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He is too old, he talks funny, he got lunatics, neonazi and neocons that want war with Iran while sucking Israelis off

Tax cuts
For the RICH
Trump is old and has dementia but that's leagues ahead of the creature called woman
Idc though, I'm not a mutt kek
Sure the billionaires love him but even though I'm a hillbilly living on disability I'm just like a billionaire somehow. The immigrants and the deep state man, I'd be rich if it wasn't for them.
Trump was Israel first, played gold, mean tweets and passed tax cuts for the rich. Even Obama deported more illegals. Yes liberals melting down was funny, but I dont more wars for Israel. I dont like our politicians passing more and more laws for protecting Jews like wtfffff
Trump loves Israel, why don't you? You think an incel like you knows better than a self made billionaire?
He was born to wealth. Don't be disingenuous.
Just realized that Kamala's teeth are extremely white. Must have a good dentist.

Anyways, I have no dog in this fight because I'm not American.
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This retard thinks voting matters hahaha. Point and laugh at the retard who thinks he has freedom of choice while the jews plopped red goy and blue goy in his face for the hundredth time.
Do you have any proof or is this more liberal TDS
I'm leaving this damn country because no matter who wins it's going to end disasterously
I'm not voting for Kamala because she married a cracker
I want her to win specifically because i want her to push rightoids into rioting and getting offed by the military
You don't think Russia China or Iran would love to supply them with weapons?
You think any of those shitholes are going to be allowed to airdrop weapons or something onto US Soil? Besides they already have weapons they still stand no match though
With the Southern border wide the fuck open anything is possible.
No one is going to riot, retard. Everyone knows the president doesn't run the country, see the last 4 years. She will do anything but be a nigger in the window to make retards like yourself feel empowered. Meanwhile you will still get robbed blind. I hate you and hope you suffer deeply btw.
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I've never voted and never will. I'll start voting when they start putting forward candidates who aren't blatantly out of touch boomers or niggers
I am also voting for her. He is a fucking maniac.
I hate Israel, hate taxes, and am against gun control. Republicans and democrats agree 100% on loving Israel, loving taxes, and wanting even more gun control than we already have. I'm voting Trump but it's purely out of misogyny. Sucks his vp is a poo fetishist. Are we pandering to Germany now or what?
Kill yourself, lying liberal f*gg glowie
I'm getting the fuck out of America. It's impossible to own a house here and the civil unrest is unnerving to the point where people are calling to outright kill each other over politics
> Everyone knows the president doesn't run the country,

Except the millions of retarded trumpfaggots....
don't care what happens because Trump didn't do anything he said he would do to stop immigration in his first term. I'm leaving this country by next year no matter who is in office. It is SEA for me.
I'm not voting Trump nor Harris.
Glowies. Anyone saying they are moving to some country other than russia is owned and pad for by the western empire.
are you not aware of the trump family. google exists
I am afab on my birth records so I'll have to count out the Muslim SEA countries. Such a shame as they are the most irrelevant and the safest.
I am moving to Thailand for the tranny hookers.
I'm voting Trump because I think he's funny. I have no idea what any of his policies are nor do I care
I'm being honest here. A home costs like 400,000-500,000 on average here. I'd much rather live where my money goes further.
Yeah pretty much no matter who gets elected it's going to end badly.
Imagine the seethe if trump gets beaten by a sassy black woman. I'm definitely voting for her
There is really nothing redeemable about America at this point. You can't afford a house. The federal reserve says its current goal is to keep wages down. They are doing this by flooding the country with cheap labor so normal people like us can never get ahead. There is no community among young people anymore. You go outside and it is just old people. The roads are shitty, everything just looks old and crappy. The police are scared to do their job. Service sucks a fat ass when you try to go out to eat and they still act as if they are owed a tip. Everyone is rude af.
Oh and then you have retards like this >>78260360
that are full of racial hatred because they were brainwashed by the K-12 system and ad campaigns their entire life.
Also I have a bunch of spending money so I'll be good on food for a while
Yeah it's impossible for anyone to own a house or even rent nowadays and all the whole were being gaslit that we're living in the best time in history
>that we're living in the best time in history
That's the worst part. Political retards act as if America is the best place in the world to be when their guy is in office. Biden didn't do shit for this country other than get us into wars. Trump didn't do shit for this country either.
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I wonder if you will eventually see white flight out of the country like you see white flight out of the cities. It seems Americans are unique in they don't mind picking up and moving. Europeans in Europe are not this way. They stay within driving distance of where they grew up usually. Americans see no problem dropping everything and moving to the other side of the country and it is a big country. It would be equivalent to leaving Spain and going to Eastern Europe. I could see a scenario where capital flight takes place out of America eventually if the political climate keeps deteriorating.
Maybe it is in their genes to be more nomadic considering their ancestors crossed oceans to live in a foreign land, knowing they will never see Europa again. That takes a certain genetic makeup to make that commitment I would think
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We are already seeing capital flight here in the UK.
Most British are moving here, I saw French people too.
No, they are actually moving to Dubai.
Which Dubai is interesting because if you look at Dubai they are extremely socially conservative. It is very clean. No homeless people or drug addicts roaming the streets. Punishments are harsh for anti-social behavior.
Honestly maybe if things got bad enough.
for the love of God
Kamala is going to be the first woman president totally out of nowhere without anyone making a huge deal about it. And she deserves it
Fuck off to /pol/ and do your astroturfing somewhere else
You forgot the whole January 6 and overturn the election result thing. Nevermind the many crimes he committed before becoming a politician. As a Euro, I have no idea how this traitor is even in the race anymore. In a normal developed nation he'd be in a prison cell.
I bet trump regrets not hiring a spicy Latina/ sassy nigress as his running mate
How is Vance going to clap back against girl boss Kamala?
Dubai has no taxes
>I hate Israel, hate taxes, and am against gun control. Republicans and democrats agree 100% on loving Israel, loving taxes, and wanting even more gun control than we already have. I'm voting Trump but it's purely out of misogyny. Sucks his vp is a poo fetishist.
bigots are such pathetic losers. imagine having this brain
>for the love of God
antivax conspiracy theorist retard, no thanks
>There is really nothing redeemable about America at this point.
I would agree accept for one thing: the land. The people ruling the land, and most of the people living on it, are irredeemable scum. However, the land itself is very beautiful. when you get away from the cities and the dumps and get out into nature, you see the value, and I don't mean monetary value (not that it doesn't have monetary value usually).

>It seems Americans are unique in they don't mind picking up and moving.
Maybe this is personal bias, but every case I've seen or heard of this, they moved for job opportunities/ because their job made them move. Corporations in America have no qualms about packing up shop and moving to a state with better tax laws for them. Again personal bias, but I had entire groups of my family tree move out of Michigan (Detroit area) to Texas and California because the automotive companies realized they can save tax dollars by outsourcing their work, so they moved away, which meant all the jobs they supplied vanished, so my family moved away to greener pastures. Five years ago my mom had to move out of state because she got a promotion and she had to be within driving distance of the headquarters of the company. In my opinion, these are the main reasons Americans move across county.
That being said, I feel like it is a very different situation to living in the EU.
>It would be equivalent to leaving Spain and going to Eastern Europe.
Imagine if Eastern Europe spoke Spanish. Actually, imagine if the entire EU spoke Spanish as their mother tongue, and besides some local laws being a little different, Madrid was pretty similar to Warsaw and Rome. Like in every country, the people and towns were mostly the same, but the environment was completely different. America has all climates: tundra, tropical islands, deserts, marshlands, even some limited rainforest. I'm reaching the character limit but moving across country isn't that big a deal for us.

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