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I'm becoming 19 yr old this month, my whole life was recieving some trauma and being on my pc and phone all the time. The nightsbare the hardest but today is special, i can't have anything in mind, usually i look forward or try to inspire myself with something on internet but today even when i look at my phone, i don't know what to do. I've got no skills at all, i can't even write cursive without looking up how it looks. I wish i could live the simple life of going to work and home but evading the draft. Can't enjoy games, internet, music, everything is dull. I don't know what to do, my head just feels empty but dirty. I can't just exist, it stresses me out, i need something to enjoy but i can't think of anything. It's eating me
genuinely just go outside for a very long
i hope you die for your lack of reading comprehension
i see nothing there saying that anon cant go outside, he says hes stressed and going outside for a while is the best way to destress
You sound like a crybaby lol

Not to sound like a defeatist faggot but I turn 20 soon, I have been in your position since 17. It does not get better I will repeat myself and tell you that it does not get better, especially within this current social and economic playing field how far behind we both are developmentally and how incompatible this modality we exist in is with that fact,
It doesn't get better why? Because with each passing day there is more responsibilities and demands making their way to you and me slowly, we can barely function as is and now there are more demands piled on top. The demands of life are never ending and this goes beyond a simple "life is suffering" finger pointing and boomer esque posturing about growing up and the "that's life isms" people like to butter you up with. People are getting more and more nasty day by day and wherever you stand politically we can all agree that bad things are afoot (inb4 the chuddy saying of nothing ever happens)that will only accelerate this already uncomfortable and painful reality. Good luck to you, and myself I guess but you need to realize that we are effectively useless to wider society and will remain that way due to mental issues, people can smell it on you and me. I'm good at masking it, and that's my first peice of advice to you that I'm not really qualified to give but learn social skills, how to make people comfortable in your prescence become a good conversationalist blah blah blah.. But this expends a tremendous amount of energy, as for the "normie"? It's pretty easy sailing. All in all life for people like us is and will be pretty shitty man, I hope you killed your expectations long ago. And the final piece I have for you anon is, life is suffering and it does not get better.
im in pretty much the exact same situation and not looking forward to it
if you figure life out tell me i guess
well thats not something to look forward to
If I was 19 again, my confidence would be through the roof. Getting older in age means not necessarily watching your life go by, or any of that rat race crap. For me my life means nothing if the people I love are suffering or on the verge of death. I spent so much time being an idiot and selfish, but now the possibility of others I love dying is becoming more and more apparent and it hurts. If there is any wisdom I can pass onto you then you should treat others well as best you can while you can.
It hurts when i interact with anyone from my family, don't have anyone i love, any other person would be a better person for my family
You sound depressed, OP. Get a job, show up at work every day, try doing the things you'd normally enjoy when you get home, one day it'll just flip like a light switch, trust me

Also could try anti-depressants if you want, they seem to work for a lot of people

Who the fuck cares about "society?"
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Anon, i'm 30+
I've fucked up my entire life
I'm getting gray hair and my skin is starting to sag at fucking 30. Like what the fuck, these things come when you're 40 or 50
If you are like me and in 20s, you still have time. STOP PROCRASTINATING, it will LITERALLY eat at your soul, take away your life span before your eyes.
Let go of your past, how hard it may be. There are things to take from it, but do not dwell on it.
Another thing too, don't take things to the extreme. Too much and too little, neither are good.
You all have potential in you, you just have to find it
Uhh? Somebody who exists within it you fucking retard, I'm not on some we live in a society bullshit. Round leg square hole durr durr, I exist within the fucking society and effected by its ebbs and flows idiot that's why I care about it.

>You sound depressed, OP. Get a job, show up at work every day, try doing the things you'd normally enjoy when you get home, one day it'll just flip like a light switch, trust me
>Also could try anti-depressants if you want, they seem to work for a lot of people

Amazing advice wow unbelievable

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