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>Comunity-driven substance encyclopedia.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Non-profit org for drug discussion, research, and harm reduction.
>Mushroom (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, trip reports, and identification.
>DMT (and other substance) discussion, cultivation, and trip reports
>directly swap bitcoin for monero
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First for Banana blunts. Has anyone else ever rolled one of these? It's the Best natural rolling paper, imo.
that last thread went by quick kek
I forgot about the idea of using numbers in the title. Good idea.
what the fuck lmao, I'd assume it wouldn't be good but I'd have to investigate and I can't be bothered atm.
one of my mycelium cakes got infected with mold rip
i sprayed it down with isopropyl alcohol and cut out a large piece of it and threw it away but i dont know how good it'll do since its only been a few days since i put it in a tub
only the comment is checked for originality, the number is just there for show
i mispelled "comunity" for originality
Just drank 240 mg of poli dmx. Never tried dmx before, what I am in for?
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you will die dont do that
just a quick question, I don't know anything about drugs. which drugs enhance cognitive ability and functioning or potentially IQ? I want to become more intelligent for my grades and also for self-reflection and contemplation.
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Thanks anon very helpful
idc about originality, thats what "editions" are for imo. I just thought it was a genuinely good addon.
Mild 2nd plateau probably. Check using an online calculator to see what it will specifically put you at. It's likely not very much but will be something alright.
Hope you enjoy, DXM is far too serotonergic for my stomach to handle. I just get sick for 6 hours straight.
thats a pretty low dose i think. music will sound better, you might get some euphoria, disassociation will be relatively mild, you might get some nausea.
look into nootropics
Yeah thats been a question for over a century bro, get in line. But really just look up what drugs astronauts take regularly, it's mostly mild stimulants unless you want to play with addiction (with stronger stims).
got myself a new weedpen, hits great... my problem now is that it's too easy to get high lmao
I looked it up and saw people saying "1/2 the strength double the duration" for poli compared to the normal stuff, so it should be pretty mild. I haven't done anything psychoactive in 3 weeks so I should feel something. This is mostly just to see if I like the substance enough to buy a bottle of tablets off amazon. I have 300 mg left in the bottle so worst case scenario I can take a little more later or just drink it all in a few days and have it hit a little harder.
prepare for a huge tolerance and inability to function without it in increasing amounts
>300mg for bigger dose
Given how plateaus tend to be, you likely won't see much of a difference between 240 and 300.
I'd recommend a plateau calculator, something like: https://unharmed.info/tools/dxm-plateau-calc
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Why do virgins with generous doctors think themselves superior to self med chads? It's disheartening you can do all the research in the world yet still get condescended by some normie who thinks their drug use is so much more morally superior? Especially in a day and age where self education is easier than ever obedience should be a virtue to be shamed, not one to be lauded and used as a cudgel. Shout out to all the people who self med and do it right, I have zero sympathy for people who blame others for not realizing the drugs they take can cause dependency
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is it me or when you get the initial high from weed you think of a bunch of depressing shit and cringe then go to being lad back in a good mood
my life is pretty shit rn so I'm gonna start abusing dxm again
guys i am going through a break up right now and am super bummed. will weed make it worse? I haven't smoked in a while and have never smoked when I've been this bummed out.
if you can't stop being hung up about it, weed won't really save you.
>will it make it worse
Pretty much yeah. You'll get some rebound depression afterward too from trying to put off the emotions upfront. Just deal with them now, and in a week or two when you are doing better you'll be able to properly enjoy the high.
An hour in I'm starting to feel a little something. I wasn't 5 minutes ago so I took another 180 mg for a total of 420. I realize what I'm feeling now is the first dose I took, the second one won't arrive for a while. Am I Fucked?
Good job, you convinced me. I took more.
psychadelic junkies will say shrooms
To the extent that it is because of social fear mongering, hyper independence from social norms is very off-putting to normal people due to some kind of agreeable-ness trait they seem to have. I can not fully intuitively understand it as an autist.
To the extent that is is practical, any deviation from the norm would mean that someone is doing something potentially risky. If they possess the underlying trait of "social agreeable-ness" that I previously mentioned, then a thing must first pass the test of social acceptability for them to then assess it logically.
The reason this exists (somewhere in psychological evolution) is likely due to how useful it is to test things that are unknown by simply seeing if other people already do/trust them/it. If nobody else does/is familiar with something, then it might very well be for a good reason. Nonetheless, having some daring people (you and I) who take on risk by doing these things are still necessary to reshape the general social fabric that these people function through.

I've heard it said before that autists are like social canaries (a type of bird historically used by coal miners to detect air quality). This lends itself here because we are testing the waters of something that is somewhat safe, but we must figure out to what extent it can trusted before allowing normalfags to roam through these waters. Think of it like a team function. We test the bounds of what is possible and if we die then people will know not to do it. If we live, we can "discuss" potentially letting others do it (aka, other people will see us survive/thrive and consider it acceptable).
>took more
lol nice. If you aren't feeling like shit an hour in, then I assume the nausea you face will be minor (like it is for most people). Lucky you. Have fun anon!
IQ is a sham, but honestly, you have to figure that out for yourself.

For most people, intelligence(as in, having the ability to learn and apply learned behavior in a practical way) is a matter of time and focus. Time is short for most people, modern technology makes focus an issue too. So if that's your problem, stimulants help, same for any number of random nootropics.

But if your problem is an inability to visualize, interpret and immerse yourself in an explanation, text or lecture, other drugs can help. Weed, in my opinion, is great to "open your mind" in that sense, while LSD is too intense for that purpose.

Maybe someone has anxiety issues in their lives and benzos would help there, it all depends on what exactly stops you from picking something up, absorbing and sticking with it.
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most people assume you're just a junkie in denial or trying to mask his addiction
and in most cases they're entirely true
i'm a med student, and i dont mask my drug use with excuses like that, i just own up to the fact that i'm a retard who does it for fun
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Looking to see if fly agaric is a meme or not. What would be the dosage for a 6'7" 340lb man be? Is there a calculator somewhere that I can use?
2 hours in, effects are starting to come on stronger. Mild nausea, not intolerable but I'm hoping it stays that way. A subtle euphoria is growing along my body, not overwhelming but growing steadily, even as I type this. No hallucinations yet but it is far too early to write them off.
ive always wondered if adrenachrome actually works. i know it exists, just take an epipen and oxidize the adrenaline, but has anyone tried it?
Why are benzo post highs so shit. I feel like I'm going to kill myself and also die
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A rigorous sleep and exercise schedule, combined with journaling for self-reflection, and agenda-planning for achieving goals.
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have you ever met people who dont exist while on a trip?
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Idk, ask Ariana Grande.
Yes, I talked about this in a thread a few weeks ago. When I was on Datura, I sensed a homeless schizophrenic standing over my bead, he yelled "JOHNSON" at me (not my name), and disappeared. Later on, I kept hearing chainsaw noises, and I kept spasming because I felt as though something was pinching my thighs.
*bed. Excuse me, I'm stoned rn.
I actually suffer from anxiety and have an inability to absorb most information correctly and efficiently, I have gone to psychologists for this because I found, for the last 3 years, I couldn't absorb or retain pretty much anything as I used to. they told me that it's a mental problem and prescribed me some vitamins and antipsychotics, but it didn't help and didn't solve the issue. my mind is perpetually blocked and I have no clue what to do. whether it is caused by anxiety or not, I want a concrete solution or something that would help me work through it. but I want to avoid anything that would cause me even more brain fog, like antipsychotics and also weed afaik.
that plan sounds cool asf and a good improvement, anon.
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Got high and learned:
>What mental health professionals see today is that abusive conditioning in childhood -- when "new" humans are relatively helpless already and dependent upon their parents and/or other caregivers for survival -- socializes and normalizes learned helplessness into the brain's default mode network.
>This happens when a child is regularly neglected, ignored, abandoned, discounted, disclaimed, and rejected -- as well as invalidated, confused, betrayed, insulted, criticized, judged, blamed, embarrassed, humiliated, ridiculed, denigrated, derogated, victimized, demonized, persecuted, picked on, dumped on, bullied, gaslighted, scapegoated, and/or otherwise abused -- by others upon whom the child depended for survival in early life.
>Otto Kernberg saw in his research on the personality development of such children, a "splitting" of identity into opposing and conflicting parts. Most typically seen among trauma survivors is the split between "I am angry (which makes me strong and protects me) here." But... "I am weak, frightened and a victim there." As anyone who has ever observed an abused child over time knows, they remain stuck in those equally delusional, "angry here / hopeless there" states of mind, rather like the "terrible twos" and/or "angry adolescence."
>The key to recovery from childhood trauma is always to resolve this conflict of identities between the one that is too strong and the one that is too weak.
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drank 250ml 750mg hbr bottle yesterday, said id save half for another day but no self control. also drank bottle of wine and 2 beer
spent whole day shitting liquid insides gurgling constantly. was still blasted by time family came home (drank in morning, was high all day) was awkward
usually use robocough tablets but had free day, as with every time i try dont think i can do syrup anymore, always wrecks my body
should really just get pure dxm or buy ket instead...
I've dosed 420 mg of poli atp and It's feeling preddy gud for me. My stomach is bubbling but it is not unmanageable, but I imagine if I added alcohol like you did I would be in hell too,
Many erowid reports on datura describe something similar. People showing up and making conversation with you during delirium, then later you realize there is no possibility they were actually there.
Anyways why did you do datura? Based on my research, it's very dangerous.
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I pushed my limit with alcohol tonight because I'm a stupid fucking depressed piece of scum rat shit and I've been coasting the brink of nausea for like 1.5 hours. Will never vomit because I'm a champ, Vaping HHC too but I'm kind of pissed at myself because I want to play video games but I'm too drunk to focus so I'm shitposting instead.
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Taking care of one's body combined with pharmaceutical grade uppers like Adderall have been the best performance enhancer I have found.

Virtually all of the "intellectual elite" I know take some form of speed while doing their "intellectual elite'ing"
Tried snorting ketamine for the first time (50mg x 4 lines), went horribly. I started getting this really nasty salty feeling in the back of my mouth, and whenever I tasted my own mucus I wanted to vomit, which eventually lead to me vomitting. But even before that it was pretty bad, everything was overstimulating. Couldn't listen to music, couldn't even open my eyes for about half an hour. But it helped me realise some things about why I hate myself and whatnot.

Going to try to make a solution with it and see how that fares. I'm guessing the time to enter your bloodstream if you drink a ketamine solution would be 1 hour or so? Is there anything I should be concerned about with dosing as well if its as a liquid, or just stick to ~100mg?
real talk what is the difference between 4-aco-dmt and regular dmt, im thinking of trying 4-aco-dmt first cuz ive heard its closer to mushrooms and actual dmt sounds sorta scary
any drugs that can make me more paranoid? I've heard Elon say that paranoia is good so I want to be more paranoid.
i got a gf and started smoking cigarettes. i buy a pack almost daily. i give half of them away but still
plan is to stop after the summer? will i be able to?
I had to stop digging down that rabbit hole because I started internally debating whether or not I had something shitty happen before my memory properly cemented or I'm just a natural defect and black sheep
I don't have extensive knowledge of either but if 4-aco is similar to psilocybin it will be much longer lasting. DMT is fun, it's been hard to source(probably a meta tier troll from the machine elves) but the few experiences I have had were awesome, plus it's very short lasting. Honestly I'd choose dmt first, if you enjoy the experience go for the longer lasting ones. I think people gravitate to shrooms because they're naturally growing and much easier to source in general
My doctor just gave me a Rx for clonazepam 2 mg 30 shots. Happy days ahead, I just took 1 mg (my tolerance is pretty low) and can feel my stomach relaxing, stress evaporating and the characteristic, menthol taste of clonazepam. I think this is the only benzo that has a pleasant, mint taste. For some reason.
Benzo Kings, represent! Alprazolam, Clonazepam, Temazepam, Bromazepam and Diazepam are the great ones. Lorazepam is good if you want to know how a complete robot feels like. Lora is weird.
Just about any antihistamine completely removes the "I want to fucking puke RIGHT NO-BLEEEEARGH" situation. Some people use small doses of first generation antihistamines to make the trip stronger and more pleasant. Diphenhydramine, promethazine are all good.
Yep, it's actually low dose amphetamine or methylphenidate.
Methamphetamine WILL make you addicted with first use if stims are your thing. It will turn you into a superhuman with smart dosing, but you need to give your body rest and never overdo it.
4-ACO-DMT is broken down (deacylated) into psilocin once you consume it, it therefore is considered "synthetic mushrooms" essentially. Regular DMT requires an MAOI, or to be smoken, for it to work. It has a shorter duration because of this. If you are "scared" by it, then just take less. Being scared of a high dose just means you should do a low dose, sillyhead.
Induce psychosis to the best of your ability by staying awake on stimulants for days at a time. Additionally, if you're going psychotic and add on psychs, you'll be much likelier to have a "bad trip" (in this case, it's what you want). Throw in a deliriant like diphenhydramine or scopolamin and you'll be set for paranoia (and a bad time lol).
>will i be able to?
Find out by trying to do it now. Either cold turkey or taper, have fun managing that hell though.
>hard to source
In most places you can just extract it from tree bark yourself, if you are willing to put in a bit of effort. Theres information about it on the DMT-Nexus and reddit.
Oh I tried that too my friend, about 50mg of DPH if I remember correctly. For whatever reason, my body is just hyper sensitive to serotonergics. I'm pretty sure its related to autism but I digress.
I even get nauseous on 50mg of 5-APB (MDMA analogue, a relatively low dose) which thankfully only lasted 30 minutes.
What the heck I want to be superhuman. Any advice of taking low dose meth?
Not really. Each mushroom contains amounts of muscimol that may vary wildly from one to another specimen. You need to be careful with that one and start with a small amount of the mushroom skin.
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Been thinking. People are so different from person to person, but what we learn about ourselves on DMT is usually really similar. You would expect it to be the opposite since psychs respond to your personality/ego, but DMT lessons are so universal that when I read somebody else's lesson it feels like it applies to me too. And I wonder what this means. Maybe its trying to tell us that humans are 99.9% the same and all this stuff we think defines us doesnt actually make a difference
Datura? Dude, you should be happy you survived. Sometimes the plant is super potent and even a small dose turns out to be a cholinergic crisis overdose.
Not who you're replying to, but if you do really small doses, wait like an hour then redose from the same pod it's not that dangerous, and it's super unique, can't get into that sort of headspace on anything else. It's not pleasant/fun, but in terms of psychonautics it's definitely the #1 most interesting for me. And you don't really need that much to trigger crazy experiences.
Do small doses of benzodiazepines such as Xanax (alprazolam), help? I even found clonazepam helpful to gather enough strength to change my situation. I use it as a "rocket fuel" medicine. No antidepressants ever helped me, at best they didn't work at all (trazodone, mirtazapine) or were actively making me insomniac, unable to eat and severely anxious (sertraline, escitalopram, and the worst devil of them all, fluoxetine - it's actual pure poison! Nothing ever made me feel like killing myself due to being in constant ultra anxiety hell for a month, with 3 hours of sleep every 3 days, forcing myself to eat a bit of bread, and constantly having to walk around because I couldn't sit down and concentrate or anything for even a second, as everything felt shit, boring, useless and everything I was thinking about was changing positions to find one that may allow me to rest. I had to strength to leave the house to go to my doc. I stopped taking that poison and after two days without, I regained enough strength that I went to a Methadone Clinic and got in on Buprenorphine. This was the best choice I made in many years.
Now, I live basically normally, have to go get my drugs once a week, have connections to docs so that I can enjoy some benzo high from time to time.
Those stims are definitely useful, but not what I had in mind when I said "what astronauts take". I didn't feel like finding my list at the time, so here:
>Zolpidem (Ambien)
Some of these chems are a bit niche, but are associated with historical use by soviet cosmonauts and current astronauts (alongside caffeine too, fwiw). I think they are worth looking into if someone is interested enough in stimulants/nootropics.
never tried any psychedelics in my life other than a heroic ketamine dose, should i try 2cb first or go straight to lsd?
2-CB, then LSD. Many people tend to enjoy the former more though because it lacks the same intense head space, but then again some others prefer that element.
About to head to Reno with a trans girl and drop 2 gel tabs of acid each and take blinkers off of dab pens and fuck until we melt into each other.
It's the alcohol that you drink together with huge DXM HBr doses that are wrecking your body. Everyone who drinks DURING the comeup and the trip itself have a very bad time. You only drink during the comedown, so that you can peacefully drift off to sleep and have weird dreams.

Also, why are most of you using DXM? Are you underage? Everyone else has moved on to methoxetamine, various ketamine derivatives, arylcyclohexylamines in general (3-MeO-PCP, 4-MeO-PCP, and others). Salvia Divinorum.
DXM is merely a demo video of what dissociatives are capable of.
Why won't you vomit? Drink very warm citrus tea to help your stomach reactivate and purge everything that makes you feel like shit. Your head pain and feeling like shit will stop right as your stomach is cleared.
>t. Benzo alkie
Ketamine was always meant to be and was always used as an injection. No wonder you get some crazy shit going on by doing it wrong and also letting liver first pass to create metabolites of ket that aren't exactly working (if at all) as the original.
Want to take ket? Inject 100 mg (or 50 if yer too scared) and experience the entirety of eternity in a short time.
when ket it snorted it goes directly in the bloodstream. I don't think anything is different from injecting as far as the liver is concerned.
Alpha-PVP is the best psychosis-causing compound on the Planet. The second place has been taken by MDPV. Third place, surprisingly, has been taken by mighty Methamphetamine.
If they diagnose politoxicomania by using drugs known to cause psychosis, then this guy will have his papers fucked for life. Most likely forced to live on a small amount of social support and if he can't get along with people where they send him (you won't live alone in your room), perhaps they'll send you to the psych ward as someone dangerous to himself and others. Nice plan, mayte.
Indeed, if anon really wants paranoia then they'll get that and then some lol.
Try a different first generation antihistamine. Diphenhydramine is a dirty drug in that it also blocks SERT, so in sensitive people it might be of no help. Try out promethazine (very well received by most codeine and DXM fans, but there are also other first gen antihistamines you can find easily and take a look at their profile - just make sure they have no SERT binding, just like clemastine.
Thank you for the recommendation, I hadn't thought of that. That being said I'll likely be hesitant towards any future doses due to my bad experiences but I will give it a try eventually.
Do you know what potential dose would be beneficial? I'm not familiar with those other antihistamines yet and will look into them later.
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Just took 2 Pepe 2C-B wish me luck frens
Piracetams are basically a meme among psychiatrists, as all they do is reinforce the placebo effect. Bromantane is an interesting compound that needs more work done on it. Zolpidem, well... There are two types of people - one of them will fall asleep regardless the circumstances in every place after taking a single, 10 mg tablet. The other kind of people (like myself) feel euphoria and see absolutely impossible things, like something moving under your cover and you find out there's a fucking theme park where small people go on rides. So you leave them alone. Then, you feel as if you were surrounded by all your loved ones, you feel safe, so all the shooting stars getting through the windows aren't strange. Zolpidem is one of a kind, other Z-drugs are shit compared to it.
Thank you for sharing your experience, that sounds crazy. I'll also admit I had not researched much about those chems myself and had only heard about them second hand from other places; I'll have to do some reading.
Be a man with balls in the right place and try 2C-P. This stuff made me feel the most intense psychedelic trip in my life, to the point, that after 4 hours of peak I thanked God it now became controllable. During the peak (I simply took twice the amount recommended for my body weight) I was unable to move since concepts such as extremities or being human didn't exist. I was in the middle of a sensory storm, absolute synesthesia without my input or control. I wasn't there lying on the bed, I was seeing things impossible to describe, feeling and smelling things like touch, sight, hearing, everything became one, huge, stormy ocean of feelings, physical touch, sound and light plays and every 30 minutes, when the peak subsided, I kept asking God to help me survive this sensory overload.
Anyway, I learned that 4-5 mg is the perfect dose, instead of 10 mg.
Oh, also, 2C-P trip lasts 18 hours and it becomes intensely euphoric, especially with music and it opens your mind to things you previously did not notice.
The simplest dose on the box is enough to prevent puking. Higher (but not too high) doses are used to reinforce the trip.
>why are most of you using DXM?
where the fuck do you get normal drugs? i can grow certain things like salvia, shrooms, or weed but anything else involves either a lab or risking getting shot by a basketball american in the shadow of some gas station, and even if you do manage to purchase it you're paying out your ass for it, i dont have money for street prices nigga
Please look for the DNM Bible. It's really simple, pinky promise.
where might I procure the first two compounds you mention
>Also, why are most of you using DXM? Are you underage?
I used it because I've never had it before and I've been craving something psychoactive for weeks atp and wanted it right now. I don't know any plugs and a PO box is too pricy for me right now so dnms are out of the question
around town look for 24/7 open apartment buildings you can walk in and get alpha pvp in euro everyone is selling it. or telegram maybe. i dont know if americunts have it. also datura grows everywhere and basically just gives u a temporary delirium debuff which is close enough to psychosis i guess.
15 Hours after dosing 420mg of poli dxm. I listened to music for most of the night, occasionalkly hopping on my computer to fuck around. Around 6 am I tried to masturbate. While I did cum, it took me nearly 2 hours and the orgasm felt very forced and underwhelming I only hit the first pleateu, but having never done it before it was still an enjoyable experience. Music sounded somewhat nicer, my balance was wonky, and I had a very mild euphoria that would fade in and out over time. I am still high right now from it but I can feel myself coming up. I only have about a third of a bottle left so when I do it again I will 100% be ordering the robo 30s of amazon instead of poli tripping.
Don't do Ketamine orally you'll shred your bladder if you get too used to it and if you overshoot you're stuck feeling like that for longer. It's pretty much made for IM but snorting is the best way to get it in you without doing crackhead shit. 200mg is a lot for a first time, start with small key-bumps. People have wildly different opinions on what the best dose is, some people like getting the ketamine equivalent of being slightly tipsy, some people like just railing that shit up and flying through hyperspace. Also spit your drip in to a can or something, it makes it easier to deal with and it's better for your organs.
It depends what flavor of paranoia you want. Meth will make you think somebody wants to break in to your house and kill you, PCP will make you claw at your skin to get to the bugs, and DPH or datura will make you see horrors beyond human comprehension.
2C-B if you want recreational, LSD or shrooms if you want spiritual.
my 45 year old 1st cousin is definitely on benzos and opis
>visit his parents house
>say hi to him, he asks how are you doing 10 times slurring and drooling
>very droopy eyelids, crust around his face
>sit down, a few minutes pass
>starts yelling at his 8 year old nephew
>he responds "shut the fuck up you slept all day again and woke up past 5pm"
astaghfirulla I end up like him,

want another funny story? my 2nd cousin married her 2nd cousin. and the guys grandfather killed her grandfather in a bar fight many years ago.

[/spoiler]realistically guys I think I will get set up with a girl from my village in a few years once I have a job, get married to make my parents happy, pretend not to be miserable and exorcise my cluster B demons on my wife and kids

im going back to school this fall I've been thinking about getting on adderall and losing some weight at the gym. or maybe I'll just be a pothead again. [/spoiler]
Damn I'm in Europe too bad I'm let's just say lacking on the social side.
I want the meth flavor but you just a little bit more paranoid not full on delusional paranoia.
I hope you enjoy the higher plateaus too anon, they are quite interesting trip reports I've read.
the first spoiler has no /, btw.
spit the drip or dont inhale through the nose for awhile
>the ket reply
OK so a solution would be too unhealthy and shooting it up is a bit too druggy. I've heard for ketamine therapy that they make a sort of nasal spray, and I do have a nasal spray bottle from some previous meds. My only concern then would be dosage, but that could be worked out over time I feel.
Also something I forgot to mention is that I'm sick right now, and waiting to not be sick isn't an option because I've been sick for years now.
Thank you for the advice
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i will do ghb later tonight
probably my favourite drug that one can take orally
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>shooting it up is a bit too druggy
it does not have to be. also you would be IMing it, which is very different from the typical crackhead shit.
i have IMd ket (and other RC dissos) for years and will not go back to any other ROA
I'm curious about trying GHB. How would you compare it to alcohol? I'm aware they're both GABAergics and that it in particular can be uniquely amnesiac, but not much beyond that.
What makes it your favorite btw?
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i would say ghb and alcohol are very similar.
ghb lifts my mood in a way that alcohol does not, and has little to no hangover.
it is a fun and low-commitment drug that goes well with any activity.
here are some resources if you want to read more:
does cocaine and or meth lift your mood too?
Thanks for the sources. I've been looking at other GABAergics today like phenibut out of curiosity. I'll have to give it a try when I scrounge up the money.
Those are definitely very euphoric stimulants, so yeah.
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Couldn't be arsed to drag myself to the liquor store today but I have 24 beers (-6 that i already drank).
Trying to maintan a comfy buzz but it seems my tolerance didn't really go much despite having a break. Whatever. I can chug them all if I feel like it.
Tomorrow I'll buy some whiskey I think.
So I have a bunch of nitrous cartridges now but don't know where I can get the device that's actually used to fill the balloons with gas. Where can I get that?

>Those are definitely very euphoric stimulants, so yeah.
did you try them?
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no idea, never tried these.
any store that sells kitchenware should get you one of picrel
>nitrous cartridges
A whip cream dispenser should work fine (>>78266217). Or a cracker/charger (but those are finicky due to their size I've heard).
>did you try them
Lol nah, stimulants are the only drugs I've yet to try (save for amph based entactogens and caffeine). I am however speaking based on the overwhelming amount of reports I've read from other people's experiences online. I'm sure the erowid vault has plenty of indexes.
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>hey bf, can you pick up some weed on your way home?
>"why yes, bf, I can and will do that for you"
[hours pass]
>"hello bf, I am home and made no stops at all!"
stg I'm gonna lose it one of these days
>Or a cracker/charger (but those are finicky due to their size I've heard).
Do you know where I could get this in Zagreb, Croatia. I don't wanna wait 1 month for it to arrive from China.

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