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>hey guys *insert name here* is le bad because he did something bad
>see guys? I have such normal viewpoints and I'm such a normal level headed guy who is merely observing this drama from the sidelines and offering my modest takes
>but hey, what do I know? I'm just a humble youtube-person with 16 million subscribers
>*farming adrevenue and harvesting npcs with social approved takes*
>*millions in adrevenue*
>anyway, that's about it
basado I kneel....
he's good at chess though
he's also kind of ugly and has shit hair yet I've seen tons of girls thirst over him
he reminds me of Mister Mackey
>thing is bad mmkay so don't be a goober like this thing mmkay coz that's not cool mmkay so yeah see ya
It is funny you post this after he posted a video against a trans pedo. Defending your people, OP?
Imagine watching e celebrity nonsense. Back to R3ddit with you.
>women thirst over celebrities and guys with high social status
You don't say...
Anyone with a front page of youtube can see it. You arent denying being a trans pedo supporter though.
He's not ugly, just short and his hair is good.
You're a literal NPC with a dialogue option. Keep consuming that goyslop and giving retarded boring youtubers shekels, you fucking faggot.
>Calls me NPC with the most NPC response.
You are a good little cuckold.
they wouldn't if he wasn't raking in jewtube gold
He literally can't do anything else at this point. Being a YouTube talking head is his fate.

That one video where he was working on a go-kart with his father and he didn't know the names of any of the tools told me all I need to know about him.

Good for him for finding a niche but God damn. I'd think what he does would get old after a while. I haven't watched him in years because his shtick got stale fast. And he just doesn't seem as into it as he used to. Not as funny and not as enthusiastic. Like he's coasting on his own fame.
You have zero self awareness, imbecile.
I would argue that if I do not, you dont either. I never said I watched the video. Like I said prior, anyone with a front page of youtube can see the video but not watch it. All I had to do was give it a google search. Then I see your shitty thread that has been posted countless times here, and all I had to do was make a joke about you being the ilk of trans pedos to make you seethe and throw your buzzwords. You are just as NPC as those you mock, just on a different end of the spectrum.
Also you enjoy watching women get fucked more than you do fucking them. HINT: They wont let you.
Nigga, I'm not even OP. I'm just call you out for a retarded nigger that you are. Keep seething and kill yourself.
Honest mistake, but I could only assume you were OP cause thats who my first post was aimed at. But you cant even address everything else I said in my previous post and focused on not being OP because you know I am right. The low IQ behavior is great.
>he says as he makes a thread over e-celeb nonsense
That's not me, retard.
>he says as he continues to reply in a thread over e-celeb nonsense
this dude really won the game of life, imagine all you have to do is keep up with current drama and talk about it for 10 minutes a day and make millions
must be horrible being able to retire and drop off the face of the earth in your 30s when you realize things "get old" due to having millions compared to realizing the exact same thing except you got 40 years more of wageslaving to do before you can do the same thing

why do you "people" think like this?

he made it, it's over

you either have made it or you have not, that is the only thing in life that matters
Cuz I enjoy making fun of NPCs like you and making you seethe
t. actual NPC
>waits for the mainstream to say it's okay to criticize the pedo troon
like a boss epic style
I remember seeing this post last year.
another penguin zero grass is green take classic

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