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Why can't you treat women like human beings?
You realize women have emotions, desires, wishes, and aspirations like everyone else right?
>gets with all the guys that treated her not like a human being
>gets with a beta solely as an emotional tampon to clean up chads messes
What a weird moral for a story
Man, I'm too innocent. I thought the scribbled out part was "drawing utensils" she sold to the guy because she no longer can draw.
anyone remember the first panel where she had such a visceral reaction of disgust to the guy politely asking her out because he was shy and nerdy but was only midly inconvenienced by the two other dudes? can't make this shit up. this is how women actually think.
Women would rather fuck a guy like that then complain about it while nice guys will forever stay friendzoned.
do you know who made the comic? I saw it posted on here a while back but forgot who made it.
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This one? Daryl's fault for being a fucking CREEP INCEL, ick
Plain asian lady
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I wish this wasn't me.
>whore regrets her whoredom because she couldn't lock down chad
many such cases.
Because they aren't deserving of it. Act like proper ladies and I'll consider it. Also suck me cock.
Interacting with foids in any capacity is a mistake.
>U of T
theres something in the water there man, cursed city, fucking necropolis
Free ma nigga Daryl! He dindu nuffin!
I'm not completely sure, but I heard that the person behind the vtuber nyanners made it, which makes it 100x funnier, so I believe it.
A females whole existence is to bend over, spread her legs, have her cervix rammed by a cock and then 9 months later shit out a kid.

They're not humans, they're baby factories. They are pathetic.
Women like this derive a sick pleasure and sense of power by being victimized, by dodging responsibility for their actions, and by showing off how much they feel sorry for themselves online.
Modern people are so mediocre they do nothing with their lives but feel the need to write comics about their "suffering"
It really makes sense that a female artist with such a terrible artstyle would also turn out to be a delusional slut.
Why can't you ACT like human beings then?
The problem lies with the societies that enable these spiteful mutants.
>when a guy is rich and hot but he uses condoms
Must suck not being able to force men into marrying you.
iirc she's asian.
no prize to guess the race of the guy she felt "raped" by.
she was 100% into it
Bet she certainly regrets it after finding out she was used.
Flatties are truly the sluttiest of women.
Coping with the fact that they'll never be real mothers so they start dickmaxxing
I've heard some people say that Asian women are popular with white man because they disproportionately easy to them relative to their attractiveness.

The comic definitely supports that interpretation.
>names the people that asked her out
>doesn't name the person that raped her
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I would do anything to make her happy.
Yet, she couldn't care less.
They behave like spoiled children.
They don't deserve my respect.
>dumb moid thinks breast size determines ones ability to have children

This is why y'all virgins
Why would she? He's clearly the hero of this story
wow imagine how terrible it would feel if some girl you knew offered you money for your body! total self-esteem killer, am i right?
it's so fucking insane how different men's lives are to women's. Women almost entirely think that sex is a purely evil act and the concept of someone engaging them is repulsive. Men on the other hand realize that is basically just a way to enjoy your night, as long as you use the right protection.
>Men on the other hand realize that is basically just a way to enjoy your night, as long as you use the right protection.
Some men's interpretation. There's also "sex isn't real, it's a made up thing created to (conspiracy theory)"
You are severely autistic. Don't ask me how I know.
No, no. I get it. Your emotions, dreams, desires, and wishes make me extra horny for you. Visuals are only part of the equation.
she probably developed a rape kink, had the most intense orgasm ever during it, and can only cum while thinking of that event, of course she wouldn't name her rapist
Huh, I didn't notice the last time. Absolute prostitution mindset, protecting the clients
>>the person that raped her
It's not rape, she could've rejected the guy. But in her mushy femoloid brain, get cock + money was a great plan
I don't even talk to women; I'm a math and computer nerd nobody cares about what I like to yap about
Same. There are a couple of girls in my college classes, two of them are even very pretty, but all of them have boyfriends and trying to talk to them is like pulling teeth.
any pics of the real life artist?
I want to see her and imagine her selling her dignity for 50 bucks lol
You're useless objects
fags who claim that women r only "baby makers" r incels lol... i wouldnt be shocked if the only pussy they ever saw was from a porn website.
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How do other boys do it wtf I only have two friends who have ever had girlfriends and those never lasted too long I need to expand my circle
Slut women get tricked into believing the "being a whore is empowering" meme until they realize they've been used and that's exactly what the sexist men wanted. Then, they switch gears and protest that everything sexual is evil and immoral, to get back at all their evil exes.

Promiscuous people are honestly just disgusting and retarded. I wouldn't even watch a movie with someone I don't know, let alone have sex with them.
I think she was posted in another thread months ago
She's a short ugly asian mutt if I remember correctly
I don't enjoy watching movies at all so I have pretty few prospects for relations
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I do, they just call me dry as fuck, and they get the ick and never talk to me again. They usually end up calling me a faggot over and over again until I block them.
This is the woman who kept her rapist anonymous but doxxed a coworker for asking her out. Fuck women there retarded.

I treat them like humans. Humans are parasites that should all be exterminated. And I'm vermin for indulging my human weakness at all. I hate you.
>Why can't you treat men like human beings?
>You realize men have emotions, desires, wishes, and aspirations like everyone else right?
I could say the same thing whenever a woman sees a sub 8 male. See how hypocritical that sounds?
Being a good housewife serves a pivotal role in society, it is the quintessential support/healer class. A purehearted virtuous woman who raises her children with good values and feeds her hardworking husband with a hearty meal and essential knowledge she picked up from the books she had time to read.

Sure, it shouldn't be expected that all women must fulfill this role, but demonizing it has done immense damage to society. Modern women hate that we want to see them as pure beings. They hate that they're supposed to be feminine and moral. They hate it so much that they adopt the worst, most disgusting masculine traits and pretend they are good things.

So, there you have it. Modern women are just smaller, weaker men, desperately attempting to live a dangerous life that wasn't meant for them. Meanwhile, the men and children suffer because they don't get the help they need, so they're less efficient and less intelligent. It's like a D&D party that already has a Rogue and a Fighter getting a Wizard and a Cleric that are hellbent on playing DPS and tank while screaming that the other players should become aupporters and healers themselves.
Same. I believe the problem lies in the field of CS/CE, every woman dries up at the mention of a "computer guy".
>You realize women have emotions, desires, wishes, and aspirations like everyone else right?
Why do you think women have emotions like a normal human being when if you rape one she'll fall in love with you
>why can't you non-chads be sexless eunuch beta orbiters who do stuff for me but get nothing in return
Could be. Although, I heard from some 35+yo women that they are jealous of one girl they know for being with a programmer, because he makes so much money and they have such a great apartment in such a great location and blah blah blah. Seems like they get significantly more materialistic with age. Not that they aren't materialistic when younger.

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