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why are white men such rapists? they rape everything they see. whether it's a child or a civilian in a war zone. white men need to be deported
I wonder what your ethnicity is?
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Italian. We aren't white, we are olive/swarthy/mediterranean. You don't see Italian pedophiles. so fuck off, cumskin
Wait are Croatians swarthy too then? Dalmatia and Istria are ours btw.
wrong. White means people of European stock and Italians are European. People who deny that Mediterranians are white are jews trying to divide and conquer.

the only europeans who are arguably not white are muslim bosnians and albanians because they have disassociated themselves and allied themselves with the foreign enemy civilization of islam.
Most croatians I have seen are indistinguishable from Arabs, Turks, and Gypsies, so no.
>White means people of European stock and Italians are European.
fuck off cumskin dicklet. Anglos and Germs did not treat us as white when we were second class citizens in the US, Canada, Australia, etc and still face racism from you pink skin faggots..Your dicks are tiny compared to our big Mediterranean cocks too. You want to claim our successes without treating us the same. white = political term. Italians = don't want to be part of your gay racist system for insecure dicklets
This kind of degeneracy is what happens when Russia is not allowed to participate. Shame on you, western world.
>Move to someone else's country as a poor fucker
>"Reeee why aren't they treating me good"
Besides that, there's a difference in race and nationality. You might be white, but you're not from my country, so fuck off or stop being a bitch.
>why are white men such rapists? they rape everything they see.

Do crime statistics support this assertion? Meaning, is there evidence that shows White men being more prone to rape than men of other races?
Did he in fact rape her, or did he "rape" her and was also underaged when it occurred? Idk who this is
It was statutory rape when he was 19 years old. She didn't report him until 2 years later.
No, the stats support niggers and other low IQ, low impulse control groups doing massively outsized amounts of rape.
12 years old at 19 is pretty crazy, was she stacked or something? Also was it mutual or he like made her do it
normies will seethe so much lmao. I support him
for rape arrests, whites are overrepresented by a factor of 1.05, and blacks are overrepresented by a factor of 1.9. All other races are are underrepresented:
"Of all adults arrested in 2019, 69.9 percent were White, 26.1 percent were Black or African American, and 4.0 percent were of other races. "

so really it's both white English-only speaking Americans AND blacks that are most likely to rape. so OP is half-correct.
he forced himself on her and she was 12
Ok nigga probably should be reprimanded in some way more than not at all
europoors love rape and let rapists go free. then they just blame it on migrants
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Okay but enough about niggers, mudslimes, mulattos and pajeets
>all races that have bigger penises and higher birth rates than you and your cumskin dicklet ancestors
>One man is a rapist

Schizo retard.
Some are turning into wiggers and its not just a worship of objectively bad mumble rap, I guess some of the other behaviors are slipping in.
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same logic you faggots use when you commit genocide against a country, they fight back, and you label the entire ethnic group/religion terrorists. except for the fact that only cumskin whites go around the world to every country to commit genocide and rape.
fucking subhuman hypocrite cumskin faggot. kys. nobody likes white people, not even white women
White men, 1.5% of the population, commit 50% of rapes in South Korea and Japan..
You sound so impotent and look at you saving gay porn to your hard drive. God non-whites are such powerless seething faggots. Go waste your life spamming some more interracial tranny porn you fucking loser.
>source; your mom's ass
kys, poojit
t. Ramjeet Baljeet
I will rape you too, whore
This guy will fuck more women than all of r9k combined.
Out of 4 rapes in south korea, 2 were by white guys
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go back to mumbai, visajeet.
The "white" category in America includes a lot of beaners, arabs, etc. Check any Sheriff's website's most wanted list. Lot of "white" males there.
italians are racist against the southern italian shitskins larping as real italians also, fake-italian faggot. you're probably some poojeet or chink larping as a wop.
>The "white" category in America includes a lot of beaners, arabs
no it doesnt. There are barely any Arabs in America, and the ones that are there are often upper middle class and commit almost no crime: Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi, etc. they are completely negligible in the prison population, like .001%
hispanics in this study are CLEARLY separated. You are coping so hard. malding dicklet
>saving gay porn to your hard drive.
you mean a picture i just immediately got from r9k 1 minute before posting to mock you cumskin dicklets? cope and mald harder. i love it
>spamming some more interracial tranny porn you fucking loser.
whites are 99% of bbc loving and spamming trannies, and the ones who start all the dickbait threads. this is an undeniable fact but your drumpftard white dicklet inbred rednecks are too delusional. lets see your search history, FAGGOT LOSER
>italians are racist against the southern italian shitskins larping as real italians
no they arent. this is a fabrication from german nazi propaganda after they tried to reinstall mussolini in the northern italo-germanic provinces that make up less than 3% of the population
>poojeet or chink larping as a wop.
seething dicklet has to cope by pretending his superior italian master is another race. your racism bleeds your insecurity right through you, useless loner faggot. the world hates you and youre an inbred waste of air.
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White women should move to the safe harbor of spic and pajeet areas away from white men. kek. Wait on that to happen.
You are not Italian. You are clearly Indian. Whatt's with Indians larping as other races of people?
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Indian women are moving to the safe harbor of white areas tho and they are doing unspeakable things to his white cock as this pajeet saves and spams gay porn
Lmao you are not Italian, no italian is this retarded jahajaaj. You are some mutt american.
Wtf are u talking about schizo retard? Literally completely off topic and irrelevant ranting. Get therapy instead of thinking about rape and genocide hehe

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