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If you're an older 25 year old or older virgin who never had a girlfriend, have you ever had a girl take an interest in you?
>I smiled some 8/10 girl in class
>Next day she strokes my hair as she's walking past
>Never hit on her because I'm autistic
>Now a 32 year old khhv
nope, i haven't even interacted with one in around 5 years
>woman does normal thing


holy shit you incels are pathetic. probably abused by your mothers and you never figured out to pick yourself up.

women's words and actions mean nothing. thousands of wives each day tell their husbands they love him while fucking a guy the minute they're out the door lol
Yes tons, I was the shy kid in class. Didnt know how to talk to women. Didnt know how to move the conversation forward. My mom was a nutcase. I was asked to work at Abercrombie and fitch the few times I went there. Never knew how good looking I was until everytime i went to a wedding and everyone told me I was the handsomest guy in the photos. I had 10 plus chances of getting a girlfriend if I just have said it.

I dont dwell on the past. Some people find different things to make them happy.
Some girls in school may have liked me but I didn't find out until it was too late.
Yea. I have been asked out and have had clues a bunch of times.
Yeah. Many.
But I have pushed every girl away because I've always had it in my mind the first and only girl I should be with is a virgin that I will marry
Currently 29, and slowly shifting away from that moral framework, as it is simply not compatible with this world right now and if I continue this way, I might be a virgin for the entirety of my life expectancy
I'm certain that women aren't real
I ignore and make it clear with my demeanor that i'm not interested in them. I can't be with one if I just see them as being worth less than dirt. I'll probably end up doing something unspeakable to them if they disrespected me.
Is stroking a stranger's hair really normal?
Women can take a shine to me at first (white, tall, not fat) but repeated interactions betray my hideous autism.
Nobody is an incel
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>have you ever had a girl take an interest in you?
Yep. Greentext related
This was me in college. When starting a new semester, new girls would look my way all the time, some would smile, some would just stare. I would turn my head and a friend group would be looking over at me smiling. I was 6'4 and newly /fit/, trying to attract females to lose my virginity.
It was working.

However, I was too pussy to talk to them myself. But some did try to approach me with small talk, ask obvious questions, etc. Some examples
>girl I was lusting after (she was perfect) sat next to me in class, then asked me to repeat what the prof just said for her notes. I sperged out because I was scared of talking in class and said "it would take too long to explain" (she avoided me after).
>girl I wasn't attracted to made small talk with me, but did a 180 and tried to get away from me after a couple of minutes (forgot what I said that was offputting). PS I became obsessed with her after because she gave me attention for 2 minutes.
>3 different cute girls who actually tolerated my autism regularly sat beside me and made small talk about schoolwork for several semesters in a row. I never did SHIT despite them giving me obvious signals for weeks and months.

Maybe if I went to some parties and got wasted, I could have overcome it, but I never did because I had no friends and no party invites. Now I'm in my 30s and fat and bald - it's over.
Yes a girl 1 or 2 years under asked me what my cell phone number was. I lied and said I didn't have one, this was 2006-07 when it was conceivable to not have one, though weird and I did.
If they have, im certainly not aware of it in any way
At some point in the last few years I had some kind of awakening where I realized that people do seem to find me attractive in some way or another and it forced me to realize just how many times I flat out ignored or rejected girls who seemed genuinely interested in me.
I would have thought the takeaway was that I was good looking enough to do well with women if I tried but the lack of experience wrought by years of being a self-isolating moron makes it futile
> I was good looking enough to do well with women if I tried but the lack of experience wrought by years of being a self-isolating moron makes it futile
Part of experience is having your humiliating failures and rejections. Can't have experience if you never try to gain it.
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Fuck that shit. Bitch could say something herself.
I'm a 33 khv.
I have been clearly hit on or girls have clearly taken interest in me 9 times in my life that I can confirm after the fact. First one when I was 13 and last one when I was 25.
There are possible 5 more instances I don't count because they are too weak where it is possible that the girls were interested but the looks, chats, comments, etc, I just can't confirm with my level of social intelligence even today as 33.
Those 5 spans my younger years from 15 all the way up now to 32 on different occasions.

If I just had any level of social intelligence or awareness or any percent of confidence I have now compared to when I was 13 back thrn and just didn't stare, say nothing, one word responses, etc I would have had multiple gfs and probably be married with kids by now if I wanted to.

Thr level of social intelligence I hav today as a 33 year old man would fit in with 17 year old normies of thr past and among them I would be chad. That is not good. That just shows how behind I'm.
That doesn't mean I have any game or awareness now so I can "rizz up" some 18 year old today. It just means that if I was sent back in the past to 2010 with my current knowledge I could act properly on the signals I would get back then and talk with girls of any type without fear.

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