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cuddle with your local femanon
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>local femanon
I live in Israel there are no local femanons here and if there are they're probably iranian bots
Oy vey, throw a couple of shekels on the floor and when she bends down to pick them up, poke your long jew nose up her pussy from behind.
Or get a life
>Or get a life
why not both?
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y'know man, theres this rule when it comes to making jokes: if the thought that someone might've heard that joke already even pops up in your mind, its best to just not try and make it, and when it comes to people's names or stereotypes about ethnicity, that rings more true than ever

Femanons only want to fuck whites tho

t. spic
I'm white and they always block me right before we actually get serious
My rule is: say whatever the fuck you want, this is 4chan, where nothing matters.
I'm Iranian and I'm not a bot. what gives?
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I know my dear friend, I'm simply giving you advice, this advice of mine is very relevant when it comes to dating, just remember to think twice when you're flirting with a girl and you're thinking about making a joke about her name or ethnicity, she probably already heard that joke a thousand times
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I was under the impression that 4chan is completely banned in Iran, I do see iranian flags from time to time on /int/ but they're very few and far between.
Oh don't worry, I just got here so my brain hasn't rotted away just yet. I'm still able to have normal conversions with normies.
it is indeed banned. I'm posting through a vpn AND a separate client. I too see guys posting with the flag in /pol/ but I genuinely don't know what they're doing to get past the block. have yet to ask one of them.
Sorry I don't cuddle with sloots
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Man I feel so old... I've been on this website for like 7-8 years now, oh well
very interesting anon, I've spoken to a few iranians on here and they seem like nice folks if a bit jaded, it seems that after the hijab protests died down they lost any and all hope of the mullah regime ever falling, its truly a sad state of affairs
>I've spoken to a few iranians on here
chances are they were all me lmao I don't know anyone irl who even browses 4chan let alone here plus I'm pretty active.
it's pretty fucking bad all things considered desu. economically everything is down the gutter to the point I'll laugh at Americans faces when they complain about housing because it's so much worse here in big cities.
culturally we're permastuck in a the transition between traditional to western since 1970s and its comical so far. some dudes here outfuck your chads while most(like for real most) men are incels. at least most women are good because it's instilled in them from a young age. I'm kinda having it great since I think I'm in the last generation of the cultural transition phase and get to pick my piece before everything goes to shit like the west.

by the way we are being blasted by anti Israeli propaganda day in and day out so not unlikely that some combat shenanigans might happen. most people don't give a shit though since we're not Arabs and don't give a fuck about them.
>some dudes here outfuck your chads while most(like for real most) men are incels
I mean that's literally what happens when your marriage norm is polygamy
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I literally live in the middle of nowhere, there are no women here. Let alone other 4channel users. Who the fug am I meant to cuddle?

Why don't you just get an IDF gf?
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>chances are they were all me lmao
There are at least 2 iranian flags on /int/ that come up when we have a thread about iran, also plenty of diaspora in america that still speaks farsi
I must say though that while the regular iranians are cool, your diaspora in the US is completely fucking insane, at least from what I see here, the most elitist hateful bunch you can meet, constantly talking down to other folks.
Then again I'm a jew so I can't complain, our diaspora in the US joins communist uni clubs and sucks nigger dick like its a sport, maybe being a diaspoo just fucks with your brain, who knows
>Why don't you just get an IDF gf?
My time in the military was quite short and honestly, while there were girls in my artillery unit, we didn't get along all that well.
that's bs who told you that? that maybe the norm in some Arab shithole but in my shithole, in most places people very much shun and ostracize multi wife faggots and the guy can't even marry more than once without his wife's permission lest the wife leaves and takes (usually) an enormous amount of money from him.
the only places where that is the norm are either Arab infested slums or Baloch infested slums. nowhere else.
kekking at the jew who got buttmad at this post
>Let alone other 4channel users. Who the fug am I meant to cuddle?
find a gurl and convert her to a femanon
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I talked to a gril on here from Israel, so it can't be that hard. You just have to believe in yourself, its not very hard.
I live in the desert with a bunch of dudes :/
>There are at least 2 iranian flags on /int/ that come up when we have a thread about iran
welp I don't usually go on /int/ so I wouldn't know. maybe I have to go there now since maybe I could meet those guys. thank you for informing me.
>your diaspora in the US is completely fucking insane
I know why. it's because those faggots were rich/influential enough here to escape when shit went down in the revolution and they were being prosecuted. they were basically elites here. it seems like that they still haven't managed to shake it out of their systems. though I must say Iranians I know who immigrated to Europe/Canada/America after the fact are generally very nice people, albeit still a bit stuck up and way too invested in western culture(though that maybe a good thing for integration idk)
>I talked to a gril on here from Israel
lucky you anon, although frankly speaking from my experiences with the local girls I can't even imagine what type of girl would browse this shithole, let alone actively engage with the posters here
>local femanon
There are no femanons in my home state, even so they're still as shitty as the average femanon.
>maybe I have to go there now since maybe I could meet those guys.
for sure anon, /int/ is one of the nicer boards on here (most of the time), people get pretty excited when they see rare flags so you'll get plenty of attention
>it's because those faggots were rich/influential enough here to escape when shit went down in the revolution and they were being prosecuted. they were basically elites here.
is that why they're all hardcore pahlavists? lmao, makes sense I guess
>they see rare flags
lmao that's kinda the problem whenever I post because I post through a vpn my flags show up as Netherlands. useful to fit in in /pol/ and rile them up but that's it. have yet to find a way to post with my real ip. maybe those guys in /int/ can help me. we'll see.
>is that why they're all hardcore pahlavists
precisely. nobody really gives a fuck about shah anymore except people who worked for him in those years, because he really was fucking incompetent. his dad was actually pretty decent but he was just the average efficient dictator so naturally people didn't like him. he also sided with the nazi(since Iranians come from Aryans) and that made the British angry so they threw him out. one of the reasons why the current theocracy is relatively stable and won't go anywhere for the time being is that it's opposition is so fragmented they can't decided what the replacement will be and get people under a single banner. quite a funny situation honestly. I'm on my way to immigrate out of this shithole through scholarship but it's pretty hard for a medical student lmao cuz I cba with this shit.
>I'm on my way to immigrate out of this shithole through scholarship
and I bid you good luck with that anon, I honestly can't be arsed to leave this place, its not bad enough to the point that I really want to leave, yeah its not the best but its still 1st world and the salaries are good so I can happily consoom products till the end of my days or until you guys nuke us, whichever comes first
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Anon there are no girls, i am a lonely bouy.

I mean they aren't all that bad, you just need to be nice and talk to people to become friends.
very well then Israelianon. good talk. maybe I'll see you again on /int/ someday who knows. until then I bid you farewell and a bright future.
>cuddle with your local femanon
there's no virgin autist girls without BPD that are from the US east coast doe ;( I'm not downloading Duolicious either
I'm moving to another country next month and I don't think there are any lady anons there
how can you be then ChadSexHaver?
which country?
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moids couldn't be nice
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I had sex with 2 women who were not white, this was once upon a time a long time ago.
sounds like you're the meanie
but i thought there are no women where you live
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Yeah they were foreigners so i am left all alone.
I'm nice until you shit-talk me. Then I shit-talk back :>
if a wurstie from this board tried to cuddle with me i would stab him
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>they were foreigners
why didn't you go back with them?
you also sounds like a meanie
My local femanon ghosted me after we realized we lived in the same town.
Is that you animalfactsindia? You need to use your Chad genes to impregnate all European fembots.
> y'know man, theres this rule to making jokes, its best to just not try
What an incorrect, r3ddit thing to say. There's a rule about being such an obnoxious faggot dictating to other people not to make things because they want to act political:
Fuck off back to another website
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Because I need to study and go to schule.

Do you think I should change my name to this? It could be funny but I have a feeling ever post I would make would have people saying poo in the Loo, Saar and them automatically assuming I am indian
>which country?
Hong Kong
>an obnoxious faggot dictating to other people not to make things because they want to act political
Uh oh the ESLs are infighting. What is this even supposed to say?
you could have studied in their country and take a semester there
have fun there, hopefully the ccp won't kidnap you
i have only ever e-cuddled with one i'm sad
gbt2 reddit
Funnily enough I probably drive by where she lives most days since we're geographically so close.
hope it was still nice to e-cuddle and chill on vc together
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cuddling with a femanon would be nice. Unfortunately
1: Very few femanons live in texas
2: Texas is a large place making meeting up more difficult cause I'd need to drive for hours to meet up.
3: a femanon would never meet up with me.
the chances of me finding a romanian female in this place are exactly n't
you'll find your texas femanon
we both suffer in yurop
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what's the solution? are there any populated eurocentric chans besides krautchan?
>what's the solution
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>local femanon
I have been trying for 6 years already. I can't even find a fren who happens to be a girl, not even a gf I swear to god I'm going insane
Especially when my parents go
>Son, how can you not find a girl in such times? There are more womans than mans in Russia. Just go out there and they'll just jump on you once they hear that you're lonely
every time I hear this I just get one centimetre closer to killing myself already, because my god I JUST CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE I SWEAR TO GOD I'M JUST CURSED AT THIS POINT
they dont like me. I know a non-fembot (actual) femcel but she refuses to leave her house.
Stay safe anon don't get thrown in the meat grinder.
I would love to cuddle a fembot and kiss her on the top of her head, but there are no femanons in the entire state of Oregon for some reason.
Also yes ladies this is an invitation. I'm a 6.5/10, fit, average height, larger than average peen, white, and I don't hate women or watch porn
I'd rather strangle them until they turn various shades of purple
>your local femanon
there's only retards and fags in my country that at the same time use 4chan
Im TOO SCARED of women to touch them anymore, I like to look at them though theyre very pretty.
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what are the 5 steps to cuddling a femanon if i match with one on duolicious
i don't want to try imposing it too early and look bad or miss a chance...
free palestine, faggot
there are no local femanons in my area
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the only femanon in poland is that chick that wants to get raped by nazis
i dont think she'd want to cuddle a fellow pole
(yeah i wanna get raped by nazi girls)
I would love to but
>live in germany
>there are no femanons here except for two
>they both are not interested in men

being an ethnic doesn't help either.
>inb4 go back to your own country
I was born here and I don't even speak the language of my home country dude
>learn your language and culture
>save lots of euros
>go back there and live like a king, maybe start a bussiness, maybe just buy a mansion and rent it out to tourists
>people will accept you and even feel sympathy since you're such a patriot
>chances of finding a wife increased tenfold
I would if i could find one. I got a new big bed coming in a few weeks so cuddling applications are open.
honestly considering to do that desu. Am in STEM anyways and I figure that I could buy a nice place to live in my homecountry. The thing is, I dont wanna because I love German culture
Do tell me which city she is in. Im polish but can scream in perfet incoherent german
>I love German culture
You will never be appreciated as an immigrant, they will always secretly resent you.
cope, I drink beer with germans and enjoy my bratwurst, whilst we drunkedly sing auslaender raus. knowing full well that the cops can't fuck us over because of me, a foreigner, being present

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