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Why are Russian girls such massive Whores when their culture is all about traditional values? They are even worse than most western girls
>Why are Russian girls such massive Whores
>their culture is all about traditional values
>when their culture is all about traditional values
I'm Russian and this is completely bullshit stop believing /pol/ shit we stopped being traditional when Communism fell, a traditional culture wouldn't allow their women to cheat on their soldiers with foreign men, or star in porn, or other things like that
The people of Russia are poor and they never bothered to develop the economy when they had the oil revenues. Their lives are dysfunction under brutish rule.
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russia is a patriarchal society
women are sex objects
>russia is a patriarchal society
Man I would love to treat Russian girl with love and kindness but, from what I gathered, they wouldn't like that and wouldn't do the same for me. But one of these days I should fuck an Eastern European hoe.
I refuse to believe this woman is real, or a human-being
I don't know why you're laughing you delusional faggot. Everyone knowns that Russia is a conservatives wet dream.
>Everyone knowns that Russia is a conservatives wet dream
>t. russian
The real question is why are Russian women so addicted to anal sex?
you know that most women don't watch porn?
what level of coping is this?
this is not cope but a fact that women don't watch porn and rather read smut/erotica
more women watch it then you realize. Less than men, but more than you are pretending
you are still looking at a biased minority
>russian women can't like that it's j-j-j-j-just a minority!!
weird thing to get your panties in a twist over
if you take data from a biased minority and are trying to extrapolate that on the whole population you're kinda retarded
>tell me you have autism, without outright saying that you are autistic.
>tell me you're not eastern european, without outright saying that you are not eastern european.
>he was an insecure slavic incel this whole time
this still doesn't change the fact that you are a retard
>assburger can't wrap his head around generalizations
You're just coping because no woman has let you fuck her ass
take a stats class anon
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doubling down on our autism are we? this is why women won't fuck you, pedantic retard
so you admit being retarded?
Like with the west, the faux moral panic and traditionalist posturing is simply a means of building consent to govern amongst the Russian boomers, who in the dying embers of their life have clung to the last vestiges of their identity with a vice grip, rejecting anything that confronts their hardened prejudices. Among the young generation only the hopeless autistics larp as pious orthodox christians, but it is only as children play in the sand. Your average Russian is just as hedonistic, lustful, degenerate as any westerner.
really desperate for my (You)s aren't you faggot?
You can say this about all of Eastern Europe and honorable mention for Eastern Germany
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Imagine her absolutely devouring your body with hers, breasts planted directly into your face
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She is very real and very Russian
If you put your dick in one it'll probably fall off from frostbite
Russian here. They literally whores themselves out for men who struggle to get women in the West. Like pajeets count as disgusting among western women but are considered mysterious and exotic among Russian women
I think girls with boobs like this should move into my castle
Gofundme for my booba castle
Curry hands typed this
yeah nah this is bullshit, they whore themselves out to men with MONEY t. slav
Slav women are just always more attractive to me than the average hoe. The only girls i've had serious relationships with in my life happened to be Polish & Ukrainian
>no escorts built like this
Thats the only way i could have access to such a body, but that option isnt even available and would be very expensive anyway
I'm gay, but I got hard looking at this. Would love to fuck those tits and sleep between them
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I love titfucking
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I love Slavic Titcows so much bros
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cozy and satisfying
Why are refugees migrating to the West when they could migrate to Russia instead?
russia is already full of churkas and central asians
I would travel just to titfuck a prostitute like that
don't be stupid, everyone knows squaddie wives/girlfriends are free use
fuck off you disgusting ugly mutts
away from western countries, your seed is tainted

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