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I always found it hilarious how American conservatives are pretty much anti academia and humanities to be more precise yet a lot of them love the Greek/roman philosopher aesthetic and can't stop bitching about how people in the past were smarter than us and they had it all figured out.
>anti academia and humanities
american academia especially humanities is a joke
you already posted this
Romans abandoned Greek substance based philosophy in favour of sophistical erudition in the life advice sense. Right wingers don't want lofty ideas, they want lofty people.
and which YouTuber gave you this opinion?
nothing is more retarded and low iq than a cuckservative who isn't very wealthy
Yeah, I also find it funny when someone with clear anger issues makes threads on r9k instead of getting therapy.

Please, stop throwing incel tantrums and get help. Let go of that kid who bullied you in HS.
Ben Shapiro is wealthy though
this is just my yurofag opinion
the accusation is that American academia was co-opted by historical revisionists that pushed out classical humanities in favor of nigger worship
steven crowdar
>anti academia
Didn't Ben Shapiro get a law degree from Harvard?
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I'm on my way to get a psychology degree my friend and if what I've been thought is correct I think you may have a sever case of projection because nowhere in my post was I angry or mad I just pointed out a funny contradiction I happened to noticed.
My arm chair analysis of you will say that you probably built your identity around your political affiliation which is a huge indicator of one's lack of self worth and value as a result of looniness and isolation.
Shapiro is a joke, a clickbait commentator/pundit. He stopped putting on any pretense of being a "serious" academic after his image became the "guy who triggers college freshman feminists" in 2016
cuckservatives are homosexuals and retarded
wow no one knew this
You don't have to be right or left wing to be anti-academia and anti-humanities that shit is a scam that is exploiting 17 year olds who lack the understanding to make financial decisions.

>yet a lot of them love the Greek/roman philosopher aesthetic
>can't stop bitching about how people in the past were smarter than us and they had it all figured out.
People in the past, if they wanted to study Greek / Roman philosophy, would fucking read the books for free at a library. Today, in academia, we pay retards for rubrics and lesson plans in order for a diploma in philosophy like it means anything. What can you do with a philosophy in academia except have a one in a million shot at becoming a youtuber like ParkNotes where you're not even using your philosophy skill, you're just making entertainment?
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NTA but you need to change your major immediately unless you plan on doubling down and getting a doctorate. I can't imagine a robot surviving as a therapist. You are not a fat roastie HR princess. You are not built to have long winded useless conversations with women all day.

But if you are getting a doctorate and you plan on starting your own business then that sounds based. You could be like an actual Youtuber Fraiser Crane like what Dr. K wishes he was
its ironic that most of their output is basically gender studies
I'm not the guy youre talking to, and I'm European and all your academia, humamities especially, seems like a mongoloid ideological cult. Your modern culture is fucking gay and retarded.
He's subverting the goyim with the cuck shit though.
I am talking about his fans. Ben Kikepiro is an obvious Koch/Thiel grifter who milks these redneck inbreds for views
Certified sheep. If you stand guard at the gate of your mind and screen what enters i.e. actually think about what you're learning, you cannot be indoctrinated. Averting your gaze and regressing to myths and fairy tales is not the correct answer.
>People in the past, if they wanted to study Greek / Roman philosophy, would fucking read the books for free at a library.

Western universities have taught classical philosophy for over 1000 years you stupid retard, and free libraries have only existed since the late Victorian times. Before then the vast majority of libraries were private. you wanted access to a Library, you literally had to be a scholar. For several hundred years, the classics, ancient Greek and Latin, rhetoric, theology and mathematics were the ONLY things taught in universities. They are the liberal arts everyone bitches about, classical education.
Philosophy and English are the two best majors for aspiring lawyers because you learn to communicate and exchange at a high level. Law school gives not a single fuck what your undergrad degree is.
>They are the liberal arts everyone bitches about, classical education.
It really says so much about how contemporary universities are unserious that classes in philosophy, the classics, etc... are not mandatory.
My understanding is that most philosophy in the anglo world is also of an analytic and positivist sort, which directly relates to the kind of logic used in law and legal decisions
>Law school
don't do this if you don't know how to get a job
no shit op, the republican party is actively trying to get rid of the department of education.
>anime reaction image
>"i am a psychologist"

the joke writes itself dude
suicide rates are on the rise and you chose a field that's getting neglected by the masses because it's blatantly showed to not work.
i cannot think if a bigger waste of time than studying psychology in 2024. but yeah i guess that makes me a looney shut in stuck in fantasy land because your professor said so
Ben "Judeo-Christian Value" - From The Pagan Greeks- Shapiro
you're likely self projecting too.
I knew a guy on twitter who thought he knew psychology ahit because he took a couple courses in uni.
He was an ex alcoholic and had to go to rehab.
Everything he said gets completely broken down when you put that into perspective as he could be self projecting all of his """"analytical knowledge"""""
>American conservatives
That's a weird term for liberal
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>Western universities have taught classical philosophy for over 1000 years you stupid retard
Yeah snap back to reality buddy, we aren't talking about sitting around the forum in togas discussing socrates. We're talking about being billed $50,000 for a diploma that says "B.S. in Philosophy"

>Philosophy and English are the two best majors for aspiring lawyers
That makes sense because Lawyering is not a real job.

>because you learn to communicate and exchange at a high level
Yeah so does literally any other hobby or degree path that requires an aptitude for technical jargon

>Law school gives not a single fuck what your undergrad degree is.
Notice how it would be unusual if an engineer or an accountant was a lawyer though? Because why would they? They are a beacon for failures who have no other option. This is like a masters in business administration, it only means anything if your last name is Rothschild
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mr glowie what are you doing here?
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Interesting perspective you might be into something.
>Anime image
I like cute things and image board remember
>Psychology in 2024
I'm lazy and I got a scholarship into my state university so I just went with the flow
>but yeah i guess that makes me a looney shut in stuck in fantasy land because your professor said so
On the contrary, why are you putting yourself down? Just because someone has a paper that says he studied something that doesn't mean he's good at it most of my professors are certified retards.
>I'm on my way to get a psychology degree my friend

spat out my drink and nearly fell out my chair laughing, the fact you thought that bringing this up would confer credibility and status upon you is beyond fucking sad, you're the same faggot making snarky remarks at people about how they derive opinions from youtubers too holy shit
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The classics can be readily found online
I simply do not need to waste money for prerequisites on coursework that does not give me a marketable skill

Check these out:

I found this after I read /lit/'s favorite "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler. Adler is so based he is off the charts, he helped compile that list. Also, I have found copies from this list in antique stores and I picked the ones I liked for $2:

Check pic related.

But notice something very important: my antique copy of "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith was $2. Two dollars USD.
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>spat out my drink and nearly fell out my chair laughing
Glad I made you laugh anon
>the fact you thought that bringing this up would confer credibility and status upon you is beyond fucking sad
I'm just a retarded robot who posts among my fellow anons, I have no status or credibility, after all our words are just that words we just try to share them with each other. I even dare to say that some anons here have more wisdom and knowledge that I don't even dream of having.
>you're the same faggot making snarky remarks at people about how they derive opinions from youtubers too holy shit
I didn't say that.
>if you can do a basic cost benefit analysis on degree choice (like notice that becoming a lawyer is the equivalent of going through the time sacrifice and opportunity cost of nearly a decade of medical schooling but with the earnings of a McDonald's manager at the end of it) then you are a fed
Golly gee willikers. I guess I'm a glownigger now.
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you write exactly like a glownigger from another thread
This is exactly where your retort gets broken down.
>Why are you putting yourself down?
I wasn't, I was merely using myself as an example of classification to prove how much of a jackass you are for trying to be analytical of people on the internet that you will likely never meet and dont even know.
I already completed college and im even at work right now.
I think what's funny is that you wanna get paid to analyze people yet spend time practicing escapism by watching anime and even coming to /r9k/ of all places. You claim it's because you like cute things?
There plenty of cute things in real life as well. What draws you into anime aside from the fact that it's not real which the latter just ties into the hypocrisy of you studying psychology while obviously showing signs of not having your mental faculties in place.
Hell i could on a massive tangent about all of my hobbies too.
Which watching anime and playing video games are no longer apart.
You dont seem to be very good at what you do.
Can you direct me to the thread so I can meet my kindred spirit glownigger double? I need a job. I majored in Communication because my head was so firmly lodged in my asshole I thought it was a smart idea. If I can get a fed job to post here that'd be beautiful
>I think what's funny is that you wanna get paid to analyze people
I don't want to work though, I told you that I'm lazy so I picked something I was naturally good at.
My dream job will be something like an HR manager where I just organize people instead of working. If I had the choice I wouldn't do anything but my parents won't let me stay home if I didn't went to uni.
Can I ask why the hostility in your posts? This started because I responded to someone who assumed wrong things about me then you came along.
>Can you direct me to the thread so I can meet my kindred spirit glownigger double
Was just a blackbill shill, not worth to link the thread
> I majored in Communication because my head was so firmly lodged in my asshole I thought it was a smart idea.
I'm sorry for that
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What on gods green earth is blackbill

Do you mean I'm blackpiledl? How could blackpilling ITT make me recognizable to even the most attuned schizo? Being blackpilled is virtually a unanimously uncontested position at this point
That is just me being retarded and making a typo
>make me recognizable to even the most attuned schizo
writing style
Ok so no identifiable leads to go on besides a vague similar use of words I suppose. If it was recent then link his posts so I can see if it's me you. Otherwise your schizo calibration is horrifically off and this is a waste of time
>Otherwise your schizo calibration is horrifically off and this is a waste of time
That is why i don't like the post, it would be that
Kek I respect it. You do you bruh
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>No response
I just realized that I was getting trolled by the same faggot, ohh well.
The gender ideology were the documentaries we made along the way.
I find people like Ben Shapiro (Hell, anyone from the DailyWire and other right wing influencers from hell) extremely annoying, I don't hate conservatives or right wingers in itself, it's just the influencers, content creators and grifters that I want to dropkick into the Grand Canyon
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Russia has hacked your mind OP
You're a Russian asset
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Things aren't like they used to be
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I only pay attention when he's part of a controversy
Before it was Shapiro Vs Crowder. Now it's Shapiro Vs Owens.
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It feels like these are 2 sides of the same coin
Ben Shapiro is a failed screenwriter, he desperately wanted to be part of Hollywood but got rejected. This applies to a lot of right-wing culture warrior pundits and explains why they're so bitter and spiteful.
I think both barbie and ben shapiro are lame and jewish

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