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Holy Isle lighthouse edition
I'm the fucking king of this thread.

Heil Helper x
Don't ever speak to me about being smart.

I know smart.
How it should be x

Didn't see the nu bread there did i now
Don't ever use the word smart with me.

Don't ever use that word.

There's nothing smart about britfeel.
Feel like garn that warage me for more wodka. Got lots of wuds though so fuck that. Just more money wasted.
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Lowkey regret turning down that free wokey earlier off me smackhead mate but I know it's for the best. It has to stop at some point.
Looks like all the normies have to beddingtons lmao x
I know who to phone to get bag in. Question is do I throw 6 weeks down the drain. Fuck that.

Plus I got plans tomorrow. I go beach x
See what happens everyone disappears

NPCs logging off x
Helper Lad wouldn' hesitate if Kamala Harris told him personally to impregnate her with his loser juice
And am necking those wustlerz before I go beddingtons.

Don't ever speak to me about being smart.
Wish I was as drunk as HHL right now. Must be nice.

Did you just use the word "loser" with me.

Don't ever use the word loser with me.

Don't ever use that word.
Corr, anudda wuddington sounds nice imo

night still young innit
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She's on holiday now and sleeping beside her bf. Really is a different life compared to when I was in my early 20s.
Kamala thinka you're the biggest loser in the northwest. Loser with a capital "L". She wouod never use your loser goo to restart the white race. She wants it all for herself.
Ngl am steaming as wocket. Necking as many wuds as I can now before crashing out x
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Couldnt take ***** "out" (alcohol) w/o her getting arrested or some other drama but I miss it in a way but not really too. Seems I circled back 2 how life was meant to be fir me and that's OK too.
"Loser" is such am empty word.

Who do you think you are? Ana Kasparian circa 2016? The real losers are you.
There WILL be a civil war in America and I'll be going over to serve. The spacker corps will seize Virginia.
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If i wasn't keeping footsteps light for mummy going 2 work I feel like drinking more or take acid n see what happens bt it would be silly on a wednesday. Maybe weekend.
Neck yourself, sir.
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>imagine calling someone a loser unironically in the 2020s like a 1990s era bully

Okay chill Chad lmao
Kek they don't even realize the jokes on them
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Your nigger opinion on anytbing that ever happened in the history of the universe means less than zero to me
So, no. Thx

Lmfao oh I'm a loser de lid. American Pie style.

Oh no I'm a loser with a capital L? Lmao.

A real loser lmao. Biden 2024 x
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Criminal scum in UK prisons getting more action than you. Do not believe the shit when women say they just want a man who respects women, has a job and does his fair share of the chores. This only works towards attractive men.
Why are Americans so obsessed with the whole "loser" thing. It's cringe af. I think a lot of Republicans get off on being called it.
Only thing you're serving is Kamala's black roast beef flaps
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Oh it's definitely an American thing.
lol why ypu getting offended. you call yourself a loser

i thought that turns you on
lol why are you getting offended. youve said you wanted to neck yourself several times
Don't ever use that word with me

You're the fucking loser not me.
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Rather have my Thurso pal back 2 do drugs with than a gf desu. Roasties come and go not often u find a kindred spirit in this world.
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>Spaffbol... por favor
Maybe I'll get the train to Thurso tomorrow. Fuckall stopping me. Wagies will pay the fare, drive me there, pay the hotel and room service. Cba though.
Maybe I'll take a wee tiramisu at 3am. Room service on speed dial. Department of wagie payments.
One day I may be on the streets. Not like working in minimum wage slavery will be enough. So why bother working?
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Future bleak de lad
America's 2nd civil war is coming and I fully intend in serving in it x
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I'm gonna be a warlord on the eastern front.
File deleted.
It's only bleak if you aren't loved.
It hurts knowing this is the life I've been given. Some people are not meant to experience love or know how to advance themselves further. It's so fucking over.
Fuck wolitics. Back to womfy choonposting

Don't EVER use that word "loser" with me.

You're the fucking loser not me. I'm King of the Kings x
No love, no point really doing anything.
Goddamn POS finger still hurting like shit really

Love when that happens
George Floyd was a nigger piece of shit and deserved to die x
I really think I'd be a good lad for her. She would make my life feel so much more worth it. Except I'm seen as someone horrible. I'm just horrible as a result of this loneliness. I feel like the villain. Everyone is against me.
Did you just say racist?

Don't ever FUCKING use that word with me.
Men like HHL only blame others.
Gonna name my son "Spaff"
Don't ever ever use that word with me.

You know nothing. Your parents let you down.
The daughter shall be called Spaffette
I fink
Everything is fucked for lads like me. I see no way of improving. Working in a deadend job is going to make me feel suicidal. I'm not going to get any new social relationships. Working doesn't benefit me at all. I don't get to go on holidays ever.
Need to get them night walks going again.
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Really, REALLY ought to lie down and cop some R&R
everything I've done

You've screwed me over

Fuck Britain x
These "run at women screaming at night" posts always made me laff back then ngl
He on the weltdown
I've just spent 400 fucking quid on another waravan woliday in September. All paid for the taxpayer.

Don't fucking fucking you dare say anything. It my right to go on woliday x
I've had to return me new laptop man.

YOu caused me break down in tears the other night

Cruel bastatds torturing me x
The auditor who plays baby screaming noises as he walks past lone women at night is pretty messed up.
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And Ivrbjsf send it back

Never forget x
What you have done to me is unforgivable.

You have tortured me and humiliated me.

You fucking bastards. Never again x
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Roight den, flight to sheetingtons-on-the-bed taking off in 20-30 minutes tops from terminal three fiddy
Don't ever speak to me about smart or britfeel.

You're nothing but lowlife little spackers x
No girl will ever love a lad like me and I'm meant to accept that, stay sane and not be angry.
That goes for everyone who attacks me.

You risk your family dying from you know what x
Don't ever reply negatively to me in the future unless you want to risk someone horrible happening to your family, especially your parents.

Just don't.
Whovever responds to me negatively in the future their parents will be punished.

It's nasty and cruel but it's not my rules.

Sorry x
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Never getting one of them. Jobcentre discriminates against men without smartphones.
Don't ever talking about smart with me.

Fuck you. I'm king.

Go on. Make ya little jokes ya little faggot lmao.
No wussy, no worky. Benniemaxxing 'til I die.
Drinking all me wuds now.

Don't ever speak about political correctness with me.

You took the piss when my Nana died x
I'm gonna neck these wuds then watch these clips. Fuck Israel and Fuck Kamala Obama x
Need a welfare check on helperlad.
Fuck the Americans.

They don't respect me x

Fuck Biden and Kamala x
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Europe and America is waking up.

They are sad for Britain.

We are pro-Muslim country.
Europeans want to save Britain. But losers hold us back. Let the autistic spackers take over.

What have Western civilization got to lose? Normies have ruined it.
Muslims are fucking losers.

Jews too.

Grow up. Your religion is fake lmao.
Man i fucking knew that fan would be knocked over due to the power cable being too short

Fuck it though
Listen. Muslims, Jews and Christians.

We're all in the same boat.

It's a fucking simulation. If you don't accept this you're a spacker who is afraid of death lmao.
I just dropped 400 quid on a new waravan holiday me. Do about it x
I'm on tippy top rate.

Don't ever take the piss out of me.

Especially Muslims. You better hope I defend you or you and your families are fucked.

I am your God.
Where has alizeelad and crosslid gone?

Faggots x
I've just knocked a full bottle of wud over my carpet just now. Fucking fuming x
What I've learned tonight.

You're nothing but a bunch of middle class faggots.

David Cameron style Tory faggots.

Fuck off ya little incel cunts lmfao x
I hope hope parents lose their mortage to a paki family lmao x

Fuck middle class whites x

David Cameron rapes pigs x
Good luck I need go shopping I not go sleep

See what happens x

Fuck the liberal the faggotsx
See what happens

Fuck you and your family

Heil Franco x


So you have abandoned me x
Mate I've got all the control with me now.

Goodbye x
>hated muslims
He used Moroccan auxiliaries to rape leftist women.
MY British "friends" have been calling me spacker. And I have I have an issue with that.

Stand up for me I destroy you American spackers x
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Can an irishman give me pass the listen to irish folk music in public please?
I've got multipe wustlerz wurgerz here
Listen it's extremeyl controversial you have pulled me away. What's happening

Don't you dare blame me x
I support you doing what what have to do.

But fhat faggot has threatend me x
>has a drug fueled meltdown on /r9k/
I don't think anyone humiliated you except you.
What the fuck is wrong with ya

Spacker x
I'm coming these don't repesent me.

90s Jews x
Faggots do it my ways or not
You've killed me x
Full scale Jurassic PArk

You've left me with this

I'm scared. There are monsters here.
See whar happens i kick off me with me Mam tonight x
Wagie alarm clocks going off now. Pay for my existence. CUNTS.


Get a job and contribute this shit country.
What have you done you x
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If I moved to the UK, could I handle the banter, as an American?
Gahahahaha one banter sesh with are lad Helper and you'd be crying for mummy ahahahagaha
Why? It's all a good natured ribbing. I just worry because I'm not good at witty comebacks. I would struggle to participate. Can you guys teach me to become good at bantering?
>Oi cunt!
How do you reply?
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This what women want. Not lads like us.
Some of them want fat hairy bastards too I'm certain.
I think I'm supposed to respond aggressively here. So I'll say:
>Shut your mouth, you fat greasy bastard!
Not skinny lads like me, though.
Alright, alright mate! you can join me and the lads down at the pub (local watering hole) to watch the footie game.
I feel like this is a trick and I should jokingly decline the offer as to not seem desperate:
>alright I'll meet you guys after I finish up with your misses
They felt quite insulted after inviting you to their local pub and you are now being beaten, kicked and spit on by a bunch of lads. It's not over but you'll have to make a real effort to get out of this.
I say
>if [their preferred football team] kicked as hard as you, they might actually win a game
You have won them back and they are now walking with you arm in arm to the pub. They are singing some sort of football song you don't know the lyrics to.
>banter: [Handled]
I feel pretty good about this. I was surprised though that I was supposed to take his initial offer. It felt too easy
most of them are pretty honest lads
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Glad I'm not using Windows 11. I've used Windows 10 briefly but left Windows many years ago.
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God I wish I had a group of friends to go to a pub and drink beer with
HHL has a disability, he is not normal like you.
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Yeah I know the feeling brother.
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I guess we'll always have /r9k/

I've just thrown half my qualiry away x
is this code for loser juice?
Vio my mates niw zzx
Shall be 'eadin out in 20 me
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I don't think even if I tried everything, a lass like her wouldn't find me appealing. It's all looks.

she is a textbook 5/10
Sean, if you're still coherent, write something that makes sense.
And I'd go for her in a heartbeat. I'm serious at this point I'd honestly just take any non-fat, non-clinically insane woman I think.

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Ya sosij



chewing baccy in the morning it lush
I like that I can tell they're British just by looking at their face, especially the brunette girl. You can just hear the Scottish or Welsh accent
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Get your eyes sorted mate.

Well she's more like a 9/10 so I'd be far from her looksmatch.
nothings wrong with my eyes, you're a simp. She is excessively mid
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Nothing wrong with her apart from a big nose. Above average for a British girl.
>Above average for a British girl.
Just begging for a
>this is a 10/10 in bongland
What's happening bros

Gas town here or what
Lets have a meeting of the warlords x

>You can just hear the Scottish or Welsh accent
Nope, It's Irish. Not British in the slightest.
>Not British in the slightest.
paddy shamrock fingers typed this


Jewish and Muslim licking their lips at the thought of Europeans not coming to their senses x
Do bongs REALLY?
Muslims raping an Aryan girl will she get fucked into a pro-Palestinian mindset or what.

HHL will kill your entire family for this lmfao
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Well I think she's very attractive for a British girl.
I'm not saying she isn't pretty, she is. Just get a grip bro, get a little perspective. She's just a woman.
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Now this is an average British girl. She doesn't even take advantage of all the beauty and fashion options available to females.
You have betrayed me. I've fought for everything bro x
I don't like they've continued their legacy without me. What I've done.
Listen, the island was always going to fail. You can't control genetics. Memes aside, you were playing God. You can't bring back ancient dinosaurs. Get a grip. The DNA is dead, it's impossible. Maybe we can bring back ice age animals but that's it. Listen this are having fun with this idea and I love it.
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Feck off ya eejit
She sticks out as an exceptionally beautiful woman to me. I got only like 3, maybe 4 asmrtists that reach that level.
I was nearly killed on that island.

I'm not an NPC.
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I thought you asmrtismists liked the noises. Now it turns out it was fetish/lust based all along.
I went to bed at 01:30 but couldn't sleep until 3
I was chased by a fucking t-rex.

If you don't know what's like the fuck off.
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all the real irishmen got deported to australia.
Spoiler alert:

Being chased by a T-Rex isn't fun.

It's fucking scary x
Good morning lid. Hope you're feeling well. Just woke up

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Image didn't attach, posting on 4 chan is such a hassle
Multile people have been killed

Call 911
Even am wounded

The fucking raptors are loose de lid x
Why you kicking off with your mam tonight
another day of acting like a kid on the internet is it sad sack?
Just pipe down

I'm sorting everything out now x

Stop this craz shit

It's them.

Tell them to pipe down with his dinosaur bullshit

Embarresed me tonight
The Muslims think they can take over the English.

I'm sorry they are good lids but they can't x
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Productive night for are lid it seems
He's still going at it.
I feel sorry for the Muslims. Because they can't relate to our WW1 or WW2 English veterans.

And they hate modern English people.

They are doomed unless they adapt. Demographics are not their side.
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The sigma grindset will allow you to find a woman and secure that sproggington
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96 posts so far in a 200-post thread and I haven't read a single one
Muslims hate English boys

Someone teach them.

It's not right x
Could really do with a few hours of SSM uploafs this morning, afternoon and evening.
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Miss me lilac.
Muslims despise English boys and their mothers. Because they are scared of English boys being born.

Call it generational warfare

Labour are Pro-Muslim btw x
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>They are doomed unless they adapt. Demographics are not their side.
Indeed. Muslim birthrates are collapsing

They tried to discriminate against the English by shoeing their women into university and it backfired de lid.

Luton: 1.9
Bradford: 1.8
Oldham: 1.8

They not securing those sproggingtons
Muslim landlords hate English cunts x
You need one of these spying devices to get a job. No thanks. Why can't I have the freedom of Gen X when they started working?

Muslims are massively winning.

They buying up all the properties. The Sikhs warned us about them.

They despise us.
alright de lads on my way to work now its a hard job but somebody has to do it. keep mongs like HHL fed
It's depressing to admit, but in Manchester. White women are dominated by Muslim men.

Sorry but that's what I've heard. Sort it out.
Is this a new gimmick you came up with, Ruthmong? Nice
All the white men are in care homes.
Sort it out man it's fucking mothers and sisters and you're letting Muslim scum rule them.
Get a fucking grip you pathetic losers.
I've mentioned a few times over the years. I'm not him.
Heard the same thing from Liverpool.

Muslim dominating Scouse girls.

Scouse men are scared little faggots.

What's happening. Stand up for yourself!!!!
Liverpool lasses being rapes by Muslim men.

Scouse lads are scared to do anything about it.

Just catching up on yesterday's videos. We might be in for a pub crawl today, or at the very least an open top bus to Swanage video.

Can't fucking wait dee lads.
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At least the Irish are standing up to the Muslim menace. About time.

Unlike the scousers and Macs who are letting Anjem rape their mothers and sisters.
Scousers hate the English while the Muslims creampie their Mothers and sisters lmao.

Muslims fucking hate scousers and English people.
Amazing to see the unfettered mind of a drug addict
Sean you should really get some rest. This ain't good for you. You need to rethink your life mate.
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34 years, no pussy
What a backlog. HHL incoherent rants all night, punctuated by self pitying whining from Ruthmong. Sort it out you pair of stupid losers.
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HHL had a mental breakdown in 2020 because he lost his PIP
He probably got a place in the care home because all of the elderly residents died of covid
We still have the childish spammer to clock in yet for his 16 hour shift
Every Jobcentre has at least six security mongs on shift and they want more pay for standing around and doing nothing? Fuck off and find another job.

Brown sprog but its not his.
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Sum up your life in one pic/gif, lads.

Life essentially ended for me after graduation.
What do you do for a living, big time man?
Ah Helper is letting the cuckold fantasies out
if it's not mine, who's is it then?
And I've just pissed meself x
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One empty Jobcentre, how many G4S goons standing around doing fuck all? And they want to take away British man's bennies.
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I can't get a job for mental health reasons. I'm discriminated against.
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They don't take kindly to British born Apus trying to claim bennies.
Io go beddington now.

Ngk I've just pissed meself that's why I wear nappies mostly nowadays.

Fuck the lot ofnyas x
Ruthmong and helper, the combination that kills any thread.
pull the mong cord to alert the carers
Fancy showing us a pic of you in your nappies x
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>mong in a care home in nappies ranting like an old man

Man alive what a grim life.
Listen am un that beddingtons now. Am lost the battery's out the remote and I've pissed meself

Don't ever talk about smart with me.
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This little lady has got no chance going up against angry, violent criminals who do not care about the consequences of their actions. I expect she has quit. I have not seen her in any more videos.
Care home spastic.
Nappy mong.
Spackercord twat.
Wokey prick.
Rambling nob.
Pissing his pants at half nine on a Wednesday morning. I wonder if his parents are proud.
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Another midweek shift is it warehouse wagies? Fucking grim deadend work for thickos. I'm above that. I do not work minimum wage if it doesn't give me a place to live by myself. Stick your slavery where the sun doesn't shine. I'll take the PIP and get my council flat by being made involuntarily homeless.
I will never work again. I will not subject myself to that deadend bullshit job for the rest of my life. I do not want it. Rather be dead or street homeless.
167 posts filtered so far
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Sad to see no SSM uploaf
HHL pisisng his nappy while Muslims run wild on Britain.
He pull spacker cord

It piss emergency
He says that but takes a little peak at the posts out of curiosity. I like to browse here unfiltered. That's the way it's meant to be.
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SeasideLORD has grown considerably more powerful. He gather the legion of the hidden disability, he make the Whistle Posse blow once more, he bringing things back to the 90's and it's lush. He got lovely Helen in his party, he got a nice banner now. The Seaside Army is currently locked in battle with the Jobcentre Empire. He not going back to work, he not getting santioned anymore, he take down the DWP Dominions one goon at a time!
Would quite like some wholesome posts after that little very uncomfy adventure.

Give me some AI apus, some classic SSM funny moments, some night walk pics etc. anything womfy.
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SSM could have been a bus driver if it wasn't for SVT
HHL unironically less functional than even Mark, jfc
An obese shut in spamming a thread on 4chan 16 hours a day
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Grasp the pully cord and demand a female nursie come in to change your pissy pants, King Welper.
Evil Emily doesn't give a shit about her own flesh and blood. Just wants his bigger bedroom and him on the streets. She does not care about her baby brother. Men don't have it easy compared to females.
HHL is obese.
An obese shut in reading a thread on 4chan 16 hours a day
HHL and SSM on the ropes, and it's lush.

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firing up the pwnage engines for the day is it champ?
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>HHL last night
To get people off benefits they need to be required to perform menial tasks (litter picking, grafitti removal, etc) 8 hours a day with measurable performance indicators that have to be met each day in order to receive any benefits at all.
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>HHL right now
the finest example of the "master" race
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You got a fucking problem NPC? Yeah walk on. Old man thinks he can just arrest someone? Knock that veteran granddad down. Black immigrant security man raging over something that wasn't even his own business. More NPCs making it seem like old man is the victim in all of this. Why are people so upset over being filmed in public? It's completely legal. They need to brush up on the law. Mentals from 18 minutes.

>only whites piss themselves
Grown man. Unemployed. Annoys innocent people in public for no reason. Cannot understand why they don't like it. Also he's overweight.
Veitch makes more money than you little lad. He also has a sprog with a 22yo girl and he's like 44. Women love narcissistic, horrible men like him.
Who the fuck are you talking to you absolute schizo?

Seriously why does britfeel attract so many insane randos who just spout shite to their imaginary enemies?
occasional lurker here havent been on these threads for a while. wfh today so wanted to see foot pics and knew i could find them here. i used to live in thurso and i cant beleive an anon from here would ever know/mention it - what a small world
Talking to the keyboard warrior here who accuses everyone of being unemployed just because they go round filming people.
Veitch is a nasty man and needs to get his head kicked in. I don't know how he gets away without being arrested. Anyone else would be arrested. He must be working for Manchester police.
Wake up and escape from your grim life by retreating into a fantasy world on an online image board all day
Somewhere a mackem spacker is pissing his nappy while a Muslim rapes a young English lass.

It England in 2024.
Why would they be arrested when they aren't doing anything illegal?
Down in Weymouth for a little break lads. Nice area, bit too many olds for my taste, but still nice.
England needs more men like HHL.
Off their face, living in a care home in their 30s, spackercord at the ready, pissing their pants?
Maybe SSM will go to Weymouth today and you can have a drunken, stuttering meetup that sometimes smells of fish, sometimes of shit.
Love that picture but what truly horrific upholstery on that sofa.
What do you love most about it?
The position of the legs
Interesting idea, but the plan is to spend time doing fun things with wife, daughter and parents, rather than stalk a fifty year old overweight dosser
Yea on balance that probably is a better way of spending your day lad, enjoy.
LARPing nonce.
Youre just jealous of his comfy life
aaaaaand the larping begins...
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>seething because someone has a normal life
Thanks lad, should be fun!

Not a LARP, but wondering why you went straight to nonce. Sometimes I feel like lads here may be projecting a little bit, you know?
No no no lad you don't get it. It's way better to be a bored lonely and depressed loser on bennies living in a boxroom.
He's not LARPing, he has posted ample evidence before
Getting into confrontations with strangers several times a week doesn't really sound very comfy imo.
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If you're in Weymouth, I can't recommend Portland enough, the views from there over chesil beach are brilliant desu. Good views from the lighthouse right at the tip of Portland too
Yep Portland is on the radar. Also going to go to some nice restaurants we went to last time we visited in Dorchester and Abbotsbury.
Other auditors get arrested for doing a lot less.
>SSM has a better life than you
Lad, no he doesn't
How can I prove that soft shite?
>Goes into a wild fantasy of living in massive house or penthouse in Glasgow trying to pass himself off as BN

Grim fucking life desu
larping hours are afoot!
I say again larping hours are afoot!
Penthouse with ample number of floor to ceiling windows, lad. Does SSM have any of those?
Police think they got one over on me. We'll see about that. Waste my time, I waste their time back.
Sits and rips into other posters all day with schoolboy insults and one up-manship
Trip on Sean. Have you changed your knacks yet or are you still drenched in piss?
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Did HHL genuinely piss himself? Surely not
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Shit his pants too.
Can't believe I lived to see the rise and fall of HHL. God bless America.

LMAO fuck England your hero has failed you. You are a third world country now.
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the dollys are being brought out for another day in his room being win on the internet
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Corr, there's an Oxfam bookshop there I haven't visited yet
What's todays big lole lad, Shippy was called Mr poo poo head in school?
I'm too filled with anger to be thinking of anything else. The police (poLICE) are out there enjoying making people like me suffer.
This is a sad day to be an Englishman...
NYou just confirmed you're a nonce idiot.
SCEA used to spell PoLICE like that
>Interesting idea, but the plan is to spend time doing fun things with wife, daughter and parents
Pakis setting off fireworks celebrating the downfall of HHL. English boys crying lmao.
What is scea
never get bored of being a silly wanker on the interwebs lad?
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Knackered asf aren't i

Why yes i am, yes i am indeed

Lotta bullshidd going on again rn

Next appointmentshire cumming up tomorrow as well. Phwaorrrr
Based. Ironic that HHL fantasied about conquering America with his racist goons in some civil war scenario but in the end he just surrendered England to pakis while pissing his nappy. The English are pathetic.
I think HHL just has a humiliation fetish desu. There's no reason why anyone, even if they're drunk af, would openly tell people that they've pissed themselves and that they wear nappies as a grown man.
HelperLad? He's a fucking legend.
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So is HelperLad going to have these drunken meltdowns every week here until he turns 50?
HHL waking up later in the afternoon in the care home in a hungover haze screaming for the nurse because he's shat his nappy
Frantically yanking on the spackercord
What happens when he turns 50
I'm Welsh and and I I feel bad for England.
He dies in agony from liver failure.
I feel bad for everyone living in any shit hole country. The difference between England and Wales is like the difference between dog shit and cat shit.
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When are you poms going to tool up and start taking back your lands?

Me? I live abroad.
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I think you are just jealous of his womfy care home
You body breaks down with various health conditions after abusing your body in your 20s, and 30s
Me? I'm transbri'ish
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*click click click click*
>p-please, somebody help me! I've sh-sh-shat my nappy... it's REALLY bad this time!
*click click click click*
>England's only hope is passed out in a wet nappy right now
Feels good to be Scottish right now
It will be a sad day indeed when HHL makes his final post here. End of an era it will be.
He will not be missed.
Serious question but why do you cunts want your country to be overrun with niggers?
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>Don't ever talking about smart with me
Burst out laughing at this post.
>serious question: [obviously ridiculous question]?
The HHL era is coming to an end and England is going down with him. What a failure.
>le stupid druggie mong rants
>le gimmicks
>le wife and kids LARP
>le England has fallen wah wah
Sad lot you are
I'm English and I don't support HHL. He represents everything that is wrong with our country. It's time to break free.and become a progressive nation.
He fantasies a lot about interracial sex involving white women too
Wasn't larping lad, there's some of us who have fairly normal lives.

>tfw lived to see the day England finally collapsed

It's over and thank fuck that
Hated. By absolutely everyone. No one respects me. People say you have to earn respect. Really? I have to earn people having enough decency to treat me like a human being? What kind of fucked up society is this?

All because I'm ugly. Autistic. FA. And poor. I'm discriminated against.
Did I say that? No.
But the problem with minorities isn't due to some lack of agency on the part of the common man. Minorities have been inflicted upon the UK because of mass immigration from the third world. This has been deliberate policy for decades. There is simply nothing the average man can do about it. If you try to 'fight back' in the literal sense then you just end up in prison and that does no good for anyone. The solution has to be political in some form, but democracy is a joke. Unfortunately the honest assessment of the situation might simply be that we lost. That victory is not possible at this point. Don't have to be happy about it, but you do have to be realistic. There are things you can do for very long term goals, but right now attacking BAMEs in the street isn't going to do anything to stop the problems.
Just because HHL is dead/incapacitated doesn't mean it's over. There's plenty of us who will carry on his legacy.
You're a privileged white male and it's about time you acknowledged that fact you colonialist pig.
Penis Greg Austin
Morning mongboy. First post of the day, ready for the next 16 hours?
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ssm met up with one of the lads he shagged in the 90's and it's so lush
Are you somehow implying that the thread for the previous sixteen hours was some bastion of insight, humour and high quality posts?
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seasidemark_dorset has had a haircut

>one tiny little post with some minor bants 350 posts in to an insane thread
>responds to it almost immediately with a seethe post
Christ alive it's easy to push Greg's buttons these days
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All of these new uploafs from the last hour to watch
Twenty identical shitty tiktoks desperate to get a sliver of attention
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>My name is Penis Greg Austin and I have a confession to make. I...
I remember being high and watching brit humour compilations on youtube when his aircut video popped up.
Hope he goes viral again.
>Shippy trying to establish himself as the new leader following the fall of HHL

No one will follow that pathetic loser
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They're gonna force him into work soon. Not right
Work trial???
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Reckon he got his hair cut
Ranting at the nursie because it Welper's World and she just lives in it.
it lush x
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Then THIS nursie answers his call:
The white male is being hunted by toxic feminism. We are certainly suffering.
he looks rough today in the videos
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Wagies paid for this
SSM must be over 20st by now
Why dont you drive to his grotty bedsit and ask him. You can drive, right?
Very acrimonious looking meal there
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His fans encourage him to eat cookies and takeaways. It all their fault
>Did I say that?
Yes. By deflection from the question it is an implied concession.

I didnt read that wall of txt you defeatist wanker. You're as bad as the French.
Uh oh, pseudfilter has been tripped lol
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Well done, lad. Very well done.
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I passed my driving test when I was 17. Will be visiting Dorset (again) in August
>... am a sprogless wagie
Having a meat free ham sandwich and a Nature Valley bar. It lush. This fake ham ain't bad to be honest.
Must say that there isn't much wrong with pumping a few IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies
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Nice. I want to visit the famous Sandford Lane at some point.
Half breeds only IMO.
I'm definitely going to drive through Wareham and take a few pictures of the iconic Sandford Lane
Tired and getting ready for bed. Probably be asleep at 2pm. My life is the worst here.
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that cost him 6 quid..
But you are better than wagies like you keep reminding us.
Sean's is worse but you come a close second RM
Old man in my street has a pretty young cleaner in once a week. I wonder if she wanks him off or licks his arse.
Falling asleep in the day can be v comfy under the right conditions.
Another one of your vile tranny ilk got exposed as a nonce. Sort yourself out.
How are the bitchtits these days lad? Tender?
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In terms of freedom I am better but there are huge drawbacks to my lifestyle.

I really think mine is overall unless he is severely disabled. Also I will not be telling you about my van life asmr babe.
You will literally never be able to procreate. How does that make you feel?
It can be but I feel much better being awake in normie hours. It's the 3 am doing nothing with my life feels I don't like.
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Tell me your new asmr bae I'm always looking for new ones to follow.
Every fucking one of these asmr bints has a bf and they rub it in every now and then. Absolute mental torture.
I can see the bullies are out in full force today. Leave are Arb alone.
8th time you've said this now
Arb fantasises about molesting young boys
Nothing is more important than freedom, therefore you don't have the worst life.
No maybe not unless she gets popular like our Scottish lasses. I get some nice ones recommended but it's rare.
Laura > Lauren
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> why is helper in a care home?

30+ yo
Wears nappies
Thinks he's living in a video game
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Welcome to Britain in 2024.
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I personally would swap those around
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He's been sectioned. Can't leave even if he wanted to.
Nothing more than a cult against the heterosexual white man. Their aim is to anger us and turn us against them to fuel a social war.
Need updates on:
>Guitar lad
>Northern vocaroo lad
>Senor Benis poster
>ApuAI lad
>and of course SSM
Can't believe he admitted to needing nappies. What a loser.
>and of course SSM
He got a fresh haircut today
Still in Drumchappel. I can't believe it either.
I wish I could find 30yo women attractive.
You'll get a DVDlad update and be happy with that, little lad.
Poo brown is SSM's favourite colour.
Hope we see a Zimlad cameo in one of SSMs vids
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Why can't you? Laura will be 30 one day. Nothing wrong with being 30.
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Wish I lived by the seaside desu
State of this country ffs...
state of that noodle headed old hag
Would love to bury my erect cock deep in her pussy, sucking on her tits while my rancid cum pulsates out into her womb.
Sorry day plans have been scrapped for now due to some unforeseen circumstances that I can't go into, so won't be out and about during the day. Have changed plans to go for a meal in the evening instead.
Ask Emily pops out
SSM will never live by the seaside and it breaks my heart. I just want the lad to be happy.
I once edged for like 12 hours over a Saturday and when I came my cumshot hit the ceiling. I know you won't believe me but it's true.
Alright lad, hope sproggington is ok anyway
Unlike RM I don't take offence to my baes being objectified
He lives in Wareham mate. That's 1.37miles from the nearest coast. Not exactly a marathon to get there is it?
I'm looking forward to Cornwall
I be living near the sea
I been wishing my dream to come true
It's being a mystery

My dream is been wanting to live by the sea
Moving to Cornwall has got to be
The future's bright, the future's great
You've got to imagine what it can be

Moving to Cornwall
In October
I'm hoping it go through
This is my dream
And this is what I want
I wasn't trying to cause offence anyway, I was just saying what I'd like to do to her. Not in an attempt to rile you up.
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That'll be unrealistic for me. I doubt she'll be making asmr at 30. I'll be dead probably.
Oh yeah no it's nothing to do with the little one. Not to worry, playing at home today until dinner later on.
He lives close enough
you always post the same few images, do you actually watch her asmr or is it just another gimmick to RILE UP ruthmong?
Not exactly the seaside is it? It's a marshy estuary
I really don't know why you simp over this particular ASMR lass. I'm not saying she's totally ugly but she's completely average in every way. I'm not saying this to bait you either I genuinely don't understand the fascination.
you won't be dead
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But he wants sea views... His windows currently overlook a railway line and Screwfix
>I genuinely don't understand the fascination.
Mental illness.
Emily finds anyone over 32 ancient (her words). She wouldn't be interested in me.
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He need benches
He need beaches
Then he happy
I have concluded that Ruthlad is more successful than BritNormie. No, I won't be going into my methodology or calculations
Ruthmong is still awake, 10 hours and still going?
Hearing reports HHL wasn't the only person to wet his nappy last night. I won't say who though
A lad here months ago recommended Enzo in Weymouth, lad. Nice wizzas apparently.
here come the weird larps about personalities as he slips deeper into posting fantasies he dreams up, totally bored out of his mind
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You have to watch her and fall in love. Images aren't enough. I think she's very beautiful and takes good care of herself. She's got some good values. She's mature and doesn't have any tattoos.

I will be or homeless.

It's not mentally ill to find someone cute.
a new bus-related thread
Ask her out anyway, worth a punt.
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Sandford Lane tour deee lads. Get in!

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