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Thread for all Ruby / Davin updates

Ruby is well known for actively molesting animals and making inappropriate advances towards minors, he is continuously causing harm to animals and needs to be seriously stopped, if you see this man at all please contact authorities.
I am currently working with others on a mega zip containing all evidence and confessions.

Ruby is known as daaaa.jaaaa on instagram

> Police visited premises twice in the last week due to domestic disputes, he's been having altercations with his family lately
> "Job hunting" has gone down the shitter as he's too busy trying to beat his personal whack record on the daily, all while his mom babies him and practically wipes his ass, he sends in blank resumes to make it seem like he's actually doing anything useful with his time
> Successfully made 10 grand through pop pops inheritance, openly celebrated his cancer diagnosis, managed to blow all of the money in Las Vegas
> Homeless or living in his car every other week, molesting random dogs on the roads and begging Seb to loan him money in return for oral sex all to support his gambling addiction
> Sniffed his parents dogs asshole during a video call, claims this was for shock value
> Dry humped his parents dog on a video call, put peanut butter on his penis so the dog would lick it off
> Owes Seb $800 as he promised he would be working by now, blew all money at the casino and dodges Sebs calls
> Obsessing over underage girl and posting photos of minors
> Got kicked out twice by his parents for hiding his own shit around the house
> Banned from discord for pedophilia
> Still posting a minor he's inappropriately infatuated with
> Claims he will be taking his beastiality fantasies to the next level and documenting it

Not sure where he will post the videos if he even does make them, but I'd say most likely here.

If anyone has any factual information feel free to add on, this is a compilation of verified information from various individuals.
is that an ftm tranny
MTF, mid transition.
He constantly posts weird almost schizo-esque shit, is this dude diagnosed with any mental illnesses that you know of, OP?
you forgot he was also the german shepard anon lol
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ami ik u have such bullemia u almost died but can u stop ive had a long day and dont need this none of these things are true
This is the first nigga I've seen to willingly attach his name to heinous shit he didn't even do, then shill it to become a lolcow.
Schizophrenia paranoid type
Borderline personality disorder
Anxiety, Depression

I am not a doctor, these are genuine diagnoses, the only one I have personally seen evidence of was schizophrenia, as he DOES have antipsychotics, I have just never known him to actually take them, his family doesn't give two shits either and this is why he was trespassed by so many establishments and had a caretaker for a period of time.

He is also prescribed antidepressants, but it is again unknown if he actually takes them.
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i attached my name to nothing my ex doxxed me and is making it up
Dox her back nigga
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lolcow farm boring ami what do you want do u want sex do u want to cuck me do u want to marry me what is going on babe are u a fed idk what u want u wont stop puking u wont vc me long enough to get to know u u just post lolcow and slander me are u in trouble do u need me to buy us a houseWHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT STUPID I LOVE U I WILL GET A JOB I WANT U MORE THAN ANYTHING AMI UR THE MOST IMPORTANT GIRL IN THE WORLD IF CHINAMAN END UP WITH U I MIGHT CUT MY DICK OFF CAUSE I CANNOT TAKE THIS AMI I JUST WANT ONLY YOU FOREVER IM THE ONLY GUY WHO CAN HANDLE U U KNOW SOME LOUSY YELLOW FAGGOT GONNA RUN FOR THE HILLS THE SECONR U ACTUALLY HAVE A BULLEMIC EPISODE AMI UR LITERALLY THE ONLY READON IM ALIVE PLEASR PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MARRY ME I LOVE YOU
how is that comparable to the german shepard or anything else here, thing is YOU did admit to doing things with animals at one point or another and i remember seeing it posted here
just because your vague about it doesn't mean a thing, you zoophile piece of fucking shit
Ah. As a schizophrenic person, I suspected he was also schizophrenic. Makes sense.
>>Stalked vore into her home, tried to get with her and her friend had to step in and get violent, this dude is a vagina
I am not schizophrenic and why would I make a thread on myself for "fame" like I'm that stupid, I guess I just have too many haters at this point.
Im barely famous yet you guys treat me like im your god.
does your schizophrenia also give you weird animal urges anon
Are you vegetarian? No?
ruby is my favorite tripfag
he's a literal retard it's hilarious

Pull more shit from your ass
No, lmao. I'd guess that has more to do with his personality disorder, I've heard about BPD people doing pretty depraved shit.

He just posted some odd paranoid ramblings about the government and it sounded a bit like some of the less aware people in my support groups and definitely some of it read like word salad, which is a uniquely psychotic behavior.
so it's confirmed davin rufaro mupundu / "ruby" is a pedophile now btw
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he's ITT
hi ruby
where did you get this anon
he posts photos of himself on /r9k/ every other day
if you go to the published bans website he gets banned frequently
aaaand the telegram scandal dont get me started. this kid should be locked the fuck up, i believe he is being stalked by the fbi because he's openly fucking around and dropping hints and outright confessions to play little games like it's some kind of anime. get a grip rubes!
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heads up he has like 10 personalities and alters, one of those self identifying 'alters'
thinks he is a system, ha s a lot of characters lol
>ruby is literally a fate character
holy shit
is this ami?
I want to have sex with him originally
we warned you about cluster b discord e-harlots, but you made your bed now you must lie in it
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does she have bpd?
why is she doing that?
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she has giga bpd she is revenging me for not teleporting to australia to be with her when she almost died in december by puking herself to death since its one of the many moments she thinks she died (im kinda the same way tho and im revenging her for not being there when i almost died too)
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she is austfalian bro
she is in the past
apparently cops are coming to my house she deleted a message saying it was cause i reposted her selfie
oh shes talking about hwr ig posts
that was her that posted your pics i saved?(>>78254108)
i thought that was you posting yourself
i see you on the published bans website frequently lol
that sucks bro
its either case idk if anyone used my trip tho
post those ai generated images those go hard as fuck
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remember when you let a guy give you a blowjob in the homeless shelter davin?
was she the one that posted your dick pics or was that you?
nope cause i got raped dude
both cases
kinda getting tired of this assholr ngl
that is a whole ass child please date someone your own age
ya questioning the mental legitimacy of edtwt girls
Post pics ruby
im not siding with you retard im saying looking at her compared to you shes clearly significantly younger. shocker that this is what happens when you get serious with a teenage girl, date in your own fucking range
its eight year gap shes almost nineteen
almost 15*
shes nineteen in four months
she looks asian
she could be young looking because she's asian
and youre what? 35?
whes white
These rumors and dm leaks of accusing him as a zoolophile pedophile mean jack shit. Show me hdr 4k video of him doing something illlegal or shut the fuck up. Youve been at it for months already nigger nobody believes you
Charge your damn phone, schizo.
im twenty six
check prev threads poof is posted
shes not real, this isn't a thread, you're having a psychotic episode, wake up, this is not real
no it hasnt cause it doesnt exist
we r dating again
yeah i sure as hell dont believe him.
all rubt does on r9k is post pics of himself and schzio post
i remember when i said he was my favorite tripfag and he then posted his penis
it made me laugh my ass off
it was so out of nowhere
>hello ruby you are cool
>posts penis
>Homeless faggot who rapes dogs
>Still has perfect skin
Fucking HOW.
>fucking HOW
genetics play a big roll
like i mean big.
Grease pimples and hormone pimples look completelt different
so if you're just riddled with pimples and have good hygene you just have shit genetics
i literally dont wash my face on the weekends and ill get like a pimple
that'll go away after popping them with popping tools in like 3 days sometimes less tops
other than that my skin is like porcealin
he admitted to not showering fir weeks though is what baffles me, he drinks his own piss, how is his skin not fucked, how does he not have some disease from allegedly raping these animals
just washes his sheets once a week bro stop being gross
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Fembots line up to talk to abusive dysgenic scumbags like this but ignore my brilliant and articulate analyses of female nature, hypergamy their effects on modern society because they're "too boring".
kek what are you on about bro
I'm done with this place, the women here don't deserve me.
cant you see
he's him
he's chadlite
we never had a romantic relationship r tard
But you still don't appreciate my magnificence and my keen insight into all things female. You would rather feed a round headed clown who will do anything for attention instead of rewarding me for my masterful efforts and sagacious thoughts.
i dont know u nigga
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if you want to date ami DO IT i never dated her irl and she tried to put my dog in a shelter FOUR TIMES for no reason other than i reposted her selfies
Neither do I and I don't even want to lmao, I was just fucking around. Imagine actually talking to the females on this mental hospital of a board
AI gun
imagine talking to anyone on the board ive been anon for 6 years lmao
see shes even a virgin so she can stop bothering me
stop shooping shit
nah dude im no shoop
so whats true and what isnt
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idk probably gonna get a job and get ami pregnant
from most likely to never happened
i was homeless
i am a virgin i dont give a fuck about dying a virgin
i did drop out of a top school
gamestop was a big score for me (but should have been a lot bigger)
i never lost money gambling
i do program important software (its not difficult cause im not particularly good its more about inspiration)
i might have gotten followed by feds but they only directly contacted me one time (no badge tho and even then i was kinda scatterbrained) i have no actual clue what they would have wanted
i might have gotten raped one time in the homeless shelter
i might have gotten aides when ami doxxed me
never happened
i AM NOT a molestor
i AM NOT a pedo
i AM NOT a pervert outside of a text box
i AM NOT violent and never hit anyone as a adult (my parents lie about this one they say i shoved them before one time cause they are pissed i dropped out)

but yea i have a plan and ami is part of it if shes into it and thinks we r happy together
why complain about your discord being banned for pedophilia then
utterly disgusting that people actually buy this guys shit and give him attention
for anyone with half a brain, its obviously this fat fuck making threads about himself.

oh and friendly reminder, again, this dude is a pedophile from australia who solicits nudes from minors. if you know him, report him
see above
bruh holy fuck imagine falling for obvious attention bait. you morons are infuriating
this guy doesnt give anyone a straight age. he fucks around with teenagers online constantly and asks them to not save his face so he can cover his age.
hes also apparently boring as fuck and talks about programming a ton
>big roll
its "role" you fucking inbred. genetics also play a part in not looking like an overstuffed meatball
god you look fucking disgusting
> Ruby is being kicked out again
> The dog was impounded and he's trying to keep his cool by acting like everything is okay
> Cops didn't give a shit and barely questioned him, seems as if their main concern was that the dog was no longer in the home.
> Won't be questioned until later on where he can choose to not say a word or get his schizo story straight
> Family wants nothing to do with him
> This dog fucking freak gets off scott free
> Ruby desperately e-begging for money and trying to sell his nudes on kik and world of warcraft because his ass is homeless 8 times out of 10
you're lucky they didnt sweep your pc you obese fuck
he's from boston anon but yeah i think he wants to be a lolcow or something
nta but i know for a fact that hes done illegal shit.
the more people you cross, the more targets youll have on your back you fat fuck. watch out
then he might have lied, but im damn sure its the same guy here. do you have any idea about any other aliases hes used?
davin , ruby , friday , bloodbell
huh what did he do or is this about the animal stuff cause although believable it's just alleged

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