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>The relationship didn't end the way *I* wanted it to!
>I was... LE GHOSTED
I say this but without the greentext
Why does the ghost have a bisexual flag behind it? Are you a faggot?
I really feel like ghosting is just not as big a deal as people make it out to be. I don't owe you an interpersonal relationship with me nor an explanation as to why I don't want to be around you.
I prefer a clean ghost over bullshit excuses or a personal critique. I don't want to debate or appeal to someone who doesn't appreciate me. Want out? Get out.
I didn't stab you, you just occupied the space my knife wanted to go.
hmmm should I ghost or stay around while this person keeps making excuses lies and insulting me? honestly the second you insult me, you obviously don't like me so fuck off and kill yourself loser
>tell the person the reasons I don't want to associate with them
>They don't accept the reasons
Yep, this is "ghosting" 90% of the time.
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Ghosts are real because NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"The minute that I kind of woke up on that hillside in heaven I knew that that was more real than any time I've ever spent here on Earth. And I knew instantly that my time here was really but a dream. It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So NDEs convince people who have them, and so does the extensive scholarly literature on NDEs for the people who actually reads it. The problem, however, is that so many pseudoskeptics never actually read the scholarly literature on NDEs and instead just assume, based on their materialist dogma, that since there can not be any evidence for the reality of NDEs, there is no point actually learning more about NDEs.
Wrong type of ghost, nerd!
It's called "Saying goodbye."
tbqh I shouldn't have to explain to someone like they're a retarded spoiled child as to why I don't want them in my life.

If the majority of people who bitch about being "ghosted" had any self-awareness, it would be apparent.
Eh I respect people who have enough of a spine to not appreciate being shunned.
my intuition tells me that heaven doesn't exist and my intuition has never failed me
this, I don't own roasties and post wall foids shit. I stop responding to you because I found younger hotter pussy.
Hah, has it happened to you? Obviously ghosting isn't a big deal when you're the one doing it.
Ghosting can mean anything from the classic father stepping out for cigarettes to the the modern day zoomer shit of
>I met a nice lady in the grocery store line whi gave me her insta, and I sent her a meme at 2am and she didn't reply within 20mins. I've been ghosted! I'm so traumatized!
"Ghosting" has only become a massive thing because it was wasn't possible decades ago. When people weren't hooked up 24/7 to the social media machine, relationships could naturally fizzle out. You could lose touch with friends, dates could fall through, etc. And people were fine with it. Nowadays, you are so obnoxiously connected, it becomes obvious the minute you pull back. And its really affecting people's psychology.

Go to somewhere like reddit and look at the way that zoomies talk about being ghosted after a few dates. They say that they need constant validation and need to be re assured, and that ghosting leaves them "traumatized". Traumatized like a fucking soldier who has been to war.
Makes me worried about young people.
Yes. I've had more people who I thought were friends just stop talking to me and me not knowing why than I care to recollect. This is something not uncommon for autistic people.
Ghosting requires a certain level of relationship (electronic relationships like discord or dating apps are not real relationships).

So I've been ghosted once, by someone I considered a friend. I got over it pretty fast.
Well, what ghosting is is an actualization of someone's true opinions. Little Jimmy goes on a date with Cathy, Cathy is polite and friendly to him(as is social norm), but then she disappears without a trace! The mask of "friendliness" fades, and the cold reality of rejection sets in.

It's naturally not pleasant. When talking to Mom and Dad and close friends, you can usually suss out your offending behavior. But with prospective relationships, ghosting means you're left guessing. Ghosting forces you, in essence, to confront ALL your insecurities at once, since you weren't given a reason.
Cathy isn't Lil Jimmy's therapist
Lil Jimmy just knows he was rejected, and is left to do the detective work of why. Cathy just goes about her day, free of any existential burden.
I've ghosted people myself, I get why people do it. It's still not pleasant.
Wtf I like fucking but I don't like being fucked
I agree, ghosting isn't pleasant. I have been the ghoster and ghosted. But 1 date and Little Jimmy is having an existential crisis? He should work on himself before trying to make a girl his emotional crutch
The girl isn't his crutch, the issue is the way he's been rejected is such that he has no context on what he did wrong. Working on himself is good, but he has no context as to what to work on. All he knows is there was something -wrong- about him.
Sometimes, it's obvious enough. A friend might say "Hey, didn't wanna bring this up but you have bad body odor." Easy enough. But more often than not, Lil Jimmy is left abandoned and confused. There's no helping the abandonment if the relationship was not going to work out. But the confusion could have been mitigated with a simple sentence.

But that's the thing. Before social media, people were dropping out of contact all the time. And it was fine because there was no expectation of instant, 24/7 social feedback.
30 years ago, if someone was obessing over what they did wrong with every interaction, and demanded people give excuses for not talking to them, then that person would have been considered severely mentally ill with social anxiety. But nowadays, its considered normal. Again, because of the expectations created by social media.
Well, I agree with you there. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle however. Men and women are now aware of the myriad reasons someone(romantic prospect or not) can reject them. In that sense, to deprive them of contact is even more cruel.
On the other hand, not associating with someone who makes you uncomfortable is natural. But the modern era has made it almost like the ghostee is a pig in an industrial slaughterhouse, they're processed and discarded.
Sorry - "context", not "contact."
Call me old-fashioned, but I don't consider it ghosting unless you are at least IRL friends with a person. I've been on the internet long enough that I've accepted that e-relationships aren't real. It's bizarre to me that people get so wrapped up in an electronic world where everybody is just putting on a facade
You weren't even alive 30 years ago, if you had a friend or were dating someone and they disappeared without any indication of why and just stopped answering phone calls or letters or whatever depending on how far back in time we're looking it would be reasonable to wonder what happened, be it if they literally Fucking Died or if they just decided they didn't like you anymore.

>get a choice between starting a fight with someone you don't really care for or just gtfo clean
>get called le bad guy for just leaving
Ghosting is the most pragmatic option for sure. You don't bruise any shallow egos, and you give copers just a sliver of hope you're coming back with the milk and ciggies. But it also sucks balls when you're at the receiving end of it.
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ghosting is practiced by weak faggots and women who instead of addressing a problem simply choose to ignore it until it goes away.
Millennials started this gay trend and zoomers copied them and now everyone is just ghosting everyone instead of acting like adults and communicating in a clear manner. Truly a pathetic display of a lack of maturity.
I'd rather be ghosted than have someone with both feet out the door critique me as a person. They're leaving anyways, don't take a dump on my door step on the way out
>you owe me an explanation as to why you're leaving me
>and it better be an explanation that I accept!
You're a disgusting piece of dog shit.
Even them saying "I don't feel like this would work out." is better than literally nothing.
But of course, if I'm the one doing the ghosting, why would I risk any confrontation whatsoever? It's the right move, which is the problem.
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Ghosting is a symptom of Late Stage Capitalism. Don't like someone? Discard them. There's plenty more where that came from.
>let me just make up this strawman real quick
>hehehehe didn't see that one coming!
I bet you're scared of picking up your phone when it rings too.
I don't call you old-fashioned, I call you a fucking idiot. This isn't new, you fucking retard, there were countless people taking online friendships and relationships seriously when I first discovered message boards in 2001. Not outcasts either, but college Stacies and Chads and other successful people. 4chan is so God damned ahistorical it's unreal.
You refuted nothing. You're not worth my time. Bye
Perhaps rather than a Strawman, let's call it a worst case scenario. It's a real possibility that upon being regreted someone becomes upset, even belligerent. Now, on the internet I question just how much damage words on a screen can do, but IRL this confrontation avoidance strategy has clear and obvious benefits.
This entire thread is full of some of the dumbest gorilla niggers I have ever seen posting, how did OP do it?

And their e-relationships weren't real either
Kek, at least you didn't ghost him.
You're an idiot and need to kill yourself, but the point was that this is nothing new even if you think it's a Zoomer thing (probably because you're a zero IQ piece of shit incapable of rational thought)
>Kek, at least you didn't ghost him.
Obviously those things happen and that's why most rejections happen in a public space with lots of other people around.
Wouldn't you think that choosing to simply ignore and block someone may arguably make them even more upset and more hostile than a straightforward face to face rejection? I reckon the average person is more upset by ghosting than an honest rejection.
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Most robots are either autistic or narcissists. Both of which have no self-awareness and horrible personal skills.

The topic of ghosting really hits a nerve because they lack the ability to self reflect and need someone to break out the crayons to explain why they're a person too shitty to bother with
Ah, I don't consider being blocked ghosting, unless the blocking is like a shadowban. Any situation where one party doesn't know the status of their relationship and the other does is pretty fucked up.
>need someone to break out the crayons to explain why they're a person too shitty to bother with
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On the other hand, there are an infinite number of reasons one could be rejected. Ghosting puts this infinite burden on the one being ghosted.
Hahaha, oh that's rich. Silently abandon someone for any old reason, leaving them with nothing but the knowledge they're a shitty person. Yeah I'm sure people really enjoy that!
Let's be real. Robots aren't going to change their life and personality even if somebody wrote them a novel as to why they're a shitty person. Trying to talk to them will just result in a cycle of 4/5 stages of grief until you just give up and ghost them.
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The obligation isn't to have chuddie change, but rather to give chuddie the basic decency of context. A sentence or two, and he's out of your hair. You don't have to have him stop watching Nick Fuentes, or lose weight, or even shower.
If they're a shitty person I ghosted, I don't care about their opinion, life, or existential dread from being rejected. If you need someone to explain your faults, you lack the emotional maturity and self-awareness that I require to consider you a friend.
>If you need someone to explain your faults, you lack the emotional maturity and self-awareness that I require to consider you a friend.

Oh please. In the same way we don't smell ourselves as acutely as others do, we're always a little blind to our own faults, we rely on context to correct them.
Let me clarify, if you *need* some person who is not an actual friend

I just know someone why typing away about "blah blah friends should tell you when your shit is fucked up"

Some girl you barely know is not someone who should be explaining your life to you
It's not explaining your "whole life", it's feedback. Y'know, that thing we use to better ourselves?
Why do you feel entitled to a personal evaluation
Ze ghostings will continue until ze incels "get the hint" and crawl into ze sewer and die.
Basic sense of decorum.
What would someone have to say for you to accept that they want you gone?
Depends on the situation. Am I dating someone? "You're not my type." Is it a friendship? "I'm just not feeling it between us." These are vague, sometimes even frustrating answers, but they are at least answers.
So empty, generic platitudes are enough to make you happy.

Yeah, but what does confronting a person do?
If I went on a few dates and I didn't like them because they smell and they are annoying and autistic, I wouldn't say that to their face. No one would.
I would make up some bullshit like "Oh, I'm not looking for a relationship right now". Or "I just need to focus on my studies". We've all heard that. That's all we hear. No one ever tells us we smell. Surely, you know its a lie.

But the fact that you would find even a lie comforting just shows how deranged the need for validation is. Why demand people say something you both know is a lie? Because it only there to soothe weird insecurities. Thats why.
I'm not happy in any of these scenarios, since I'm being rejected. I could probably learn more from a critique, but once we require people saying in-depth critiques to justify leaving someone they don't wanna be with we make it lopsided the other way. Platitudes are better than literally nothing.
>If I went on a few dates and I didn't like them because they smell and they are annoying and autistic, I wouldn't say that to their face. No one would.

So say "You're not my type." You're not lying. Annoying smelly autists probably aren't your time.

Then why can't you accept that you may not be their type without having that constant feedback?
Imagine what it was like 30 years ago when there was no concept of constant instant connection and feedback.
People had to learn the skill of accepting and living outside their own heads.
They couldn't just get a stream of constant feedback from a glowing dopamine rectangle less they spiral into extreme, debilitating anxiety, which, let me remind you, was exceedingly rare 30 years ago, but is the norm today
It's a symptom of the I am not wanted problem. I hate that bit and you know they try to get me to settle but I'm limerent. There is no way I ever could.
The lack of contact, is proof that my attraction and our relationship is taken lightly, it's an unjust thing. Again, I suffer from obsessed love. It indicates lack of interest on her part and total suffering from unrequited desire. I'm actually being cheated and am not allowed to complain.
I think you're leaning too heavily on this "30 years ago" thing. There were more homogenous social norms and social cues back then, and just as much as they lacked a dopamine rectangle, they also lacked a rectangle telling them literally every possible way they could be lacking as a person.
But as I wrote earlier, the genie can't be put back in the bottle. Smartphones are used for public transportation where I'm at.
In this world... it's GHOST or be GHOOSTED!
I really have no responsibility to explain to a hookup why I ghosted them, nor do I expect any in return. I appreciate a few kind words, but no one has ever offered my advice on how to not fuck up the next girl; that would be weird as fuck.
Burden? What burden? You have no idea why you were ghosted, so don't worry about it. They may have found someone serious, maybe were cheating in the first place, perhaps they just don't like you. You can try to improve, but expecting tips like you're in 2nd grade? Come on.
If you're active on Discord you can probably be doxxed. Avoid making yourself into a target ig
It's naive to expect someone who is rejected to just "not worry." And the end result of your "just don't think about it" is even more late stage capitalism consumer slop, where we treat people like fast food to be consumed or discarded at our leisure. It's quite tacky.
But hey, you wrote "hookup." That's a different story, those are by their nature casual, so I won't be too judgmental about it.
Every time I see some faggot use "late stage capitalism" I know it's a redditor faggot preaching his gay ass religion
>ghost me?
>I'm gonna doxx you!
>I'm a good person. No idea why that can't ghosted me
>gimme pity for I was LE GHOSTED
>capitalism is the reason I was ghosted
Sorry, that was me trying to post in >>78259105.

Continue with your fight you two
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It's really odd that your original post can apply to this thread that you somehow accidentally posted in
Post industrial society, whatever you want to call it. The system that makes you able to just bounce abruptly from a social engagement with no consequences because everyone is an interchangable cog
Do you have some kind of bot/scraper that looks for certain keywords and then alerts you when they're posted so you can reply with this logically flawed copypasta.
If you consider yourself an interchangeable cog, that's on you. I'm sure the person ghosting you had more personal reasons for wanting you out of your life than "post industrial society ughhh"
You're being glib. The person who wanted me gone in your hypothetical could have disliked my shirt or my very essence. But their ability to just fade into the ether is enabled by a system that views people as cattle. Why worry about rudely abadoning your date without a word? Plenty of fish in the sea!
So you're entitled
No, I aspire to a certain sense of decorum. I wouldn't abandon my date and I don't expect to be abandoned. If you wanna call that entitlement go ahead
That is the very definition of entitlement. Glad you could agree with me that you are entitled to someone else's time and energy. It's a real mystery why someone wouldn't want an entitled person in their life.
Being kind to others and expecting kindness in return is entitlement? Are you daft? That's equilivolent exchange
You hold others to an arbitrary standard that you place upon yourself.
If anything, you feel entitled to abruptly end any event with no regard towards your partner's feelings. How's that for entitled, you little tyrant you
My life, my decisions.
My life =/= Your standard
I hold myself to the arbitrary standard called "politeness" and "attending events one said they would attend." Your definition of someone having the AUDACITY to expect reciprocation for their respectful behavior is THE FOUNDATION OF CIVILIZED SOCIETY
We are arguing in circles. You have already admitted you feel entitled. I see no point in continuing this conversation if you lack self-awareness
"Fuck you I got mine" is exactly the sort of things that make the world worse, causes low-trust society, etc.
No, I have argued that I believe in a sense of decorum, you're the one choosing to call it entitlement.
So ghosting you directly leads to low trust societies and the downfall of civilization. Interesting insight into your psyche
No, people ghosting PEOPLE leads to low-trust civilizations. Not just me in a vacuum, trust me I'll live.
Then go live and stop bitching about someone not wanting you in their life
I've the right to complain about whatever I damn well please, but I tire of your haphazard jumps in logic and snide ad hominems. Good day sir.
iit morally lucky people
Good day. I wish you luck on your crusade of changing society. It would be easier to fix yourself first, but you don't need advice. You got this, you one man wrecking ball
Damn I thought you were being an asshole, but after reading this thread, there are obviously robots who think they're the main character in a video game and everybody in their life is an NPC who owes them something
The world owes you nothing champ. If a man punches you in the face, scoot that ass right on up and offer him your rectum. Firm handshake champ, firm handshake. Let em know you're not afraid to take a few licks.
Ghosting and breaking up in general feels bad if you're emotionally manipulated. If somebody says they love you to get you to open and be vulnerable to them, only to then be shut out, that shit hurts.
Do you always jump to thinking about homosexual activities whenever someone makes you butthurt?
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Everyone is acting in their rational self interest
Bra you freaked out like a schizo because you thought a mis-post was a veiled threat.
How was it a mis-post? Your post made it pretty clear you were responding to me. If you're gay, it's okay, it's 2024, we just had a whole month for you.
Alright now you're just scraping the bottom of the barrel, I'm outie again.
>I'm outie
Out of the closet
>noooo you have to stick around and tell me why you don't like me so we can have some big fight and get one of us hurt/arrested
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Half of this thread summarized:

>I am God's gift to humankind
>Everybody should appreciate that I would lower myself to engage in their lives
>If somebody has a problem with me, I demand they write a novel, which I MUST approve (in triplicate), to note that their petty problem is worthy of my attention
>No. You cannot ghost me. You are an NPC, I am God. You exist solely for my amusement. You would disappear into the ether if I were not in your life
>I am flawless. If you don't want me in your life, that means you are flawed
>pls respond I'm a good guy don't you believe in being nice??
>fuck you bitch fuck you fuck you I hate you
>pls respond
anons in this thread
We would have to use asphalt gray if we refused to use every color the LGBTBBQ+ mafia has claimed for their perversions.
>novel about why they're a shitty person
>1 text message saying "I don't want to see you anymore" then don't respond
Fine, not ghosted, you know what happened and can move on
>they also lacked a rectangle telling them literally every possible way they could be lacking as a person
No they still had this. It was called The Holy Bible.
You couldn't just get the hint?
Sometimes for any number of reasons not related to me personally, a bitch can take up to several days off responding.
>phone broke
>family emergency, tinder chats put on hold without warning
>crashed her car (women shouldn't drive), been in the hospital with broken hands for a week
>found a promising higher level chad, might talk to me again in a few days when he ghosts her in turn
etc. A definitive answer telling me to fuck off spares about a week of uncertainty, after which I give up and just hope that it's the car crash thing and she's dead or permanently crippled and disfigured (bitch)
It's a mystery that someone wouldn't want you in their life
>>phone broke
>>family emergency, tinder chats put on hold without warning
>>crashed her car (women shouldn't drive), been in the hospital with broken hands for a week
What terrible reasons lol

Why not just go knock on their door (or hospital door) if you really want them to respond?

I honestly have no idea if you're being serious or parodying the ultimate incel.

10/10 troll. You have left me speechless because I cannot decide whether to respond to you seriously or sarcastically.

Take your well-deserved (you), you bastard.
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>a girl I barely knew stopped responding to me
>wtf! I was only interested in her to make her my sexual conquest and mother/maid/therapist figure
>how could she not know that I was the supreme gentleman that I assumed she was waiting for?
>all women are whores
damn bro. murder is illegal. I think you just committed a hate crime. you can't bash fags that hard anymore
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Every single argument in this thread comes down to people who think ghosting means when you don't get a text back from someone you met a couple of times and people who think ghosting only means when someone walks out of a 3yr long relationship no contact, and they are arguing with each other.

Define what ghosting is before you start arguing your position
the fact that someone ghosts is a clear indicator that they are incapable of basic introspection and humbleness and thus never had the capacity to form meaningful conversations in the first place.
one must learn to see that ghosting is in fact a blessing in disguise. trash taking itself out.
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Its one thing to block someone who is being weird. Its another where they are chill but you arent feeling it anymore.

You dont even have to explain
Just say you dont wanna talk anymore, simple as that
>talking to a girl
>she obviously is mentally ill
>"okay I won't ghost her. It sucks. Let me calmly explain that she is bat shit crazy"
>she goes bat shit crazy
>won't listen to a word I say, just personally attacks me and tries to convince me I'm the crazy one
>fuck this shit *ghost*
Yeah, just a simple sentence and you're done your part. You've no obligation to associate with someone you don't want to associate with. Just say you're done, it's simple. Easy even
You're allowed to just block them after telling them you don't think it's working. Ghosting is not the same as breaking up over text, ghosting is just outright vanishing without a word.
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Some can't understand that they aren't terribly important to others.
Stop being so needy. Ghosting is Based.
Ghosting is bad, but everyone does it
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I prefer ghosting over real life discussion or through text discussion. Ghosting is efficient and concise, yeah it sucks get over it. Only mentally stunted or emotionally immature people would have a problem with being ghosted. Seriously grow up and move on, it's not that big of a deal. You're not that big of a deal.
I should've just ghosted her to begin with if I had the foresight to know she was going to spaz out on me.
It's efficient and concise and treats people like takeaway food to be consumed and discarded at one's leisure. I can't blame people for ghosting people but I can be upset that it exists.
Nah, it's not bad. People only hate it when they're the target.
>You're allowed to just block them after telling them you don't think it's working
Well, I'd say if you're gonna tell them that much then you ought to tell them WHY you don't think it's working lol

Which means it's bad, right?

You're the most unlikeable person I've ever encountered. I sincerely hope you kill yourself
Women who ghost are sociopaths. End of story.
Nah, still based. Some people need to be ignored.
>You hold others to an arbitrary standard that you place upon yourself.
You mean telling the truth? The truth isn't arbitrary

>That is the very definition of entitlement. Glad you could agree with me that you are entitled
>So you're entitled
>You have already admitted you feel entitled.
You're god damn right I feel entitled to the truth, faggot


Don't we all feel that way?
Let he who has not ghosted send the first wall of text unanswered sms
Lol, you are so mad. Truth hit a nerve, buttercup?
Werner Sombart: redditor faggot with a gay ass religion
If you ghost people you're probably a shitty person
>I can't possibly be the problem. It's their fault they wanted me gone

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