cucked and being browbeaten into thinking it's ok. lmao
This is clearly you samefagging again baka
"Cope" happened long ago. After a while I simply accepted that if I too had such opportunities I would probably be a bit of a slut as well. But the realization that you can ruin a memory (like what a woman wears to a first date), just by giving into unworthy desires - that requires experience.
>Exclusivity from first date is stupid, nobody does that.
>Most men are simply too much of a loser to have fwbs.
lmao but remember, Reddit will still insist the 80/20 argument is a myth
Not really, bro. If you actually really care about the person and are serious about building a life with him/her, you won't entertain other offers - especially not from an ex.
Some slutty people do legitimately cope and play the "not exclusive technically" card, but everyone else understands that they are evil. To be blunt, I would not even make the women I've mistreated suffer such an indignity. If they caught me, I would just admit I had cheated instead of making excuses and gaslighting. I think women just prefer to "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss" as the kids say.
If you meet the right woman, she would never even be in contact with her ex after she met you, let alone fucking him. Someone might deceive you intentionally, but don't worry about it being some genuine miscommunication the way the NTR_Reddit_fanfic.jpg implies.
Are you fucking retarded champ? Why would reddit care that some ESL guy on /r9k/ thinks men are too lame to get FWBs?
Like sincerely, what the fuck is this reply? You filled out the capcha and bumped a cuck thread to post this?
They don't confuse anything. It's a shit test. Women are taught by feminists that men's preference for low bodycount is toxic and a red flag, so that's why they do this.
I mean, honestly, if this was a real story and not an NTR cuck post (and rest assured, it is a cuck post fanfic), you might be on to something. She has no esteem for the guy and shit-tests him immediately with a harsh one.
But would they really jump straight to adultery as the shit-test? You can't really pass that one without leaving her forever. Maybe if she just wanted to smash though.
lmao cope and seethe
>Verification not required.
Bruh I was legit asking. Did you not read sincerely?
I honestly can only understand if maybe you're just trying to bump the thread and want to disguise it a bit? Is that really the reason tho?
There is no such thing as "the talking stage" and exclusivity is implied once you agree to date at all (including a first date), unless she explicitly specifies she plans to have sex with other men in graphic detail before she settles for you. She has to mention "hawk tuahing" on mens cocks and all that or she is not being honest.
seriously, people like you that go """um if you dont explicitly claim exclusivity then you can do anything and everything""" are the fucking worst. not a single modicum of respect and exclusivity for the person you are meeting with for the potential of an intimate relationship to form. can't keep it in your pants for a short while to build a meaningful bond with someone.

and then will complain that no one actually wants to commit to anything when you're one of the biggest issues of modern dating. you've fucking sullied the idea of a bond.

look at this fuckhead. can't not fuck someone else for the couple of weeks it takes to certify your relationship??? modern dating is completely fucked because of people like you saying this. now everyone is so blase about dating partners, disrespecting their time and effort

the dating pool is full of assholes that arent actually interested in dating, and fucking it up for people that are seriously looking for something. if only there was a way we could ringfence them off from respectful, well-meaning people
Non-Autistic people don't explicitly state things. They are automatically felt and inferred. There is no "exclusivity" concept for neurotypical people. Its just an automatic thing.

Nobody goes, "I'm heckin exclusififying with you now I delcare it!"

They just agree to date and that makes it exclusive unless one says they're a slut that takes loads of cum and herpes in their throat.
No, you're being retarded - sorry anon. The first date could go horribly and might imply nothing.
It's not explicitly wrong to sleep around after a first date because a date is just a date. The issue is that she misled the guy + would never do that if she loved him and was excited about dating him.
In much the same vein, you are allowed to ghost someone after a bad date - but you would never do that if you loved her.
Obviously it is scummy, but it's technically in-bounds.

And you can just leave it at that, anon. There's no need to litigate the issue further. She is a scummy person and it's not like any sane person would stay with her, outside of people in redditNTR11.jpg that OP likes to spam here.
Even if it's not a real story, redditors trying to gaslight the fictional OP of the thread into thinking he's a Bad Person for not liking getting cucked is the story. Nigger.
>reddit spacing
>replying even though 50 people already did
>makes zero new points
>in a reddit.jpg thread
yep, it's time for you to go back
don't return till they permaban you from their shitty site
this is just fucking brutal, like there's only pure evil there. that's the only reason to go out of your way to say something so mean to your spouse. and she acts like it's not something that would clearly damage someone's soul, but just an innocent comment
I declare exclusivity!

LMAO do you like lining up objects of similar size and shape in long lines while you mald?
I genuinely don't even know what you're trying to say bro. All I know is you bumped a cuck thread for it.
>I don't heckin understanderino when I feel dominated!

Don't be scared. Just declare exclusivity. LOL
No, you're just misunderstanding. The question is phrased deliberately by the author to ensure that they will say he's the asshole regardless of how they feel about him being a voluntary cuckold.
The rules of the sub are to look at the narrow circumstance, which is basically that he was cool with getting cucked until he suddenly decided he wasn't. They have no kind words for the woman either, but the nature of the sub ensures every post is about the dude first.
Actually kind of a master-stroke in creative writing.
OP, this is just getting sad. Wouldn't it be easier to just admit you're bumping in these posts instead of having to make new replies?
You aren't even bothering to read the ones I give you before you post. There's no point in hiding it.
>romance is dead
nigga stfu, talking you didn't kill it after just spewing that humblebrag shit. instead of being able to show restraint because you can get it whenever you want, you grovel like a wild dog jumping at every opportunity that presents itself because you don't know when your next opportunity is.
>I cheated on my gf
>so yeah, basically romance is dead boys
>because we go on multiple first dates in a month stupid, sometimes in parallel
you don't really want to date, or you are extremely bad at picking people despite whatever criteria you try to stick to
I declare exclusivity! I declare you unafraid!

Bro why the fuck are you responding to the ESL tranny? Not even a tranny honestly, but a dude LARPing.
Honestly how do you even read a post that retarded and come up with such a retarded, useless reply?
Plenty of people go on multiple first dates in a month. That could literally be two dates that are 30 days apart, you fucking retard. Do the math.
Did you just see the most retarded post in the thread and decide it was a competition?
They will bend you over and fuck your anus if you give them an inch of ground. "Be the heckin good personerino" is a surefire way to get bumfucked to hell and back like a weak little submissive bitch faggot.
Honestly OP, you might as well at least have a discussion if you're going to waste time posting.
You can be arsed to reply to every post in the thread, but you can't be arsed to read 4 lines of text that explain my view?
Idk man. I come here to talk to people and say whatever I want, but you don't seem to have anything to say - so why come?
>Plenty of people go on multiple first dates in a month. That could literally be two dates that are 30 days apart, you fucking retard. Do the math
you too. you don't want to date, or you are extremely bad a picking people despite your criteria. i don't care if that is an ESL tranny or not, it doesn't change what i said. stop complaining about who i replied to and let me put this stick of knowledge in your phat ass bby
>muh heckin arsedarino!

Speak regular English (assed) instead of your local jigaboo pidgin when you mald and seethe.

I declare exclusivity! LMAO
Stop bumping the cuckthread if you have nothing to add. At least remind everyone that it's a reddit.jpg cuckthread every post and do your duty.
>you too. you don't want to date, or you are extremely bad a picking people despite your criteria.
I mean yeah, I didn't really want to seriously date for a while until I found the right girl. It had nothing to do with criteria, just low self-esteem.
>i don't care if
Fucking kill yourself mate if you think a genuine woman stumbled into a woman hate reddit.jpg thread to defend cuckoldry to incels.
Are you really bragging about being up at 11 PM bumping a cuckthread?
enough talk. i will make a woman out of you tonight. now bend over and show me what that phat ass do bby
>mate, arsed

fo' sho' mo go' bo muh figga ba nigga.

I declare your pidgin to be exlusive! LMAO
Well I have seen I have done my duty and ruined this thread.

FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
FUCK FAGGOTS (no homo)
You can't ruin anything unless you're from an important real country where they speak normal English like America.

Seethe cope mald and declare exclusivity. LOL

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