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Do u want ur autism cured
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I would geniunely speaking partake in a total war for years, where I would hand over my most valuable possesions to be molten into gold to pay off said total war, aswell as fight for 18-20 hours a day, if in exchange I was relieved of autism. I would go through the most inhumane conditions experiencable and endure the worst struggle that man could possibly endure, if in exchange I would be guaranteed a normal life.

If it is what it takes to end up living a life with kids and a wife, where I don't have to worry about ostracization because I did something that wasn't normal or socially acceptable (that I wasn't aware of)

Or to just get social cues in daily life, then it is worth the shot
This is not eugenics but I would be open to killing people like OOP
I have diagnosed autism and I don't think it would be worth curing. If my autism is the reason I am sleepy all the time (which it may be) then... I dunno, I guess? It would be nice to have actual energy like a normal person is meant to instead of being slightly sleepy all the time. It's too little too late anyway since I am nearly 30 and have already done all the normalfag stuff like party, sleep around and get a professional job.
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>done all the normalfag stuff like party, sleep around and get a professional job.

I cannot get a proper job, only shitty minimum wage ones. I do not enjoy partying in the slightest, it always feels like a waste of time to me. I have never had sex. I am 21 years old and I will turn 22 this year and I fear I will be a loser for the rest of my life even though I am in college.
>Do u want ur autism cured
no? i think? the few joys i have in life are my autistic fixations. id be too scared of remaining a friendless loser and just losing the part of me that gets excited about childrens cartoons and vidya
I could do without my ADHD but I wouldn't want to no longer be autistic
And how are they doing it? You are such a subhuman that you couldn't even provide a link?
>Do u want ur autism cured
yes yes yes yes yes
I need it cured! its ruined my life
how have you guys been to parties? ive never been to a party, even a birthday party as a kid. if not for places like this id assume they only happened on tv. id like to go to at least one in my life. cmon autisic to autistic help me out here, how do i go to a party
i'm ok with it
i want to be cured of my anxiety and adhd so i can be competent enough at life to troon out
Chicks I was dating or fucking would invite me. That's it.
People on this site would love a cure
Reddit and twitter tards dig in their heels
>nuh uh. I am fine. This is genocide
>wants to troon
Basically every time when you start to notice. Lgbtq is literally just eugenics. I think this world needs less retards though so.... um get on those pink pills gorl!
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I just wanna live a normal life and have friends and stuff... and do normalfag things! :D
it's not eugenics since i am not reproducing either way
oh. i dont have sex so i guess thats not gonna work out for me. maybe ill try to start.
Wow i guess you cant fight that logic
i'm not having kids and i feel like normies still can have autistic kids
i just wish i were a woman
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cheating honestly. Some chads I befriended by helping them with their history homework or whatever went to them and I asked them if I could tag along. Also going to clubs. Though still, they suck. I didn't enjoy them really.
as an old autist in his 30s no. I'm a friendless loser and KHHV, I can never understand normies and stop trying a long time ago. I don't want to suddenly be 'normal' and be able to understand all the social cues that must have been staring me right in the face. It won't let me go through school again and get a second chance, it'll only bring me pain.
the only cured aspie is a dead aspie
>i just wish i were a woman
You never will be and if you cut off all connection to the internet or media for a month by the end of the month you would not want to be a woman anymore

Also you probably dont "want" to anyways, you just think you do because you have a weak mind.
Just more proof autism is fake and it's just the dysfunction that comes from bad parents. Their "cure" is literally just a healthy diet and behavioral therapy which is a fancy term for teaching kids how to act right and socialize. Which is what normal good parents are supposed to do in the first place.
>for a month
Honestly, this is pretty high an estimate too. For extreme cases maybe. If youre just a casual (which it seems like you are) 1 or 2 weeks is probably more than enough.
Thats what i always said, since both me and my brother are autistic, along with all our cousins (literally), while we also all had complete shit parenting. Its hard not to see the correlation. This is how it always goes
>if you cut off all connection to the internet or media for a month by the end of the month you would not want to be a woman anymore
i've done that before actually but i also don't know what media you're blaming for it

i've gone a week without internet access before now what
without a shadow of a doubt
i'm lazy, hateful, childish, immature, emotionally unintelligent, incapable of empathy, effectively incompatible with good people, and obsessed with victimising myself out of an inherently selfish desire for self-sacrifice while simultaneously treating other people like they're somehow less than me
sometimes in the dead of night i like to just mentally microanalyse myself for being like i am, repeating mantras about how much of a failure of a human being i am, and bring myself to tears just so i can feel something
at the very least, losing the autism would lose my excuse for being like this
y'know what
i feel that sometimes
I kinda want to, but one the other side i wouldn't. It feels like my life would get way easier with social skills and the gain of smoother thinking.

But it feels like it would turn my personality around too. Maybe in a way i wouldn't like myself.

And i dont think i could handle becoming 'normal' after going trough everything.
It only works on young kids. It may be bunk science.
honestly, yea

i cant speak for shit
i don't have any friends
i still live with my parents
and i'm broke and cant get a job cuz autism
>cures the 'tism
>still a 'cel due to biological factors
No, it's far too late for me.
This is just some nonsense myth, my tranny thoughts started when I was 12 in 2009 when the only things I did on the internet were flash games and runescape and trannies were non existent in the media. I highly doubt turning off the internet will do anything meaningful.
I'm 99% sure the best cure for low to mild autism is actually strict parenting instead of enabling it.
There was a special ED class at my school so I met all kind of autismos there, and how much on the spectrum they were usually depended on their parents.
You cant cure autism unless you chelate mercury out of the patients brain properly and carefully.
too late now but if I was younger then yes
why should autism be revered?
I am autistic and don't want a cure. Speak for yourself, self loathing dork.
If my autism you mean

- Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, ranging, for example, from abnormal social approach and failure of normal back-and-forth conversation; to reduced sharing of interests, emotions, or affect; to failure to initiate or respond to social interactions.
- Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction, ranging, for example, from poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal communication; to abnormalities in eye contact and body language or deficits in understanding and use of gestures; to a total lack of facial expressions and nonverbal communication.
- Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships, ranging, for example, from difficulties adjusting behavior to suit various social contexts; to difficulties in sharing imaginative play or in making friends; to absence of interest in peers.

Then yes, I could cure myself of those things. I cry everyday because I don't have a wife and I don't have kids. I'm really trying bros but I'm a wizard. It's not hopeless but my hope is as strong as a kindling fire in a windstorm.
I would spend $10 to give you an extra dose of autism.
autism is objectively bad and i wish i didn't have it but the fact that my existence makes normalfags uncomfortable outweighs my personal suffering and i hope millions more of us are born
fuck all of you
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Too late now. Autism has made me what I am. If I went normie now it might destroy me completely. I don't know how a normal person would react to being this low status, but I don't think it would be a good thing.
It's too late for me, my problems are beyond just autism now
What if you could have a cute aspie wife whilst still being autistic?

Also for all the negatives autism let's you do things a lot better than normies that require pattern analysis or a lot of effort in one particular area. Most normies, even smart ones just don't seem to have the curiosity and desire to know the complete truth about anything unless forced to. Literal NPC brain unless told to feel or think about something by someone.
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They're simply beating the retarded out of them.
This has been known for years, decades even, that it is primarily an immuno-metabolic problem stemming from gut dysbiosis much like many other common ailments. What caused it is less clear, the whole "vaccines give your kid autism" isn't untrue at all, but there are so many other factors involved that it's hard to pinpoint. Other times kids catch some really nasty virsu/bacteria and to this day all doctors can do is pump you full of antibiotics and cross their fingers. These powerful antibiotics and drugs cause some metabolic changes that eventually manifest as autism. The older you are the harder they are to reverse. That's not even getting into how merely being labeled as autistic ruins your social life forever.

But these shitstains couldn't even predict that their shitty law-mandated clotshots would lead to an epidemic of cancer and aids-like mass immune dysfunction and antibody-evading viruses. I'm not trusting anything a medicine golem says ever again.
Anon, there's nothing in the autism diagnostic criteria that talks about all the positives you have. It's just a test that you exceed a certain threshold of negative behaviour.

Certain postiive things being associated with autism is nice and all, but being diagnosed with autism doesn't mean you necessarily have any of those good traits, because it's only a test of what's wrong with you. I don't see getting rid of what I listed as nessecarily coming at the expense of any sort of extraordinary ability. I do see highly intelligent peopel who are also socially capable.

I've desired to know the complete truth about things and it mostly results in epistemological circular wankery. What I want is to live a high quality of life. The way to live a high quality life is through people. Not though discovering truth. Teenagers are more socially capable than me and it's embarassing beyond belief.

The need for people to put a label on me like "Autism" because they hate how I interact with other people SO MUCH breaks my fucking heart.
Its genetic m8
LETS GO Can it work on adults>??? The wold would get a lot more boring though
Interesting thread. I recently learned I'm on the spectrum in the mid 30s. So there is a lot of oh yeah or just a general sense that a lot of interactions, relationships, jobs could of went differently. But would I change it, no, I'm not so sure I'd want to see the world like everyone else.

Sure I'll have to deal with a work place bully who will zero in on me. But on the other hand if "cured" I doubt I'd be able to entertain people with my microphone.

I'm saying I'm pretty sure I can still get where I want to go by recognizing my problems and also attributes. Really, taking mushrooms has helped me think about all this, I'd recommend.
yes. if results were guaranteed or strongly likely, i would do whatever i had to do within reason.

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