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how popular were you in high school?
Extremely. The pricipal thinks I am cool.
I was popular in a sense that everybody knew me. But I wouldn't say positively popular more like infamous. Maybe one reason I dropped out.
not even the mosquitos would go near me
when did you drop out? did people feel threatened by you, or just like "oh there goes that retard."
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Stop putting food on pepe's head.
I found out I was popular after I finished high school but everyone was scared too approach me. These are the same mfs that bullied me until I stopped socializing btw.
I went to this guy's school and he's right. We were actually in awe of him and his anime knowledge the whole time and just bullied him to nerf his awesomeness so that he wouldn't steal all the pussy away from us.
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bringing food makes everyone popular.
it's all i'm good at.
Idk i don't remember i don't care, had a terrible time and that all that matters, didn't even finish it, and now I'm here ig
Maybe I'm exaggerating maybe I'm not idk what's real anymore
I was a pariah thought of as some combination of weird or scary by most people and almost certainly quietly profiled as a potential school shooter. Most people avoided me or gave me weird looks, seldom bullied though except a few times by large groups, verbally, at some distance. The people who tolerated me were the redneck crowd who hung out in a section of nearby woods but all we really bonded over was smoking cigarettes.
I had a kid run away from me up some stairs in fear once, and all I did was enter the stairwell.
I didn't even know him but he ran for his life up the stairs and I overheard him call me "trenchcoat guy" to someone at the top.
To be fair I was also in a goth faggot phase then on top of being generally an autistic failure so I can't really blame them.
was this when goth fashion was at least a subculture? i get their reaction if you were doing this in like 2019.
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I was "popular" on my class because everyone begged for answers from me in tests and stuff. Once the teacher even cancelled the test results because everyone got maximum grades since everyone copied my answers
But nobody talked with me besides one guy. That's when I noticed that people are selfish, when I was needed they sucked my cock but when I wasn't needed they didn't even looked at my face
i was bottom of the barrel, probably beneath it even
People were generally amiable and friendly, but in the slightly standoffish, uneasy, interactions-go-suddenly-quiet way. No outright bullying, which was great, but that also meant I remained oblivious to being socially inept. It was a very uneventful time, and it probably atrophied my brain to set me up for complete social failure in college.
I was one of the most popular around and it was a lot of fun.
...I've been chasing that high for the past several years. Without school, I've been isolated and I so desperately miss my glory days.

I know I'm blessed to have had a good experience, but my brother left school and he was glad it was over and regrets nothing while I live in the past. It probably would've been better to have been unpopular.
When I was 18. Should have done it way earlier.
>oh there goes that retard
This is a long time ago but I think they were sad. A friend of mine told me they used to talk about me on a daily basis for years after I left so basically until they graduated. Ironic how badly they treated me when I was still there. Seems like I was some sort of icon because I was a class clown and eccentric personality and brought a little light into their boring life's. I guess.
me too kinda, there was a big push against being "mean" in my school and social strata.
people would act nice and even invite me to things but it was only skin deep.
there really were no parties or ragers to be had by anyone so shit was just boring as hell.
Fuck ik idc ab how i live and look and what i do bcs im autistic, but just the notion that people out there might be gossiping ab me strikes great fear in me, makes want to isolate more and im already a hikineet, brutal shit but i might just be delusional, but sad shit either way, everyone's miserable and retarded and its for everyone to see, also lives* ESL nigger
exactly, if i was invited anywhere it's just as a nice gesture with nothing waiting there for me, just me being a body in the room.
i really do believe that some light bullying or teasing is required in adolescence for proper social growth to happen. to fix these natural spergy issues so we don't flop later in life. too much important social development happens in chaos
Early 2000s.
The fashionable way to be in the subculture in the place and time was to follow what later became known as scene/emo trends
I was like a Marilyn Manson fag holdover from the late 90s
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I barely went to highschool
How dare you steal his picture, you will never reach the same heights as foodheadpepe poster
yeah i was def eccentric as well. normies are so myopic that life seems like parody.
>haha anon you're so funny
>oh i don't like him he's weird
>why doesn't anon hang out with us, he's funny
sorry I just like the brioche
I was a ghost till I graduated with the highest GPA in my district.
No bullying, no spaghetti (Yes, I'm this much of an oldfag), ghost in the literal sense.
They were reminiscing about times when I was still there I'm not sure if gossiping. But it doesn't matter I was a clown.
Why would you be in fear? These people don't have anything to do with you now. I can't give less a fuck about these cucks. Just make sure you live a good life and are content with yourself as much as possible.
> lives
My bad i always mistake the two
not him, but i've always been totally disconnected from how i'm perceived by other people. it's gotta be 'tism or something because i know how saying and doing things can make people treat you different but i can never tell how people do/could feel about me based on how i am and what i do.
It feels like being blind or deaf. just a total lack of sense for what i look like in someone elses head. like driving without mirrors
True my mental illness started sparking around that time and I was performing poorly in school. But it was funny for them.
Idk bcs im still around that age, not young enough to get banned from here but also just leaves me feeling a bit jaded cause i didn't really experience much and don't do much but rot, yeah people always fucking suggest a million things for you to do to get out of a rut, but i kinda am just used to this now, ik robots will relate ig, hopefully
Idk desu, i don't even feel like a real person anymore, everyone's goal oriented just maintaining their life in the tribe, i can just be a flesh suit that just tries to be charismatic but ends up looking retarded or i can just rot until i disintegrate, desu i try to avoid thinking aswell, cause that might just lead me somewhere and I'm too paranoid to step anywhere
I was a background character mostly, even amongst the nerds or losers i didnt really have much standing. I wasan't hated or anything just didnt stand out at all. I simply existed.
normalniggers are all about status. if you fall outside the circle of what is socially acceptable, then they will never let you in theirs, except in cases to laugh at you from a distance
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I was that dude "ey guys, anon his opening his backpack, for sure he is gonna pull out a gun gegege". Fuck normalcatle.
Not very. I had a social group but was the lowest man on the totem pole. There was a guy in the group who hated me for whatever reason, thus his buttbuddy who was the self-appointed "leader" hated me as well. They would frequently exclude me from group activities. Everybody else in the group either liked me or tolerated me.

I'm still grateful I was in the group though. At least I wasn't an untouchable cast out to the wolves.
focus on losing fear. fear is the mind-killer.
you will gain sentience after this, but you have to want to.
I was the loner that other loners didn't even want to hang out with. High School was an absolute waste of time and my demeanor likewise reflected my hatred of my time being wasted and showed a general disinterest in all things involving school life, which I kind of regret because if I compromised a little I probably could have had a couple of people to talk to and make the time go by more quickly. Being around normalfaggot vapidity daily for that long in those settings made everything feel claustrophobic and like an absolute eternity, plus half the teachers were a bunch of gossiping cunts just like most of the students. Blow it all to fucking hell.
Yeah i guess everytime my mind is confronted with this i just want to stay in limbo, it seems fucked, like it wants to torture me desu, seems like it's over anyways
yeah that fucks me up how people can simply hate me for little or no reason and completely fuck up my social life.
similar stuff happened to me.
shit keeps me awake at how no matter how chill and likeable by most people i am someone with enough pull can set beam to kill and suddenly i have to find new friends.
I was lucky that my group had people I legitimately considered friends. They kept me insulated from the bullshit scheming the two problem-people tried to pull. My group was the "nerds and geeks" and most didn't partake in the drama.

Kid 1 didn't become an cartoonist like he dreamed. Kid 2 didn't get into med school, and got divorced-rape after 5 months of marriage. That's neither here or there, but it does make me feel better that I'm more successful than they are, even if I am bragging about it to /r9k/
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schooling is about mass manufacturing NPCs.
its purpose designed to kill the spirit for neuroatypicals through boredom and ostracization.
this is why we haven't gone to the moon in 50+ years or built railguns or made water-powered vehicles.
NPOs checking eachother for glitches in the code.
this is just me talking, but once you find sentience you'll like it.
if you can't find sentience at least find Christ so that you can frame your place in the universe.

Bullies always go after the perceived weakest link in the chain. That's the easiest way to assert their dominance and position in the group. It's generally counter-productive as it makes them look like an asshole and once the targeted individual is gone, they have no one left to punch down on. The only way to win in this scenario is to secretly poison the whole group against them. This isn't deception, it's politics.
I got bullied by the popular kids for being a foreigner. During our school trip to get to know each other I was paired up with them to sleep in the same room. While playing around they continued bullying me. Had enough and beat them up. Teacher comes, scolds and asks what's going on. Tells me to get along with them. We had a fun time at the school trip. They come to accept me. Befriend me. Become part of popular kids clique. 6th grade I rampaged a little too much. Get six entries in class book, two of which from harming popular kids. Can't go to second school trip. Miss out and get left behind. Everyone distances themselves because I harmed popular kids. Few years go by (now 8th/9th grade) and people start interacting with me again. Have to repeat year in grade 10. Nobody left from old class, just me and younger fags. They get along well with me, etc. etc..
Early high school I had a core friend group of 6 guys with a few acquaintances.
Mid high school I made a friend who was more popular for being eccentric, we were so close that people wondered if we were gay, even my parents asked lol. Despite that the bullies were dropping out or going to trade school during this time and I came out of my shell. I was semi popular. Girls were taking a lot more notice of me.
Late high school my closest friend changed school and I got my first real gf. There was a lot of drama surrounding and within the relationship though which ended up lowering my popularity. I also became a full on stoner in my last year. I spent most of my time with my gf . She was very abusive and cheated on me right as final exams started. The break up was difficult and our friendship group was made up of her friends basically leaving me friendless apart from some longtime friends who I hung out with for the final part of school. That was a humiliating year. I should have dated someone else, I had really bad oneitis.
you have to go back, normalnigger
l was the school weirdo
I don't know, I was popular with some groups of people and not with others.
People who liked me, really liked me.
People who hated me, really hated me.
Im not normal I just got lucky enough to be born with a nice face and heightget attention and height plus learning to be barely good enough at masking to be accepted by some people. Im a diagnosed autist and without the forced interaction of school im a friendless neet loser.
insanely popular, basically everyone in my grades knew me, teachers were also friendly and fond of my crude humor. I have a core friend group I've stayed with since middle school and they're my best friends.
however sometime in HS I realized that despite being very popular, I didn't have any friends. I was rarely invited to stuff. even though people gathered around me irl to hear what I had to say nobody really tried contacting me after school. I also realized that everyone of my core "friends" had more friends I didn't know, while I only knew them. I also didn't get laid if that's your concern still a khhv to this day.
I was actually on homecoming court but I think most people nominated me as a joke. I was a complete fucking shithead in high school so a lot of people would do shit to bait me or get a rise out of me including girls randomly coming up to me asking how big my dick was.
>however sometime in HS I realized that despite being very popular, I didn't have any friends. I was rarely invited to stuff. even though people gathered around me irl to hear what I had to say nobody really tried contacting me after school.
pretty much how I was in high school. the only friends I really had were people that rode my bus or that I talked to on Discord.
Started as a ghost with 2-3 friends and went through most of it that way, went on to become a lolcow and actively hated on the last semester.
I was the quiet kid.
i was popular amongst the unpopular kids. mostly because i played magic with them in the morning and looked out for them. i was on the football team and hated all the rich and popular kids and would bully tf out of the kids who bullied everyone else. it was pretty great until i got expelled for beating up the richest kid in school.
Not very, FBI-kun. I was generally a magnet for being fucked with from middle school onward. There were at least a couple girls that would have let me fuck, though. I should have.
Everyone knew who I was because my father was the highschool principal

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