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Over the past 5 years, has your mental health trended upwards or downwards?
I can't tell. It goes up in the mornings and down at night.
I get that, I just do everything during the day that keeps my mind occupied and then its just blank and nothing to take me away
I have gotten better at handling it but I am more miserable now than I have ever been in my entire life
It's trended down for sure. But in the past two months we've had quite the rally over here.
way up to the moon
>feminism has increased over the past 5 years
what do you think?
I have a severe mental issue which is roughly akin to schizophrenia and is related to it

Graves disease is much more common in those with schizophrenia based on one study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1219049/full

My life now is better than what it was but I still yearn for death. I just dont want to be alive.
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>>78260736 d fug do u think, famiIia?
>changed jobs twice
>finally in the field i thought i wanted
>feel unqualified everywhere
>make ~$90k more than I used to
>still feel I'll never get ahead
>salary increase feels like hasn't kept pace with inflation
>feel behind former friends/associates financially besides working more, saving more, living more frugally, moving back home
>will never be able to buy a house in area
>only difference between former friends and myself is when they jumped into the market, dual incomes, etc.
>idiotic investments dwarfed any careful saving I'd done for years
>destroyed my work ethic
>started grad school
>was hesitant due to shitty transcripts before
>realized i wasted years ruminating over nothing
>still have never been approached for a relationship (khhv)
>too old now for it to be excusable
>wanted a family - getting too old now
>lost or fell out of contact with all friends as a result of COVID, my job, and self-imposed isolation out of a sense of shame over my life
>work 1000+ hours of OT/year - still have nothing to show for it
>gym progress has been stalled by nagging rotator cuff issues
>stagnating - was never super fit
>wanted to lose more weight but plateaued after losing ~90 lbs (6 yrs ago)
>relatives dying, everyone showing signs of aging
>father died unexpectedly
>no social support network any longer as have isolated out of shame for over a decade
>feel stuck in current situation
>no longer enjoy hobbies or anything any longer
>cannot even play vidya - as get plagued with guilt or that i should be doing something productive

Every step forward in my life feels like two steps backwards. thought I was on the right track. got into the field I wanted to. I was lifting and saving money. I paid off student loans and things. I feel further behind now than I ever did - no longer have the naivete of youth. watched everyone I know get married and have kids. I've yet to hold hands with a woman. dunno where I went wrong. My social base deteriorated beneath me.
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I do not want this
it's done something I can't describe
dude covid lockdowns and inflation happened during that timeframe that alone tanked the average person's mental health significantly, yeah it's totally healthy to make people believe for 3 years that being around other humans will literally kill them
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Both. I'm significantly less depressed and have a more positive outlook in life after breaking out of the blackpill. Despite that, I developed schizophrenia and have hallucinations all day now, and can't stand being around people for too long.
i went insane and sterilized myself last year. things could be going better
not sure, it definitely bottomed out and its hard to tell if it really did get better or im just used to this level of suffering
Are the meds preventing you from cumming now?
Lol nice humble brag Richie Rich. Try not to cry too hard in your mansion.
i cant even get hard
It's been a rollercoaster of pain for me with all the shit that has been happing in my life, and all I wanna do is just withdraw from everything.
I was obsessed with the Eragon series as a kid and still own all the books Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance. Was so disappointed in the movie though.
Sorry about your sterilisation btw
the movie was definitely a bummer, i hope one day we have a good adaptation
>Sorry about your sterilisation btw
i wasnt going to have kids anyways so ig it could be worse
Eragon, Percy Jackson, and Golden Compass were the first time in my life I learned disappointment
Percy Jackson I almost fell asleep through and The Golden Compass was such a huge let down man I went into that shit so excited
>i wasnt going to have kids anyways so ig it could be worse
I considered getting sterilised in the future because I thought it would get rid of my period along with sterilising me like a 2 in 1 thing but apparently not so I'm not gonna bother wasting my money on something I don't really need when it's practically guaranteed I won't have kids lol
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Light on my side as my ego becomes
A funky child with some words on my tongue
Be like intake of breath and my mouth gets loose
So while I scatter my spit, I dream of juice
Have you ever made out in dark hallways?
Displayed a kiss that made your day?
Or, say, play a track from your record collection
It's your mix, congratulations
deep down you wish you were in a harem for a warlord
deep down you wish you were in a warhole
>a warhole
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anthony's warhole..
I think it's gotten better. Mostly from my circumstances changing. A single job offer has done more for me than any therapist.
it has gotten progressively worse ever since i quit drinking
the only peace of mind i have is when i'm playing Dota 2. so that's what i do all day long everyday is just play Dota 2
otherwise i feel overwhelmed with negative thoughts and frequently think about killing myself
weirdly up despite everything getting worse.
i dont feel happy or hopeful. suppose i've just come to terms with what life is. its all just going to be shit for me no matter what. no redemption arc or anything. there was nothing i could have done because i'm just too weird. if i fake liking normie shit i'm miserable, if i reveal my power level liking weird bullshit nobody cares about like how things actually work be it biology, evolution, history, geology or society people just look at me as if i told them i like wacking off on figurines. i'm not gonna be like them, they're not going to be like me, thinking otherwise just sets me up for disappointment so its better to stay away from people and be alone than feel lonely surrounded by people.
i work then i fuck off the face of the earth, its what everyone wants.
Downwards. But my highs are as high as my lows are low. If I get fit I'll be the most attractive I've ever been.
Up up and up! Still have bad days and stresses, anxieties, etc. like any normal person, but doesnt feel like everything is the end of the world and I dont believe myself to be worthless anymore. :)

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