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Why do see so many fat short chuds with girlfriends meanwhile, I'm athletic, tall and lean and don't have a single girlfriend? How do these fat niggas be getting girls?
charisma, rizz, libido, whatever you want to call it
Because lookism is a cope and lie. Most men get gfs, ugly or not, short or tall. The true determining factor is autism. You were lied to by coping incels. https://youtu.be/R0XaEnfH9P8?si=1FYzGH9666irZnWd
Money, my dude. These short faggots are nepo babies and/or have engineering degrees, so they get 100k+ salary jobs and marry the first golddigger that approaches them, regardless of the woman's finances, social status, or if she has a pickaninny or three.

This is how I lost my cute Pakistani oneitis, to a fat fuck retard who just happens to be a nepo baby and also has capital flight (a.k.a. stolen) money to flex his wealth.
I still mog that cunt on everything else tho. I could kill that guy with my bare hands if I was given the chance and the local glowies didn't intervene.
>Money, my dude. These short faggots are nepo babies and/or have engineering degrees, so they get 100k+ salary jobs and marry the first golddigger that approaches them,
Sounds like cope, there are enough fatties that are low to middle class that propagate their white trash genes
Seems like the blackpill has triggered midwits so hard that they forgot prostitution and sugar babies exist.

>"Oh shit dude I got a chance!"
>sugar babies exist
Again do you think everyone in your country is wealthy?
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Quick reminder to all sexless people out there that the Incel who famously pepper sprayed women had sex.
Well, he kept on harassing women with all sorts of mean comments but after the 385 time he got one drunk girl in las Vegas who wanted to sleep with him
Irrelevant given that you're obsessed with cherry-picking the few outlier couples that support your worldview.
now what do i trust more, couples that i see outside or someone that is chronically online?
You should stop believing your own bullshit because you're chronically online.

You don't know anything about the couples you see outside. It's clear that you're coping.
reporting this to crime stoppers. gl faggot
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>you're chronically online
>You don't know anything about the couples you see outside
>It's clear that you're coping
glownigger cope, next time be less obvious
You yourself admit that you project your delusions onto random couples you see on the street.

It's not a cop conspiracy, you're just a retard.
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>weasels around the glownigger allegation
you for sure are one
If you actually wanted to make a compelling argument, you could share your experiences actually talking to the couples.

Gen X'ers who actually believe that looks aren't important will readily tell you anecdotes supporting that. Props to those who admit that a lot of people aren't ready for that.

It's telling that you called me a cop instead of making those better arguments, because it sounds like you really don't believe yourself.

If it makes you feel better, keep believing that the cops are conspiring to keep you an incel.
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>leddit spacing
>still can't say that he isn't a glownigger
only glowfags or jews push the blackpill agenda
>weasels around the retard and chronically online allegation
Thank you for outing yourself as a chronically online retard.
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>glownigger has no arguments
>starts to gaslight
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They have rizz.
We have autism.
This is a message of genuine concern. It's an objective fact that you have learning disabilities. You are a danger to yourself. Seek help from a loved one.
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>You are a danger to yourself
>Seek help from a loved one.
in comparison to glowniggers like you i am loved by my close ones
>in comparison to glowniggers like you i am loved by my close ones
Have to call bullshit on that one.
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>and he's back gaslighting
>having to find a wasted woman who barely knows what's happening so you're able to fuck

yeah that makes it so much better, at that point might as well just straight up rape a random girl passing by at night
Every word comes from a heart of compassion, young grasshopper.

People around you would like you if you didn't accuse them of gaslighting when they helped you.
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>look here and swallow the blackpills i give you
i only take advice from my parents and uncles, not from blackpilling glowniggers
get a rope, you two
You can also listen to opposing perspectives and not take it 100% black-and-white. There are claims, and there are arguments.

It's really not difficult to learn from other points of view without changing your own mind. Why wouldn't you take the opportunity to solidify your own convictions?
maybe you'd think this if you see me with my bf since he's overweight, and i'm skinny (not tranny). but he has an attractive face and a confident/masculine personality, and he shares all my obscure interests. I don't need an athletic bf to get the good sides of having a bf.
How overweight are we talking? Sometimes people actually mean big and normal when they say that.
I only know one such fat short chud with a gf. He has a Chad (9/10) face and is extroverted. His gf is also not exactly good-looking (5/10, smoker and kinda fat). He's also mentioned being rejected by women taller than him before.

I know another short, fat, bald guy with a wife. His wife is among the ugliest women I've ever seen. Even makes him look good.

I'd rather the 6'2, slim, not balding, healthy, big-dicked incel that I am instead of any of those guys.
he looks simply fat when naked (sorry bf, i don't mind it tho).
but if he wears a hoodie, or a thick shirt, he only looks chubby or like a powerlifter. even if he doesn't really work out. i think some overweight guys are like this.
Guys with GFs
>talk to women
>don't talk to women
there you are
anon was crying hot tears of shame as he typed this
Imagine if he had just done that WITHOUT the insults.
You can't.
Being healthy highly correlates with having a good face. Any orthodontist who studies populations with naturally well-developed jaws knows this.

Being tall is always a plus, but an ugly enough face can ruin your chances, and having a good face can overcome your height and weight for average women.

I get the impression that he's above six feet tall.
>guy that is doing nothing but autistic screeching squeals "no argument"
lmao, even
To be fair, he isn't an incel anymore, so that's a better track record than all incels.
>Being healthy highly correlates with having a good face
FFS, you people are retarded AF.
he's 182cm, i think that's decently tall, but it's also under 6 feet.
he does have a big frame also, and very good posture, that does help.
Why is every incel obsessed with big dicks?!
Because 80% of the "incels" that post on 4chan are gay psyopsfags from /lgbt/
Another 10% are faggots in denial
Closeted homosexuality.

They never actually wanted to have sex with women, but they still feel pressured to conform to heteronormative social expectations.

Inceldom is actually a pride issue, which makes LGBTs bashing "straight" incels even more tragic.
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glowies should definitely get the rope
>he still tries to push the memetic mindvirus
try again
you can't use reason with a glownigger. at this point you should behave like an ape an throw shit at them
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posted hooni on /onions/ again award

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