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Remember, Not even ugly girls wants us.
Im attractive tho
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All women are chadsexual nothing new.
You conveniently forget how ugly men here constantly post about being depressed when they see attractive women, the same sentiment.

Modern western male = victim complex.
>guys are stacysexual and girls are chadsexual
what a shocker
is this the newest cc psyop or what? the quality of this board had gone gone down the drains this past few days. it seems very inorganic.
Im a warrior in distress with a victim complex
Please save me damsel
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Stuff like this gets rarely posted on here and the women in question is mostly just a 6/10. Meanwhile most lonely men on here would be happy with an average woman that would love them, women not. Men standards are mostly lower and always more realistic.
"Forever alone" women everyone.
the chart you are posting is pretty useless
Can you guys handle this blackpill gem?
It's the same woman btw. It's only wrong when men have standards.
If her supervisor looked like her she would've called HR and have him fired and arrested.
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No you are just coping and should go back to cc, lolcow or reddit.
II'm not depressed I just get a boner
>conventionally attractive
ok fine
>stable career
nobody cares
nobody cares
>bear his kids
>take care of the household

femoids think these are high standards? lmfao
Ugly woman wants stacy treatment.
i'm being stalked by an ugly girl as we speak
then why are you not posting the full okcupid charts?
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damn forgot to attach them
also this exact thing happened to me, i feel kind of bad about ghosting her but i hadn't fapped for a week when we matched
"having kids and helping around the house" is literally the bare minimum for a healthy heterosexual relationship, of course women would hate it as they hate doing even remotely any kind of effort, they prefer getting fat from watching Netflix all day
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No one wants you for sure tranny
Just go for ugly girls inkwell
You can't make women happy unless you are ripped, Handsome and rich.
Being rejected by men out of your league is surely an injustice that can only be described as a curse.
Forever alone volfemcel hates her looksmatch.
She knows what EVERY woman wants.
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Except any incel would kill to date a fat ugly girl but any self-proclaimed femcel is just talking to random chads who'll never date her in a million years.
Any lonely guy would accept a guy who's far, far, far below-average. These """forever alone""" women are just obsessed with getting a guy out of her league.
This is hilarious given it was probably just chad swiping on a bunch of women until he found a hot girl who was dtf, but he'd be fine fucking the fat ugly "lonely" girl in the meantime. Chad just messaging her mindbroke her and apparently this resonated with 100+ other "people".
1000s of guys at her fingertips will accept her if she's a fat ugly "childfree" NEET with tons of mental health issues,
>easily admits to finding a relationship with ease
You're in luck, 99% of guys on /r9k/ are fellow normalfags.
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"Forever alone" girl has lots of hookups but can't nail down chad for some reason
>Except any incel would kill to date a fat ugly girl but any self-proclaimed femcel is just talking to random chads who'll never date her in a million years.
most incels on here would have no problem fucking a ugly girl but don't wanna date her. in the end they only want to be with stacy in a relationship
That's why being Stacy-only is the only way

If you settle for an ugly girl she will be permanently seething you aren't chad
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You're either trolling or projecting. Any incel, by definition, can't have sex with even a fat ugly NEET whore with 20 mental illnesses. Girls like that can still easily sleep with dozens of chad(lite)s using dating apps and would never have any reason to settle for an ugly socially retarded mentally ill man.
My oneitis is a 5/10 :/
i dare you to create a thread with a 3-4/10 and see how other anons will react. the answer is always yeah i would fuck her but i won't date her
It was female projection all along wasn't it? It's women who only care about looks
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99% of men here are normalfags, not incels, so that makes sense, but that's not a response to what I said.
>but that's not a response to what I said.
that is pretty simple, since men have no bar for girls to fuck even the most ugly ones will have sex and since these men also don't want to have a relationship with them their bodycount will be high from all the hookups
>everything i don't like is cc
Nice cope and seethe, tranny.
This is female projection. My ex was a solid 3, She was morbidly obese. Now she is dating a male model who is 6 foot 5.
sounds like something a tranny would make up
>high count

oof, one more reason to be stacy-only
"Forever alone" women wants chad all to herself.
Forever alone femvolcel only wants models.
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I had a friend that looked like peek Rose McGowan, she ruined my attraction for Stacy, the bullshit isn't worth it, just give me an average girl,
Back to Crystal Cafe with you. This is an incel board. You can go and fantasize about chad somewhere else.
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Keep it up, OP. I will add some that I have collected over the years as well.
in comparison to you i am confident in being a guy while you sounds like an angry tranny
Add them. Please enrich my thread.
You definitely have a vagina.
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"Forever alone" girl is sad about being a virgin at 19 so fucks chad and then realizes it was totally coerced somehow.
This is fucking insane. At least she found out about dating Chad, consequences, etc.
only a tranny would accuse others to be female on a vietnamese spear fishing forum
kill yourself, mossad kike. you made that post. you screenshotted it. then you posted it here. leave white men alone you fucking subhuman worm
Yes I made all of these posts. Women are totally not shallow.
But You do come of as a female but maybe I'm wrong.... Perhaps you are just a man with bitch tits.
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Another "forever alone" girl who sleeps with chads over and over and dated an abusechadd
>Perhaps you are just a man with bitch tits.
hrt definitely gave you those
I'm not your shoulder to cry on bitch tits. Reddit is down the hall to the left.
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These were the DMs from a "lonely" girl complaining about being lonely
Women would rather be abused by chad than date their looksmatch.
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>"I will die a virgin"
>next day a chad takes her virginity, no strings attached
Not from that subreddit but still funny
funny how you still don't deny that you are a tranny
Women saying that they will die as a virgin is hilarious. It's like a rich person complaining that they will starve to death.
You haven't denied having bitch tits. Go take a leap around the block. Work those titties.
Femcel has never met a man that she was attracted to.
>he doesn't know most incels are standardscels
oh my poor naive anon
You literally took this from an erotica sub lmao
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Most self-proclaimed male incels are total normalfags, but there are still many, many actual incels. There are next to 0 femcels across the entirety of the internet unless they have absurd deformities.
Whenever I see attractive girls I just kind of laugh to myself at the absurdity of her potentially being with me, like how it would be a total affront to nature and how we would be totally incompatible and it would look like a joke to everyone. Then I imagine shoving my face into her asshole and inhaling deeply. I guess that's the difference between men and women.
If it wasn't a woman sharing her story of finding chad in bumble, I'd honestly feel for her. I echo her sentiment on dating with someone more attractive than me, and I almost feel sympathy. But then I remember she's a woman
Once you remove the people who are "broken" in that they have major illnesses like ASD or a deformity, and remove the people who are standardscels, you don't really have that much left over.
There might be a couple out there, I guess, but I've seen some truly pathetic people manage to get laid - even without doing anything to improve themselves. Shit, even while actively self-sabotaging at every stage, these guys manage to get laid.
If you're genuinely curious why they feel that way (not whether or not they are, but why they feel that way) it's because they carry the weight of many different expectations from different perspectives of men. Some men would only marry a high-achieving earner, while others would only marry a housewife. Women hear this and believe they are expected to be both.
People have different expectations for their partners, but we internalize it into the aggregate.
A similar dynamic happens with men and our view of women's expectations.
I actually think you're wrong here and most people actually do have conflicting expectations of their partner. All men want a woman who can take care of herself but at the same time needs a man (you) to take care of her and depend on. All men want a pristine maiden who is also a total degenerate slut when the need arises. We all have conflicting beliefs and in reality we are all subtly disappointed in each other and want more, but being an adult means accepting that your life will never be perfect and you have to take what you can get. Most women just need to grow up, they can't get everything they want, nobody can, and we are all struggling together to come to terms with this.
if i'm reading this right it suggests that men disproportionately message women rated a good margin above average perceived attractiveness while about 2/3rds of women message men below average attractiveness.

also funny that the attractiveness for women, rated by men, forms a more or less evenly distributed curve while women seem to perceive most men as below average... which tracks i think, given the little amount of care the average guy takes for their own appearance.
Your mistake is in framing the question as women on Reddit are ugly.
My experience is most women on Reddit are at least vaguely cute, but all women on Reddit are fat or mentally ill or both, and THAT is why they're lonely.
If they were not so self destructive, they'd discuss /fit/ topics or fashion tips or curing their numerous mental illnesses, but naah they'd rather complain about their crab bucket and blame others.
No, I think that is Freudian/Jungian inspired dribble that has been regurgitated by so many retards that we've accepted it as fact. People obviously do prefer a semi-divine, idyllic archetype with dual-natures that exist in conflict yet harmony at the same time. Sure. But they are also real people, so they know that is impossible - even women, and they seek out a compromise.
You can't confuse preference for expectation. Saying men "want" the horny virgin would be like saying they want a girl who never shits.
Perhaps there are some women out there who will never "grow up", but who cares? You can find one woman who will.
I mean honestly their insane politics and worship of eccentricity doesn't help either.
Maybe that's why they regurgitate personality memes at male incels.
>But they are also real people, so they know that is impossible - even women, and they seek out a compromise.
This is where I disagree, especially today people really have trouble knowing what is "real", and what is possible or impossible. I think that is a hugely charitable opinion to believe most people can easily temper their expectations and accept "reality" when reality is so questionable. It is a lifelong struggle and many people never truly fully come to terms with what actually is real, is possible, and what to expect from anybody. I do agree that it is possible to find the rare woman who has come to terms with what life has to offer her, but usually these women are older, probably too old to be attracted to in many cases.
Basically accept that you will never be able to truly fulfill anyone, you will always be "adequate" at best, and deal with it. Same with your own expectations, accept never being fulfilled.
>Have a stable career
God damn women are still falling for that
Most guys will take a cute barista making minimum wage over a executive that's making a $100K a year, assuming the former wants to get married and have kids.
Hell, even cheesy Hallmark romance movies routinely have plots where some high powered office woman realizes her career sucks and that she really just wants to get married to that handsome guy from a small town and pop out kids.
>everything I don't like is trannies
Nice cope and seethe TERF femcel
The stable career shit is always pushed by autistic STEMlords and 60 year old boomer executives to trick women into fucking them. A stable career has never made a woman's pussy wet in history. Power does, sure, but not stable employment.
It's just a check post-wall women make when trying to settle down. If they're gonna marry a guy they aren't attracted to anyways he better at least have money for her to frivolously spend.
opposite day
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That "ugly" girl is probably a 6/10 that likes t victimize herself as le ugly for attention. Hell, she probably browses this place.
That's cope. She is probably very ugly and she probably would post here if she was male.
>She is probably very ugly
What makes you think this in the first place?
this post is boring, women are sad no matter what happens. if she did get in a relationship with attractive guy, she would be sad that he isn't marrying her, if he married her, she would be sad that he isn't making enough money lol
>women are sad no matter what happens

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> if i'm reading this right it suggests that men disproportionately message women rated a good margin above average perceived attractiveness while about 2/3rds of women message men below average attractiveness.
The part that you're missing is the message rate is relative to the attractiveness rating.

So, 1% of women's messages go to the most attractive men ...but women rate only 1% of men as most attractive. Does that make it make sense?

Men rate women much more fairly (see >>78254675) After that, men do the obvious rational thing, and message the hotter girls first. I've seen this series of graphs misconstrued to mean, "men only message the hot girls" but no, it doesn't imply that. Men start with the hot ones and work their way down, because that's just smart. A lot of them get disillusioned along the way and drop out, but they at least started out being rational.

By contrast, women rate almost all men as unattractive. Then, women don't initiate any contact (or almost none). Women sit back and read the messages they get from men. They let it feed their ego. And they'll reply sometimes - often with just "lol"

So as a result, you have average normal men (frankly, their looksmatch) sending them introduction messages. The women reply "lol" or "ok" - but because the women rated that man as ugly, it looks on the graph like women are messaging below-average men.
>Men rate women much more fairly (see >>78254675) After that, men do the obvious rational thing, and message the hotter girls first. I've seen this series of graphs misconstrued to mean, "men only message the hot girls" but no, it doesn't imply that. Men start with the hot ones and work their way down, because that's just smart.
NTA but uhh, men message the hotter ones FIRST or do they just only message the hotter ones? What difference does it make how they rate women if they're only messaging the hottest ones in the end? How would that be any different than what the women are doing?
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kek the truth comes out.
>lives life on easy mode
>gets upset she can't live life on super easy mode
that's double the median salary for a single person in the US. LMAO
incel is a tourist redditor term.
Real robots don't use it.
You are not and never will be a real robot.
Buy an ad you fucking faggot.
Hilarious how incels are making fun of ugly women for feeling the exact same way they do. Im sure the irony isn't lost on them but I thought maybe there would be some empathy
I don't even hot woman. They're way too intimidating.
>muh incels baitpost #877
OP stop trying to bump your reddit.jpg thread
>men message the hotter ones FIRST or do they just only message the hotter ones?
The data we have is consistent with them starting with the hot ones and working their way down, with some of them stopping (becoming disillusioned) along the way.

>What difference does it make how they rate women if they're only messaging the hottest ones in the end?
If there are 10 women, and you rate them fairly, then 5 of them are above average. If you graph that and the X-axis has just two points: below, and above then you'll get a graph with two bars of equal size.

With me so far?

Now, if you have only five messages to send, who will you send them to? Well obviously, you'll start at the top and work your way down. But now, because you did that, the second graph says, "100% of his message went to above average women"

Now imagine there are 10 men. Women rate 1 of them men as above average, and the other 9 below average. That's not a fair/realistic rating, but that's what women do. If you graph that, you'll get one bar that's 9 units high, and another that's 1 unit high.

Next, because you're a woman, and because there's a 50% chance that you're above average, you start receiving messages from men. 90% of the messages you receive are from """below average""" (according to your unrealistic ratings) men. Even if you only respond to 3 or 4 of those messages, and even if your responses are little more than "lol" or "k" - most of your responses will go to """below average""" men.

And if you graph that, it'll look like the women's graph in >>78254809

>How would that be any different than what the women are doing?
I feel like I've now explained this twice.

Women are being unreasonable, but they still want attention so they respond to some men. Men are being reasonable and systematic.
>still debating the shitty OKC data in 2024
if you both rated each other above a 5, you insta-matched. This caused women to spike down ratings.
That's literally the whole story behind the data. The dude behind OKC then wrote one shitty blogpost "analyzing" it, delivering the same interpretation you do here (instead of realizing his data was warped).
Women probably are harsher on men (and other women) than men are on women, but the data is fake.
But they would screw a woman with the face of a horse anyway. That is the difference.
I honestly wonder about you guys sometimes. What drives you to open the reddit.jpg threads and find this one random bait post to respond to? Why not all the other ones? It's not like the author even tried to disguise this one.

>but the data is fake

Ah yes the classic, "the data doesn't agree with my bias so I claim it's fake with zero proof" argument

Because you can also bait and shitpost to test the various chat bots. Chat GPT and others still can't "think" if you press them to create a line of logic about what is being said.
I mean I explained why the results are warped in perfect English, redditspacing.
Someone invent a time machine and kick that nigger fish back in water please, hate this gay hellhole so much
>Once you remove the people who are "broken"
>So, 1% of women's messages go to the most attractive men ...but women rate only 1% of men as most attractive. Does that make it make sense?
Worse than that - they rate so few men as being most attractive, it got rounded down to 0%. So it has to be at most 0.5%.
And the group below that is 1% of men, but got 4% of messages. So 1% of men are getting 5% of messages, which is a 5:1 ratio (with the equivalent groups on the female side being below a 3:1 ratio)
I mean, yeah. If the system is weeding out people who are literally ill, that is fine.
Your metric is fucking prostitute, people care about real attraction/consideration as opposite gender and love.
Funny because giving "ugly" girls the "stacy treatment" only serves to fuel their ego. They will likely leave you because they believe they can do "better".
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This isn't anything new
Women have some minimum standard but they also actively seek for the highest %
I do think men go more for looks though
>if you both rated each other above a 5, you insta-matched.
[citation needed]

Since your entire argument is based on that claim, I reject your argument until you support that claim.
This image needs to be updated.
>gave me attention and said my name and told me what to do
>so I fell in love with him
I hate this shit so God damn much. Every gf I had cheated on me with their boss or some higher up at work.
Literally all women need to do is exist and not be a landwhale
ii really don't need fuel to hate women it's like a proven fact at this point women are worthless and add nothing of value to a man's life except for their rancid hole to fuck
Ppl will think you're joking but looks maximus exposed all this shit years ago
Go to bitchute or rumble search for "to catch a simp" - it was taken off YouTube - basically this guy Catfishes as a 300lb single mother and gets rich handsome dudes fucking begging to worship his feet and shit. It's so insane. Over 1K matches in every city he puts her in. Some gigatyrones and doctors and lawyers who are still chadlite pretty boys and shit
>woman thinks your attractive
>avoids and ignores you
I must be the hottest dude alive lmao
More messaging doesn't really mean anything. Chatting doesn't always lead to anything or it could even be hostile.
'Want to meet?" "Sure", that's just two messages.

No, you claimed it was fake. It's not. Please provide counter data.

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