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Femcel, would you stop being a femcel if a Congolese monster meat was hanging before your face?
heIIo bIaine
no, I dont want to be fucked, I want to get married
But marriage has no point without kids and having kids requires getting fucked.
I will fuck after marriage and have kids
>Femcel, would you stop being a femcel if a Congolese monster meat was hanging before your face?
Doesn't the answer have to be "yes," otherwise they wouldn't really be a femcel?

>I will fuck after marriage and have kids
Why wait?
>why wait?
I am afraid of the man leaving me. After marriage divorce is difficult. I want one man for life. I am willing to lower the boundary to "after engagement" (meaning he officially proposes to me in front of my parents)
femcel-sama, why are you such a nasty race traitor skank?
why do you call me a race traitor
firstly I didnt say my race, secondly I am not into blacks, I was pointing out the:
>nona would you fuck if a huge dick?
>I am afraid of the man leaving me
Well that's honest, that's good. Just so you know though, waiting won't help that shit at all. In fact, might even make it worse

Alright alright, so I don't believe in the marriage stuff, I think it's a pointless crock of shit. Even worse, I think it tends to just get used by women as some sort of power/control thing. That being said, I'm down with having "one person for life." Seems like the logical option as well as you know.. romantic and all that shit

This has led me to where I am now: I would never marry a woman that insists that I marry her. I think if a woman says "marry me or I'm leaving," that means she doesn't love me. And on the same note, I think that a woman who says "marry me or I won't have sex with you" means that she doesn't love me

Now what?
please forgive my uniformed and rude remarks, gracious femcel-sama. i wish you will have all your dreams answered.
I am aware of that and I would want to have sex, but the worries are much bigger.
What if we fucked and then he dumped me? No man would want me anymore since I wouldnt be a virgin, or even worse if I became pregnant, I would be a single mother and have my whole life ruined.
Are fembots so rare to see on this imageboard on account of the fact that femoids seldom tend to have original thoughts and thusly struggle to not hit the filter?
there are no "femcels" on the board or in real life
there are no females on this board
only transgenders like you
ava kris tyson you just got exposed for being a nigger loving pedophile that wants blonde lolis to be raped by 30 year old bbcs
now youre here shitposting? you really are not taking this serious!
>What if we fucked and then he dumped me?
Why would I do that?

>No man would want me anymore since I wouldnt be a virgin
Yes they would lol. I would

>or even worse if I became pregnant
Oh, I would gladly pay for an IUD (or I suppose any birth control, but really think the IUD is best) before having sex

Also, I would pay for an abortion if worse came to worst

..now what..?
I hope you are just some incel living out his weird fetish with this LARP and not an actual woman being this mentally damaged.
you are a good person, thats what
unfortunately I am a biological woman with a working uterus, even on my period rn, I could take a pic of the blood but it would be gross lol
Oh that's unfortunate, because it eans you have been mentally damaged by retards and their propaganda.
Virginity has no inherent value.
>you are a good person, thats what
Great, now let's fuck

>even on my period rn, I could take a pic of the blood but it would be gross lol
You don't have to tell us, we already know-- just look at the moon. Isn't that weird?

Anyway, I think you're obligated to post the pics now
You sound like a controlling asshole that fools women
would you marry a nice guy with a big black cock
no, I am not into blacks
>You sound like a controlling asshole that fools women
Definitely not, but why do you say that? Because I'd pay for birth control/an abortion? Trust me, that "I'll pay for x, y, z" shit doesn't really extend beyond there lol. The price of birth control and abortion isn't even a tiny fraction of what they're worth. I'd pay 10x what they cost and still be happy as fuck about it
not into blacks sorry you nasty jew
Want to be my wife then?
This is the mindset everyone should have, males included
The normalisation of casual sex and coomerism has ruined the universe, don't fuck before marriage
>don't fuck before marriage
And what does that accomplish?
Perma-virgin incel hands typed this.
thats how i know you are a tranny or a larping dicklet.
real women don't care about race and would date an ideal man of any race
what causes you to project your retardation on others?
Kill yourself amerimuttoid
black men are not ideal in any aspect
This image was in vaush's porn folder lmao
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lmao cope, whiteboi
Soulless retards. Two virgins marrying has always been and will always be the ideal relationship.
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Ignoring the race stuff, if there was a dick hanging in front of me, yeah I'd probably stop being a femcel. I'm a femcel because no man irl has shown any interest me (random anons on 4chan who don't know anything about how I look and are in different countries don't count), so if someone had his dick out in front of me, it would imply he has at least some interest in me so I'd give him a proper chance. I wouldn't want just a one-night stand though, he'd have to date me too.
They're all beaner/jewish looking, this is how I know you're a jewish tranny living in America. You can't even tell races apart.
where are you located? i'm white btw
What about a gloryhole? Let's assume you magically know they're STD free
What size dick is ideal

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