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Forget sex, rape is a crime.
The Real Man(tm) only needs to focus on two things: spiritual advancement and money.
First one, then the other.
We have all the sacred books of all civilizations available for free on libgen.
Be a NEET and focus on your spiritual development.
You CAN be like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu.
And after that, money will be easy, because you will have supernatural abilities and everyone will like you.
OP is a 37 year old bum that lives off welfare.
If i listened to pieces of shit like you.
I would also shoot up a school or mall.
So how's all that going for you?
I'm under 30 and my family is rich so I don't need to work.
Absolutely awesome.
Never been more peaceful/happy/satisfied in my life.
You're under 30 and you haven't worked? What would you know about spiritual development and suffering? I would take you more seriously if you really were a 37 year old bum and still peaceful and satisfied.
>You're under 30 and you haven't worked?
I studied Mechanical Engineering in one of the supposedly best (take that as unnecessarily hard) south american universities.
>What would you know about spiritual development and suffering?
This is a guess but whatever, I believe I've suffered more than 99% of humanity, and I won't go into details, take it or leave it.
I've read and practiced occult/esoteric/spiritual stuff everyday since 2013.
I guess suffering is relative anyway, so that could be a moot point.
Any progress on enlightenment?
>Any progress on enlightenment?
This is the best thing in my life.
I meditate for about half the hours I'm awake since 2019.
And it feels like 1 week now is worth 3 months in the past.
I can't know or picture how enlightnement is so I take it as a framework the nerves/nadis.
I have the Hod sephirot blocked as fuck since years but I'm unlocking it faster everyday.
But my right pillar is almost 99% cleared so I believe I have kundalini in the right eye but the left eye/right brain hemisphere is fucked as fuck.
But now I see I have a clear and smooth path ahead and I'm having the view that's just about clearing the traumas/sankharas on the left side.
Do you intend to spread the word and message of spirituality through financial or material means?
I have no fucking idea.
I want to just go to the end/completion of this process then just make my own money in the most effotless way.
I don't see a clear division into what's "spiritual" and the rest of human content.
I definitely want humanity to evolve and care about what really matters but that's an organic process that will happen by itself.
To summarize, I just want to go to where there's nowhere to go left and then I will make money in one way or another.
That confuses me. If you reach the end of spirituality, would you even care about money? Why is money the thing that comes after?
I'm studying the esoteric(the works of John Dee)
That's right. I won't care about money, but I belive money will come in just my "natural" way of living.

>Why is money the thing that comes after?
Maybe it's just my ego saying "enlightnment is more important".
Even if we're enlightnened, before we die, money still makes a difference in this world, and like you said, can help the "message of enlightenment" to reach further hearts.
I would say, and maybe that wouldn't apply, that to focus more on practices and less on texts.
Just a friendly advice to help the "average westener", I don't mean to offend, maybe that doesn't apply.
Have fun.
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idgaf about hebrew mythology, when I see this shit I think korean SCPs and robots
Sounds fun.

oh shit a trust fund baby thread.
thank you for revealing yourself and biting the BAIT
Any random thoughts about the Diamond Sutra?
I don't have anything to hide.
This is such a perfect thing I don't have anything to say.
The point of life is to cut throught delusion ,and that's trekcho, in the tibetan framework.
I think I will meditate and then read this https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Vajracchedik%C4%81_Praj%C3%B1%C4%81p%C4%81ramit%C4%81_S%C5%ABtra text.
By the way, if you have any "better" version of the Diamond Sutra, please send me.
I only read the Diamond Sutra from here https://diamond-sutra.com like the normalfag I am because I heard about it through a tiktok. If you have more resources for beginners or critiques about that specific website, I would be interested in being exposed to it.
This seems like an extremelely imporant text but I don't have experience with it.
It seems I will read it in the next days.
It's really fertile that you've read it and I hope the most captivating phrases will pop in your mind when the time is right.
Once again, I shall remember that the most important thing is the practice. You read the texts when you feel like it and enjoy the transmission of the right minds.
Thanks for sharing, and the text will help us both growth in the direction that is most beneficial.
>pic related is kike imagery
this is a Lobotomy Corporation thread.
No problem, I'll check out your link when I wake up tomorrow. Good luck
I don't remember the link I've shared. So I think it's not imporant.
If you're gonna read something, this is good:


Good luck.
soul takes priority over cultural dogma. don't be a culture-bound hylic.

if you do not take what you want then you will "die"
>you VILL accept our culture und you VILL be happy
I also have some awareness about what the jews are doing to our civilization, but I belive this picture (meaning the tree of life) is the main framework for western magick since the middle ages.
Of course this picture is a little fucked up. I should have posted the one from Crowley in the Book of Thoth.
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So this is the best one I've found.
It has the Tarot correspodences in it.
like getting a unique spice from an island of cannibals and you avoid it because you're not a cannibal. no. you should take it because you desire it for it will not turn you into a cannibal. you will make use of the spice in your own beautiful ways.
Clearly your mind is rotten with jewishness. I prefer mine being healthy.
By the way, this is my first time posting here in 3 or 4 years.
I have started with something like an troll or appealing post but have refined it later into something more real.
I truly wish all humanity will follow the path to "God".
And I know this word is extremely controversial, but YOU know, deep in your heat...
Just do the practice and you will be together with God.
>deep in your heat.

I mean "deep in your heart".
Where would you recommend a complete beginner to spirituality starts? I don't know anything about any of this
Do a lot of guided meditations until you're ready for Trekcho. Headspace is a good app to start with guided meditations.
Also do any f*cking thing you feel like doing. Follow your heart.
Also maybe you are ready for trekcho right away.
I don't have experience teaching people.

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