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Making friends as a 23 year old is literally impossible.
Its really not, you can force friendships any time. Just go out of your way to be friends with them. invite them out, go sit somewhere, hang out and talk, invite more people. soon you have a friend group. (Im 22)
Heh. Try 54! ;)
I'll be friends with you OP ^^
Mine problem is I simply can't get along with most people. I want friends but it's also too exhausting having to pretend.
you're probably married to a landwhale that looks like a man and have 2 dumbass kids. nobody cares about having "friends" by that point in their life.
this only works if you are a normalnigger yourself, otherwise, people are going to patronize you and treat you like a little pest, slowly pushing you out of whatever group you may have "forced" yourself into
The only reason people push out other people is if they are bad company. Are you just not a good conversationalist or mean or selfish. Also Its not forcing if everyone agrees to be friends. Consider it like being the glue to bring others together.
What inspired this post?
What are your interests. I made frens at the chess club. Find ppl with similar interests
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So true!!!!
>t. has no friends
I used to think so too but then, give it 10 years.
>can't relate to average people your age now because you don't have a wife and kids and maybe not even a career
>the friends they now have are "friends of the family" they created
>can no longer fit in with younger guys even if you relate to them more because now you are the weird older dude who reminds them of a future they'd rather not think about yet
I don't think that's 100% true.
you're retarded. you are using words like normalnigger to try and be funny and liked on an anime forum and failing. you have brainrot. take a break from the internet you loser faggot
sorry about your ugly wife, at least pussy is pussy right (assuming she's female)?
Sorry to hear about that anon, have you tried joining clubs or going to meetups? It's okay to feel nervous, just remember that there's a lot of good people out there and you just have to be genuine and authentic.
I don't think I've ever had a true real friend and that hurts
Also vaguely related to your OP but I can't believe I have such a burning desire to make some of the girls from that company my menhera tard wife
once you're out of school, making friends is virtually impossible
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If you never made friends by your mid 20s you're fucked. You need to learn to be comfortable with yourself. It's easier if you find God, then you are never alone.
'Only 23'? Try anything after school because once you've left an environment where you can become familiar with a smaller group of people, you are pretty much thrown into hard mode, as now you're thrown into a much larger pool of people with virtually no foundational ground to stand on.
I have zero friends too; but I think it "could" be otherwise more possible through social hobbies. I myself just have problems with maintaining social relationships due to abandonment issues.
I somewhat share the same sentiment; the lifestyle of a loner, however, has grown on me. I miss having familiars who you could talk to; however, sometimes just having yourself is enough for most experiences. People can be troublesome, and sometimes, too invasive and pushy (which I personally cannot stand).
>I don't think I've ever had a true real friend and that hurts
Loyalty is a rare thing nowadays; you are not alone on this. At least you--I assume--didn't betray anyone as I did.
This but 32 and autistic (for real)
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Do you play any instruments, other than the skin flute?
You have to stop watching those chinese cartoons if you truly want to find god. They are the products of satan
There are support groups for adults on the spectrum.
Just get a job
Very ironic image to choose for this post.
yeah, your mom, and let's just say that I'm absolutely abhorrent at it, seriously, the look of complete satisfaction on her face after I've boned her is heartbreaking, but then I laugh because she locked in my basement without arms or legs so it evens out
not in my cunt. if you aren't a drooling retard, there isn't help, and actually, if you are a drooler, depending on you're families wealth, there isn't help either. Oh, and getting on a benefit for tardness is a lot harder here.
I nearly had a friend who I would go out with a lot until he kept taking me to places where loads of trannies went to even though he knew I hated being around them. To this day I think he did that on purpose.

He also left me at a drug dealers house at 2am and I had to wait till the morning to go home.
>Making friends as a 23 year old is literally impossible.
Well yeah atomization makes it so no one even in neighborhoods has cultural cohesion. It's all individuals living with individuals who have nothing in common with each other.
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What is it that you want to do that requires you to have a friend? What is a friend to you?
I'll appreciate all answers.
build a tree house
Maybe it's just in my head but I feel like after a certain age everyone closes themselves off from making any more real friends. They'll act friendly and maybe you'll become acquaintances, but that's about the extent of where your friendship goes. Making friends is supposed to go both ways and if I feel like I'm just saying things to keep a conversation going with the other party not chipping in then my conclusion is this person doesn't want to be friends.

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