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>tfw scared of applying to highschool level subjects and going back to school again because I have failed them over a decade ago because I did not hand in subjects on time but got near A's in several subects like math barely even trying but totally failed F's in some and this still haunts me
>I only have so much student gibs I can get
>If I spend all my student gibs without finishing HS level it's over I am done
>was gonna apply to another school form but did not get accept now I have this old student form as a back up
>need to get my student gibs this year and get an apartment so I can move can't take my current living conditions anymore
>did a year of studies already and completed them that was supposed to enhance my confidence in studies but I don't know since I mostly breezed through the entire year since I already knew most of it
do I just go full distance study and apply myself over my crippling adhd and just brute force myself to do these subjects and overcome my fears?
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Get your fucking highschool degree. You're posting because you kind of want it and you know you can do it if you apply yourself to the max. Afterwards, consider getting an online associate's degree. Get it in something useful, versatile, and not too hard, like an associates of business of the arts. Build a career. Life's long, save that money and you'll do great. What kind of stuff do you like and what kind of degree do you think you'd get in college if you were forced to do it?
>Get your fucking highschool degree.
yeah that was the goal
>You're posting because you kind of want it and you know you can do it if you apply yourself to the max.
well that was my plan, to apply to a certain schoolform that was more relaxed, now I can of have to go back to the standard stuff which is kind of more demanding, tests on everything and passing multiple courses
>Afterwards, consider getting an online associate's degree.
well yeah after all this was done and over with I would consider what I'm gonna do after, but I have like 2 years left, which I was planning to do at this school but now I didn't get accepted due to late applying, now maybe I have to do this other shit for 1 year and maybe apply for the last year, or finish everything at this other school
>like an associates of business of the arts
yeah maybe, kind of annoying the amount of math needed, but I am interested in investments, but I'm not sure still
>Build a career. Life's long, save that money and you'll do great.
yeah but I'm already half way done and it's soon over, this is my last shot, after this it's all over, I'm pushing 40 and haven't even gotten started yet, first time in my life I actually kind of have to do stuff and be serious too
>What kind of stuff do you like and what kind of degree do you think you'd get in college if you were forced to do it?
well I have so low self confidence I am even wondering if I should or can do anything, and I hate studying and I hate pretty much everything, even though somethin in tech or business would seem most relevant, tech being the most fitting to my own interests, feel like I'm too brainlet for any other STEM stuff or anything in general
I have doubts regarding all things
again I have even doubts I can pass HS
Well, concerning college, if you really like tech I would encourage a degree in IT at a community college - there's a bunch of IT degrees in CC's here that don't have like, any fucking math at all. Srs. It's just memorizing shit. After all, within STEM,Tech and Math can be distinct. Otherwise, if you like investments, finance can be fun, but honestly, it's not worth it most of the time unless you get into Harvard and shit. Investment jobs are perhaps the most prestige heavy. Business is a great degree and so versatile it's unreal. Anyway, pass your shit first. Just know that I did CC for a short while before transferring and getting my bachelor's, and I knew a lot of people your age getting their associate degrees. Good luck and don't give up on yourself.
from what I can tell is not community college the equivalent to more targeted to specific professions? not like a 4 year degree
not sure what the equivalent is for non americans, but we have the same thing, but again I am not qualified for anything since I don't even have the bare minimum hs
yeah maybe, I have no genuine interest though, I don't care, I have no ambitions left, just tired, just wanna get something and work or something
>if you like investments, finance can be fun, but honestly, it's not worth it most of the time unless you get into Harvard and shit.
well it would be more to bolster my own understanding of things and company economics if anything, not being a wageslave as the endgoal
I am severe adhdlet and I consider getting stims just to cope with all this potential future studying
>Good luck and don't give up on yourself.
a decade slump because not being able to go back to study already more yeah
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Just do it negro. Who cares what others think? It's your life and it only matters to you. You need to think about your well being. You need to do what's best for you. You deserve to be in a better position. Fuck the Zoomers around you and anyone who makes you feel inadequate for actually trying.

People try every day, you're no different. The guy sweeping the streets, the kids cleaning car windows, and the millionaire across town, they all wake up and try, some succeed, some don't but each one of us have opportunities that we can go after and at least try.

It's gonna be uncomfortable, but the reality is that not much good happens from a place of comfort and you've probably spent most of your life being comfortable, playing games, watching movies, masturbating, being late and waking up at noon. Forget about where you think you should be, or where others are. Just think about what you need to do to feel safe and comfortable at the end of your life.

If you have a problem concentrating you MUST use your phone's calendar. Make sure it has reminders one or two days before your deadlines. Make sure any deadline, anything you need to remember goes in the calendar, immediately. Make sure any recurrent reminder is set up with no expiration, that way every month or week you get a notification. Make sure to check the weekly view daily to avoid forgetting shit.

Sleep well, eat well (learn to cook), work out like a roman (running, combat and lifting), limit screen time, read and be respectful but don't let others step on you. And watch MMA.
>Who cares what others think?
where did you get the impression I did? I think purely from my own view only, nothing else
>You need to think about your well being. You need to do what's best for you. You deserve to be in a better position.
I do, that's why I am afraid of failing, because a history of failure only, and I can't fail anymore, I have to be serious
>Fuck the Zoomers around you and anyone who makes you feel inadequate for actually trying.
not a thing, just my own terrorized mind
>People try every day, you're no different
yeah but I can't fail now, I actually have to apply myself atleast to a minimum, it's kind of stressing when you only have a history of failure and self doubt and wonder if there is something mentally wrong with you
>Just think about what you need to do to feel safe and comfortable at the end of your life.
well yes, pretty much only motivated because other alternatives are much worse, but that's not enough not to have stress and anxiety
>If you have a problem concentrating
well it mostly comes down to executing things and doing annoying useless tasks, like school in it's entirety, it's near tortureous, which is why I would prefer a different school form, but now I am forced back to the regular old type again, because I missed
>Sleep well
yeah, well I need to move and get away from the mental anguish of being around people
>eat well (learn to cook)
I've been cooking for two decades by now
>work out like a roman
I've been slacking off since covid man really lost energy badly need to get back sure
>limit screen time
true but that would be funny if one is supposed to all studies remote
>And watch MMA.
not been into nu-mma I've seen it from it's birth

anyway, we'll see

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