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Im on summer break now, im 18 and this is supposed to be the best time of my life but i have no friends irl or online, and I've just spent the first few weeks of it rotting away so far

Anons what should i do now so i dont waste my entire life?
If you have a car find some woods, find a spot to park, and walk. Just wake up early and go for a walk. See what you can see. The best is to go off trail, go get lost for an hour or two.
no car!! driving lessons too expensive..
Ive gone for a few walks but ive explored everywhere near me now and its a pretty boring area

My best bet would be to take a train to somewhere random
sounds like you have choice. maybe log off 4chan since you're so young and are wasting your life
And do what tho?
i just dont really know what to do, and i got no energy or motivation to do much
learn about habit forming, rewiring your brain and stuff and then put yourself out there. Also fix your sleep and diet so you have more energy and mental clarity.
any advice for sleep and diet?
I feel like mine is fine i sleep from 1am to 9am every day and i have a pretty balanced diet, idrk why i have such little energy
play pickup basketball. Go to the beach.
let me flip the question- where do you see yourself in 20 years
Watch lots of anime and go for night walks while it's super warm
i plan on graduating university to get an economics degree and then working my way up a company in an office job
ohh any recommendations? ive watched quite a lot of anime and most anime i watch now dont really hook/invest me
im tired of solitude... Ive gone months without a real life conversation and its depressing
im 19 rn same situation. Tbf there realy isnt much we can do while we dont have money and independence from our parents. the only things i can do that are "productive" is going to the gym, trying to get my driving license and studying some things i will have to learn this year in uni
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i have advice to ask from you, recently a girl i've been talking to online (she's eighteen and i'm twenty five) has kinda fallen in lovey dovey with me, but i feel weird talking to someone while legal is still just a young naive girl.

i don't want to hurt her feelings, but i'm conflicted on whether i should accept her feelings since she is very sweet.

how would you feel about dating a guy in his mid-twenties at your age? any advice for me?
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I would do everything I could to get a license. Then do that. I did it in NYC for months while I was there. Nothing is going to happen but actual memories.
Try to get outdoors some, OP. Even if it's for just going for an hour-long walk a day. You'll notice your mood gets a lot better when you do that, I promise.
hehe i know right, the most i do to feel productive is to go for long walks/jogs
I like bike rides
Can you ride a bike?
Ive applied to over 50 jobs and still no hope TwT
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I will answer that for you. Just do it and don't worry about what anyone thinks. This could be the one, don't blow it because what others think. It is legal, just don't be a fucking creep and treat her like a person. Happy for you Anon
I dont own a bike, theyre too expensive lol, but i do go for walks! but its not like i can spend the entire day walking, i need to find more to do!
I struggle to be productive cause of ADHD (and i dont have meds for it)
Where are you? Are you in the US? Time to either go to college, pick a trade, or find a skill. Pick one.
UK, im in college right now, but i wanna get a part time job for cash
>i do go for walks!
sounds nice
>but its not like i can spend the entire day walking
oh and here your wrong
You can :D
maybe you could take a train to a cool place and walk around there
>struggle to be productive cause
hmm well i think productivity doesn't really matter it you're doing something just for fun
What kind of things do you enjoy anon?
>I dont wanna waste the summer
I'm in the same postilion, sadly there's nothing you can do as not wasting the summer includes people liking you enough, so it's over. So just get deep in your favorite escapism.
I was thinking of taking a train to the nearest city and just spending the day there on my own, i might even get some social interaction
>What kind of things do you enjoy anon?
Idrk anymore? I used to enjoy gaming and anime but nothings sparked my interest recently, i want to try and find some kind of hobby i can enjoy

yeahh youre right, its just sad seeing other people from my college partying and enjoying time with eachother while im just rotting, my escapism now is just doomscrolling
23 year oldfag here, things I would've wished my 18 year oldself to do
>In January 2021 you will hold your piss for too long and permanently damage your bladder so don't do that
>On April 3rd, 2023 you will trip over a curb and sprain your ankle so don't do that
>Don't quit your part-time wagie job or you will be broke as shit
>Stop failing your classes and learn how to build good study habits so you can past your tests and not be disqualified from financial aid
>Use your wagie money to go to the gym you fat fuck
>Have a consistent sleep schedule
hmm so from this ive learnt i need to
>get a job
>sleep well
>study more

I struggle to get motivation to study, its annoying, i cant even force myself to study, whenever i go to study i just end up cleaning my room or something cuz id rather do anything else desu
can you just walk into that? or is it basically impossible
>its just sad seeing other people from my college partying and enjoying time with eachother while im just rotting
I know it hurts.
>my escapism now is just doomscrolling
You should try out something different, I think doomscrolling is the worst. Like maybe try JRPGs, or any video gamse really, or TV.
Ive played a lot of rpg's and jrpg's this year, any suggestions?
I don't really have any, I'm still new to the genre, but I really like the persona games, 3,4,5, I find it easy to get lost in them. I like Racing Lagoon and FF10, too.
played through 5 and 4, but im kinda burnt out now so i dropped 3 half way through :>
Yeah, I find it's easy to get burned out on RPGs, maybe you could try like Detroit, or heavy rain. Single player story driven games are quite fun for me.
i just want some way to get the energy i used to have back...
I have no energy anymore, i thought i was just burnt out but its been 2 months, i can never get myself to do anything, ive never had a depressive slump this bad
I understand, I remember one time I didn't finish a game for like 3 years. I hope you can get your passion back soon.
Ever tried the Xenoblade games? idk what consoles you have or if you have PC
pc player!! i think im just gonna spend more time outside desu and see if that changes anything, oh and drinking more water
I have a modded wii, still never tried to play it.
Its gonna get a lot worse.
Whatever you do never tell anyone you feel suicidal. Suicide prevention is just that, preventing you from killing yourself not making you not wanna kill yourself. And whatever people you know who knows are gonna expect you to get better.
yeah that's probably better if you're burned out, however I recommend giving it a shot on a emulator or something when you are resting after a walk or gym. got me back into RPGs at least
dw i dont think id kms just due to my fear of death

Which xenoblade game should be my first?
I still struggle with it, I'm not expert but maybe it's like working out: it sucks ass doing it but you get a good reward by learning the material or getting fit. Don't spend 24/7 studying like asians do but don't spend 2 seconds studying either, just set a certain timeframe where you will study without distractions and then once you're done you can do whatever you want.
I played though the switch version and started the play the Wii version on dolphin, interesting to play the same game but have a different experience with it
i struggle to stick with timings, even if i have no distractions i just zone out hehe
how long would you recommend studying for?
The first one, if you care about money just emulate the Wii version on dolphin. best to experience them in order
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>this is supposed to be the best time of my life
that's just another gaslight that normies tell you while you're growing, champ. (for some people it's true but it's not like a r9k poster should rely on normie advice)
hey op you still here? check out https://eventbrite.com. there's always something to do there.
I'm in a similar situation, 18 too. Obviously more distant from irls now I'm on break, and my online friends aren't really talking to me right now, so I have nothing to do all day. I'm mostly spending it rotting in my room with the company of
>the chan
>a bottle of whiskey
Considering smoking to pass the time and feel better, will also mean I have to be outside.
>whiskey and smokes
where are your parents
Just my drink of choice. My dad always drank it, so I kinda took after that. It's not gay like the fruity cider I'd have at like 14. Also I'm a britbong so we drink early here, and my parents are fine with me drinking and bought me liquor while I was under 18.
I don't smoke, I've just been considering starting. And I'll be surprised if I don't start at some point in my life.
everything you just said made me instantly dislike you
Idk what I did wrong but ok.
The definition of studying is to learn, the definition of learning is to acquire knowledge and skills. Some people learn faster than others due to having a higher IQ, some learn slower but the point is learning takes as long as it needs to, you can't rush it. But if you want an ideal time, treat it like a work day of 8 hours.
my summer is almost over. also 18. i wasted it. i wish i had killed myself on the last day of school like i planned to.
Wasting your summer is something you'll get used to as you grow older. I remember being pissed as fuck for wasting my summer, but eventually learned to appreciate the simpler things.
Similar to how happiness is found in the absence of wanting to feel happy, you can't "want" to have a good summer if that makes sense.
Chill out, try to meet up with friends, spend time away from the computer. Spend time with your parents, maybe go on a fishing trip with your dad or something.
Lol I wasted all my summers too. I didn't know any better so I don't beat myself up over it. That's life. One long sprint from the mouth of a lion. You can escape now but he'll get you one day.
Talk to people even if they're cunts, just keep talking, talk to old people if other people your age are too cunty, just do something, anything, and you will have interesting stories.

If you just do things, things will happen. When I was 19 and got my first job, I had no car or bicycle and I walked like 2 miles home and this girl there saw me walking back and started giving me lifts and we talked a little. It wasn't much, but there are good people out there and if you go out and do things, anything, you will meet them eventually. I wish I did more and had more experiences like that, I would have probably found friends along the way. It seemed pointless and futile back then, but I am sure it is not.
See, this is where I disagree. OP needs to hear a balancing opinion which is that the world can be very dangerous and many people are mean and if you have tons of freetime and nothing better to do it's time to start making money or learning a money-making skill. Or you'll end up a NEET where no one will want to hire you.
well i had to grind for entrance exams at my 18 summer break
you lucky fuck
Kill yourself at 30, not 18. At least give yourself a chance to make it and if you don't then you can kill yourself.
You really had it rough enslaved in that Congolese coal mine. I'm amazed you made it out of there in one piece. But it's not just the physical wounds it's also the mental scars, right?

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