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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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>the helltaker avatarfag cuckold
>the avatarfags in pseudo-discord threads where every reply is a painfully unfunny inside "joke"
>anyone who posts in generals
>anyone who posts about femdom hoping a """femanon""" will reply
>"people" who ask questions to femanons
the helltaker guy is the most annoying as to me they're the most recent.
and empath posters.
The others have been around for ages so they just are like white noise to me which isnt a good thing
I can tolerate most of that but I hate chad larpers beyond all comprehension. like holy fucking nigger you are already here there is nothing you could say no story you could spin to make me believe you have anything to do with women. gtfo.
the tranny who claims to be a "cis guy on hrt" because xe was "scared of going bald"
Puuuhhhh thankfully I'm not on your list. I don't know what I would do if I was...
but you need to understand gaynon
i had sex with 800 women contracted herpegonnesyphilaids, just have sex incel
I want to disembowel the retarded unfunny sheldon cooper poster.
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>anyone who posts about femdom hoping a """femanon""" will reply
this is why I post about femsub instead!
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>every poster you listed above
>"hi! I'm from reddit and I've been analyzing this board and you guys are too pessimists! like, I know someone [no one cares]..."
>the dbdrfag
>anons from /fit/ (always toxic as fuck)
>larpers in general
>many others that I don't remember now
People who post dicks, naked bodies, traps, trannies, etc in the catalog.
>/r9k/ posters you hate
anyone from Britain.
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>im so depressed i want to kill myself fuck fuck fuck fuck you die die die i hate you im gonna kms fuck

I hate this cunt. Whenever I see this image I immediately hide the thread. Also the kind of day and take it easy faggots. Fuck off
you ate the psyop
the take it easy anon is obviously from /jp/ and needs to go back into containment
it was ironic niggerbrain
>ITT: /r9k/ posters you hate
All of you because you are just hateful retards.
JIDF posters, other glowie agencies...
Yup, that's it.
I have no enemies... except annoying Jews that stand out because of their lack of humanity and their shabbos goys.
no point in explaining that
people retard tier stupid nowadays and everything is about a measuring contest
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Race bait posters, Ruby, anyone who posts in BioFem, anyone who posts in threads where fembots claim to be lonely and sad and start trying to flirt with her, or get her contact. Also hate people who talk about Trump like he's their god and savior, yesterday I saw a thread saying something like "Trump would never even take a second of his day to think of the blackpill, what are you doing anons?" it was so cringey and gay that I bursted out laughing.
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genuinely just people who will do the
>lust provoking image
>most retarded question you've ever heard in your life
format, it's so fucking stupid
i hate you the most specifically.
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ngl I wish someone would say they hated me. Being a ghost to everyone even tho I'm trying to stick out is embarrassing.
Who are you? I tried avatar fagging for a while but no one noticed. I name fag now but still no one has said anything.
I hate the fag who makes nigger threads with off topic thread questions or blackpill threads where its the same shit. Allegedly a troon thats been doing ut for years. Faggot keeps evading the 30 filters i have with his shit
there is too much going on in everyones lives to sit down and pay attention to some passerby avatarfag or namefag
do it everyday all the time nonstop no matter jow many bans and people will start noticing
>mental hospital doctor hater
>the fetish baiter who spams the same like 10 threads of variations such as "Femcucks! How many women should your man fuck?" and "Femsubs! How submissive are you?" and the pictures are always just like groups of naked women
>the spammer of threads like "/r9k/ why don't you just date an XYZ (tall/shy/big boobed/etc.) girl?" and it's a pic of a generally attractive and desirable women
>the sheldon bazinga poster
>the spammers of that dead fat turk(?) guy who's naked with a boner
>the Miss Universe ass shot spammer
and many more, but worst of all
>small town probation spammer nigcel

generally I just hate people who spam/repost the same repeat threads, since it goes against the very most core spirit of this board.

the last one is just a cunt and deserves to die, but thankfully he seems to have finally, mostly given up posting here, after like 7 years of spamming the same repetitive shit
>"describe the smell of your pusspuss"

I hate stupid fembot and femanon and posters, but this guy is such a repetitive fucking fag
i really hate the /screaming/ guy
he's totally not me though i swear
>Any guy here pretending to be a femanon or just use the word moid.
>>the spammers of that dead fat turk(?) guy who's naked with a boner
>>the Miss Universe ass shot spammer
What do you think their endgame is? They have been obsessed with the same pictures for years.
mental illness? you tell me
you forgot anons who post
>my gf
>my wife
>my partner
this goes for all boards. the lowest of the low. actual scum.
Basically anyone. Especially anyone notable enough to be someone on this board. They are all universally idiots.
Its okay anon, I avatarfag and dont get noticed either.
>be me
>frequent namefag
>noone hates me
>feels good man
>noone likes me either
>feels meh man
You get more than enough attention iris
myself, glad i cant read back and see old posts of mine
I think you got the wrong person, I havent heard of an iris on r9k
>the ftm tranny who bitches and moans about her pussy on here every other day
Others already mentioned biofem and mbti so I will say the whole letter general thread and specially kris the turbo autist. As its been said general threads tend to breed the absolute worst kind of longlived shitposter cancer freaks.
Dang it I didn't make the list.
that ruby nigger he's the fucking worst
Another vote for the helltaker hohol subhuman. I hate Samuel too but he hasn't posted much recently.
I hate them all but I hate none more than you, OP
"findom" posters are the worst. They are liars and worse, they are boring liars.

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