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You would totally have multiple gfs if you could, don't lie.
no, that is just more cunts to worry about if they're cheating on me behind my back. i'd rather have one attractive one who I know isn't a backstabbing whore. even then, having to tolerate the utter vapidity of women numerously sounds more like a chore.
middle guy looks like me but more white
I like how you specified because the women in the pic look like troons
they're clearly female, you're just a retarded male who thinks age = masculine because you associate both with being ugly in women. i bet you masturbate to femboys too, faggot.
No, >>78260346 is just undersocialized. It can't discern between sexes because it can't leave its basement
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There is something very appealing to me about having that one girl. The special bond that no one else can see. No one else can match. Maybe I'm being idealistic tho.
No? I'm a loyal mfer
I have one gf, shes the love of my life.
Id never even look at another girl
I do have multiple. Well, two
i cant jerk off to multiple women
Yeah. Yeahhhh.
>tfw attractive enough to have pulled a satisfactory amount of pussy for most people
>but not cult leader tier attractive/charismatic enough to talk a gf into letting me fuck other women or have her feed me chicks to fuck now and then
>get bored in monogamous relationships that were perfectly healthy and fine, crashing them because I wanted new pussy despite how much it hurts my soul to leave someone I've been with for years
Who knows how many relationships would have been saved if the woman just turned a blind eye or dealt with the man needing some strange now and then.
>bu bu you wouldn't like it if she fucked another guy
Men and women aren't the same. You don't have to raise or pay for any fuckfruit we make with another woman, for one. Your vagina is a cup we have to drink out of; it's gross if there's other men's jizz in it. The female sex drive is not the goddamn same either. We NEED to fuck around. I want a cuckquean wife so bad it's unreal.
this what happens when faggot OP's threads doesn't get bumps. he resorts to this. truly pathetic behavior.
Easy fucking solution: open relationship

>Men and women aren't the same. You don't have to raise or pay for any fuckfruit we make with another woman, for one. Your vagina is a cup we have to drink out of; it's gross if there's other men's jizz in it. The female sex drive is not the goddamn same either. We NEED to fuck around. I want a cuckquean wife so bad it's unreal.
Oh I see.. yeah you're just insecure dude, stop making faggot excuses. The truth will set you free
>I'm a loyal mfer
You wouldn't be saying this if regular threesomes were on the table
right looks freakishly like my sister
My ideal scenario would be being with a dom/sub switch gf and a submissive slavegirl we share.

>Sometimes she'd dominate the slave (with or without me)
>Sometimes she'd dominate both of us
>Sometimes I'd dominate the both of them

My initial thought was 2 switch gfs but I like the sense of control that comes with having at least 1 girl that's a perma-sub.
Meh, I just want to eat both of their assholes
i already do but i only really love one of them just can't break up with the others because i don't like leaving girls so i just kept all of them
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I would have coitus with a different female every week as long as my genitals are functioning sufficiently.
I wouldn't and I had explained why on this board before
its better to have 1 attractive bitch than to have 2 ugly bitches
Nigger I just wanna be loved. I'm probably gonna end up marrying some roastie that wants to settle down just because she's nice to me. And this makes me want to cry
I wouldn't though. I want to marry a virgin woman and be together forever.
What if in a few years we see stories about le youtube swede fathering illegitimate children with nip girls
You're supposed to have sex with them
Why not marry two virgins?
>I do have multiple. Well, two
do they know about each other?
just get two attractive ones
the dating economy is too rough for the average chump to pull that off even if you make 450k a year
Why would I? I'd rather just be with one other person forever.
I've never hid it, but I'd set my max at 2. 3 I'm dubious about, while 4+ is most definitely stretching my attention too thin, which leads to shallow relationships.
Nah. Just one is annoying as it is.
i know your bitch ass isnt getting pussy
I would try it out. I'd love to break a woman's heart by cheating on her or rejecting her and calling her ugly. basically anything to make a woman feel the way I used to feel as incel. eventually I would want to just settle down though
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I am currently dating the girl on the right. I am trying to also date the girl on the left.

Wish me luck
2 max, and I say that as wives not just gfs.
You know a sad fact about current timeline? Most won't even understand what exactly would be stretched too thin
Yes, they don't understand that this "attention" of yours means more than what dictionaries say.
I say it this way instead "It would stretch my soul too thin", to force normies into ditching what comes up to their minds from "attention"
normie begone
just get better rizz
Im autistic

Wish I was normie like
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I had a friend in college that had two gfs at one time. It ended up going south for him really quickly after about a year or two of their arrangement. Basically, the one gf had broken up with him several times before and each time he begged her to come. She eventually decided that enough was enough and totally blocked him once and for all. When he again went to try and win her back, the other gf got pissed and fed up with his nonsense and dumped him as well. It was not pretty. If I could, I would probably try to have multiple fwbs, but I feel like in any scenario there would be drama that would make it more trouble than it's worth.
I had a GF that was bi, she cheated on me with another woman, IDGAF, the other woman liked me, so I attempted to negotiate a second GF, I got pretty close to making it happen.
Their kid is gonna have a sick jawline
Nope. I want to have a relationship with a healthy woman who shares my interests and wants to build a solid, safe and comfy life.
Sadly, I do not look like giga chad and have to exist in solitude if I don't want to go out of my way to stomach 1001 rejections.
>Im autistic
are you sure?
neither of those women look like they'd date an autist.
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If you convert to islam you can have up to 4 wives.
It definitely isn't offensive to all your friends and family trying to make monogamy work.

It definitely doesn't erode the foundation of any society when women reduce themselves to a bunch of filthy fucking sluts banging guys who will never really commit to them.

It definitely works out and throwing kids into the mix, definitely doesn't set any kind of a bad precedent for anyone involved.
Sounds like someone's butthurt he can only get one gf.
Are you retarded? I only want to put up with one woman for sex and companionship. Why the fuck would I optionally talk to more women than I have to?
>for sex and companionship. Why the fuck would I optionally talk to more women than I have to?
You'd be surprised that women would control each other and you would actually live much more peacefully.
It's a literal cheat code that chads get to have, women cancel each other out, and I wish I was kidding.
Stop dating normies and they won't annoy you.
no, it would be a pain in the ass unless they were also dating each other.
> also dating each other
i wonder how many women would agree to this
Normies will always try to justify their own shitty behavior by insisting that everyone is exactly like them.

Maybe it's just you.
I got diagnosed with level 2 autism. The girl I am dating is a psychopath so it works out.
>no women in my work department
>all women in the next department over are either out of my league or married
>no women in my college classes because bluecollar degree
>gen Ed classes are all online because speed school
>try tinder
>Women match but refuse to engage, only a quarter respond to the first message
> All who respond just want hookups
>try hinge
>two matches
>one is a blatant narcissist and the other is obviously using me as a back up option
>try bumble
>single moms, overweight women, or stacies only there for hookups
>not a single interesting opener, all just say "hey"

I'd say I could probably get a gf if I was desperate enough to date mentally diseased women or prowl bars until some one finally takes pity. I've got enough on my plate as is and dating just adds more. I honestly care more about actually connecting to a person than just rushing into a relationship for el sexo or getting a hookup, so I'm fine with dying alone and a virgin. Autism is one hell of a drug
If you want to pick up girls on easy mode have a pretty female friend be your wingman
Would rather have one pretty gf than two mid ones
It's not about "picking up girls", it's about finding someone to settle down with and start a family. I could hookup easily, I live 30 minutes away from a college city, but that's not what I'm looking for. I just want a cute girl I can grow old with.
I met a girl I think is that one girl but I am also trying to date her bestie maybe Im selfish
Try making friends with girls and see where is goes

The best relationships can start that way at least in my expericnd
That doesn't make sense to me. If I am with a girl it means I'm taken. And if I'm talking to other girls while she is right there, it's disrespectful and cheating right in front of her. Surely that's a red flag... right?
Nigga do you know how much they'd yap? I just want one of those creatures I can keep as a wife.
Can't really do that, like I said the pool of individuals I interact with daily are exclusively male. The most Interaction at work I get with women is usually a discussion about a current project the engineers are working on. It's strictly business like, which to be fair you have to be in a male dominated workspace, any friendliness could be interpreted as flirting. At college it's even worse, the classes are all small and STEM related so there's not a single woman to even befriend. Don't get me wrong I agree with your sentiment, I would love to go from friends to lovers, but it's just not likely to happen unless I get extraordinarily lucky
>not wanting to talk with two cute girls
>enjoys talking to foids
Ngmi. A hole should shut the fuck up and spread its legs.
You would think its that way but its not. Girls figure you must be doing something right if youre chillin with a pretty girl even if its just friendly. There are even some degenerate men who will wear fake wedding rings to clubs to hook up easier.

Also if youre autistic like it helps since she can tell you if a girl is flirting with you or just being friendly. I used to think nobody wanted me but it turns out Im so bad at reading body language that every time a girl flirted with me I thought she was just being nice.
You are never gonna get a gf with that attitude

Girls are people too
The solution is to make female friends its not rocket science

You can either become more than friends with them or they can hook you up

Maybe some of the men you know are in friend groups with a decent amount of women in them

Maybe you could get into hiking or yoga

Maybe you could volunteer at an animal shelter
A lot of girls have tried lesbian stuff with their besties so its believable to me
Do you date two girls? How is it? Thinking of having a threesome with the bestie of my girl and maybe dating her as well but worried it could ruin the relationship. I love my girl a lot dont wanna risk that
NTA but how the fuck would that "ruin" anything?
Islam seems crazy to me they preach a sour getting virgins in heaven
I wouldnt consider it cheating if I girl hooked up with another girl

I told her that but she was weirded out even though she made out with her friend at a party so idek
You can make up for being ugly and poor by being funny and confident and interesting and outgoing and nice

A lot of girls out there who already have money and are just looking for bf material
Im worried my girl would get jealous seeing me sleep with her friend
>just be confident
>just have personality
bluepilled cuck kill yourself, why are you even on this board?
I am here since I am autistic

Most men who have gfs give this advice since it works

Im living proof of that

Get a lot more female attention now that Im more confident
what's the sauce on this my man?
How do normalfags end up here?
most men who dont have girlfriends but are retarded redditors give this advice because it doesnt work
what does work is being tall and having a strong jawline
>Im worried my girl would get jealous seeing me sleep with her friend
So what? You say "welp, now we know" and carry on with life lol
Radisson Collection Hotel in Warsaw, junior suite
Women don't date dudes they befriend. They don't dream about marrying the boy next door they grew up with. When you befriend a woman, that's all she views it as, a friendship and nothing more. Women will make there intentions clear if they're romantically or sexually interested in you
>but I made female friend and a week later she asked me out!
She was getting to know you to see if your date material, it's not rocket science.

Women have been complaining for decades a this point that they can't befriend guys without the dude catching feelings. Go on tik tok or Twitter and you can see thousands of posts of women bemoaning how their friends only view them as romantic interests. The way to a woman's heart isn't by becoming buddies and following a Disney movie script. It's by being attractive, that's it.
Just to be clear, this is all bullshit
Im impressed youre correct except for the kind of room

How did you figure that out
Sure if they had device that made them never speak, imagine hearing more than one cunt nag you, fucking hell
I was friends for a year with my girl before we started dating

Ask a lot of married couples how they first met and theyll tell you they started out as friends

Im sorry that your social media algorithms have misled you it seems like youre a victim of misinformation
I dont want to lose her I love her a lot

My girl is bulimic and self conscious about how she looks. While my girl is very pretty her friend is extremely pretty. I posted a pic of them taking a selfie in a mirror earlier in the thread.
If you don't you can have any number lol
I am autistic and depressed. My gf is the only person who brings me joy but we are long distance till October so its hard
I have a gf this advice worked for me
Yea it seems like having two gfs would be a lot of work
>My girl is bulimic and self conscious about how she looks. While my girl is very pretty her friend is extremely pretty. I posted a pic of them taking a selfie in a mirror earlier in the thread.
Uhhh well if you're gf really does have nothing to worry about, then you and your relationship have nothing to worry about either. If you want your gf's friend more than you want your gf though, then yeahhhh lol
I dont really know her friend or would ever want her more than my girl I just think her friend is hot and it could be fun
yeah but muslim women are more likely to be okay with it.
how else are they supposed to get men to convert?
Part of the fun of being in a relationship is talking with your partner though.
>how much they'd yap
As I've said they literally cancel each other out, the trick is to get your girl do the introduction, if you know what I mean.
How would I know if I wasn't?! As I've said above, the key is for your girl to be on with it. Poly cannot be forced.
put in a good word for me please
yeah but there's a huge gap between some experimentation and actually being in a relationship with another woman (and sharing a guy).
If I was chad, yea sure. That guy fucking mogs me
How does he do it? Is that a psyop?
If women werent such vapid cunts, I would. But even having just one girlfriend in this backwards ass social climate is a nightmare. Women are overrated.
You sound like a fag to me, and i watched gay bear porn just 20 minuted ago
Of course i would. Unlike the retard i replied to first, i know how to deal with women so itd be the perfect arrangement- when one is acting crazy i can just ignore and talk to another. Ignoring their BS guarantees theyll come back, because iykyk. Men used to have multiple wives for a reason.

I wish the lgbtq was only gay men, and no lesbians. Gay porn is cool and mess competition is nice, but we need more women to balance it out. Lesbianism isnt real anyways
>That guy fucking mogs me
it can't be that bad, he's really average
>Women are overrated.
Says the gay
it's just coincidence, not some 4chan autism - I've been there before 3 times.
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Why? One wife is enough. The only woman I need in my life is my ol' ball 'n chain. Watching her get bred by fertile african bvlls, and bear their children, is all I ask for. What would I do with another woman? At 54 I'm still a virgin and I don't intend to change that
>my anecdote is truth because I lived it

I know autists have a hard time seeing others pov so I'll go easy on you, but you really should understand that your experiences are not universal
Probably, but only because people annoy me after too long and I just can't handle being around them. Preferably, I have one long-term relationship, but I realize this isn't possible after a certain duration.
a real human bean, god bless anon
wigger powers
How do you be confident when you're 5'3?
>but I realize this isn't possible after a certain duration
Nah, just want one, and to develop emotional intimacy with her.
Multiple wives? Sure.
One wife and some appropriately treated concubines? Sure.
A girlfriend with an occasional threesome with her friend that she's also attracted to? Sure.
But I have a clear goal, and if you're my main bitch, you're my number one. I would enjoy a harem, but a partner I can be honest with and trust is infinitely preferable, assuming she's not a secret slut (1% chance).
you could develop emotional intimacy with two though.
>Girls are people too
WTF /r9k/ told me they weren't
He might be worried he'll realize his gf has trash pussy.
Chad the example whosipped by all females, does it all the time, why do you see as negative?
It feels nice but I am just worried about her insecurities

She has bulimia so she sees herself as ugly even though she is actually prettier than most girls

I think a good compromise would be having a threesome with a random girl we never see again so she doesnt get jealous if I have too much fun
My bad this board knows more than people in real life actually lel
No. I would want to become obsessed with one girl.
I will marry her if she is young.
You realize polyamory is faggotry correct, bitchboy?
I want to mind control people, make women kill themselves after being raped, then watch the population slowly decline. Then simps and conservcucks mutilate each other and let the final few kill themselves again. I hate every single one of you and I hate nature and the "experiences" of this god forsaken hellhole.
it's not really polyamory if it's one man with multiple women.
A True Chad Alpha Male would have Seven Wives if he could
>The housewife or the tradwife
She takes care of the home and raises the kids. She is not very pretty but she fills her role in the household. (Must be married until death does you part)
>The sexy wife
A wife who is fucking goregous, even if she has a vapid personality her sex appeal is through the fucking roof. (Can be divorced and replaced)
>the sex wife
She may not be as hot as the sexy wife but she has great genes and is mainly used for fucking and making babies, can be replaced as needed.
>the true companion
The love of your life, your dream girl and the true mistress of the household. She is your equal in every way and you get along with her personality and class. (can never be replaced)
>The cute wife
Just exists to look and act cute. Can be replaced as needed. Is not typically used for sex.
>The sweet wife
A kind caring lady who helps the housewife raise the kids. She is not very smart but she always supports you and always is cheerful. Can't be replaced.
>The side troon
Tired of the six nagging women in your life and in your bed? That's when you haul out the side troon, he/she may look like a girl but s/he's actually a tranny! The other women of the household bully him/her- but hard mode any of the other women could be secret troons as well!

>Bonus Hard Mode- The Suitors
The Suitors are men who try to steal your wives, there are seven suitors who occasionally show up and the true Alpha will defeat them in his personal gym.
Nigger hwut?
right you have that special bond and a mistress
With a mistress you can't have threesomes.
This is why you SHOULD talk to multiple girls. Not date, talk to. Until you find one worth committing to. Women get jealous of each other and just having other options makes you much more desirable. They want to have to work for you, but not too much that you aren't worth it.

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