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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Why don't you just get an Indian gf?
They stink. And you want to bring more pahjeets to the world?
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I live in a 90% white area and the 10% is black, not Indian. Also, I prefer Asian girls anyway
>They stink
not really
>And you want to bring more pahjeets to the world?
they'd only be half indian.
Im not white so they don't want me it is what it is
I'd rather be alone than risk the racemixing. I'm not just shitposting to be provocative either I am unironically sincere. But say it without malice, it's just true.

But besides that I find their food and accent revolting to my senses as well.
I work with Indians every day. I am not kidding when I say they have described drinking and bathing in cow piss as if it's a totally normal thing and everyone should do it. Somehow one of them had bedbugs despite living in a $3k/month apartment in a large US city where average rent is around $2k/month. Their languages sound like someone with Down's trying to speak Spanish. The men are awkward and creepy most of the time, and about half the women are legitimately ugly.
They absolutely do stink. Not every single one, but enough of them do, and not just a little.
White "robots" are all like this. White or Asian. How can you call yourself a robot when you have all these requirements for a gf?
I just want an Asian gf I'm not moving on it. Anything else and I'll just feel like effort is not worth it.
Yuck, revolting. being with a pajeeta is worse than being single. imagine the smell
Asian faces are so cute, i always browse faces of int and soc threads looking for asians lol
Funny how the top .01% of pajeetas are literally just the average latina.
Rancid cunts.
I would like to get one. I think Indian girls are super attractive but I am socially awkward and autistic.
I have actually seen legitimately gorgeous Indians but they're like one in 10000.

Because they only want Nordic/Britisher white guys. Not Meds.
because i have a white gf and indians are mostly out of shape/ smell of curry, not even being mean its a genuine observation.
>I am socially awkward and autistic
So are they
I had one.
I should've kept her.
why are you posting this no one here likes them
/r9k/ loves brown women
>They don't exist where I live
>They want White Chads anyway, just like any other female
Indian girls on social media are the most wretched annoying feminist cunts ever. I don't know what they're like in real life but I feel like they really want to be girlbosses to the point of it being revolting
I find the personalities of Indians really repulsive.

They are extremely arrogant despite being dumb as hell and they say "actually" way too much.
Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women. The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say, what about the Black Africans? Well, you can see something, the vitality there, I mean they have a little animal-like charm, but God, those Indians, ugh, pathetic.
To me, they turn me off. How the hell do they turn other people on, anons? Tell me. They turn me off. They are repulsive and it's just easy to be tough with them.
Not asian
i hear indian women only like somalian men
I did but she used and abused me
It's Australian abbos but they're probably not even the same species
that text above the video is fabricated. the OC has nothing to do with white guys
pathetic dicklet whitebois coping due to influx of bbc fetishization among white gooners
More aussies have mixed with abbos than anyone outside of India tried mixing with them ever since the Aryan invasion.
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You're already mixed with fucking neanderthal and in 10,000 years your ideals will no longer have any meaning.
How would i go about facillitating that, given i do indeed want that and theres south asian women near me?
I mean that I have no idea how to start convos or to even talk to women

The way I see my friends talk to women is completely different to me They start changing the way they speak and how they sound basically like a different person

Me on the other hand just stay the same I wish I was not a retard so I can finally get a qt brown gf and spoil her like a princess
Normies are actors switching between different roles. They have no real being in themselves, they shift according to what is needed at the moment
> are the most wretched annoying feminist cunts ever.
I cannot blame them. All of the males in their lives are so subhuman that it is not wonder they start to think that all men are evil etc. Indian women have to deal with their rapist uncles and loser brothers also the fact that brown parents love to torture their daughters over the smallest things meanwhile their loser sons are rewarded for doing the bare minimum.
t.Ramjeet pooja
Wife is Indian, but we're not really close
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You will mix with indians. They need to integrate.
There're no Indians in my country. They don't usually marry outside of their religion. Why Indians anyways?
They're subhuman themselves, their sons where educated by Indian mothers they're also against white people despite only breaking free from that abuse thanks to white people and the men have it easier shit is something I've hear from scandi and med women (women that really have it easier than men) so I just won't believe it
were* of time not place. In other note.
Can brown women who hate white people and men just stop using this board to try to date white men?
>I prefer Asian girls anyway
Whitest poster in this thread
We Brits stopped Hindu Indians from burning wives after their husbands had died.
We also introduced anti female infanticide laws and also introduced an age of consent to stop them being nonces.


Woke fags can take a bullet. The British empire was the greatest civilising force in human history.
>We Brits stopped Hindu Indians from burning wives after their husbands had died.
Why don't they teach this in school I wonder?
How do those black ladies behave in a 90% white area?
Why would you want a close relationship with someone who is both indian and female
So i can love her and kiss her and suck her brown tits
Why wouldn't I just fuck east asian girls if I'm white and "have" to racemix?
They are concentrated on the opposite side of the city in a ghetto area that is mostly low income housing. If I turn on the local news, there are shootings every night coming from this area. I rarely see them but they are usually overweight when I do see them

There was this one beautiful mulatto girl I went to high school with tho. She was a cheerleader and fucked gigachad.
Im talking about myself, if you want an east asian lady feel free i would want the same thing but replace brown tits being sucked with yellow
Theres like a billion and a half of them so those are good odds
Solicit sex specially then, no need for am actual relationship.
The love part is pertinent
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>Why don't they teach this in school I wonder?

Woke fags and minorities would be up in arms about how racist it was to teach this. They focus on the bad things but ignore the context. We are told that Churchill starved India when it is bullshit. If anything, the Japanese are more responsible.

Britain has contributed to technology and development more than any other nation.
Then it's harder to vilify whitey. Same reason they don't teach that slavery was world ubiquitous, Europeans did less of it than any other major civilization and population group, and Europeans ended it.

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