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Good morning.
I fucking hate being a woman.
yeah but are you enjoying the afterlife
I remember my first cicada
It's not gonna work
stop living and get born as a man
It's okay, Annette. I can give the attention Chad didn't give you today? :)
>think afterlife is real
I don't want attention I just don't want to wake up with hole every single day.
And why do you not like it? Women are nature's most beautiful creations. I want to cuddle them and give them kisses (oh my).
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>I fucking hate being a woman.
Do you have a single fact to back that claim up?
>I don't want attention
Yet, here you are.
>Women are nature's most beautiful creations.
>More retarded than men
>Small heads, small shoulders, big hips looks like a farm animal
>Disgusting fucking interior hole
>Body/genitalia less aestethically pleasing

There is more, I'm just lazy to write.
>>More retarded than men
This is just not true. Women's IQ scores are on average slightly higher than men's, but the distribution is steeper.
>>Small heads, small shoulders, big hips
But that's so beautiful.
>>Disgusting fucking interior hole
It's gorgeous. You just have a terrible taste.
>>Body/genitalia less aestethically pleasing
Absolutely not. A girl with her panties off is one of if not the most pleasantly emotionally stimulating sights.
>Women's IQ scores are on average slightly higher than men's
Yeah that's why men made everything while women are literally a baby incubators.
>You just have a terrible taste.
You mean, I live in reality? How the fuck can you see small head, shoulders, hands, big hips and HOLE and think that's a human being?
>Absolutely not. A girl with her panties off is one of if not the most pleasantly emotionally stimulating sights.
Your dick is blind.
>Anon is pissed off she is living life on easy mode
kys srsly
go cry on tumblr, this is not your board
Being a woman is disgusting (biologically).
I don't use tumblr and I never said this is my board
>Being a woman is disgusting (biologically).
Boo fucking hoo, most men will kill for a women.
>Yeah that's why men made everything
A small handful of men designed it, and the rest had to do backbreaking mentally-not-stimulating labor to make it. And that was because that was their social role. But social roles have relaxed significantly over the past couple of centuries and there are plenty of female scientists, creators, inventors, etc. that popped up in that period. You internalize the non-empiric misogynist drivel that you see spouted here too much. Stop that.
>How the fuck can you see small head, shoulders, hands, big hips and HOLE and think that's a human being?
Because it is. It's a sweet beautiful girl. And I want her in my arms.
>How the fuck can you see small head, shoulders, hands, big hips and HOLE and think that's a human being?
why do you want to be a lame human being when you are already a hott sexxo being?
i would rather be an ugly man than an ugly woman, at least ugly men are respected by other men, and beauty isnt their only worth. everyone hates ugly women
Not true. I respect ugly men and women the same. I don't hate ugly women.
wanna make out so then i can fulfill my heart with joy, knowing that you don't like being a woman, but you might like it nghhhhh
i hate having boobs i feel like a cow
>I fucking hate being a woman.
and i constantly think about taking estrogen because i wish i were a woman

>>More retarded than men
on average women are higher iq but it's still individual and i would want to be a high iq fembot over a normie chad
>>Small heads, small shoulders, big hips looks like a farm animal
i want this tho
>>Disgusting fucking interior hole
>>Body/genitalia less aestethically pleasing
men are visually less attractive than women usually, even straight women say that

But you're not one :( Boobs are very aesthetic and pretty. And they are free stress balls.

Understandable. I think vaginas are very ugly and it's easy to see why to anyone sensible, comparing them to flesh wounds or snake mouths. The placenta is gorey. The lips are asymmetrical. The mouth which it is a reminder of, happens to be one of the most bacteria filled places in the body. It bleeds, sometimes in chunks of flesh. It cannot even remain as clean as the penis when it does release liquids. It hosts parasites (human babies). The vagina gets a pass from many men for attributes they'd normally see as ugly, for no reason other than because it's associated with sex. It's a very biased view from them.

We should all be androgynous by default, or whatever shape we'd like to be once we come into an identity. Don't let people tell you your concerns aren't valid.
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do you need a milkman? i'm available
>most men will kill for a women
They are retarded.
>You internalize the non-empiric misogynist drivel that you see spouted here too much. Stop that.
I've been like this since forever.
>Because it is. It's a sweet beautiful girl. And I want her in my arms.
Women are disgusting.
>why do you want to be a lame human being when you are already a hott sexxo being?
Women are lame, pathetic and inferior.
Men aren't.
All women are ugly.
>knowing that you don't like being a woman, but you might like it
I will never love myself knowing I'm a fucking subhuman.
This anon gets it.
Women are build like a farm animals.
Big boobs, small heads, small hands, disgusting hole, big hips. What the actual fuck is female anatomy? And why do men find it hot it literally looks like a abnormality.
>and i constantly think about taking estrogen because i wish i were a woman
You can be a beautiful man. Men are aestethically better than women.
>i want this tho
You have everything superior. Why you want to be a fucking ugly subhuman freak.
>men are visually less attractive than women usually, even straight women say that
That's women coping, men look 100x times better.
They hurt and feel like a disgusting meat balls tumors attached to your chest and are constantly causing you pain.
Literally this.
Vaginas are disgusting creations made by satan. I wish female organs where removed the moment female child is born.
>You can be a beautiful man. Men are aestethically better than women.
i physically want to look like a woman. i wish i were shorter and had breasts and so on.
>You have everything superior. Why you want to be a fucking ugly subhuman freak.
my strength is superior but i'm a shut in who just wants to play video games all day. if i'm worried about my safety i could carry
>That's women coping, men look 100x times better.
i think it depends on the person but i still would rather look like a woman
>i wish i were shorter and had breasts and so on.
But it looks disgusting.. flat chest and bigger shoulders looks better.
>i'm a shut in who just wants to play video games all day
We all want that anon.
>i think it depends on the person but i still would rather look like a woman
All women are ugly. I don't see why you want that.
Good thing you should have easy access to male bodies then.
You liking male bodies seems good if you are into men.

I agree that women trend towards being more lame than men, but I don't think they have to be. They are both not socialized to be competitive and strive towards self-improvement. And they are also genetically more neurotic and risk-averse.
If you find your personality to be lacking you can work on that though.
>But it looks disgusting.. flat chest and bigger shoulders looks better.
not really and many girls i know hate their shoulder size and height and wish they were shorter and smaller.
same for me i wish i were a short girl
>We all want that anon.
most people don't and i want that life except as a female
>All women are ugly. I don't see why you want that.
i don't think all women are attractive but they aren't all ugly

>And they are also genetically more neurotic and risk-averse.
that's probably the estrogen tbhon. some ftms get super aggressive on t
it's actually one of the things i'm worried about if i ever finally get on e, it'll make my anxiety and neurosis even worse
all retard shit. the problem with women is not their appearance, women are beautiful. the problem is what's inside of you, ie either nothing or pure dog shit.
>They hurt... and are constantly causing you pain.
become my gf and I will take care of them and support them and massage to reduce any pain.
women are not "higher iq on average," you fucking dimwits, women are more represented in MEDIAN IQ whereas men are more represented in the extremes. you are trying to defend female intelligence by effectively proclaiming the entire female species to be midwits with as good as no geniuses among them as makes any difference and then gloating about it.

stop, nigger. your extremely embarrassing cringe faggot white knighting is hard to witness. she's not going to fuck you, move on.
>women are not "higher iq on average," you fucking dimwits
Their mean is greater, but by a small margin. So it's not that significant.
Being a woman sucks ass. If you live in like 400 BC. It's 2024. Get with the program.
The female body is as disgusting as it was 400 BC
What makes you hate it so much?
>physically weaker
>higher body fat no matter what you do
>tits are uncomfortable and get in the way
>hips make you pair shaped
>hardly any body hair
>the fishhole (bleeding, cramps, giving birth all that nonsense)
>constant mild leakage from the pussy
I also have migraines which are more common in women but that might be a bit unrelated
>And they are free stress balls.
true theyre nice to touch but i hate having them and looking at them
they get in the way and going down the stairs quickly or jumping or something when someone else is near makes me want to die tbqh desu
I would gladly switch with you, how does that feel?
I'd do it but that's impossible
Ok I can make you feel good about being a woman.
Got more pics like this, if not kindly fuck and have good day
It sounds like you're just heterosexual. All straight men find their own bodies disgusting. That's normal. Women are more lesbian than men are gay so it's less common in women.

Trust me, all real men adore women and treat them like ladies. Don't let the assholes who are sexist get you down. They are in the midst of hardcore cope.

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