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Go to r/femcelgrippysockjail and bring something back
>reddit poster
Kill yaself.
This is a troon subreddit isn't it?
>reddit is... le bad!
wow look at the loser that browses only 4chan you are so cool for never posting on other forum sites bro
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femcels are just like us bros... i literally can't tell the difference
>Male incels
Is that even allowed? Do they even get to complain about anything without getting banned?
Keep your reddit trash over there.
>grippy socks
Celebrating mental illness culture is peak normie shit
4chan nation, rise up! Let's show these Ledditors (XD) who'se more.... Cultured. Lol
all "female"-oriented subs on reddit are infested with troons.
no such thing
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You all still don't get it, do you?
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Doesn't seem like a cool place to hang.
>more trannies than actual women
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Have another because this one hurt me I'm just gonna ignore that place now.
Most users are men not even trannies just normal men. There's a poll on r/sillygirlclub that breaks down the demographics. Femcelgrippysockjail is basically the same people. Probably the same people who use crystal cafe.

Even if they were women they're just flirts who want to toy with men. That's why a lot of women come here and establish discords of orbiters. That's why it saddens me when robots take the bait.
The incels you see on 4chan now migrated from Reddit after their sub-reddit got banned.
lmao get a load of this newfag 4chan incels were incels before the word became mainstream. 4chan loser culture predates braincels.
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Interesting. Please, enlighten the class on 4chan culture, anon. We're all ears.
reddit ui pisses me of soo much if they made it better i would prolly go more
wtf thats so much better then the mobile garbage they have now why did they change it you can open a comment chain without having to load another webpage
How peculiar
holy fucking kek.
Women really can't have any online spaces without being flooded with trannies nowadays. I guess this is the "equality" they claimed to want.
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I'd do you one better, i got this one from their Facebook group
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anon.. those aren't real women
I cannot believe there are cis women have to indulge the human doll play of those neckbeards. I really hope for their sake them votes for cis female are slightly more dedicated larpers. Probably actually. The internet's always been loser men jerking each other off out of loneliness.
that's actually a lot of cis girls
It's the internet. They're lies. Girls basixally don't exist for loser men.
trans girls are women tho
I wish they could be for everyone's sake, but in the same way no one can cheat death forever there are just some things in this life no one can cheat.
Toppu kekku
It's cute when they try to be edgy.
Only afabs are women
I imagine this is how most women actually feel deep inside, no matter how much they try to pretend they don't
Remember, "4chan culture" is just another word for "forced meme that nobody likes"
your mistake is even using their terminology to describe real women
No, I don't think I will cause reddit.
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My brother
My friend
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Most of them are lesbians
Why are women celebrated for bragging about not needing a man, but when a man does the same thing and brags about not needing a woman, he gets mocked and ridiculed?
Crab mentality, they say "we don't need no man, slaaay", but all of them would like a stable loving relationship.
In men we all know you're coping and probably not mentally all there.
plebbitors out
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>femcel anything
95% of the posts will be made by trannies
>Crab mentality, they say "we don't need no man, slaaay"
That's actually 30+ women trying to convince younger girls to stay within the sisterhood to normalize their predicament.
truthnuke post
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looked at it some time over the past few days (don't ask when, i've lost track of reality) and it's shockingly not all troons, i went through the comments of a few posts and only like 1/3 or 1/4 were tranners or atleast open about it on there
what is grippy sock jail
LMFAOOO they do be like that bruh they think theyre all that lmao
women would rather kill themselves than settle for chad, it's over
>only like 1/3 or 1/4 were
Outside of the pr0n subreddits, that percentage surprisingly might be lower than Reddit average.
Incel subs got banned and you get banned if you promote incel ideas. There are some subs left but they're strict on what you can and can't say. Basically no point.
it means psych ward

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